【Genshin Impact Disia: Invisible tentacles and whatnot are too exaggerated. I’m not a weird person.】

【Original God Dina Zedai: As expected of Disiya, she can sense my existence even if she cannot see it.】

【Beng Tie Xing: I remember someone said that I discovered the clues after my second reincarnation.】

【Yuan Shenying:...Just tell me whether I noticed it or not.】

【Alicia Honsan: Oh my, this cute cat lady has very keen senses.】

【Genshin Impact Candice: Cute? Hahaha, this is the first time someone said that Disiya is cute.】

【Genshin Impact Disia: Those are not cat ears, but a hairstyle, a cute hairstyle. If this were said from the mouth of a mercenary, she would definitely twist his head off.

By the way, Alicia-san seems to think that everyone is cute.

Who is she?

No one has exposed her story in the live broadcast room, and there are very few people revealing her news on the barrage.

There are also several people who are suspected to be acquainted with her, all of whom are taciturn and have very little information.

"Miss Dina Zedai, you seem to be trying to lie down here, right? How is he doing?"

Disha walked to the hospital bed. She couldn't see it, but the voice in her heart told her.

Miss Dina Zedai is here.

"She is now very ill and has basically lost consciousness. How did you know she was here?"

"I can feel...her breath...and a feeling that seems to be regretful or unwilling. What happened?……"

【Beng Tie Xing: This is love】

【Bengtie March 7: I love you with twists and turns】

"Now do you believe what we said? The Flower Goddess’ birthday does keep repeating itself……"

……After discussing it with Desiya, Desiya immediately decided that it was related to the sages.

The sage has always been against them, who knows if he will use the void to do anything.

Void, yes, void.

Apart from gods, only sages can create this kind of large-scale strange time.

Is there any secret in the void device?

Desia:"Um...what did your Nasida say?"

Paimon:"She said that the void relies on the heart of God to operate and is the embodiment of the power of the God of Wisdom. It unifies the wisdom of all people and bestows knowledge on it. People."

Desiya:"Giving knowledge to people for easy understanding, people have been acquiring knowledge from the void... But how to explain the wisdom of unifying the whole people?" Unifying the wisdom of the whole people... Bringing Desiya is definitely the most important thing today The right move.

Ying thought quietly.

First of all, it can be ruled out that the sages recorded knowledge into the void, because the knowledge of the void mainly comes from the World Tree.

The void operates on the heart of God and is the embodiment of the God of Wisdom. It unifies the wisdom of all people and bestows knowledge on the people.

I didn't think too much, but my mind felt extremely tired.

Sumeru people don't know how to dream...

She thought of it!

Tell the truth about the answer you have thought of

"You mean...a tired mind is caused by emptiness? If I feel it carefully, I can also feel that I am extremely mentally exhausted."

"I remember when the people in the desert were seeking knowledge, the sage once said: Knowledge is never free."

"Could it be that the wisdom of unifying the whole people refers to... Will the void still come here to commandeer our brains?"

It's a bit interesting, although I don't know exactly what method Void used.

But since it can impart knowledge to you, it can naturally also do something to your brain.

"So what are the benefits of doing this?"

"Think about it, if you integrate the wisdom of all the people of Sumeru, wouldn't it be equivalent to using Sumeru City as a giant brain?……"

"……There are many problems that even the smartest people's brains cannot figure out. Using this giant brain may lead to new results."

【Beng San Otto: The heroes in this world are like crucian carp crossing the river. Even a small desert mercenary has such wisdom.】

【Bengtie Silver Wolf: There is something, I underestimated you before】

【The original god can do it. They say that desert people are rough and reckless people. Today I see that the rumors are false.】

【The original god is just your arrogant prejudice.】

【Genshin did a great job, Disiya, it really made our mercenaries look good]

It’s not difficult to think of this, but it depends on who the target is.

What is Disiya's identity? A desert mercenary.

People's stereotype of this type of people is that they have well-developed limbs and simple minds.

