"Well...what a coincidence, those people are not here."

In a blink of an eye, Desia, Ying, and Paimon arrived at the tavern.

It seemed that their trip was in vain, and Deliva was not here.

"Eh? Can't find anyone?"

That would be bad

"Desiya? Haha, what a coincidence. Are you here to drink too?"

This person's name is Zaqi, and he is Disiya's drinking buddy.

To be honest, a girl of the first generation means she meets someone who can chat with her while drinking, and is not even an ordinary friend.

What Zaqi did is consistent with his identity. After deceiving Disiya's trust, he led the three of Disiya to a wilderness. The person who eavesdropped earlier was the informant of Zaqi's group.

He and Deliva were in the same group, and they both believed in the resurrection of the Red King. The radicals were looking forward to a chaos in Sumeru, hoping to use this opportunity to overturn the teaching order.

Unfortunately, Disiya discovered them as early as in Aru Village.

Including Engur and Deliva, everyone He was beaten to the ground.

Those bullshit titles are just nonsense heard in taverns, just bragging after drinking.

You may have the ability to drink in the tavern, but you must not have the ability to brag in the tavern.

The real master will not be in the tavern. This kind of people brag about themselves.

They know that the higher they fly, the worse they fall.

The round-eyed butcher and the pockmarked robber are even more nonsense, especially the bearded scimitar Jebari.

That guy is the villager he visited before One of them even said that he wanted to treat them to a meal.

I have to say that I gained a lot from this trip. Originally, I just planned to catch Deliva and Ngur.

Unexpectedly, Zazi, the guy who was hiding the deepest, bumped into him. What an idiot.

When they saw Deliva being executed, there was no fluctuation in the barrage.

They had seen the Fontaine Flood, the Arilo nuclear crisis and the collapse of the three worlds.

It was just a social scum who was executed, really I feel nothing.

Silence is the greatest contempt, and the silence of the three worlds makes Deliva and others feel ashamed.

When the live broadcast ends, they will face the disaster of prison.

Maybe then, come to 28 to arrest them The guards will give them the attention they want

"……Is what I said before true?"

"Which sentence?"

"Mercenaries only care about money, and as long as they are profitable, they are friends...etc."

Paimon has always been very sensitive about friendship.

She doesn't want to have a purely interest relationship with Desiya's colleagues.

"Do you care?"

"I don't think you are that kind of person. You can still act without an employer."

Now they have no employment relationship with Disia, Erdisia is still helping them.

"Disiya, do you hate the grass god as much as other desert people?"

"……You two are really sharp. Indeed, I don’t want to hate the grass god as much as other desert people do……"

She had heard from Dina Zedai about the good things about Little Lucky Grass King.

Disiya saw Dinazedai's piety and gratitude.

Dina Zedai is an ordinary person, at least from the perspective of a god.

Ordinary people's money is of no use to the Grass God, and Dinazedai's family is not a big family that can influence Sumeru.

The god's attitude towards Dina Zedei was definitely not a show-off. No one would act on an ordinary person.

Through the little Lucky Grass King's attitude towards Dina Zedai, Desiya realized it.

Everything that happened in Sumeru today was the fault of the sage, not the grass god.

The radicals are superstitious and the Red King regards the grass god as an enemy, but they are just blinded.

"Okay, everything happened here yesterday. Traveler, come and help us, we will tie these guys up and take them back to the village."

【Bengtie Fuxuan: I probably understand why Chang Le Tianjun wants to play this episode]

To be honest, the beginning and process of this story are really not exciting.

Zhaqi, Deliva, Ngur, the so-called radical followers of the Red King are just a group of idle socialites who have nothing to do.

Because I am not living well, I hope that all of Sumeru will be in chaos.

Exposing the process of subduing them is just a waste of time.

Now Fu Xuan knows that the important thing is not Deliva, but Disiya's speech.

Touching language is often spoken inadvertently.

Desiya is a mercenary and a desert person. She knows what the desert is like and what the rainforest is like.

People like her have the most say.

The effect was very good, after listening to Desiya's unintentional remarks.

Another group of desert people were moved.

Just like Disiya said, if the gods don't love people, why should they work on an ordinary person like Dina Zedai.

