【Teresa Bengsan: Is it over?】

【Honzojiko: If this is the ending, then I accept and respect her]

This is an abnormally unequal battle from the beginning.

As a human being, the Lawr of the Sky is forced to use all his strength.

He did not hesitate to use any means to bring Ji Zi closer to his own space, and tried his best to kill an ordinary person in a real sense.

From this point on, Jizi has already won.

【Beng San Yayi: I don’t accept it, the ending shouldn’t be like this】

【Bengsan Bronya: If this is the method of Herrscher of the Sky, then what does the previous battle mean?】

【Bengsan Tesla: Is the Herrscher really insurmountable?……】

【Einstein: No, it's not over yet... Do you remember Otto's plan?】

【Iron-Banging Qingque: When the first victim appears, we will get a Herrscher with human personality. Are you talking about this?】

【Einstein: We have to admit that everything is in Otto's plan. That armor is not simple. The battle is far from over.】

【Bentie Yinlang: Really or not, in that world Jizi is also unkillable like the blade]


A crack sounded in the air, and the Herrscher of the Sky turned his head differently.

At that time, the Divine Meteor Sword was less than half a meter away from her.

With the power unfolding, the Divine Meteor Sword was moved behind him as much as possible and stuck firmly on the rock wall behind.

This attack failed to cause any harm to the Herrscher of the Sky, but it was enough to inspire people.

She is announcing to people in the three worlds, that woman.

Wuliangta Jizi - she is still alive!

"Is your attack... over, then... it's my turn now……"

Jizi struggled to drag the sword, her condition was very bad.

The erosion of Honkai energy was visible to the naked eye in every part of her body.

His hair was disheveled and his armor was completely destroyed.

He looks like his death is about to end, but he is full of fighting spirit.

"No objection!"

Himeko let out her final roar.

The background music switched again, making the scene more tragic and desolate.

"Huh hahahahaha——"

The Herrscher of the Sky burst into laughter, and he laughed angrily.

This ant appears in front of me again and again, as if it is really mocking myself.


Countless small black holes appeared around Jizi.

A spear of sub-space erupted from each black hole.

Jizi was unafraid and concentrated her power into the God 840 Meteor Sword.

At this moment, she was like a real flame. Like the Herrscher, with one powerful sweep, countless Archon Spears were instantly wiped out. When the

Herrscher of the Sky saw her eyes, it was the resonance between the Herrschers.

In front of her, she had always been as dead as an ant, and at this moment, she became a person who could compete with her. The Herrscher.

How did she accept this?

"Shao there... got carried away."

Facing Jizi's fierce offensive, Herrscher of the Sky did not dare to hold back. She will die. As long as she is careless in the slightest, that woman's big sword will definitely cut off her head.

At the same time, the three worlds People also heard Ji Zi’s last words at this moment


"When you wake up, you will find that everything has changed……"

"The world is no longer beautiful……"

"……Those ordinary daily routines are gone forever.……"

She kept approaching the Herrscher of the Sky, using all her life's strength.

No matter what kind of attack the Herrscher of the Sky releases, it cannot be stopped. With the same power, how can the Herrscher of the Sky stop a Herrscher who has a death wish?

The Divine Meteor Sword continuously cuts off the attacks released by the Herrscher of the Sky.

At this moment, Himeko is just a teacher who wants to save her students.

【Honzo Kiana: Teacher Himeko……】

Kiana, who had been offline for a long time, reappeared in everyone's sight, which made people who had been paying attention to the area breathe a sigh of relief.

【Genshin Arataki Idou: It’s obviously a very passionate fight, why is it so sad?】

【Genshin Impact Barbara: Like a farewell, a teacher’s farewell to a student】

【Genshen Zhongli: Osmanthus wanted to buy the same wine, but it was a pity……】

Ji Zi gradually approached, and Herrscher of the Sky was afraid. This was the instinctive fear in his heart.

Concentrating the power a little, the power generated a huge spiral and stabbed towards Ji Zi.

Useless, useless.

Jizi is not afraid of death, she won't even avoid it.

The Divine Meteor Sword slashed down hard, twisting the power of the Herrscher of the Sky with the power of the Herrscher of Fire whose life was burned out.

Jizi remembered, and thought of her companions.