A reckless man who can tease anyone with just a little trick.

But Desiya showed wisdom beyond their impression.

First, break through the blockade of the illusion and feel the invisible Dina Zedai.

Finally, he was in an illusion and realized the plans of the sages.

【Genshin Impact Disia: Hey, hey, hey! Don't be surprised. You don't really think you can gain a foothold in the desert with strength alone, do you?】

【Genshin Impact Disiya: It’s not like I thought of the brain computer you mentioned. All Sumeru’s brains combined are smarter than one brain. A three-year-old child also knows this, right?]

After being praised, Disiya Shia was not happy.

On the contrary, it seemed like he was insulted.

【Original God Nasida: It is a great thing to be able to detect the existence of Dina Zedei and me in that state.】

【Original God Disia: Well, since even Lord Grass God said so】

【Bengtie March 7: Dreams pass through the void, right? If so, why not take it off?】

【Bengtieheita: Has she always been so naive?】

【Beng Tie Dan Heng: Yes】

【Collapse Iron March 7: Dan Heng! 】

You are calling her stupid, right? You must be calling her stupid.

"Great reasoning, especially the comparison of Sumeru City to a giant brain, well, I like it very much."

Nascida likes these wonderful metaphors the most.

Complex knowledge can be conveyed to people through simple metaphors. She likes this interesting teaching method.

"In this case, let's take off the void terminal quickly. Maybe the problem will be solved?"

Is it really that simple? Ying expressed doubts, but there is no better way at the moment.

"Yes, originally I was just pretending to be wearing it, but I didn’t expect that the sages and others would plot against me. After this matter is over, I must find evidence and make this matter public!"

Dishiya took off the void terminal angrily, and everyone present also took off the void terminal.

"How do you feel?"

Paimon felt that nothing had changed.

Ying:"Speaking of which, I also noticed one thing."

"In my impression, at the end of every day... I hear a beep..."

"Oh that, I have an impression too! As if coming from the void, there was a gentle tick."

Dishya:"The beep... is it the sound of operating the void?"

"Indeed, I also heard it when I was in Port of Ormos"

"It seems to be a very important clue. We clearly didn’t operate the void, but we can still hear it.……" beep——

【Bengtie Huohuao: Ah! Ghost!】

【Iron Tail: My ears! Could you please stop being so surprised?】

【Bengtie Guinaifen: It’s so creepy, family members】

【Genshin Impact Walnut: How did they do it? Even though they were not wearing it, they could hear the sound of the void.】

【Bengsan Tesla: Because I’m not in reality, I haven’t really taken off the void, right?】

【Genshin Laila: Really, but when I write a paper in my dream, the paper will really be written.】

【Beng Tie Xing: If you really can’t do it, don’t watch March. That voice just now almost sent Uncle Yang away.】

【Bengsanqiana: Isn’t it scary? It’s obviously normal, even Bronya screamed] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Bengsan Bronya: That’s because Kiana is too neurotic]

​​This feeling is like when telling a ghost story again, the cabinet suddenly moved.

It's terrible, isn't it?

Glancing at Kiana who was still laughing at her loudly, Bronya thought angrily

"Did you hear it! Traveler!"

"I heard it too! It's not a hallucination, there was just a beeping sound, which seemed to be coming from my head!"

"We obviously took off the void terminal...right?……?"

The screen went dark, and reincarnation was forcibly terminated.

Stages often exceed expectations, and if this continues, there will be victims... but we... can no longer give up all our efforts.

Screening twice, a large number of memories emerged.

A new reincarnation, it seems, Ying and Paimon have regained their memories again.

It seems that removing the Void Terminal is not feasible.

How can a person reincarnated in an illusion interfere with reality?

But the good news is that the reason for being trapped on the same day can basically be confirmed. The culprit is related to the void.[]

The most common tools in life have become deadly things, and that’s not good news

"It is indeed extremely difficult for the mice in the experiment to know why they are treated in this way."