Just treat her as an exception, the scene in front of the gate of the Order and the earthquake in Aru Village.

Are these all exceptions? I don’t think so.

To say that the grass god is putting on a show is even more nonsense.

They desert people are just uneducated, not stupid.

If those two scenes were not exposed in the live broadcast room, no one would know about them in this life.

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: There is no benefit in believing in a dead god】

【Original God, I believe in the Grass God. Maybe the Red King is really great, but it is the Grass God who protects us now.】

【The original god took the bowl given to us by the grass god and smashed the grass god's pot. We desert people cannot do such a thing.】

【Original God, our vision is too narrow and we were blinded by the teaching council. Please forgive me, Mr. Little Jixiang Grass King.】

【Genshin Hey, hey, you have rebelled now. Have you forgotten the kindness of Lord Red King?】

【Of course, the original god has not forgotten it. Lord Red King’s kindness must be remembered, but does it mean that if we remember the achievements of Red King, we must avenge the kindness of the Grass God?】

【The original god Red King was killed by the Great Ci Tree King, so you are not afraid of retribution.】

【Yuanshen has never had any evidence to prove that Sir Red King was killed by King Daci Tree. That is just your groundless speculation.】

【The original god always thinks that only those who are in chaos will suffer retribution. The Red King is a wise god and a benevolent god, not the war madman you call him.】

【Even if the original god Red King is really resurrected, the first ones to be liquidated will only be you warmongers.】

【Beng San Tesla: Good guy, let’s use magic to defeat magic]

Playing political correctness under the banner of Red King.

Anyway, the Red King will not really be resurrected, so let them say whatever they want.

The radicals believe that the Red King was killed by the Great Ci Tree King, and that the Sumeru people were all accomplices.

When the Red King is resurrected, the betrayers of Sumeru and the desert will be punished.

Conservatives believe that the Red King is wise and benevolent and will never stir up disputes even if he is resurrected.

Moreover, the theory that King Daci Shu betrayed King Chi was originally spread from the mouths of radicals.

Who are the radicals?

It wouldn't be surprising if one day the radicals said that the Red King's conservatives had betrayed Tianli.

Both sides have different opinions and are arguing about what kind of god the Red King is.

Why do worshipers of gods often fall into two groups? Because they all think they have the support of gods.

People from three worlds thought of Xing and Aha's question and answer at once

【Bengtie March 7: It would be great if the live broadcast room could show the period when King Chi was in office】

【Beng Sanqiana: Red King, Red King, Red King, I’m even more curious about Red King.】

【Genshin Kamisato Ayaka: There is also the Great Merciful Tree King. Sumeru people say that he is a gentle god.】

【Iron Star: Aha】

【Bengtie Aha: Don’t worry, don’t worry, my friend, there will be bread and milk.】

【Bengtie Aha: Let’s let the bullets fly for a while]

With Candice’s questioning, we are basically certain.

The village guardian was taken away by the Jiaolingyuan in every possible way.

I threw it here like garbage at first, but now I am trying every possible means to take it away.

The Teaching Council has always regarded people as props, and at first glance, it found a new use in the village guards.

These three people are of no use anymore. They should be locked up and put on trial later.

However, after the interrogation, Alhaysen popped out of nowhere.

It’s been so long since I’ve been out, everyone has forgotten that this person exists.

"Let’s go eat for a while, and then... Wow!"

"You, where did you come from!"

After not showing up for a long time, Paimon thought Alhaysen had left.

Unexpectedly, he was still wandering around the village.

"Wetting agent, just sitting here reviewing the reasoning."

Elhaysen didn't even raise his head, just reviewing the clues he got.

Of course, he can appear here, and he also means to share the information with everyone. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

You can be rude with your words, but if your actions are indiscriminate, you will become a real clown.

"It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. It’s so strange for someone else to use their brains here! Where have you been?"


"Hey, why don't you talk?"

"You never seem to think before asking questions, I'm giving you time to make up for it."

Elhaysen scolded her rudely for a while, which made Paimon very angry.

When had she, the Mouth of the God of Teyvat, ever been wronged like this?

"you……! Oh, it makes me so angry, I want to give him an unpleasant nickname!"

