"After all, curiosity is often the most dangerous thing in this country"

"Secretary Elhaysen, you should be aware that curiosity can also make you fall into suspicion and danger."

Seno didn't quite believe Elhaysen's one-sided story. What criminals are best at is making up stories out of coincidences.

"Answer my question: Did the Sages actually want you to reveal their plans?"

"Didn't I make it clear enough? When it comes to naturalization, you and I are the key targets of the Ecclesiastical Order, what do you think?"

Isn't it clear enough? We all know that the other party is difficult to control.

The sages also know this.

"……All right. I will not regard you as an enemy for the time being, but your suspicion has not been cleared."

The internal conflicts have been suppressed, and we have to start dealing with business.

Whenever a sandstorm strikes, wild dogs from the dark will appear. According to the head of Aru Village, sandstorms have become more frequent in recent times. It is said that sandstorms have become more frequent.

It is related to the withering of the World Tree.

Everything in nature is related to the World Tree. These local symptoms can also reflect the state of the World Tree.

From the mouth of the village chief, they learned a new term.

Ah The villagers of Rucun called those crazy scholars who were exiled here by the Jiaolingyuan as village guardians.

Most of them were scholars who became insane after practicing in Daochenglin.

The Jiaolingyuan believed that their crazy words might not have an impact on the spirits of other scholars, so they sent them to the village. They were exiled to the desert.

Recently they all disappeared, no one witnessed how they left

【Beng Tie Xier: It turns out that this is how this so-called largest gathering place in the desert was formed.】

【Hypatia: If it weren’t for Tinari, I would be one of them in the future.】

""537" [Original God Tinari: You're welcome, this is what a ranger should do】

【Genshin Impact Kelai: Hey, do rangers still have to do these things?】

【Bengtie Jizi: This reminds me of the original next trip of the Star Dome Train, Pinoconi】

【Walter Bentie: It was also a place where criminals were exiled, and then it became a paradise for the family.】

【Genshin Impact Candice: At first, Aru Village was dissatisfied with accepting the mad scholar, but then an accident happened】

【Genshin Impact Candice: A serious earthquake occurred in Aru Village. When it looked like there were countless casualties, the village chief at the time discovered a mad scholar squatting in the corner.】

【Original God Candice: He touches the earth with his hands, and the shrine emits a faint green light, which looks particularly sacred at night.】

【Genshin Impact Candice: No matter how severe the earthquake was that night, all the houses seemed to have grown on the ground. None of the houses collapsed, and there were no casualties.】

【Original God Candice: From then on, Aru Village began to treat mad people kindly and affectionately called them village guards.】

【Bengtie March 7: So awesome】

【Genshin Arataki Ichito: It’s true or not, you’re crazy and you can get such a strong power, give me one】

【Genshin Elhaysen: With your IQ, even if you want to go crazy, you won’t be able to do it]

Those crazy scholars, rather than saying that they are not good at learning, it is better to say that they are geniuses who are one in a hundred.

Crazy knowledge comes from the depths of the World Tree, and being able to access it requires excellent wisdom.

【Original God Leosley: And no matter how you look at it, that’s not the so-called power of a mad scholar, right?】

"Yanqing, what do you think?"

In the Shence Mansion, Jing Yuan asked Yan Qing with a smile.

This is a sub-question. Anyone who has watched the live broadcast carefully can pry into the mystery.

"General, Yanqing felt, that was not the power of a mad scholar."

Jingyuan didn't say anything and signaled Yanqing to continue.

"Crazy people are just ordinary people. They are the same before and after they become crazy."

"There is someone else protecting Aru Village, and the only one who can possess other people's bodies and protect Aru Village is probably the little Lucky Grass King himself."

"Haha, correct"

"Even though he was imprisoned, the Grass God was still protecting the people of Xumi"

"It has to be said that when it comes to lovers, the demon god on the continent of Teyvat has achieved the ultimate"

【Bengsan Tesla: Who else but Nasida? No one can really lift the power of a madman, right?】

【Bangtie Bronya: This happened in the past, why don’t you just ask?】

【Genshin Paimon: Yes, Nasida, you did this, right?】

【Genshin Impact Nasida: Well, that’s what I should do.】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: There is never anything that should be done in this world, and there is nothing that must be done.】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Even though you are in a cage, you still care about the people. You should be praised by the Sumeru people.】

【Genshin Impact Candice: Thinking about it, I should have thought of it a long time ago]

Candice realized this when talking about the village guardian. The so-called village guardian incident is that the little lucky grass king is guarding behind the scenes.

