Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 962: : Are you shy?

The screams in the private room are endless.

Within three to five minutes, whether it was Shao Zhang or the two bodyguards he brought, they were all knocked to the ground by Lin Fan alone.

Several people were on the ground, rolling around in pain, and screamed endlessly.

Even the old iron and the bald head, who have always seen the world, were shocked after seeing this scene.

The strength that Lin Fan demonstrated could hardly be described as terrifying, it reached a terrifying level.

The two bodyguards looked like they were practicing, and they were both good at them.

Even the bald head, who has learned a bit of leg and foot skills, can't make three moves in front of bald head.

The result...In front of Lin Fan, it was like an adult and a kindergarten child, and there was no way to fight back.

Looking at it this way, what extent has Lin Fan's kung fu reached?

Thinking of this, Bald and Old Tie glanced at each other, and both took a breath of cold air.

Now that is, they have made a good relationship with Lin Fan, and the relationship is still good. If Lin Fan has just arrived here as before, they will find trouble with Lin Fan everywhere.

I'm afraid that its end will not be any better than Zhang Shao.

After leaving the fishing village, the manager of the fishing village will take care of the rest.

And it was not too early to see the sky, Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "Thank you for your hospitality today, um, the king crab tastes good and fresh!"

"Hey, Brother Fan is polite, if you like it, I will leave you more in the future, let the old iron fishing village make it!" said bald with a smile.

"That's right, this thing is not a problem on Brother Guang!" Old Tie nodded with a smile.

"Hahaha, that's all right, now Dayang Island is under development, there are still many opportunities to meet in the future, I am afraid I will come to bother more often...Oh, yes, Jason, you can help too Take care, that guy wants to stay on Dayang Island with all his heart, but don't starve him to death!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"No problem, just leave it to us!"

"By the way, Brother Fan, when Dayang Island was developed, I was afraid that accommodation and food had not been arranged yet? How about I arrange it?" Old Tie said.

This is indeed a problem, the first place to work is on the island.

The island is totally enclosed. To come to land, you have to go by boat.

Therefore, eating and sleeping will become a problem.

However, Lin Fan smiled and shook his head: "If they sleep, they can solve it by themselves, eat... Well, you can send some ingredients to the island and let them make it on the island!"

Hearing this, Bald and Old Iron nodded one after another.

This little thing is nothing to them at all.

It can be solved in minutes without delay.

While they were talking, Lin Fan and Xiao Shiyu had already arrived near the parking lot.

"Brother Tie, I think the person named Zhang Shao may not have a simple identity. You should also pay attention to it. If they retaliate, just call me and leave everything to me to solve!" Lin Fan was still a little bit. Said not quite assured.

That Young Master Zhang is nothing in front of Lin Fan.

However, Lin Fan was worried that he would use the old iron and bald head when the time came.

"Hahaha, forgive the kid for not being so capable. Ask me to settle the bill? I was the first to kill him first!" The bald head laughed, nonchalantly.

But Lao Tie nodded, a cautious look flashed across his face.

After explaining these things, Lin Fan didn't continue to say anything, he drove the car and drove quickly towards Fengshi.

On the road, Xiao Shiyu was always dull and did not speak.

Lin Fan smiled and turned around and asked: "Why, I was scared just now?"

"Ah? That's not..." I don't know if Xiao Shiyu is thinking about anything. Hearing Lin Fan's words, he was taken aback.

"Do you really know those people just now?" Lin Fan frowned curiously.

Hearing this, Xiao Shiyu frowned slightly: "Do you want to hear the truth?"

"of course!"

Xiao Shiyu took a deep breath and was silent for a moment before he said, "I can't talk about acquaintance. I can only say that I met the person named Zhang Shao. That's it, don't get me wrong!"

"Oh? Hahaha, listening to your tone, it seems to be explaining to me?" Lin Fan said with a big smile.

As soon as these words were uttered, Xiao Shiyu's face turned red all of a sudden ‘suddenly’.

"Who, who explained to you, I, I'm just telling the truth. I didn't know that Zhang Shao. At the banquet, I didn't even say a word with him!" Xiao Shiyu said.

However, she herself did not know.

Her explanation is simply a **** assist.

The more you explain, the more chaotic you are. It's like a young wife explaining to her husband whether she has **** with men outside.

You should know that Xiao Shiyu has always been very strong and cold in the eyes of outsiders.

It is said that it is very difficult to see her look like a little woman, even to hear a small thing from her.

However, in front of Lin Fan, these scenes that were invisible to outsiders were shown to the fullest.

Lin Fan was laughing while driving the car.

"Hate, why are you smiling, drive well!"

"I'm so happy, it's really rare to see Miss Xiao being so shy!"

"Don't talk nonsense, who is shy?"

"Well, don't you admit it? I can install internal surveillance in my car. I'm afraid all your actions have been filmed just now!"

"You, you... are you perverted? You are still monitoring in the car?"


The two talked and laughed and drove straight to Fengshi Zoo.

When they came back, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

The zoo at this time is already extremely quiet.

Whether it is the animals or the little foxes, they have all rested early.

Moreover, Lu Yingxue and Jin Miaomiao have already returned to school.

Everything in the zoo was restored to its original state.

In Qingyi Manor, Xiao Shiyu had a room of her own, which Lin Fan had arranged long ago.

Even when Xiao Shiyu was away, no one would enter her room.

After parking the car, Lin Fan and Xiao Shiyu went back to their rooms to rest.

However, no one thought of it.

In this extremely quiet night at this time, a strange cunning is quietly emerging from a corner of the zoo...

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