【Bengtie March 7: How much?】

【Genshin Arataki Yidou: twenty languages, the young people of Sumeru are so powerful】

【Genshin Laila: No, most students can’t even write a paper.】

【Beng San Tesla: This guy is really narcissistic, and he also likes to pretend.

In the conversation with Elhaysen, it is not difficult to see that he is a very narcissistic person.

It was a kind of confidence that came from the heart, and it also made Alhaysen look more like a human being.

【Original God Nasida: High Priest Cassal】

【Original God Funina: Do you know her?】

【Original God Nasida: I only know this person. The Void has very few records about him. It just says that he is a priest of the Red King and has a lofty status in the Red King's civilization.】

【Bengtie Yukong: What’s inside?】

【Original God Rahman: Needless to say, of course it is the miracle of the Red King. There are signs of the Grass God all around. This temple must contain evidence that the Tree King betrayed the Red King.】

【Genshin Kuki: So sure? Shouldn’t normal people think of the peaceful coexistence of the Tree King and the Red King?】

【Original God Rahman: That’s because you are not desert people... just wait. After exploring the miracles, the desert people who were misled by you will return to the embrace of the Red King.】

"This skeleton seems to contain a hidden message"

"It just so happened that there were instruments left behind by the Chi King civilization in the mausoleum. I will deliver the information to those devices and project it"

"Doesn’t sharing knowledge violate your principles?"

Rachman was looking weird.

Just like the children in the desert who asked questions in the void in the past, all they got was rejection.

"violation. But given the presence of people like you, I want this information to be received directly by you."

The amount of information in this is huge. Once released, the foundation of the desert radicals will be destroyed.

If it was relayed by a rainforest person like myself, Rahman would not believe it.

"You'll understand after reading it."

The live broadcast room promptly switched to Rahman's perspective, sharing this secret with people in the three worlds. Civilization is born from knowledge, and similarly, knowledge can also destroy civilization.

It is the voice of the priest, his Orally, his last words.

He was the last generation to see the Red King.

Disaster struck unknowingly. It was knowledge that did not belong to this world.

Ever since the Red King brought forbidden knowledge to the world, it has been like a plague. Spread.

The people of the desert fell into madness, and the earth turned red. It looked like a scene of national and species destruction.

The mind was filled with crazy ravings, and gray-black scales covered the back.

The earth seemed to have been deprived of life, leaving only The dead silence of despair

Suddenly, the spring was full, and the burning earth was rejuvenated.

The priest's voice fluctuated slightly.

If it hadn't been for the help of the Great Merciful Tree King in the forest, everything would have been irreversible.

She summoned the priests to build several temples, and The divine power of life was poured into it.

The disaster was miraculously contained, and the spark of civilization was able to remain in Aru Village.

But the miracle could not last long, and as long as the taboo knowledge existed, it would always be a disease of the world.

Until the end... the lonely king of the desert... My king... chose self-sacrifice.

I have spent the rest of my life guarding one of the temples, and now... this duty must also reach its end.

When I close my eyes completely, something will appear in front of me again. The identity of that noble god...

In order to cooperate with the Red King in eradicating taboo knowledge, she overexhausted her power, and her body changed into that of a child.

It's really strange. When I think of her, I am no longer afraid of death... because I feel... The breath of life will accompany me to sleep forever.

People of the desert... there is no need to remember anything, but this kindness should never be forgotten.

【Genshin Rai Movie: Knowledge Not Belonging to This World……】

【Original God Kelai: Molin disease was brought by the Red King】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: It was actually the Red King who brought that forbidden knowledge to the desert.】

【Genshin Impact Apep: Forbidden Knowledge, Part of the Body……】

【Beng Sanqiana: Rahman said that the Great Mercy Tree King betrayed the Red King, but it is true that if the Great Mercy Tree King had not come to the rescue, the Red King civilization would have perished due to forbidden knowledge.】

【Original God Rahman: This is so possible]

Rahman felt a little loose.

From the beginning to the present, this live broadcast room has always exposed what is really happening.

It won't lie.

