"Don't look at me like that. I may not be able to defeat the Herrscher of the Sky in armor."

It's so infuriating, Teresa.

Feeling the admiration glances thrown at her from all around, Jizi was still complacent.

What was unpleasant was that these admirations were actually mixed with some pity.

Pity, this is too disrespectful. Okay.

If others can't see it, can't she herself?

The Jizi in the video is different, isn't it? It is different from her own absolute confidence at the moment.

Jizi is sure that she in the video will definitely get it The power that can suppress the Herrscher of the Sky.

Her eyes are full of determination to win, which she doesn't have yet.

"It doesn’t matter if you believe in me, you will definitely be able to defeat the Herrscher of the Sky. I have always believed in this. Theresa sighed

"But there is only one spear to kill gods.……"

In an instant, Mei and Himeko were stunned.

Himeko, who puts on the armor, needs her to remove the Honkai energy from her body.

Kiana, whose body was seized by the Herrscher of the Sky, needs the energy of the God-killing Spear to expel the Herrscher.

But the God-killing Spear only has one barrel.

The three of them were silent. Is it really necessary to sacrifice one person to wake up Kiana?

"What did Mr. Walter say?"

Mei Yi thought of Walter from the Iron Collapsing World. He is a person from the future. He should have seen news about them in the report.

"Mr. Walter refused to disclose relevant information, and he was not even willing to reply."

What should be done has been done a long time ago. No matter how he called, Walter turned a blind eye and said nothing.

"Haha, maybe he just wanted to surprise us."

Himeko didn't want to continue this topic. How could the memorial service be held before the person died? Isn't that ridiculous?

Theresa and Mei raised their heads and opened their mouths at the same time.

But Jizi blocked their words,"Okay Okay, it's all guesswork until it happens."

"Don't look at the reasons analyzed by these people, which one is accurate?"

"The one named Dadalia, he doesn’t even know whether his master likes to talk or not. What can he analyze?"

"But it’s really just a guess based on the existing information, so just keep reading."

Everyone knows that Jizi is pretending to be relaxed, but it is not easy to say frustrating words now.

Theresa nodded,"Keep getting stuck, maybe you can find a better way."

Stimulate Kiana in advance and let her emotions explode the moment the live broadcast room ends, overwhelming the Herrscher of the Sky's consciousness.

Theresa recalled the advice that the Black Tower once made

"Hope the theory is correct! Theresa thought silently


In the video, Himeko struggles to stop the Honkaiju beasts that want to invade Hyperion.

But there were too many Honkai Beasts, so many that even she was exhausted.

Due to an oversight, Ji Zi was almost attacked in the back by a dead soldier.

In the flash of lightning, Ji Zi instinctively raised her sword.

The dead soldier had nowhere to rely on in the air, so he could only watch as his body came into contact with Jizi's sword at a negative distance.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Blood dripped onto the hot ground, turning into scarlet smoke and drifting away.

A joking and cruel voice sounded in Jizi's ears

"Oops, was it blocked? If you can't act according to the script, it won't work."

The chaotic sky was violently torn apart, and the Herrscher's gods emerged from it with lightning.


Ji Zi stared at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

Sorry, I'm done.

Apologizing silently in her heart, Jizi's eyes burned with anger, as if to say...

Damn it, get out of Kiana's body.

"Finally, I found you."

The Herrscher of the Sky doesn't care about Jizi's eyes. There are many people who want to kill her.

She is used to seeing this kind of eyes after chasing her all the way.

And everyone who looks at her with this kind of eyes is without exception, and they all die.. Oh

, look what I caught up with.

Isn’t this the container’s friend and relative? The wait is worth it, there is one more

"Although the order has been changed, it doesn't matter, they are just nameless ants."

"Let’s start killing from you!"

"Haha...I've been waiting for you for a long time, you bastard Herrscher."

A quick victory was just what she wanted.

Himeko gave Herrscher of the Sky a thumbs up. It would be really difficult if Herrscher of Sky kept letting Honkaimon haunt her.

The side effects of the armor alone could drag her to death. , it’s great that the Herrscher of the Sky can directly collide with her now.

The verbal exchanges have already started, and the patience of both parties has been exhausted.