"Are you comparing the two of us to guinea pigs? Then who are you, Nasida? You never told us who you are.……"

"Well...I am the moon, right?"

"moon? Isn’t that the result of our divination?"

Ying and Pai looked at each other face to face. Ever since they knew that they were in a falsehood and lies, they have been particularly concerned about the results of divination.

The moon... the result of divination is the moon.

After the conversation, the two of them met with Disiya as usual.

This time , they were surprised to find that Disia was not injured like in the usual cycle.

Gendisia said that although it was a new sword, it was surprisingly smooth.

Has it been too long to form muscle memory? Then Dinaze Isn't Dai's situation worse?

As far as the results are concerned, this is good news, at least things are starting to change.

The two shared their knowledge with Nacida, but Nacida gave an ambiguous answer.

Tomorrow will come, this This thing is common sense to everyone.

But in fact, only you who live in tomorrow will know whether tomorrow will really come.

Is tomorrow always a fabricated concept?

Or maybe, the whole world is False, the history of this continent is just a long festival for the Flower Goddess.

"Okay, okay, don't say any more, my mind is already very tired."

Don't read it, don't read it, master, I was wrong.

Nasita asked a series of philosophical questions to break Paimon's defense.

Is there any point in worrying about this? The most important thing now is to get out of the Flower Goddess Festival.

"Haha... So, if there is nothing you can naturally know, don't waste any meaningless mental energy today."

"Take a good rest, like go to the toilet or something"

"ah? Wait, what did you just say? Did I hear it wrong?"

This is what Nasida said. She was quite philosophical just now, but why did she suddenly get involved in going to the toilet?

Is there any necessary connection between this?

"Um? People say that you feel magically refreshed after going to the toilet, so I just recommend you go there. Isn’t it strange?"

【Genshin Diluc:...Look what you have done】

【Genshin Kaia: She is very smart on other issues, but lacks common sense in life. This is all the fault of the Order.】

【Beng Tie Xing: Doesn’t she know that she will wet the bed when she goes to the toilet in her dream?】

【Bengsan Kiana: Yes, what should you do if you wet the bed while going to the toilet in your dream?】

【Genshin Arataki Ito: Yes, it would be too embarrassing if you wet the bed】

【Genshin Impact Kaia: Are we talking to you about going to the bathroom?】

【Genshin Impact Nasida: I see, no wonder Paimon and Ying showed such expressions in the live video】

【Ying Yuan Shen: Definitely not because of this]

Anyway, Ying and Paimon in the video are very excited.

There has finally been a change, maybe the reincarnation of the Flower Goddess Festival has been broken.

Tomorrow is a new day.



"Keep harvesting, these are a small price to pay compared to the results."

There are many vulnerable people in Bedina Zedai. When this passage appeared, people knew that innocent people had died in this disaster.

More people joined the group that denounced the great sage, but people more attention is attracted by new content

"……Is it still the same day?"

Sure enough, it's not that simple.

Ying admitted that yesterday she had the idea of ​​​​showing up.

But if she wanted to go out, she would definitely not be able to keep showing up.

"Let’s end the chat here. Based on yesterday’s new clues, do travelers have a new understanding of the current situation?"

Ying nodded.

The conclusion of the time loop is wrong.

Disiya's martial arts are improving, and Dina Zedai's condition is also getting worse, which overturns the time loop theory. A simple time loop should completely reset the body The state is right.

So it just deletes our memory, right?

The memory of yesterday is deleted, so the dish unknowingly repeats what happened yesterday...

No, it's still wrong.

Food will rot, and wounds will not heal in a day.

Delete Yesterday's memory is a wrong conclusion for people to stay in one day.

Especially when Desiya told them that no one can replicate her unique sword marks.

Ying completely gave up the idea of ​​deleting memories.

"Paimon, something suddenly occurred to me"

"Why haven’t we thought about leaving the city before?"



PS: The main purpose here is to ignite the anger of the Sumeru people to speed up Azar's downfall, and then kill him naturally and end the door immediately..

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