Metropolitan System

Chapter 848: Covenant

Chapter VIII, the so-called covenant

Jiang Bai does not think that he can compete with such a behemoth like Wan Shengzong. Even if his strength grows again, his confidence is still insufficient. After all, the cards in the era have been played, and for decades, Wan Shengzong can win. Live, its power can be seen.

I have to know what kind of ice burial and what kind of relics at that time. It is estimated that they have already been taken out. The means of getting the hand are used. The result has been played for decades and it has hurt both sides.

Jiang Bai is sure that there must have been a master of heaven at that time.

It may even be that the last master of China’s days was depraved at that time. In this war, Jiang Bai recognized himself as no more than either party.

He is not a Xu Changsheng who can single out the Wanshengzong.

Imagine that Changchun Zi gave a face before, and Jiang Bai’s heart was fortunate.

For a moment of silence, Jiang Bai focused on the issue itself, the so-called covenant.

Jiang Bai is aware of the Gengzi year. In that year, I declared war on the kingdom, and the emperor fell. What is behind it, Jiang Bai is not clear. All this requires Yang invincible to do detailed. Explanation.

"You know, we have suppressed them for so long. They have long been enemies. They have no chance to be barbaric. They naturally don't dare to come. They can come, and people can't let go."

"So you know the things on the bright side, and the other side is not idle in the dark. Many forces have gated the door, and the real world masters, I don't know how come."

"Some of the cards of the A country, the Yamato side, and the countries of the Europa are all masters. What parliament and the Holy See have contributed. As far as I know, there are twelve Cardinals of the Holy See in China. The Holy Knights do their best."

"The religious trial also came to the two deputy presiding judges."

"Even in the parliament that is not in harmony with them, there are also six members."

"In addition to this, there are still many powerful people. The spirits in the Temple of the Spirit are coming out from the northernmost place. Against the summer, the holy warriors in the desert land are not known."

"It can be said that China is the enemy of the world. So, in the Gengzi Year, the biggest turmoil in the modern dark world broke out."

Having said that, Jiang Bai understands that we have been too ridiculous since ancient times, and we are overwhelmed by the pressure of others. From time to time, we also beat people, calling people a barbaric, and the other party is not convinced.

You are the big brother, we can't do it, we can only endure it.

However, you have been in turmoil, and the head of the sacred sect is broken, and both of them are hurt. This gang is naturally endurable, puts down each other's hatreds, and then unites against China.

So God has fallen in the face, and a great battle has taken place in the back.

“How is the result?” Jiang Bai is very curious about this.

I don't know, specifically, I lost or won.

However, I have already guessed that the results may not be good.

" Lost." Silence for a moment, Yang Invincible gave such an answer.

After saying this, he continued: "This great turmoil lasted for more than a decade, until the death of the Qing Dynasty, and the Wanshengzong exited the customs before it was settled."

"You know, our greatest strength is that we have not only struggled. At that time, we still did not unite as one. The struggle between the Holy Spirit and the major forces did not stop at that time."

"Until the Wanshengzong exited the customs, it was the turmoil."

"At that time, the two sides were already exhausted, and the other party suffered heavy losses. We are even more serious. You know that the seven major sects, only three, and more than one hundred families, now only twenty-seven are handed down, even the magic road. Zongmen disappeared, why is this?"

"Not because of this?"

"Not only that, even some of the constituent forces of the two groups of the heavens and the earth have died from the past. Those who have been passed down from the ancient times to the present, have disappeared into the long river of history."

"Of course, the other side is also not good. Our strength has plummeted. They have also suffered heavy losses. The last glory of the Holy See has been broken, and the parliament has also died down."

"Even even the Yamato had to squat for decades without dare to move."

"The only profitable estimate is that of country A, they have the least loss because they were the weakest at the time."

"At the end of the day, everyone can't fight. The other party has not reached the goal of their demise in China, but they have also used this opportunity to force us to sign the alliance under the city!"

Yang said that there is no more talk about it here, because the words have been very clear.

"This alliance under the city is the so-called centennial covenant?"

After listening to this, Jiang Bai has already guessed that the road to the centennial covenant is inevitably a bit insulting.

This gang of goods smashed our own turmoil, smashed into the air, and smashed the fire, making Jiang Bai very contempt.

He was born a hundred years later, otherwise he must give this group a painful lesson.

"Yes, it is the alliance under this city!"

Yang Invincible responded to Jiang Bai, and Jiang Bai continued to ask: "What is the specific content?"

Jiang Bai knows that this alliance under the city is definitely not good, but what is the specific content, Jiang Bai is very curious, he also wants to know what he has violated.

"The Covenant stipulates that within China, all the masters beyond the real world can no longer go out of China for half a step, and can't even shoot people outside of China."

"People who have surpassed the real world, even if they are killed in China, they don't care, but they can't take any shots into China."

"In other words... it is the master who banned us from entering the real world, that is, our peerless master, who shot any foreigner, whether or not they are in China."

"If there is a violation, we must personally dispose of this person and kill it."

"And if we don't do this, we will be besieged from all over the world! This covenant is a hundred years old."

"This is the root of the centennial covenant."

Yang invincible Shen Yu explained, Jiang Bai also understood.

"So, it is to seal up all the behaviors that we have surpassed the real world masters. Can they only beat us, not resist? Is this what it means?"

"Amount, almost." Yang said invincible, for this century-old covenant, Yang is invincible.

"Oh, no wonder people are so arrogant, saying that I violated the 100-year covenant is a dead end. I am now a public enemy of the world. According to the treaty, is it right for us to shoot for me? Clean up the portal, it is satisfactory, lest it be because I sparked another battle?"

Jiang Baihe smiled, Yang invincible did not say the next, but he spoke and said that he violated the consequences of this centennial covenant, but when he said this, he was obviously dismissive.

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