The insider Elhaysen mentioned was named Shani, an ordinary person from Xumi.

A mixture of rainforest and desert, most of the time, mixed-race children like him belong to the category of masters that their grandma does not care for and their uncles do not love.

This is especially true when conflicts are intense, especially among radicals.

Gradually, she became afraid to listen, see, and speak.

This is why she didn't dare to reveal her feelings to Ying and others before. It was too dangerous.

With Alhaysen's prompting, this negotiation went smoothly.

Ying successfully gained Shani's trust.

I learned from Shani that every night, there are babies crying in the suburbs.

【Bengtie March 7: Wow, things are getting scary.】

【Broken Iron and Huohao, in horror novels, the sound of a baby crying at night means that a ghost is coming.】

【Bengtie Tail: What the hell? Where did the ghost come from? What are you afraid of if you have me?】

【Genshen Yelan: If there is a baby crying in the Huangjiao wilderness, there must be a ghost.】

【Bengsan Tesla: Is there a ghost? I saw you were quite smart in the barrage before.】

【Genshin Impact Yelan: It’s not the ghost that people imagine, but someone is doing it】

【Honsan Kiana: Mei, what do you think could be causing trouble?】

【Beng San Yayi: Uh...fools? 】

What the hell, it’s on the land of Teyvat continent.

Nine out of ten bad things are done by fools, and the remaining one is also related to fools.

It’s right to blame bad things on fools

【Genshin Impact Dadalia: I don’t remember us fools having any habit of bullying babies】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: That's you, not necessarily others]

The three people in the video set off and waited until night to finally get the information they wanted.

The village guard was indeed taken away by the Jiaolingyuan, and the rumor of the Red King's resurrection was also spread by the Jiaolingyuan.

The purpose of spreading rumors is to cover up the fact that they took away the villagers.

Taking away the village guards, most of them had come into contact with the consciousness of gods in the forest.

Rumors, canned knowledge extracted from human brains, and festivals to the Flower Goddess, these are all pretense.

The consciousness of gods is what the Order Academy really wants.

These are only relevant to the Fools, the Wise Men, and the Skirmishers.

The purpose is to make stragglers become gods

"Judging from your expression, I must have thought of it."

Ying is an indispensable part of the conspiracy to destroy the Order.

Elhaysen understands that this traveler from another world has more information than him.

"People who have been exposed to the consciousness of gods through Western medicine"

"That's right. For some scholars, knowledge of the gods is a lifelong pursuit. Extracting canned knowledge is just one of their methods"

"But I have always been curious, what can knowledge about gods really allow them to gain?"

Elhaysen also thought of this, but what he didn't know or understand was what use the Holy Orders had for these gods' consciousness, and this was precisely what Ying knew.

He had spent time studying the canned gods he had obtained. Knowledge is ridiculous and has no significant gains.

Scholars pursue the limits of knowledge, but treat people as dead objects. Such an institution is better off closed.

Academics, knowledge... everything has boundaries.

Once the boundaries are crossed, the rules for the operation of all things and order will be destroyed.

When helping a person who falls down may be beaten, there will no longer be a helpful person. There are no other clues here, and the three of them carry the found madman and leave.

Return to the camp , Elhaysen told everything he had investigated.

That... place that was temporarily called a hospital was once the base used by the Order to extract the canned knowledge of the gods.

The entire plan was in progress before they came to Aru Village..

But as soon as they approached Aru Village, those people evacuated in advance as if they were predicting the unknown.

"Usually in this case, it's that one - the mole"

"Someone among us may tip off the other party again.……"

【Bengsanqiana: We have a traitor in our midst】

【Bengtiexing: Creampie? So exciting!】

【Bengsan Bronya:???】

【Bengtie March 7: Oops, it looks like we have to go back to the lower area for Dr. Natasha to treat your brain.】

【Natasha Bengtie: You are welcome to return to the lower area at any time】

【Broken Iron Sambo: Traitor? Let old Sambo take a look, Seno, Elhaysen, it can’t be Dishya, right?】

"Ba...Wendy, who do you think will be the traitor?"