After taunting each other, the Herrscher of the Sky rushed over like Ji Zi.

But it’s It's just an ant, as long as I take a few shots... what!

In just a few rounds of confrontation, the ants in front of me were evenly beaten by myself. The

Herrscher of the Sky had a sinister look in his eyes, and he expected that Himeko would be crushed into pieces. The situation did not appear.

On the contrary, it was herself, the Herrscher of the Sky, who looked askance.

Her face was scratched with blood. Although it was not much, it was enough to make her shocked and angry.

She was... actually injured by a human.

"What, that armor?……"

It was unmistakable. The reason why the red-haired human could stand up to him was because of the strange armor.

"You... are bleeding... so does God get hurt too?"

Ji Zi keenly noticed the cheek of the Herrscher of the Sky. There was only a little bit, but it was enough to inspire people.

The Herrscher will also bleed, and the Herrscher will also be killed.


"I should have killed you dozens of times by now!"

【Beng Sanjizi: OK! Let's take advantage of the victory and kill that bastard Herrscher and get her out of Kiana's body.】

【Collapsing Iron Black Tower: Drive away? Are you kidding me, even if you look at it from a distance, you will know that it is impossible]

If you want to expel the consciousness of the Herrscher of the Sky, you need the God-killing Spear, and there is only one God-killing Spear.

It's still used when taking off Jizi's armor.

【Collapse Iron Black Tower: Your best solution now is to kill Kiana. She is a Herrscher anyway, so kill her.】

【Honzojiko: Killing Kiana, what a joke】

【Beng San Yayi: No, I will never allow this kind of thing】

【Collapse Iron Black Tower: Then you go】

【Honzo Mei: Yes, Major Himeko, Kiana and I have an agreement. You have been so kind to us that you don’t deserve to die here.】

【Beng San Yayi: Let me go, either we live together or we die together】

【Bengtie Black Tower:...that Tesla is right, you are all a bunch of idiots]

Black Tower Space Station, the Black Tower villain stopped moving, and the mobile phone in his hand disappeared.

"Ms. Black Tower……"

Esta knew that Black Tower was offline out of anger.

It’s the incompetent rage of seeing a tragedy that you don’t want to see happen but being unable to do anything about it.

"Miss, Miss Black Tower, she……"

Alan doesn't know what happened to Heita. She has no reason to be angry.

"Human beings are not like vegetation, so how can they be ruthless?"

Ms. Heita has always been calm, but that doesn't mean she has no emotions.

Ms. Heita is also a human being, and she will argue with people when she sees something she doesn't understand. The current body of Ms. Heita may be researching something that can travel through time and space. something


Alan looked confused, not knowing what Esta was talking about.

"It's okay, as long as you know that what Ms. Heita said was not malicious."


Alan nodded ignorantly. He has never been good at this.

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Putting aside human nature itself, at first glance, Black Tower’s plan is the optimal solution] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Genshin Impact Funina: But often, people don’t choose those optimal solutions】

【Genshin Impact Fukalos: This is the cute thing about humans, isn’t it?】

【Honsan Alicia: Yes, yes, that is also the cute thing about human beings】

【Genshin Paimon: It’s over, it’s over, Kiana won’t speak now, she won’t do stupid things]

Language is the catharsis of human emotions, but you have to admit it[]

Sometimes silence is the scariest thing. Important decisions are often made in silence.

That kind of decision is never a slap on the head, but a careful consideration.

People often leave silently, and this was the case for Kiana at this time.

Mei Yi and others were secretly worried, but there was nothing they could do at this time

【Honzo Himeko: Kiana...don’t do stupid things]

In the video, the battle between Himeko and the Herrscher of the Sky continues

"I'm really sorry... I'm just a bit difficult to deal with."

Himeko kept her sword raised, ready to be ready for the Herrscher of the Sky's attack.

"……Rude humans!"

"Isn’t it troublesome for humans to shout?"

"I have a name... remember it carefully, you will face……"

"——It's Wuliang Tajizi!"


Swords and spears intertwined, light and shadow overlapped.

Jizi waved the big sword, like a warrior standing in the whirlpool.

Why...it was obviously just an ant.

The Herrscher of the Sky's eyes were about to split, and the spear burst out with lightning, Smoke and haze surround death.