If that is true, doesn’t it mean that it is nonsense to say that King Daci Shu betrayed King Chi?

【Bengsanbulonia: Even this temple, which was regarded as a miracle by Rahman, was built by King Daci Shu who was anxious for the priests to build it.】

【Original God Leosley: Self-sacrifice is used to atone for sins. It turns out that this is the real reason why the Red King died.】

【Bronya Bengtie: Didn’t she die because of the betrayal of the Great Ci Tree King, but committed suicide?】

【Beng Tie Tingyun: Demon God lover, you are really lucky】

【Bengtie Yukong: We are not bad, are we?]

When it comes to faith, they, Xianzhou, are undoubtedly the luckiest.

Joy and his followers are looking for fun everywhere, even taking each other for fun.

Nihility doesn't care, and followers of Nihility need to prove to Nihility that He is not meaningless.

Cuan Hu ignored the company at all, and those information were just wishful thinking.

On the other hand, his own Emperor Gong Siming really prefers Xianzhou.

For other envoys, it depends on whether the Star God sees him in the right eye. As for Emperor Gong Commander, whoever becomes the general will be the envoy.

Although no one who can become a general is a loser, but this is not a preference.

【Genshin Impact Kawi: The Great Mercy Tree King has become smaller. Doesn’t it mean that the Little Lucky Grass King is actually the Great Mercy Tree King?]

People in Xumi City care more about the Great Mercy Tree King than the Red King.

【Genshin Dolly: If the Little Lucky Grass King is the Great Merciful Tree King, then what has the Order Academy been doing over the years?】

【Genshin Impact Nilu: The Little Lucky Grass King is actually the Great Merciful Tree King?】

【Original God Zhongli: The grass god has changed, there is no doubt about this】

【Original God Alhaysen: No matter how stupid the sages of the Order Academy are, they are still not able to distinguish between the Little Lucky Grass King and the Great Merciful Tree King.】

【Genshin Shino: Although I don’t know the connection between the two, it’s true that they are two gods.】

【Bengtie Bailu: There is no need to hold grudges, but don’t forget this kindness.】

【Beng Tie Dan Heng: But the only thing the desert remembers is hatred】

【Beng San Yayi: I wanted to ask before, just how serious the disaster was. The Red King civilization in the desert even lost its civilization] It is simply unreasonable to remember benefactors as enemies.

There was also the matter of Rahman not being able to read King Chi’s writing.

You are a fanatical believer of the Red King, and you don’t even know the words of the Red King.

Mei Yi seriously doubted that there were only a few desert people left who could read.

The relationship between the desert and the rainforest cannot reach this level.

【Original God Rahman: How is this possible, it shouldn’t be like this]

Rahman’s faith collapsed.

The entire desert radical faith collapsed.

The Red King is a dead god, but a symbol that unites the remaining desert people.

As long as the spirit of the Red King remains alive, the desert will continue to resist from generation to generation.

But now, that spirit is shattered. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The desert radicals are self-defeating, and the desert people who regard their benefactors as their enemies are ashamed of themselves.

They have been fighting all their lives. What have they done?

【Original God hahahaha... The Great Merciful Tree King is actually our benefactor. After so many years, we are actually raising a butcher knife against our benefactor.】

【Genshin Impact is so funny. You, me... us desert people are so funny.】

【The lofty belief in the original god and the devout believers are all fake. Everything is just what we think we imagined.】

【Genshin Impact is stupid, stupid, and stupid. He regards the Tree King as his enemy and is a white-eyed wolf who repays favor with revenge. What have I done?】

【Genshin Coral Palace Xinhai: This is how faith collapses]

Desert people are not afraid of death because they think they deserve to die.

The gap between desert and rainforest is huge.

Military, economy, population... nothing is inferior.

From the desert battle to this day, the only thing that maintains them is hatred.

Killing does not make the desert fearful, it only intensifies this hatred.

It will encourage every desert person to continue fighting until one side is completely gone.

Now, this hatred has evaporated as the truth has been exposed.