【Is the Genshin disaster actually the Little Lucky Grass King protecting us?]

That disaster was not that far away from now, and the village chief at that time was just the previous village chief of Aru Village.

Many villagers in Aru Village were involved in the incident.

How terrible that disaster was at first can only be guessed by those who have experienced it.

【Genshin Impact If that incident was caused by Mr. Little Lucky Grass King protecting us, then we wouldn’t have any complaints against her.】

【I support Lord Xiao Ji Xiang Cao Wang to return to power. Under her leadership, the desert will surely return to its former prosperity.】

【The original God of Grass has never abandoned the desert, so what qualifications do we have to give up on the God of Grass?]

Aru Village is the largest settlement in the desert, and it is also the link between the rainforest and the desert.

There are many people coming and going, and many desert people have relatives and friends here.

Under their propaganda, the attitude of many desert people towards Nasida began to change.

I believe that after the live broadcast ends, Nasida can give the desert a new prosperous age.

In the video, Sano also told this story with Ying and Paimon.

After their analysis, the three of them agreed that it was Nasida who appeased the crazy scholars and saved Aru Village from the earthquake.

"You said...Little Lucky Grass King."

It's incredible. Only today did Sano find out that the current God of Grass is still active in Sumeru.

How could this happen... It turns out that God has always been by our side...

This conversation changed Sano's mentality.

The scene began to speed up, The live broadcast room intentionally abandoned the segment of Sano's investigation.

It only stayed for a moment in the scene where he discovered the incense used by the scholar for meditation.

"……The Red King is resurrected? I've never heard of such a thing."

Dixia heard his voice before seeing him, but the camera showed an unknown person. A smart person can figure it out at once, they are being listened to.

"The incense you mentioned, as far as I know, is only popular on the other side of the sand wall."

Incense is something that scholars love to use. Maybe the person who comes to Aru Village is a normal scholar.

This thing is exquisite in craftsmanship and cannot be bought at a good price. No one in the desert makes it thanklessly.

Can do this It's true, it must come from support within the anti-sand wall.

"make sense"

"So what should we do? Go to the Order Academy to look for clues?"

It's not impossible. The Jiaoling Yuan has no justifiable reason to want them. At most, waves of mercenaries are looking for trouble.

But that's too inefficient. They are important observation objects of the Jiaoling Yuan.

In the Jiaoling Yuan's territory Investigate them, that's stupid.

"If it were normal, it would probably develop like that, but today I am here and you made a profit."

"You just mentioned that the person who revealed the information heard the rumors from the tavern, right? I also like to go to pubs to drink. I know to some extent what he calls a radical."

At this time, Disiya has discovered the ears of the partition wall. In this case, let's play with them.

"I remember that the representative of the radical faction seemed to be a man named Deliva"

"Isn’t it the round-eyed butcher Ngur, the pockmarked thief Deliva and the bearded scimitar Jebari. These people are all famous."

(Huh? Some of the names seem to have been heard somewhere...)

Ying secretly thought to herself. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There seems to be someone she knows in it, but he is not a big thief, but Why did Desiya say that?

Yingxiu frowned slightly and did not make a rebuttal.

Desiya must have a deep meaning in doing this.

【Genshinja Jebari:? ? ? 】

During the barrage, Jebari sent three greetings, but no one paid attention.

Just a desert mercenary, someone usually appears in the live broadcast.

It’s not surprising that the person involved will say something even if they pass by

"The common characteristic of these people is lack of money. The worse your life is, the more willing you are to believe in the Red King. For them, the resurrection of the Red King is the only chance to overthrow the Order Council."

Dixia is very clear about the thoughts of these people. Even if their own life is not good, they don't want others to be good. They don't even think about it. Can trash like them achieve success just by resurrecting a Red King?

People who can't swim Changing a swimming pool is in vain.