In the tavern, Diluc asked.

From his point of view, no one here looks like a traitor.

Xeno, Desia, and Elhaysen, everyone has distinctive characteristics.

Each person's behavior has a corresponding logic, if it is disguised, it is equivalent to completely replacing oneself with another person.

Not to mention that it is impossible, it is unknown whether this person will still be himself after a long time in the family.

"What does Mr. Diluc think?"

Wendy asked back

"Looks like no one.

Diluc came to his conclusion,"They have no reason to do this."……"

"But maybe, maybe there is information in this live broadcast room that has not been disclosed to us."

For example, so-and-so here is actually the adopted son of the great sage Azar. He thought that he had turned against Azar for some things.

He came here to harm Azar's good deeds.

But now that things have happened, he doesn't want to do anything, so this is what happened It's a tip-off.

The story is ridiculous, but depending on how old Azar is, he might actually have an adopted son or something.

"Perhaps, this mole is not a real person?"

"It's not a real person, which is an interesting statement."

Kaia struggled to squeeze in between Wendy and Diluc.

"What can I say? It’s so exciting. Tell me about it too."

"Ah, Mr. Diluc and I will tell you who is the mole, and whoever guesses correctly will buy the other person a box of cider."

Glancing at Wendy, Diluc didn't say anything.

It was just a box of cider, and the other party was Fengshen.

Just drink it.

"So who does Your Excellency Wendy think is the mole? Elhaysen, Xeno, Desia, or someone else?"

Kaiya was interested.

The suspects of these people were almost the same. After analyzing it,

Kaiya decided to go to Wendy to copy the answers.

"Wendy said, that thing is not human"

"Not a person, not a tracker... either."

A tracker, such a childish thing, can track Setale.

Ying and his team don't have any special skills.

The head of Aru Village was definitely a ruthless person when he was young.


Wendy tapped her ears


The two looked at each other, unable to understand the deeper meaning.

Currently, the only one carrying the void is Elhaysen. The God of Wind also said that Elhaysen is not suspicious.

"Hahaha, I can’t say it anymore, I can’t say it any more. If I keep talking, someone will cause trouble for me."

It wouldn't be fun if Aha exposed the news about his Fengshen in a fit of anger.

He doesn't want to be dragged to church for worship every day.

"Master Diluc, remember my cider"


In the video, Paimon raises suspicions about the mole

"Eh? Are our relationships so fake?"

Elhaysen:"It seems that you haven't realized the problem yet."

Ying:" Do you have an idea?"

"Cyno, they can predict our moves because you're here."

Elhaysen pointed the finger at Seno

"Wait, what does this mean?"

"Pay attention to what you say, otherwise I won't be polite if you get blamed."

In Seno's view, Elhaysen is the most suspicious, but now Elhaysen is pointing the finger at himself. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's just reasonable speculation. I have my reasons."

"You want to say that Sano is the mole?"

"It's really interesting. I thought you were the most suspect. I thought you had been acting alone before."

They are both desert people, and Sano has been acting with them.

Candice doesn't think that Sano is a mole.

On the contrary, it is Elhaysen who has acted alone before, and he is the first to jump out and accuse others..

No matter how you look at it, you are feeling guilty.

"What you said makes sense. But when I came back from the hospital, I remembered one thing, that is...Sino is different from us."

"……what do you want to say in the end?"

"Do you still remember who you are? Sainuo, the Disciplinarian of the Great Wind"


Gale Disciplinary Officer, if it is because of this identity, Elhaysen's suspicion is very reasonable.

But Seno knew that Elhaysen would not doubt him because of his identity.

Sainuo continued to listen without saying anything.

"Yes, you are the disciplinary officer of the Order Academy, and you always have additional information. Who did what, what kind of stain is there...Only if you know these, can you take action"

"In other words, my family has been thinking about you providing information through special channels. According to the style of the Ecclesiastical Order, aren't they wary of you?"

Everyone looked at each other and felt that Elhaysen's words were reasonable.

