The group of people returned the same way and found traces of the Order House on the road.

They were attacked, and supplies were scattered on the ground in a helter-skelter manner.

After the attack, it was buried by the yellow sand. It seemed that the attack occurred before the sandstorm occurred.

Continuing their investigation along the way, they found Desiya talking to a group of strangers.

Companion, there is no need to hide it, you can vaguely hear the two parties talking happily. betray.

This thorn fills everyone's mind.

People who knew Disia didn't think that Disia was a radical, but Elhaysen and Seno didn't know that.

Just when the two were about to go up to attack, the boy Isaac who was traveling with him ran out first.

The child acted recklessly, but it was this reckless behavior that made Ying, Elhaysen and Seno sigh in relief.

It is better for children to go up and make trouble than for them to go up and make trouble.

If Desiya is truly a traitor, then they have nothing to say.

If Disiya was innocent, she would not pursue questioning of a child.

Seeing Isaac and his companions behind him, Desiya secretly said something bad.

The situation is too delicate, and a partner who cannot explain it well may create a gap in his heart.

Fortunately, Rahman, who was confronting Dishiya, did not see the sensitivity at this moment, and a few unintentional words helped clear Dishiya's suspicion.

Hearing that the boss of the other side's Gilded Brigade was still asking for Disiya to join, everyone understood that they and others had misunderstood before.

Fortunately, it was Isaac who rushed out first.

Otherwise, if it were the two of them, I don’t know how embarrassing it would be

"No problem. No matter who you stand with, it will not affect our great cause of awakening the Red King. When the ancient king returns to this land, everything can start again"

"Wake up, you know better than me that this can't happen. Rahman, you have been a mercenary for so many years, how could you be so lucky with the ruler?"

Radicals are not a few people, radicals are an idea.

As long as the ideas of radicals do not disappear, radicals will continue to appear.

It is precisely because Disiya understands this that she will negotiate with them today.

Even if it is All the desert mercenaries in front of them were killed. To the desert, it was just a few dead mercenaries.

More radicals will appear, like locusts in the ground.

Chasing their faith is their ultimate wish, even if they only have The success rate is one in ten thousand.

They will also give it a try.

The Rahman in front of them is an example. They will dedicate everything to the non-existent Red King.

Even if it is 760, this will expose him to the vision of the Order. Even if the Order Council would use this as an excuse to thank his brother for leading the Gilded Brigade so far, Rahman thanked his brother for leading the Gilded Brigade so far.

Now, those mad scholars are still in Rahman's hands.

This made several people avoid attacking by force.

During the negotiations, Rahman is also stubborn.

He neither intends to let go nor agree to exchange hostages.

No, the reason why Ying and others can talk to Rahman is because Rahman is negotiating with Disiya.

Otherwise They didn't even have a chance to communicate with Rahman.

Either they would start a fight, or Rahman would turn around and run away with his gilded brigade.

【Genshin Impact: It's a bit tricky. This guy is much more difficult to deal with than Deliva and the others.】

【Genshin Kaia: He is very smart and has his own goals】

【Original God Rahman: That is nature. The people of the desert will never betray his loyal Lord Red King.】

【Bengtie Yinlang: Your loyal desert people were scrambling to be loyal to the Grass God.】

【Original God Rahman: So what, they will not be deceived temporarily. There is no news from Lord Red King for a long time, which makes them frustrated.】

【Original God Rahman: But it doesn’t matter, as long as Lord Red King is resurrected, they will return to the embrace of the desert】

【Original God Rahman: We are compatriots, I believe in them, and I believe in the Red King even more】

【Beng Tie, don’t tell me, this guy has the charm of a leader.】

【Beng Tie can communicate and has his own opinions and principles. Apart from being a bit of a jerk, everything else is pretty good.】

【I'm sorry Brother Rahman, but as you can see, the God of Grass is quite good in the desert.】

【If Genshin Impact is just a show, the cost would be too high. You know that’s impossible.】

【Genshin Rahman: Whether it is true or not, time will prove everything. I believe that the Red King will be resurrected, even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance]

In the video, Disiya guaranteed it with his own arm.

