"No matter what, this is just suspicion. But I brought the traveler to you and submitted the report as promised. This is a fact on the face of the matter."

"Yes, this is the only thing worthy of admiration for you."

Azar has determined that this is the self-directed act of Alhaysen and Ying.

In fact, it is indeed true. As the great sage of the Order Academy, Azar is very smart.

Very clever, but not wise.

It is different from the previous Wei Like Viraf, he is full of the self-confidence and self-esteem of a scholar.

This leads him to overly believe in the answers he has deduced.

He thinks he is wise enough to see through the plan, but in fact he is the same as Viraf before.

The so-called plan is all made up by Azar himself.

"As an outsider, the traveler makes sacrifices for your plan.……"

"If you guessed it right, in order to rescue the little Lucky Grass King and destroy our great cause... you should have made two preparations."

By sneaking into the Teaching Order on Shizang Day, as Elhaisen's secretary, you have a good chance of directly rescuing the little Lucky Grass King.

Once your intentions are discovered, Elhaisen will give up." Che Baoshuai.

Sacrifice the travelers to prove his innocence, and continue to lurk in the Order of the Order to find a solution.

"As for Seno...according to Void's calculations, he will return to the Order House to confront me face to face in the near future. I think this is also part of your future plan, right?"

【Beng Sanjizi: He is analyzing in an orderly manner, and his analysis is very reasonable, but why do I want to laugh so much?】

【Bentie Pella: I don’t know why, but this picture has an inexplicable sense of joy.】

【Genshin Elhaysen: Let me give you a hint, Viraf】

【Genshin Xiangling: I remembered that Viraf was also so self-righteous in his analysis back then.】

【Original God Leosley: At least...he convinced himself】

【Bengtie Guinaifen: Uh...family, what are you talking about? Why can’t I understand?】

【Bengsan Einstein: You thought Azar discovered their intention, but in fact it was part of Elhaysen's plan]

Compared with Azar, these people stand from the perspective of God and naturally see the problem more comprehensively.

It’s easy to understand Elhaysen’s intentions.

It was a lie to recklessly go in to rescue the little Lucky Grass King, and it was even more false to abandon the traveler and lurk in the Order Courtyard waiting for an opportunity.

Combined with the famous scene in which Viraf convinced himself earlier, it is easy to see that

【Beng San Tesla: The guy who wants to find a stepfather for himself never thought that father’s love is so hard to get, right?】

【Genshin Azar: It’s inexplicable. Are you still struggling now? The facts will not change.]

The message floating on the barrage Azar didn’t know why, what about the first, second, and fifth levels.

Making layer cakes is ridiculous.

The light of fireflies is also worthy of competing with the bright moon.

Elhaysen is just the secretary of the teaching district.

He is responsible for taking notes and never speaks. He knows nothing about tactics.

Just try to show off among foreign travelers, reckless men and women, and brainless mercenaries.

When we arrived at Sumeru City, we were not left to his own devices.

No, he caught him red-handed, and now even his behind-the-scenes tactics have been revealed.

【Original God Azar: Remember, I lost to the live broadcast room and the gods from another world, not you]

Azar saw the attitude of the people of Sumeru, and he didn't care whether he could live or not.

What you have to do now is to restore your self-esteem as much as possible.

There are ninety good entry points in the live broadcast room.

Everything happened because of him. He, Azar, was not incompetent and lost to a scribe.

He lost to the Star God from another world. In a sense, he was also the one fighting against the Star God.

And the powerful star god from another world, just thinking about it makes Azar become super powerful again.

【Bengsan Tesla: The live broadcast room is right there, let’s see how long you can keep your words.】

"……Hey, it seems that no matter what I say now, you will think that I am a traitor, right?"

"Anyway, even if you wrongly accuse me, it won’t be a big loss for you."

I no longer address you respectfully, but refer to you.

In Azar's view, this is the ugly look when the plot is exposed.

"No, no... the loss of Secretary Elhaysen is an irreparable loss, both for the normal operation of the Order Academy and for the future academic construction of Sumeru.……"

Azar's sinister look in the video made everyone laugh.

It's not scary to make a fool of yourself, what's scary is not knowing you're making a fool of yourself

"But for the current situation, Du Yu's great achievement of creating gods...is really not worth mentioning."

"You said that I betrayed the Order... But you, Azar, you betrayed the entire Sumeru and the gods!"

"Huh, give up the struggle and show your fangs. Okay, guards.……"

Seeing that Erhaisen couldn't do anything, Azar was also a little impatient.


Just when the guards were about to step forward to arrest him, Elhaysen's eyes suddenly turned red.

He walked forward tremblingly, and the canned knowledge of the gods that had previously driven the leader of the Eye of Ahmar crazy fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.


It was like ingesting the canned knowledge of the gods and falling into madness, which made Azar even more convinced of his own ideas.

He also showed even more disdain

"The lost canned knowledge of the gods... finally fell into your hands"

"Betrayal...you, betrayal……"

"Hum, no matter how rational a scholar is, he will long for gods when he is desperate."

"Aren't you doing the same thing as me, Alhaysen?"

"It's a pity that God will not save you"


Alhaysen broke through the blockade of the guards like crazy and rushed towards Azar fiercely.

