Before Nasida's true body appeared, the great sage's prestige had already dropped to freezing point.

It's normal to think about it, the rule of the Order Council can continue until now.

The final analysis is that the people at the bottom do not care about the politics of the upper class.

Apart from daily life, they rarely have anything to do with anything else.

Most Sumeru people don't understand the relationship between the Little Lucky Grass King, the Great Ci Tree King and the Jiaolingyuan.

I only know that the Great Ci Tree King has passed away, and the Teaching Council found the Little Lucky Grass King five hundred years ago.

The Little Lucky Grass King is the successor of the Big Ci Tree King.

Don't know anything else.

Some Sumeru people even believe that King Xiaojixiangcao has always been in power, and every policy of the Teaching Council is the intention of King Xiaojixiangcao.

Under this information asymmetry, as long as your life does not fluctuate.

The people are too lazy to care about who is in charge of Xumi now.

But now, because of the live broadcast room, all this has been exposed.

How can a Sumeru person not be angry?

The people of Fontaine were only dissatisfied and complained about the gods' inaction.

But the target now is not the god who protects them, but the great sage who is also a human being.

A person who rides on them to dominate and endanger their lives.

Judgment, this is the method that the Xumi people learned from the Fontaine people.

At this moment, only trial can vent their anger.

No one can forgive someone who endangers his own life, no one

【Genshin Impact Elhaysen: It seems that our great sage is no longer a great sage after the live broadcast.】

【Original God Azar: You... are disgusting, you are truly a bunch of fools】

【Original God Azar: Don’t be complacent, Elhaysen. Even if I’m not a great sage, it’s not your turn to take the seat.】

【Genshin Elhaysen: This is what you said, then we have settled it]

Great Sage? Whoever likes to treat that kind of troublesome thing should be treated as such.

【Genshin Saino: Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, please come back to power, Xumi needs you】

【Original God Nasita: I...I understand]

Although I am not confident in myself, if I don't act after knowing the plan of the Order, what is the difference between that and an accomplice?

She couldn't bear the thought of people being harmed because of Azar's plan

【Original God Nasida: After the live broadcast, I will announce the replacement of the great sage's decree, and at the same time, I will take over Sumi again]

That's it.

At least...940 no one will be harmed because of Azar's ridiculous plan.

【Long live the Genshin Impact Little Lucky Grass King】

【Original God, this is the victory for us Sumeru people】

【Genshin, fuck you* great sage, do you know how many demons are in the territory of Xumi? They will die because of your stupid plan]

Even if the plan is against humanity, you still failed.

I don’t know how many Sumeru man-made gods were sacrificed, but the result was not as good as the Little Lucky Grass King.

What on earth are you doing, Ecclesiastical Order?

【Bengtiexing: Great! witness history】

【Bengtie Jizi: The more planets you travel to, the more history you will witness】

【Honkaiji: I envy you. You can travel to various planets, but I can only stay in this three-acre land to fight against Honkai.】

【Bentie Jizi: Don’t say that, you are now a powerful Herrscher of Fire】

【Genshin Impact Nilu: Great, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King has finally made up his mind.】

【Original God Dina Zedai: I believe that under the leadership of Little Lucky Grass King, Xumi will get better and better】

【Original God Disiya: I hope she can pay attention to the desert issue]

The old era is over, and after Nasida takes over, it is a new era.

I hope that in the new era, the conditions in the desert will improve.

If the little Lucky Grass King can't do anything, Desiya really doesn't know who to go to.

Resurrection of the Red King’s magic stick?

"Sigh... I hope that in the following videos, you can see how I became a qualified god."

The words were spoken, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that she was being pushed away.

Is she really ready to rush the ducks to the shelves?

【Original God Zhongli: The so-called superior does not need him to have too strong abilities, but he must be able to use people and choose the right people to help him govern the country]

Nasida's eyes lit up.

That's right, if you can't do it yourself, just find one or a few people who can do it.

After the great sage steps down, these party members he promoted will definitely no longer be useful.

This is when Xumi is short of talents.

Nasida keeps an eye on the live broadcast room. This live broadcast room can expose everything. Maybe there will be talents she wants in it.