"If you raise a ferocious wolf, you must also learn how to avoid wolf bites."

"Is the Order monitoring my actions?"

Seno is not a fool, he can tell the truth with just one point.

"It's more than that. The Order monitors everything in Xumi, but they have special means of dealing with you."

"Every once in a while, people will usher in the Day of Recognition of Tibet……"

Before this day comes, the Order will enter information through canned knowledge like a void.

Elhaysen encountered a thick notebook at the console, and Beirong in it was related to Gale Disciplinary Seno.

All aspects of action reports, travel habits, etc.

"You mean, the Ecclesiastical Council entered my information into nothing?"

What is the void? What can be recorded in the void is undoubtedly not the knowledge that affects people's lives.

Although Sainuo is Sumeru's gale judge, Haicheng doesn't influence Sumeru.

His personal habits of eating and drinking are recorded Void, the Teaching Council thinks too highly of him.

Does this mean anything? His actions are important enough to be recorded in Void.[]

"The void can be calculated"


Seno stood up suddenly, he understood

"With Void's computing power, it can completely predict your actions based on the entered data. It’s clear at a glance when you will set off, what route you will take and where you will go…"

【Genshin Impact: So scary, Xumi Technology is so scary】

【Genshin Ningguang: Even if you say so, we can't do it]

The value of this thing cannot be converted by Mora.

With this thing, everything can be done faster.

Ningguang somewhat understood why the Jiaolingyuan missed King Dacishu.

With the void, Xumi can screen out all the people they are afraid of and then monitor them.

The troops and horses have not moved yet, but the intelligence comes first.

Xumi can always be one step ahead of others

【Bengsan Bronya: It sounds like AI computing】

【Einstein: Looking at the primitive, it turns out that Xumi is the most technologically advanced】

【Beng San Tesla: It’s primitive, the technology tree depends entirely on the Great Merciful Tree King, okay?】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: It's amazing】

【Collapsing Iron Fuxuan: Compared with Luofu's Qionguan Formation, it's still far behind.】

【Iron Wolf: Kafka, do you think Elio has such a thing?】

【Bentie Kafka: Haha, who knows, maybe he himself is】

【Bengtiexing: Void Spirit?】

【Bengtieren: Hahahaha, I like this statement】

【Genshin Impact Leosley: If Fontaine's mechanical guards were linked to this thing, crimes would probably cease to exist.]

Just acting like a baby will not disappear, it will also be slowed down.

The biggest mentality of criminals is to be lucky and think that they will not be discovered

"Charles, serve wine to the minstrel."

"Yes, Master Diluc!"

It's amazing," Charles thought to himself.

I didn't expect that a little bard could really guess the secret.


"My actions were all predicted."

In the video, Sano stroked his chin.

This makes sense.

You are not a mole, and neither am I, but the information was still leaked.

There must be a mole.

Now, they have found out the mole.

"The Order has been wary of you for a long time. However, the fact that you can think of resigning and leaving the Order shows that their judgment was not wrong."

"It turns out that Sano was so able to carry out his mission that he became a thorn in their side."

"For those people, they do not need a strong will and loyal beliefs. Adapting to circumstances and pursuing interests like a wallflower... is the true face of those scholars."

"Sano, please don't take it personally. This just proves that you are a trustworthy companion."

What the Apostolic Academy needs is a wallflower that falls in the wind, and what they need is a principled companion.

What the enemy spurns is exactly what we need.


"It's because of me that they can prepare to evacuate early."

He thought he would be the main force in the operation, but he didn't expect that he would be a drag on the operation.

Even Sano couldn't accept such a psychological gap.

"Don't blame yourself too much, no one would have thought of such a thing"

"……No, I thought about it."

Seno quickly cheered up and thought of a solution.

"In this case, I can guess where they will go..."

"You cheered up quickly."

If he is depressed like this, Desiya will look down on him.

"Security is always hidden between crises."

Since they want to avoid Sai Nuo, the safest place... is the string of places that Sai Nuo just walked through.

They just need to go back the same way.



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