"There is no other way, let all personnel return to the battleship quickly"

"Evacuate immediately..."


The faster you run, the better, the further you run, the better.

The green hills left behind are not afraid of running out of firewood.

The Anti-Entropy and the Far East Branch no longer have the ability to fight the Herrscher of the Sky.

They are determined to die. , then it is necessary to die meaningfully.

To die meaninglessly is not called a feat of seeing death as if it were home, but it is called sending someone's head thousands of miles away.

【Genshin Impact Arataki Ito: I feel so frustrated, but there is no other way】

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: Sometimes, it is not shameful to retreat. He is preparing for the next comeback]

Strong-headed people like Dadalia and Arataki will not choose to continue attacking at this time. Herrscher of the void

【Beng Tie Jingyuan: Putting away five fingers is not a sign of fear, he is clenching them into a fist to attack】

【Genshin Impact Fukalos: Then let me say something, sometimes raising your hands does not mean surrender.】

【Genshin Impact Fonina: Fukalos, this is not funny】

【Collapse of Einstein:……】

【Beng San Tesla: Seeing how excited you are about talking about the anti-entropic wolf running around in embarrassment, I don’t know whether I should be happy or not.】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: The enemy is very strong, you are already great.]

In order to prevent the collapse, Anti-Entropy deployed 70% of its combat power and destroyed them all.

Normal forces can retreat here, but Einstein and Tesla did not.

After learning that the Herrscher had awakened, he still chose to fight.

Himeko puts on the armor with great side effects, Theresa and Mei are in critical condition, Bronya fights with injuries, and Tesla tests the medicine on her own body.

Einstein seized the opportunity and used his last resort weapon.

In the battle without support, Anti-Entropy and the Far East Branch tried their best and exhausted all means.

These efforts are seen by people from all three worlds.

No one will speak ill of a soldier who fights to the last moment

【Honsan Meiyi: But the Great Collapse still came, and we couldn’t stop it, nor could we save Kiana.】

【Beng San Yayi: We can’t do anything】

【Genshin Impact: Damn it, Otto, what are you doing?】

【Genshin Chongyun: From just now, the people of Tianming have been silent.】

【Bengtie Fuxuan: They know everything because this is their plan】

【Genshin Dyne: A bunch of sanctimonious guys】

【Genshin Impact, I’m quite curious about the attitudes of people in the Three Worlds.】

【In Bengtie, not only Otto is pretending to be dead, but people all over the world are pretending to be dead.】

【The people in Genshin's world are like this, they don't even care about their own lives.】

【The iron collapses and it mourns its misfortune, and it angers and refuses to fight.】

【Beng San: It’s almost time, you are no longer in our world, why do you blame us]

A person from the Beng San world can’t stand it.

Due to the authority of the live broadcast room, they don't even have the right not to watch the mockery from the two worlds.

I can only watch as the Genshin World and the Bengtie World ride on their necks and output

【Beng San: If it weren’t for the protection of destiny, we would have died long ago. If we don’t rely on the Valkyrie of destiny, who else can we rely on?】

【Beng San: Counter-entropy? Far East Branch? Or who?】

【Beng San: Oh! You want to say we rely on ourselves】

【Ben San: Do you know how tall a Honkai beast is? It’s as high as three or five floors. How many people would it take for a group of ordinary people without power to kill a Honkai beast?】

【Honkai San: You have also seen it, there are groups of Honkai beasts as high as five stories high. They can kill all the people in a city within an hour.】

【Beng Sanzhen regards the Bengkai beast as a Qiuqiu person】

These remarks were all sent by one person.

He may not be a well-known figure, but at this moment he has become a representative of thousands of ordinary people in the Bengsan world.

In this damn world, being able to live to this day is both a blessing and a misfortune.

What is the meaning of their existence as ordinary people? Is it to become a series of cold death figures?

In the Quantum Sea, Kevin stared silently at the barrages passing by.

The Stigma Project was right, and it seems even more right now.

It is difficult for ordinary people without power to survive in this world.

So why not take the plunge and become a warrior who can control his own destiny?

【Genshin Impact Sorry】

【Third Young Master Beng used your hypocritical remarks to fend us off. There is no point in apologizing, and we don’t care either.】


【Beng San, please live well, we don’t have the conditions you have]

Then, no matter how people from the two worlds called, Beng San World remained silent.