Is there any difference between the waste under the rule of the Red King and the waste under the rule of the Ecclesiastical Order?..........

"Only if the dyed hair becomes a mess can the life here be fundamentally changed. I think that's what they thought, that's why they chose to become radicals"

【Genshen Deliva: Oh, to put it bluntly, he is not a person who is being listened to and doesn’t know himself.]

Desiya belittled him in front of people from three worlds. Of course Deliva couldn’t stand it.[]

If he didn't dare to show up after being humiliated like this, then how could he, Deliva, hang out in the tavern.

Yo! Deliva, you have a new scar on your face.

Deliva didn't answer, but just asked the bartender for two bowls of sake.

I guess I was beaten by Desiya again. Because my life was not good, I could only rely on the delusion that the Red King would be resurrected.

Fart, the resurrection of the Red King is real, how can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air.

What followed was a long list of nonsensical words about how the Red King will definitely be resurrected, and that the good days in the desert will come.

It made everyone laugh, and the atmosphere in the entire tavern became cheerful.

If you are a coward, the above imagination will become a reality

【Original God Disia: Then who do you think I am listening to?

Just now, Disia was still thinking about when her strength had deteriorated to the point where no passerby could detect it.

It wasn't until the name of Beard Machete Jay Beard Barry appeared that Desiya realized that she was talking nonsense in the video.

Jebari is a househusband from Aru Village.

Jebari, the beard scimitar, it’s a shame I figured it out

【Original God Disia: Keep shouting, you will realize how stupid you are later]

You and he will definitely meet in the future. In this case, there is no need to look good.


In the video, when she was about to ask a question, Desiya winked at her.

(Dishiya is winking at me? Isn’t it time to ask questions now?)

Desiya’s attitude confirmed Ying’s thoughts, and there was something wrong with her words.

As if he was wary of someone.

Is it Seno? It shouldn't be. Desiya has no reason to hide him.

Could it be that he and others were eavesdropped?

Realizing this, Ying stopped raising questions and left everything to Disiya.

Without further ado, they took action immediately.

But Sai Nuo wants to stay here because outsiders are very conspicuous in Aru Village.

No one knows the name of Dafeng Disciplinary Officer Xumi. What should I do if I scare people away when I arrive at the tavern?

"Okay, that's it. Traveler and Ou Mei came with me to Kavanyi. Zhengqun found the whereabouts of those mad scholars as soon as possible, while Saino stayed in the village to investigate freely."

After saying that, Desiya looked deeply in the direction of the eavesdropper.

This look made Deliva's sarcasm untenable.

【Genshin Impact Candice: Hey, it looks like the little mouse has been discovered]

Candice has never had a good look towards social scum like Deliva.

【Original God Deliva: Humph! Even if they were discovered, so what, just a little yellow-haired girl like Dishiya and 4.6 could still make a huge difference in the desert.]

Having said that, Deliva still felt guilty.

It's okay if he doesn't know in the video, but in reality he has seen the strength of that traveler.

But things have come to this point, and he has no other choice.

【Original God Deliva: He can’t even protect the grass god from the hands of those useless guards. I think travelers from other worlds are nothing more than that.】

【Original God Deliva: Haha, just wait, I will be famous in front of the three worlds in a while】

【Genshin Impact Paimon: He really dares to say that]

Faced with Deliva’s doubts and provocations, Paimon didn’t even bother to get angry.

In the past, I was looked down upon and angry because the two sides were equal in strength, but for someone like Deliva.

They don't even know how many they have to kill when doing daily commissions.

Paimon can't even get excited about such strength.

【Original God Dardalia: Yes, yes, you will definitely become famous.】

【Genshin Impact Skirmisher: Wild dog on the roadside, who allowed you to bark here]

In the future exposed in the live broadcast room, when he becomes a god, he is on par with Ying.

Deliva said that this was not enough, but he also said that his skirmishers were rubbish.

Ying didn't have anything to say gratefully, because it was none of her business.

She doesn't think like a diode that the enemy of her enemy is really her friend.

Deliva is the scum of society, and the current stragglers are also scum.

She didn't have to unite one side to attack the other, and Deliva was really no match.

When the dog bites the dog, she can just watch the show



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