Metropolitan System

Chapter 847: Wan Shengzong is very powerful

The VIIIth chapter is very powerful

"It is indeed this thing, Jiang Bai, you know that the consequences of this incident are very serious. Do you know what happened to the 100-year covenant you violated?"

Thinking about it, Yang is invincible against Jiang Bai.

This century-old covenant, Jiang Bai also known this from the contemporary Miyamoto Musashi and the elders of the Ise Shrine in the past few days.

The performance of the other party was high at the time, as if Jiang Bai violated a big thing, and there was no other choice besides begging for mercy.

Jiang Bai knew that this thing might not be simple.

However, this kind of person, this kind of personality, is impossible to manage anything like the covenant. What does it have to do with him?

At that time, it was already on the string and had to send a scene. Jiang Bai had to do it.

Later, these people were slaughtered and the masters were almost emptied. After that, Dahe’s masters in Xijing all fled one by one. Xijing’s masters of the dark world were almost emptied, and no one had any trouble with Jiang Bai.

This makes Jiang Bai feel that this matter has passed.

I did not expect that I was already known to the country. Listening to the meaning of this invincible, some people in China have already been dissatisfied with themselves, and even let Yang invincible begin to warn themselves.

Tell yourself that something big has happened? Let yourself converge?

"I don't know, this is how it will happen. I have never heard of this thing." After thinking about it, Jiang Bai answered this question, he has never heard of this centennial covenant.

He Jiang Bai feels that even if he violates it, it is no big deal.

"The 100-year covenant, to be honest, is a shameful covenant. In the end, it was a hundred years ago when I was overwhelmed by the external forces, and I signed a copy that was limited to the real world covenant."

After listening to this one, Jiang Bai did not say anything. He knew that this is the invincibility of Yang to explain to himself a secret. This secret may have been known to Yang invincible, or he may have known it before, but he did not say it.

In short, this time Yang invincible told Jiang Bai about this.

Jiang Bai is listening carefully.

"You know, I have experienced history, experienced a lot of big turmoil, let the masters drop sharply, the power subsided, the battle of the gods, the Qin Emperor, the Wuhu chaos, these are one of the turmoil."

"The most recent turmoil came from the last year of the Qing Dynasty, and the whole country resisted the Qing Dynasty. That time, it was a big revolt against Yan Shengzong by the Yan and Huang Miao people."

"The result is obvious. The birth of the Republic of China and the demise of the former Qing Dynasty seem to be a big win. In fact, this is not the case."

"In this great turmoil that has lasted for many years, the real situation is not so glamorous on the surface, it can be called big turmoil, and there is no reason."

"In the pre-Qing Dynasty, my Chinese masters were declining, and their strength was weak. But at that time, the masters of the world were still in constant stream. Now the major families, the major forces, the last batch of ice burials and seals are also from In that era."

"But after that, no other masters have been born, and even people like the Nangong family can only rely on the secret method to upgrade to the level of the best master. For nearly a hundred years, you and me are the ancient world, the only two. Relying on one's own strength to break through to the peer-level masters."

"Do you know why this is?"

Yang invincible said a lot, Jiang Bai knows that these are the cause and effect, and did not interrupt him, just heard the time, could not help but interrupt: "You and me two people? Is it a bit wrong? Xu Longevity..."

"Amount, he is not the same... I didn't treat him as a man." He paused, and Yang Invincible added such a sentence, completely excluded Xu Changsheng from this person, and did not treat this guy as a person.

In this regard, Jiang Bai is quite speechless and does not say much, so he listens carefully there.

"The reason for all this is because of the last big turmoil! Not only us, but the overall strength of the dark world has begun to decline."

"You know, we have been known as the country of Middle-earth and the Wanbang Tianchao since ancient times, and we call all outsiders the Quartet. Why?"

"Because, our strength has always been the strongest, enough to suppress all foreign countries, including what Yamato, what Europa, various forces, all kinds of intricate practice sects, these people ... in fact, have always lived in the shadow of China under."

"Several turmoil in history is actually a kind of confrontation between us. Regardless of the outcome, we have never lost, and we have always stood proud in the world."

“Even in the pre-Qing period, it is the same.”

"But with the great rebellion that lasted for decades in the last Qing Dynasty, our strength has fallen sharply."

"For decades, China has been rebellious, and the masters of the dark world have almost twisted into a rope, uniting against the sacred sect, and the alliance behind them."

"This has led to decades of disasters in our country, sorrows and sorrows. Although we have won a victory, it is not so glamorous, but **** and loses."

"Wan Shengzong has withdrawn from the customs and vowed to never step further. Many families of Zongmen have been scarred, and the alliance has broken down. The loss of the masters is heavy, and the strength of China has almost fallen to the bottom."

"In the most white-hot era of the two battles, the Gengzi year, an old demon declared war on the nations, and finally met the eight-nation coalition that you are familiar with, but you know that this thing... is not as simple as it seems."

Yang Invincible said so much, so Jiang Bai imagined the scene of the **** sea in the past, but also let Jiang Baixin horrified, the strength of this Wanshengzong.

The power of one family and one house is actually against the entire dark world of China. This is a bit too powerful. This Wandi emperor is really not simple. I don’t blame others for saying that he is under pressure for thousands of years.

Wan Shengzong really is a behemoth that can't be provoked. Unconsciously, Jiang Bai is grateful to the old Nalan's brother who had seen before, the Changchun boy's courtesy of three points and gave him a face.

If you don't give face at that time, people may not be able to take the shot because of Xu Changsheng's agreement. When they get there, they will immediately stop on Jiang Bai, and he can resist, but the two said.

We must know that the Holy Trinity can fight against many Zongmen family, even the Tiandi Group, including the ancient warriors and monks.

At that time, everyone must have finished playing cards. In this case, the Wanshengzong can fight with people for decades without falling into the wind. In the end, they will fall back to the whole body, and they will be able to retreat from the switch. Powerful can be imagined.

This group of people, it is definitely not easy to provoke!

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