But the storm stirred up by the sword of fire will turn everything into ashes

"——In that armor... there is my gem!"

She felt that there was her power in that armor.

The Herrscher of the Sky was angry. It was her power that supported a little mouse and was as good as her.


"Then use all my strength to tear you into pieces!"

The Herrscher's face was distorted with anger, and she had already forgotten everything.

On this battlefield, there was only her, and the prey she was bound to kill.

——Therefore, she didn't realize that there was another pair of eyes that were always watching her.

"System control, ready"

"Output control, ready"

"Orbit control, ready"

"target, lock"

"Distance error, adjustment completed."

The sudden voice made everyone suddenly realize.

Yes, Jizi is not fighting alone.

Behind her, there are also her companions

"……We won't waste this opportunity you created for us."


Einstein calmly gave the order.

A huge beam of light slanted out from the muzzle, sweeping through the light rain and hitting the Herrscher's body. The secret weapon hidden on the Hyperion fired a full blow at the Herrscher.

Then , a precise hit.

Einstein's timing was very accurate, and there was only one chance.

She would not make a move without being completely sure.

"What...what is this! ?!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah——"

The Herrscher of the Sky screamed, this power could actually hurt her.

Honkai energy is scattering.

The Honkai energy in the body was escaping from every part of the body like crazy.

No, it didn't fly away, but turned into something else.

Turned into strong light, turned into high heat, and quickly drained from her body

"How could it be - my body——"

Her body is decomposing and being torn apart.

The torrent of photons bombarded Herrscher, as if every one of her wings was peeling off her body. 047 was born in the 20th century. It was proposed and researched by Edison. It is the greatest"civilian invention" in human history.

The ultimate weapon of anti-entropy, the most powerful Honkai energy conversion device on earth.

After more than fifty years of secret research and development, it announced its existence to the world at this moment.

This is the weapon made by humans carrying ideals and wills - the Moonlight Throne!

The Herrscher of the Sky covered her chest in pain and fled back to the imaginary space in embarrassment.

【Beng Sanjizi: Damn it, she ran away】

【Bengsan Otto: It turns out that Anti-Entropy still hides such a big treasure. It’s incredible.】

【Einstein: He actually ran away, this is terrible】

【Broken Iron Blue Bird: Is this what Theresa has been talking about?】

【Collapsing Iron Fuxuan: The power is enough, but it is just that.】

【Genshin Elhaysen: Are all the civilian inventions in your world so extreme?]

When the Moonlight Throne was launched, the live broadcast room thoughtfully showed everyone all its information.

Putting aside those complicated prefixes, the civilian invention concerned him the most

【Bengsan Tesla: That guy Edison likes to make some weird inventions.】

【Beng San Eins: It is reasonable to say that it is a civilian invention to convert Honkai energy into heat energy for daily use.】

【Collapse of Iron on March 7th: Where is the Reason?】

【Bentie Jizi: It’s just... the role of the Moonlight Throne later is to intimidate rather than kill, right?]

Being hit twice by the Moonlight Throne, is there really such a stupid Herrscher?

If the people of the Lawyer of the Sky were not killed, they would never be hit a second time.

The Moonlight Throne was immediately destroyed after one shot.

What's the use of a weapon that can't hit the enemy, no matter how powerful it is?

【Teresa Bengsan: The time is too tight, and its full power has not been used]

If you are well prepared, there is no problem in killing the Herrscher with one blow from the Moonlight Throne. There is only one possibility that the Herrscher of the Sky is not dead.

Moonlight Throne is forced to be activated

【Einstein: There is no way, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and opportunities are always fleeting.】

【Beng San Tesla: When Moonlight Throne is ready for launch, the grass on Jizi’s grave will be two meters high】

【Beng Sanjizi: I'm still here, can I hope I get better?】

"——The Herrscher escaped into the imaginary number space"

"Although she caused great damage, she still escaped!"

For the Herrscher, missing a kill is about missing a hit.

A drop of cold sweat left on Tesla's forehead, this is terrible.

If he misses a hit, the Moonlight Throne will be useless.

When the Herrscher of the Sky recovers, They will be hunted endlessly

"Is the force start still too forced?……"



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