"I just told you...uh...forget it, I can't get angry"

【Genshin Impact: Oh, it turns out there are people in Paimon who can’t come up with nicknames.】

【Genshin Impact: I think sects get nicknames in various ways, and I’m really looking forward to this clerk’s nickname.】

【Genshin Arataki Yidou: You can’t take it out, and neither can you.】

【Genshin Arataki Ito: For my taste, let’s call him Devil Muscle Man.】

【Genshin Paimon: Uh...Elhaysen, don't you say something?】[]

【Genshin Elhaysen: No need, I won’t argue with fools】

【Genshin Arataki Ito: Who do you think is...forget it, it's me who is causing trouble this time】

【Genshin Arataki Ito: It's normal to get scolded. If you don't like the nickname, forget it. I apologize to you.]

Making a joke is only a joke if both parties find it funny. If only one party finds it funny, it's called ridicule.

Arataki Ito just loves to play, not a thug who does all kinds of evil.

【Genshin Elhaysen: I don’t care about anything]

Seeing Arataki Yidou being so understanding, Elhaysen stopped sarcastic.

Otherwise, he would add: As I said, I never argue with fools

"You have never heard of my departure from beginning to end, so of course I will investigate in the village."

In the video, Elhaysen stood up.

So much for the gossip, it's time to get down to business.

"Closer to home, how are you planning to leave and continue pursuing the truth, huh?"

"Yes, there won’t be any more news if you stay here. You might as well go take a look."


"Why aren't you talking again?"

Are you giving me time to think again?

"No, I'm just surprised that you have a companion"

"Elhaysen, you haven't done anything to help since you entered Aru Village, but you dare to question our actions?"

The discovered Sano came out of the shadows and was very rude to Elhaysen in words.

He was already dissatisfied with Elhaysen, but now he dares to question them without any achievements.

Naturally, Senor will not have a good look on his face.

"Yes! Is this what is called sarcastic remarks!"

"While you were busy with the 590 investigation, I also completed my work."

"Really? I don’t believe it."

Paimon expressed doubts.

So many of them didn't ask for the reason. What can you, Elhaysen, investigate by yourself?

"Frankly speaking, we are not a group, so I have no obligation to report my actions to you."

"The advantage of working separately is that I found important clues that you missed."

"Eh? Is it also a clue that it's in the village?"

It's impossible. They walked through the streets and asked every villager.

The information they got was pitiful, and the villagers couldn't trust them.

They couldn't trust Candice and Desiya.

Alhaysen investigated him All the information was revealed, and the other party was also a villager in Aru Village.

She knew a lot, but because of her different positions, she did not tell the truth.

Concealing it was not necessarily a lie, but it was just that the other party's demands were different.

Because of the different demands, Ying and others inquired The information may not all be correct.

As Candice said, the people living in Aru Village don’t care who controls Xumi.

Neither the Grass God nor the Red King matters to Aru Village.

In the village There is an insider who is paying attention to every move of the outsiders throughout the process.

For those who want to live peacefully, any external factors may be variables.

She is afraid of Seno's force. When talking about the village guards, She also changed her name to a mad scholar.

Because she knew very well that there were loyal supporters of the Red King in the village. If she was too close to the village guards, she would easily become a target of the radicals.

During the conversation, she also emphasized that she could not see the situation at night.

She was talking nonsense to outsiders. Being in a relationship means the possibility of being targeted.

She lives carefully and tries her best

【Beng San is so similar to us. It’s hard just to live. Who has the time to care about other messy things?】

【Who says it's not Bengtie? Just watch it in the live broadcast room for fun. It's real to you, but it's just a story to us.】

【Beng Tie Sometimes, I really feel like a dog】

【Original God Zhongli: If you are rich, you can help the world, if you are poor, you can be alone. You have done nothing wrong.】

【Mr. Bengtie Zhongli, right? Thank you, your words are enough.]

In the Jingshan Palace, Naxida did not speak, but silently collected information.

This is all important information, related to how to manage Xumi in the future.

Living a plain life is what the people of Aru Village want.

This is also the appeal of most Sumeru people.

Only by keeping this in mind can we manage Xumi well.

This is the part that the great sage ignored, and she has to do better



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