In the end, Rahman failed to cut it down.

"The blazing-maned lion is also a citizen of the desert. Cut off your individual fingers, and I will learn from my own fingers. We are compatriots, there is no point in killing each other"

"I have seen your determination. Go ahead, take your friends and come to the desert to meet me at noon every day."

Dishiya succeeded. This was a psychological game.

Fortunately, Dishiya won the bet.

She still has the courage to lick blood from the tip of the knife all the year round.

Even if Rahman really cuts her off in the end. It doesn't matter.

Seno's speed is enough to knock him away.

Time came to noon the next day, and the two sides faced off in the desert.

"Rahman, I have always considered you a hero of your word. Is this what it is?"

A person, Dishiya read it right.

Rahman only brought one scholar

"It’s fair to swap one for another, isn’t it?"

"Or we might as well say... agreeing to the request of the Grass God's people is my biggest concession. Not satisfied?"

Negotiations have failed, and it looks like there will eventually be a fight.

【Bengtiexing: Appeared, it’s the March 7th Negotiation Law】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: March 7 is right. Negotiation is not as comfortable as fighting.】

【Bengtie March 7: It’s not that I didn’t, I didn’t say it】

【Bengtie Danheng: The famous philosopher March 7 once said that all negotiations are to pave the way for the subsequent fight.】

【Bengtie March 7: I told you not to】

"……Ha, stand still and don't move!"

To put it bluntly, they kept suppressing the fire because they had a hostage in their hands.

Now Rahman's consciousness is almost like breaking up, so he can just fight and it's over.

How can someone who doesn't have the Eye of God fight the original God who has the Eye of God?

No. After three moves, Rahman was beaten to the ground by Disiya

"Blazing-maned lion, what do you want to do?"

The younger brother of the Gilded Brigade pointed the sharp knife in his hand at the hostage.

"Beware of my knife……"

"You coward, why are your hands shaking?"

The companion on the side sneered.

But the younger brother knew that it was not him who was shaking.

He looked at his arm and repeatedly confirmed that it was not him who was shaking.

"No, this earthquake!"

The screen in the live broadcast room jumped. When it lit up again, everyone had fallen into the ground.

"The dune just now collapsed."

I saw the was the village guard who protected us.

"The green grass elemental power, according to what you said, is the power left in the scholar's body by the Little Lucky Grass King when he was revitalizing blood."

"Was there originally a temple here?"

Everyone heard the sound and turned around. What was in front of them was a huge desert temple.

"It should be the underground structure exposed after the quicksand collapsed."

"The symbols on the door all belong to the Red King Civilization. It seems that this building was rescued in the past and was completely buried by wind and sand, which is why it became what it is now."

"……This is a sunken underground palace where a bachelor was awarded in ancient times."

"Ah...the miracle of the Red King!"

Rahman naturally ignored most of Elhaysen's speech and only caught the word"Red King".

It is the civilization of"Red King". It is said that"Red King"Resurrected, and now the miracle of the Red King appeared before his eyes.

This made Rahman think about it. Maybe there is an opportunity for the resurrection of the Red King.

"Hey, his people are here too! And his men!"

"Everything about civilization has fallen away, life is pretty tough."

They are all in disgrace. Disiya doesn't have a good look on them.

"Watch your head."

Seno warned Rahman.

But Rahman didn't care. He was already immersed in his own fantasy.

He came to the temple devoutly.

(cifd)"No, now is not the time to argue... Our noble king, guide us to the temple today"

"He probably wanted to go there." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"By coincidence, I want to go in and have a look too."

Elhaysen is eager to try, an undiscovered desert temple.

It has great appeal to scholars of any sect.

"What are you doing!"

"Don't you think it's interesting? The power of the Little Lucky Grass King protects us from disasters, and then... the buildings of the Red King civilization appeared here"

"It would be a shame not to see the two gods competing to show off their power.

Paimon:"Didn't you say you have no interest in gods?""