Theresa, Mei, Fu Hua, Bronya... they were calling their names, just like usual.

Thinking of the person behind it, Ji Zi strengthened his thoughts.

Despite the dark clouds, Ye Tao illuminates the way forward for those behind him

"Aunt Jizi (cicb), I want to become the strongest Valkyrie!"

The memory is fixed on Kiana's innocent face.

That innocent smile is what she has been protecting with a smile.

Guarding the most beautiful things in the world, fighting for all the beauty in the world.

The blazing flames broke through The broken Valkyrie armor turned into fiery red wings.

The armor was broken, and there was nothing left to suppress the Honkai energy in the gem for Himeko.

But it didn't matter anymore.

"Kiana...just move on.……"

"Go and turn this imperfect story into what you expect!"

The dying person's denial.

The Herrscher of the Sky lost her past arrogance and waited for death.


The Divine Meteor Sword was inserted behind her, and the blow missed...

No, how could it be missed?

Kong Lu looked at the woman in surprise. At this time, the light on Ji Zi's body dimmed.

She burned out her life and lost all her vitality.

The Divine Meteor Sword shattered behind Kong Lu. Then, she heard Ji Zi 's last instructions.


"This is...the last lesson."

The broken body fell on the Herrscher of the Sky, but she bounced it away hard.

Jizi smiled, she succeeded.

Just now, she pierced the neck of the Herrscher of the Sky with the God-killing Spear..

With the injection of the God-killing Spear, Herrscher of the Sky screamed.

Her body, her power, and the Honkai energy in her body were decomposing.

Unlike the slowness of the Moonlight Throne, this time the decomposition was like a flood..The power dissipated, and the entire imaginary space began to collapse.

Jizi's body was transferred into the endless abyss, and the background music that was still ringing seemed to see her off.

【Bengtie March 7: Damn it, Otto got into his eyes】

【Bengtiexing: Why do you want to put in that kind of dirty stuff?】

【Genshin Paimon: Woohoo, Jizi, my Jizi】

【Bengtie Jizi: Go well, my friend】

【Beng Sanjizi:? ? ? 】

I'm not dead yet, that's just the exposure of the live broadcast.

【Genshin Impact Kawi: Elhaysen, you’re crying】

【Genshin Elhaysen: What’s so strange about this? I’m not a cold-blooded person.】

【Original God Fukalos: I saw it, it was light, light created by human beings]

The most wonderful thing in this world is the love, hatred and resentment of human beings

【Bengtie Jingyuan: She was reborn from the fire, she smiled in the fire]

Some people read the story, and some people look in the mirror.

Among these three worlds, there was never only one Jizi.

Seeing Ji Zi's story, they not only remembered the shadow of their old friend.

Those precious memories, those times that will never come back.

I want to catch it, but it’s getting farther and farther away

【Honzo Kiana: Aunt Jizi, no - that's not true, that's not true——】

【Honzojiko: Calm down Kiana. If you don’t want that to happen, cheer up.】

【Teresa Bengsan: Kiana, if you don’t want the above to happen, cheer up for me.】

【Honzo Bronya: You don’t really want to stay in the body and wait for Teacher Jizi to wake you up with life.】

【Beng San Yayi: Kiana, wake up quickly】

【Bengsan Kiana: I don’t want that to happen, I want to wake up, I want to wake up]

In Bengsan World, Kia in the experimental cabin suddenly opened her eyes.

Feeling the change, Aha immediately released the confinement of the three worlds.

"Hoho, the show is about to begin!"

The live broadcast room is divided into two, one side is paused, and the other side is playing the current situation of the collapse of the three worlds.

"The body can move."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Theresa waved her stiff arms

"Principal, look at Kiana……"


Theresa was stunned for a moment, then quickly looked at the phone

"Come back...my beloved...what!"

The first one to wake up was the Herrscher of the Sky. She was in high spirits when she just took over her body, and then was rushed back by the huge emotions accumulated by Kiana.

"No, I don’t want Aunt Jizi to sacrifice!"

With one punch, the experimental cabin that restrained her was broken into pieces, and the nutrient solution contained in it flowed everywhere. The defense system of the Tianming headquarters was activated, and a large number of Tianming armors poured in.

Feeling the power she had just gained, these powers seemed like her life It's normal when you get down.

She succeeded.