In the video, a new picture appeared.

Inside Hyperion, Ji Zi sat alone in the lower passage of the battleship.

Leaning on the railing of the medical room, people kept running past her with the wounded.

There was blood everywhere, which allowed people in the other two worlds to understand the cruelty of Honkai more deeply.

Before that, their perspective had been on Himeko, Theresa and others.

I have never observed the life and death of ordinary people like this.

As people walked by, they couldn't help but think of a question.

There were so many wounded people on the Hyperion alone, so how many people in this world were affected.

I'm afraid I don't know, not even the destiny.

After spitting on Otto, everyone continued to watch.

Ji Zi subconsciously covered her wounds to prevent others from seeing her embarrassment.

Blood, flowing out uncontrollably

"This time... it's really a big deal~."

There was no one talking about Jizi's words. Only the serum shimmered, reflecting a face full of scars. Thumb, thump, thump - a harsh buzzer sounded, making the originally noisy passage even more chaotic.

This is also The hearts of the people in the three worlds were tense.

What was coming this time? An ordinary Honkai Beast, or the Herrscher of the Sky had made a comeback. The background music became sad and depressing, as if it was foreshadowing something.

The world in Jizi's eyes is still peaceful

"……Okay, it's time to go out and get some air."

She straightened up and walked in the opposite direction to the flow of people.

Time seemed to have stopped quietly at that moment.

"Although they are all young guys, I heard that they like this place."

"There is still a long way to go in the future, right?"

"Wish ya'll good luck."

People with weapons in their hands, people with bandages, people carrying the wounded, people carrying parts.

People from Huberian, people from the Far East Branch, people from the anti-entropy.

People Jizi has seen, People who Jizi has never met.

People who remember Jizi, people who don’t remember Jizi.

One by one, they pass her by.

"I really want to...have another drink"

【Genshin Impact Funina: Damn it, this is so foul] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Beng Tie Xing: Who picked the background music? It almost destroyed his stereo】

【Original God Nasida: So sad, I want to cry】

【Beng San Tesla: The Counter-Entropy and Far East Branch have no other fighting capacity.】

【Collapse of Einstein: The mecha troops were completely wiped out, Mei was seriously injured, Theresa was seriously injured, and Bronya was injured and was unable to compete with the Herrscher of the Sky.】

【Bengtie Yukong: She is a rebel, a beautiful rebel】[]

【Bengtie Fuxuan: Thinking back to those days, it was the appearance of people who dared to go upstream one after another that could save the immortal boat and water and fire.】

【Bengtie Fuxuan: The great Emperor Gong Siming was also born among them】

【Beng Tie Tingyun: Everyone in the fairy boat is united, but the destiny of Beng Three Worlds is plotted at every turn. How could it be like this if the so-called strongest Valkyrie Youlandel took action?】

【Genshin Impact Kujo Sora: This is dereliction of duty and a crime】

【Genshin Impact Skirmisher: So what, what’s the use? Do you want them to rebel against the destiny?

People like Mouse and Sparrow don’t really think that they can resist the destiny of the bishop, do they?

【Bronya the Iron Breaker: Isn’t this exactly what they are doing]

Bronya is tit for tat, she is not a person who surrenders to her fate.

You have great power, you can kill me, but you can never play with me

【Genshin Impact Skirmisher: Then tell me, what’s the use of criticizing Otto and Tianming? What can they do?】

【Genshin Impact Skirmishers: They are just like ants on the roadside. They were almost stepped on, but they could only make two chirping sounds.】

【Genshin Impact: If you don’t shout loud enough, people won’t be able to hear you, hahahaha】

【Genshin Impact Charlotte: The weapon of criticism cannot replace the weapon of criticism, but as long as the pen can control the masses, it can also become a more powerful gun.】

【Original God Charlotte: Anyone who ignores their calls and ignores their power will eventually be torn apart by them]

Only those who have been at the bottom know how powerful they are together.

Their strength is not strong, but as long as the Far East Branch and Counter-Entropy can get their support, they will develop steadily.

Given time, he might not be able to grow up to a head-to-head confrontation with Destiny.

With a huge population base, it’s not surprising that any kind of genius will be born.