"Indeed not. To me, gods are just another higher form of being. It's okay to say it's an animal"

【Genshin Impact Barbara: I don’t accept it. This statement is too blasphemous.】

【Genshin Impact Kujo Sora: Simply rude】

【Original Goddess Navia: This statement is too much】

【Yuan Shen Xingqiu: Even though the emperor passed away, his status in Liyue is still very high】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Actually he is right, gods are just another creature with a higher form.】

【Genshin Impact Wendy: It’s okay to say it’s an animal】

【Original Shenqin:……】[]

If she can do this, she doesn't even care about her own gods. Isn't it superfluous to talk about other things?


"New things have the value of being explored. As to whether that has something to do with the gods, who cares."

Elhaysen doesn't care about gods. He does all this just to keep his peaceful life from being broken."

"Rahman, what about your men?"

It's hard to breathe every one of them. It's not surprising when he suddenly dies..

"Just let them lie here, the Red King will protect his people"

"Now, I'm going into the temple."

Subordinates, where did he get his subordinates?

The moment the Red King's temple appeared, Rahman could no longer tolerate anything else in his eyes.

For a fanatical believer like him, he is not allowed to enter the temple and killed now. He makes no difference.

No, worse than killing him

【Original God Rahman: This is the temple of the Red King. The live broadcast room finally heard my call. Will everything about the Red King be exposed?】

【Genshin Rahman: Oh my God, I am so lucky! and honored to be a part of unraveling this scene】

【Beng Sanjizi: You really don’t care about those subordinates.】

【Original God Rahman: What is more important than the Red King, the Red King will protect his people】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: You are really intolerant]

In the video, a group of people entered the interior of the temple.

Unlike the lifeless temple that fell into the ground as imagined, the Red King's temple is full of life.

It looked abandoned, but there was plenty of power flowing inside.

This should be the temple of the Red King. Why are there traces of the Grass God’s power all around?

"His Excellency Rahman"

"……calls me?"

It's really strange. This is the first time someone calls him Your Excellency."

"Is there anyone else named Rahman?"

"Calling me your Excellency, isn't it a mockery?"

"It's up to you to interpret it. But you can notice one thing from my actions. This building belongs to the Red King civilization, but the power flowing inside belongs to the Grass God."

"……Hum, I don’t have the eyes of God, whatever you say."

A few more trees are the power of the grass god.

Who knows whether what Elhaysen said is true or false?"

"Nothing to be angry about, just an academic trip."

It's really interesting. The temple of the Red King is filled with the power of the grass god.

Something must have happened here.

Elhaysen had a hunch that they would gain significant benefits from this trip.

"Something strange indeed. If that's the case...the reason behind it, Cooper will have to go all over here to come to a conclusion."

After some exploration, the mystery of the Red King's Temple was finally solved.

The desert people were right, the Red King's civilization was really powerful.

A glimpse of the technology contained in a small temple alone, they found in Teyvat Unheard of in other places.

Rahman:"As expected of the Red King, this magnificent sight... I have never seen it before."

Dishya:"The vegetation is very rich, which is a little different from what I thought.

Paimon:"There are so many plants in the desert!""

Rahman:"Huh, that's also a gift from the Red King."

The deeper you go, the more vegetation around you.

Except for the two Rahmans, everyone else is doubtful.

Is this really the temple of the Red King? Why haven't they heard that the Red King can grow grass?

Regardless of the appearance Not to mention, no matter how you look at the interior of the temple, they are the remains of King Daci Shu.

"Wait a moment. Sai Nuo stopped everyone,"

What is that?""

A huge jackal statue is a symbol of the desert.

This is indeed the temple of the Red King, but this also makes everyone more confused.

They are convinced that the power around them is the power left by the Grass God.

"Looks like a tomb"

"These are the signs of the Red King……"

As a fanatical believer of the Red King, how could Rahman not know the mark of the Red King.

This is the temple of the Red King's civilization, and the damn rainforest people still want to deceive him.

"There are relics...well, it's a condolence book written in ancient characters."

"What was written?"

"Here lies our loyal priest, Casale"

"His wisdom is like a miracle among all, and worthy of praise and praise"

"You can understand Red King's words."

Rahman was shocked.

"nothing. Every young person should learn at least twenty languages ​​before graduating, right?"



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