The theory is correct, Kiana's will breaks through the will of the Herrscher of the Sky

"What! Why……"

It's obvious that the man's plan went well, it's obvious that she has gone out

"Bastard, what have you done!"

Not in the mood to care about the Herrscher of the Sky, whose will was incompetent and furious in her heart, Kiana set out to deal with the defense forces who came to suppress her. The

Herrscher of the Sky was the bastard who killed Himeko, and Destiny was also an accomplice in killing Himeko..There is no good thing between the two groups.

Kiana is very sad and angry.

She wants to vent, she wants to destroy everything[]

Sensing Kiana's desire to destroy everything, the Herrscher's will in her heart smiled.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that this guy wanted to do the same thing as me.

"Hahaha, it turns out you just want to do what I want to do"

"Yes, that's it, tear everything up"

"Shut up! I am different from you!"

Kiana snorted coldly, and casually tore the mecha that was approaching her into pieces.

After receiving powerful power, Kiana didn't feel any joy at all.

"Oh, you are using my power to do what I want to do. What is the difference between you and me?"

"Since we are not different, why can't we get along with each other?"

"A person's power is limited after all. How about we become one and tear this world to pieces together?"

"Come, I'll teach you"

"Just like this, calling on the family members of the past, let the collapse come and burn the earth to the ground!"

"Stop talking!"

Kiana became even more irritated when she heard Herrscher of the Sky whispering in her heart.

She didn't want to cooperate with this bastard who killed Teacher Himeko.

Temporarily blocking the Herrscher of the Sky, Kiana could search around A way to escape.

This is her first time coming to Tianming Headquarters.

At the same time

"Oh, my dear Theresa, have you seen that? Your good student is wreaking havoc at the Tianming headquarters. Why don't you stop her?"

On the Helios, Otto accessed Theresa's communication.

People in the three worlds saw the scene where Kiana made a big fuss in Destiny.

If she continues to destroy it, she will be like the Herrscher of the Sky. No difference

"Humph, this makes you feel bad, Otto?"

Theresa no longer wants to call this guy grandpa.

"He deserves it."

Ya Yi snorted coldly.

"Want to kill me? Why? I just designed and killed Himeko for some unavoidable reason, but Kiana still has me."

"I can definitely be Kiana’s life mentor, right?"

"Those who make big things don't stick to trivial matters. Just because I designed to kill Ji Zi, you have to fight against me. This is so stupid."


Theresa cut off the communication. She really couldn't bear to hear Otto's birth announcement.

【Bentie Walter: Otto, you ********】

Hearing the familiar declaration again, Walter became angry.

This guy is still stubborn. This guy doesn't have a trace of humanity at all.

【Bengtie March 7: Calm down, Uncle Yang, it’s not worth it to be with this kind of person】

【Beng Tie Dan Heng: For this kind of person, killing him is the best choice.】

【Genshin Impact Walnut: Birth, this guy is really a Birth】

【The Broken Iron Green Bird: Question Walter, understand Walter, become Walter, and surpass Walter】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: Otto! I***】

"Theresa, Otto is right."

Ji Zi persuaded,"Most of the people in Tianming Headquarters are innocent people, and they are the ones we want to protect."

"Kiana is not the real Herrscher of the Sky. We cannot let her go astray."

"I can feel that Kiana is in pain."

Mei noticed that Kiana has been arguing with someone since she woke up.

Is it the consciousness of the Herrscher of the Sky? She is still bewitching Kiana.

"It is the consciousness of the Herrscher of Space"

"The Consciousness of the Herrscher of Space……"

Theresa was silent,"You are right. When Kiana was at her most vulnerable, there was a portable star core that kept talking about it. It is difficult for us to guarantee that Kiana will not go astray."

"Just move on, for the sake of the innocent, for Kiana's sake."

The above conversations were all broadcast in the live broadcast room. After reading the above conversations, people's thoughts have changed slightly.

It would be great if the bishop of destiny is Theresa, the people of the Three Worlds think so.


"Oh, everything is under control."

Otto swung the wine glass in his hand and moved it forward, as if he was toasting.

He could see these people clearly.

Theresa was a tomboy, and everyone inside cared about Kiana, absolutely. He will not leave Kiana alone.

What he has to do now is to sit back and enjoy the results



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