"With your knowledge, I don't think you are qualified to debate with me."

"What you should do now is find someone to remove these ridiculous arrangements as soon as possible"

"After going back……"

"……You all should have a good time (cifc) to celebrate the birth of the gods."

As expected, the cycle continues.

But after several cycles, everyone discovered different places.

"Well... we will definitely find a way to make it a success next time for the Flower Goddess Festival!"

"Next time, I should be... gone."

This sentence is different from the last time. Dina Zedai was not so pessimistic last time.

Black Tower's analysis is good. This is not the power of time.

"Um? what did you just say?"

"It's okay, I'm going back to rest, thank you for your hard work."

The flower god's birthday festival was interrupted, and she felt tired.

Ying was forced to stop thinking.


"……Only output can drop slightly, but still within normal thresholds"

"Continue to pay attention to numerical changes and identify the cause as soon as possible."

The next day came, and as expected, it was another round of reincarnation.

"I'm so tired. I obviously slept a lot."

"……Thanks to Miss Dina Zede, otherwise the children would not have had a Flower Goddess Festival, haha"

"By the way, are you interested in Yalda candy? Take your pick"

"Number four!"

Ying said No. 4 unswervingly.

Not only that, she also pointed out the flavors in the other boxes one by one.

"Ah...wait, how did you know? Do you know everything?"

Pigal was startled and thought that No. 4 was at best lucky.

If he guessed them all correctly, it cannot be described as luck.

He had packed the box in the morning and had never opened it. No one could know it in advance.

Read Mind skills, clairvoyance, or some kind of trick, this is too evil.

Ignoring Paimon and Pigar's admiration, I just saw a different person in my peripheral vision.

"Hello! Where are you going?"

Paimon quickly followed.

What happened to Ying today? Why didn't he say hello to Dina Zedei when he left?

A familiar figure... a strong sense of déjà vu.

Ying had a premonition that today would be weird and absurd. A scene is about to unfold


"over there!"

Continuing to catch up, Ying met a Lolita whom she had never seen before but was very familiar with.

【Bengtiexing: Badminton?】

【Beng Tie March 7: How rude, he is the Little Lucky Grass King. Will he finally appear in the video? The God of Sumeru]

The avatars in the live broadcast are all real people, so March 7th knows what Nasida looks like.

【Bengtie Yinlang: God has appeared, the next step is to break this ridiculous illusion, right?】

【Einstein: We only know that this illusion is an illusion, but we don’t know the principles behind it.】

【Einstein: Every reincarnation will be reset, and all efforts are just useless work]

Looking at Nasida in the live broadcast, Einstein suddenly thought of something

【Beng San Einstein: Is it the power of the Little Lucky Grass King? 】

Free from the outside world, only the power of Little Lucky Grass King is left.

In the previous clip, Nasida told Ying.

Come, give your memories back, just like before. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Einstein: Reincarnation is coming to an end, it’s the power of dreams】

【Genshin Kamisato Ayato: The power used in the previous clip is the same. It’s not difficult to guess, but most people’s attention has been attracted.】

"Look! Isn't this...Dina Zede? Paimon exclaimed, she read it right, Dina Zedai is actually here.

She and Ying ran a long way, and with Dina Zedai’s physical strength, they shouldn’t have chased her here.

And why did Di Nazedai Nazeede passed out

"What! ? He was obviously with us just now……"

When she saw Dina Zedai on the bed, she was stunned.

She was able to rush here based on her intuition of déjà vu, and Ying had already thought about how to explain it to Dina Zedei when she went back.

Unexpectedly, there were really extra gains.

Okay, no need to explain now

"What's going on, there are two Dina Zedai?"

"You already know that this is not your first time attending the Flower Goddess Festival."

Nasida spoke.

This was not the first time that Ying chased her, nor was it the first time that she spoke to Ying to explain.[]

"You can use this thing."

Nascida took out a can of knowledge that emitted a golden light. Even the most blind person could see its extraordinary effect due to its brilliant golden brilliance.

"Canned knowledge? Where did you get it... What's in it?"

This is a prohibited item.