【Bengtie Jizi: Don’t look down on anyone, those who drown are those who know how to swim.】

"An unknown heat source is approaching from behind at a speed of 420 kilometers per hour!"

"One thousand meters...eight hundred meters...five hundred meters……"

The correspondent's voice became increasingly urgent, and the target's image appeared on the monitor.

In the elevator, Ji Zi stared blankly at the god-killing gun in her hand.

Then he firmly grasped it and put it in his armor.

From the moment she got the God-killing Spear, she had no intention of using it herself.

Beep-beep-beep- the siren buzzed and Jizi raised her head.

"come yet?"

Outside the battleship, the wings of Benares cut through the Hyperion's defensive barrier.

The battleship's defense system attacked it frantically, but it was of no use.

The artillery on the Hyperion wanted to hit Benares It was difficult, but Benares could easily dismantle the cannon on Hyperion.

The collapse was raging, and as Benares broke through the bulletproof glass, Himeko appeared.

She happened to appear in Benares' He rushed forward and faced him with a sword.

Benares flew backwards on the spot. Himeko took advantage of the victory and rushed to the unconscious Benares.

Charge up - draw the sword - cut!

When Himeko's Divine Fall Sword was about to When it fell heavily, the space in front of her changed.

Not only her, but the entire platform was pulled into the imaginary space of Herrscher of the Sky.


Laughter sounded from behind, and Jizi turned around sharply.

The Herrscher of the Void is located above the void and is walking down step by step.

She recovered so quickly that it was almost impossible to see that she was injured.

【Beng Tie March 7: It's over. The combat power is very strong. If you can't defeat it, you can't hide in the imaginary space. After recovering from your injuries, you can continue fighting. This is too cheating.】

【Einstein: I still underestimated her. In this way, the Moonlight Throne is not a question of whether it can be hit, but whether it can be used.】

【Genshin Impact Yelan: Even if he is powerful, he is still an enemy with brains]

She originally thought that the Herrscher of the Sky was an incompetent person with a simple mind and well-developed limbs who could only bully others with the power of the Herrscher.

Before the decisive battle, I kept pressing and missed many good opportunities to kill.

A scene where the villain dies from talking too much.

Now it seems that the Herrscher of the Sky has a brain.

【Beng Sanjizi: Is it one-on-one? It’s exactly what I want】

【Beng Sanjizi: If Hyperion was still there, I would be restrained. Since the imaginary number is reached, I can destroy it at all costs.】

【Collapse of Three Thousand Tribulations: Fighting at all costs, there is no need to look at the occasion to do this kind of thing】

【Beng Tie Danheng: If you fight one-on-one on someone else's territory, you will lose the right time and place.】

【Genshin Impact Arataki Yidou: What are you talking about? It’s already this point, (Wang Li Zhao) rushed to play.】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: The words are rough but the reasoning is rough. If you are pulled closer to this place, you can only sink your boat.】

"Do you think you can escape?"

The Herrscher of the Sky walked over condescendingly, as if looking at another little mouse.

This is her territory. Without that inexplicable weapon, Jizi would not be able to defeat her.

"snort! I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Ji Zi got into a fighting stance, let's fight to the death.

Herrscher of the Sky raised her hand,"Are you ready to face death?……"

The power was activated, and Ji Zi was pushed in front of a large number of Herrschers of the Sky by an invisible force.

Less than half a meter away, she seemed to have hit something.

"Do your best...struggle!"

The Herrscher of the Sky pushed back, and Jizi let out a cry of pain and flew backwards.

The Herrscher raised his hand, and a perfect cube appeared on the path of Jizi's flying upside down.

With a bang, she was solid installed on it.

If it were an ordinary human being, he would have to die here with pulverized fractures all over his body.

Himeko was wrapped in the space wall, and the cube rotated like a Rubik's Cube.

The Herrscher of the Sky remained expressionless, as if doing An unimportant thing happened.

Two archon spears shot out behind him, cutting up and down the cube twice.

Another two archon spears shot out, this time the spears turned into ribbons. Like.

Pierce across from the center of the Rubik's Cube, return and hit again.

After doing all this, the Herrscher of the Sky left with his hands behind his back.

"snort! Only to this extent……"

It was completely different from the previous battle. What was displayed in front of everyone was the true power of the Herrscher of the Sky.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, Jizi had no means of resistance.

But... is the battle really over?……



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