Huge hatred turned into deep guilt[]

Guilt towards the rainforest people, guilt towards those compatriots who were excluded by them, guilt towards the Grass God

【Original God Disiya: Rahman, do you have anything else to say?】

【Genshin Rahman:...There is nothing to say. If you are wrong, you are wrong. If you are wrong, you must admit it.】

【Genshin Rahman: I will do what you have always wanted us to do】

【Genshin Rahman: From today on, the hatred between the desert and the rainforest no longer exists...it has never existed.】

"What was that just now?"

In the video, Disiya couldn't believe what she saw.

Although she knew that there was something strange between the Red King and the Tree King, she never thought that the truth would be like this.

Elhaysen:"The memories of this skeleton"


Rahman shook his head violently.

How is this possible? It must be... But this is the temple of the Red King, and the technology of the Red King is also used in it.

He, Rahman, is just a small player in the desert, thousands of gilded brigade One of the leaders of the group.

Rahman couldn’t think of any reason for people to deceive him with a temple.

In other words, was there any need for people to deceive him?

"The Great Merciful Tree King...the previous grass god, was not in a hostile relationship with the Red King."

Seno was surprised.

Look at the relationship between the desert and the rainforest. Both sides want each other to die immediately.

But the gods on both sides are not hostile. They are even friends who can lend a helping hand in the face of disasters.

"How can this be?! The people of the Grass God are obviously……"

Children in the desert don't even have the chance to ask questions to the void

"Is that the previous generation Grass God? She became so small in the end…"

It has become less than a mandrill.

King Daci Shu came to the aid of King Chi and her people. But it took so much effort to eradicate forbidden knowledge...

In the end, the two gods' people hated each other and regarded each other as mortal enemies.

I didn’t expect that the two sides would share life and death like this.

"Even if you think the void can deceive others, you should still believe in Red King’s technology, right?"

"These are the last words of the Red King Priest."

If you cover your ears any more, you're fooling yourself and others."

"I...have never heard of such a thing anywhere……"

This is the weirdest thing, they have never heard of it

"In the past, all the survivors among the people of Akashi gathered in Aru Village. Our gods make no mistakes and we do not want and will not believe those rumors"

"The death of the Red King, our civilization was almost destroyed... all because of the arrival of the Great Merciful Tree King!"

To the people in the desert, King Daci Shu is just the culprit who stabbed the desert when disaster occurred...

Just like people, they fight, fight, and make enemies in the desert.

"Your vision is too narrow"

"Ha...haha...if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, if it hadn't been for my eyes, ears, and heart, I would have truly felt those last words.……"

"How could I dare to believe that fashion has such unreasonable deviations?!"

You thought the enemy who massacred your whole family was actually the benefactor who came to save you.

But you regarded him as your enemy... What a dramatic scene this is.

"How do you want me to believe that I raised the butcher knife to my benefactor, and it has been like this for so many years!"


"Stop talking and make yourself look like a joke."

Dishiya is also a desert person, and she understands how Rahman feels at this time.

He is like a man walking forward on crutches, and now this crutch named hatred is broken.

"……Disiya, you say……"

"What on earth are my brigade and I fighting for?"

Rahman took a long time to calm down.

During this time, everyone visited the temple.

But that is not surprising. For any believer, what just happened will be an unacceptable fact.

"Hello, how are you?"

"……Thank you, I'm fine"

"It's time to go. You can't stay here forever."

The pocket holding the long sword has always been just a silent benefactor.

"What are your plans after going back?"

"I know what you're going to ask. I feel guilty for what I did... Whatever you want, there will be results"

"But give me some time. I have to explain everything today to my brothers"

"It certainly won't be easy."

You must know that many of those who can become radicals are just doing evil under the guise of the Red King.

"That's my business. Desiya, this is my stronghold, remember it.

Disiya:"When should we go there?""

"tomorrow. Until then, I will convince everyone that you are all allies"

"Your madness... No, village guards, I will return them all. As for other resources, they can also be shared with you."

Seno:"You seem to have understood that the enemy is a sage."

"yes. Gods have not abandoned people, it is people who create their own karma"



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