Paimon has not forgotten that it is illegal to possess and trade without permission.

But Paimon doesn't care.

"And you too, Paimon"

" know me?"

Paimon thought quickly in her mind, feeling familiar, but she really didn't know Nasida.

"Come together, Paimon."

The inexplicable sense of déjà vu, the inexplicable sense of trust.

The voice in her heart told her that the person in front of her could be trusted.

When her hand touched the golden can of knowledge, a large number of memories came to her head instantly.

"This, this is!!"

"memory! Many days of...memories."

She couldn't tell how many days it was.

Ying's brain felt dizzy for a while, but she got better soon.

Although there were many memories, most of them were repetitive, and it was easy to sort out the details.

Her intuition was right, and what she saw in front of her was This Nasida was an old acquaintance of hers.

……Meet an old acquaintance for a day

"For us, today turns out to be the twentieth day? Oh no... Sanshi? forty? How many birthdays are there for the Goddess of Flowers?"

Sure enough, everyone's hearts sank.

The live broadcast was only shown three times, but seeing Yingying's skillful look was more than just three times.

"Are we trapped in this day... If it weren't for your help, we wouldn't even notice……"

"So what exactly is this canned knowledge?"

"Is your memory still a little confusing? Please recall that this is not the first time we have come into contact. I explained this issue a long time ago."

She has said too much.

Rather than spending more time explaining, it is better to let Ying recall and sort out the memories.

"Oh... let me think about it... ah, it means that this canned knowledge is just a form of expression. It actually awakens the memory through contact."

【Genshin Saino: Oh, it turns out it’s just a form of expression, not real canned knowledge, that’s easy to deal with]

Originally, Saino was still thinking, if Lord Little Lucky Grass King really used canned knowledge to save Sumeru.

How should Sumeru face the concept of canned knowledge in the future?

To prohibit it, to allow it, or to turn a blind eye.

Okay now, continue to ban

【Genshin Impact Dolly: Hahaha, actually the canned knowledge I sell is just a form of expression.】

【Genshin Impact: Keep talking】

【Genshin Impact Dolly:……】

Nacida can help people wake up their memories, so why did she only help them two.

Because of your sensitivity and the blessing of grass elemental power, this is Nasida's explanation.

There is only a thin layer of paper between Ying and Paimon's consciousness and memories.

"What's going on with Dina Zede over there?"

"Familiar question, this is probably the seventh time you have asked me"

"As you can see, she is very weak……"

Dina Zede's time is running out. If she doesn't break the status quo quickly, her life may be in danger.

"Everything in the world starts over and over's called reincarnation. You and I seem to be trapped in the cycle of this day.……"

"The truth about you... can only be found by you. If you don't realize the truth yourself, it will be told by will have a huge mental impact, I can't guarantee the consequences."

【Bengtie March 7: It’s like you can’t wake up a sleepwalker, right?】

"Okay, speaking of which...what have you concluded about the truth so far?"

"Time loop."

Nascida shook her head. It seems that it is not the time yet.

A simple cycle of events is not enough to explain some phenomena. There are too few clues, and she cannot give too many hints.

Nacida cannot give any hints, and the two of them can only search in the city. Clues.

After passing the fruit vendor and the divination student, the two decided to look for Disiya.

And brought her to the real Dina Zedai.

Unfortunately, Ying and Paimon are special.

Apart from the two of them, No one can see Nacida and the real Dina Zede

"Sigh...I told you that you are special. Others can’t see me and this Miss Dina Zedei."

"Wait... is it over there?……"

The live broadcast room switched to Disiya's perspective. From her perspective, the bed was empty.

"To actually have such a strong sense of perception...does it have invisible tentacles?"

It's real and magical. Nacida is very sure that Desiya can't see herself and the real Dina Zedai.

This is the conclusion she got from more than a hundred reincarnations of the Flower Goddess Festival.

Only Ying and Paimon are special. Yes, and this mercenary from the desert can actually sense the existence of himself and Dina Zedai



PS: The main purpose here is to ignite the anger of the Sumeru people to speed up Azar's downfall, and then kill him naturally, ending immediately..

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