If it weren't for the sharp eyesight and quick hands of the guards around him, Azar might have died at the hands of Elhaysen.

Everyone in the three worlds said it was a pity. If Azar died here, it would be a fatal blow.

Although they knew that today's disaster in Sumeru was not Azar's fault alone.

But the villain leader on the surface is really hard to like.

And, those with sharp eyes will notice.

Elhaysen's move was a drunkard's intention.

It's fake to pounce on Hazard, but it's true to mix fake canned knowledge into real canned knowledge.

Those who discovered the truth did not choose to announce it, but hid it silently.

Because at this moment, Azar was still feeling proud about exposing Elhaysen's plan.

As if to say again, you see, it is the gods who defeated me, not you.

Faced with this scene, everyone chose to remain silent.

Because flowery words are not as powerful as the truth.

Aha said that if you suspect a person is lying, then you should believe him even more.

This way you can see how ugly he looks when his lies are exposed.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for a comeback in the live broadcast room.

The silence of everyone also made Azar even more proud. In his opinion, this was because everyone was slapped in the face and had nothing to say.

"He was completely immersed in the duel with the gods."

Shence Mansion, Jing Yuan commented on this.

Azar's current state is so understandable, the last carnival of a desperate person.

Over the past thousand years, he has seen too many

"General, Chang Le Tianjun has already hinted so clearly, why doesn't Azar believe the truth?"

"Because people never believe the truth, even if it's convincing"

"Maybe he saw it, but his subconscious ignored this part. Jing Yuan held his chin,"

And to Azar now, is the truth important?""

Is the truth important? Of course the truth is important.

But Yanqing turned around and thought, for Azar who is now at the end of his rope.

Whether you believe it or not, the ending seems to be the same.

"So he chose to wrap himself in lies until the very end, right?"


In the video, the crazy Elhaysen was successfully subdued by the guards.

The frightened Azar adjusted his glasses and snorted coldly.

"He has gone completely crazy."

Elhaysen not only succeeded in changing the situation, but also gave up the idea of ​​Azar's review.

He was frightened and had to pretend to be calm, and he no longer had the ability to review and think.

With the guard's heavy blow, Alhaysen was dragged out

"Give it to the disciplinary officer and exile him to Aru Village."

"Then send someone to take this traveler to the solitary room"

"Deal with it later." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Great Sage, the preparations for the Day of Knowledge are ready."

Seeing that the matter here has been dealt with, a scholar took advantage of every opportunity to come up and report.

"Great Sage, the preparations for the Day of Knowledge are ready, and you can enter the canned knowledge."

"Got it, ready to get started."

After Azar left, the camera in the live broadcast room once again showed the canned knowledge.

Those who understood it looked at each other and smiled, and those who couldn't understand it were confused.

The screen turned, and Elhaysen, who was dragged out by the guards, was red. The void returned to normal.

He showed a planning smile to Nilu, and Nilu nodded after getting the information. He began to implement the next plan.

Now even the stupidest people can understand.

This is Alhaysen's plan. He was so angry that he was obviously part of the plan.

【Genshin Impact Arataki Ito: That smile of his... turned out to be an act of anger and embarrassment】

【Beng Tiesuchang: What? It’s an act. It makes me worry in vain.】

【Beng San Tesla: Even Arataki Yidou and Su Shang have noticed it, so it seems I don’t need to explain.】

【Genshin Arataki Ito: Hey, hey, I understand what you mean, I don’t need to explain it anymore.】[]

【Beng Tiesuchang: Yes, even I can see what it means.】

【Beng San Tesla: I refuse to explain]

Aradaki Yidou in the original God world, Su Shang in the Ben Tie world, and Kiana in the Beng San world.

These three guys are notoriously stupid in the live broadcast room.

It seemed like I was being slowed down every time, and it was too tiring to explain to them.

After trying it a few times, Tesla didn’t want to explain at all.

【Beng Tieyanqing: Is he awake yet?】

【Genshen Xingqiu: Generally speaking, I don’t want to wake up】

【Genshin Kaia: Maybe he won’t come】

【Genshin Impact Funina: Poor guy]

The person mentioned by several people is naturally Azar who is immersed in fantasy.

The lie he told one second was exposed almost the next, but Azar began to pretend to be dead.

It's too boring.

After expressing some regret, everyone stopped discussing the clown.

Let's talk about Elhaysen's acting skills and how good he is. Ying and Paimon's acting skills are also perfect.

Of course, people like Tesla, Black Tower, Kamisato Ayato, etc. did not participate in their discussion

"Wow - don't lock us up, let us out!"


"Okay Paimon, the guard should be out of earshot."

Some of the force was too strong and it hit her ears.

In the video, Ying and Paimon successfully penetrated deep into the interior of the Order.

This was part of the plan to make the Order relax its vigilance.

She is what the sages have always been wary of. The object is the enemy that threatens the sages' plans the most.

In the view of the sages of the Order Academy, the deterrent power of travelers is greater than that of Saino.

Therefore, apart from Saino, all the energy of the Order Academy is used to guard against Ying.

As for Elhaysen, he usually doesn't show much publicity in the Order Academy, and the Order Academy knows very little about it.

In the eyes of the Order Academy, as long as he is imprisoned, the sages will feel that everything is under control.

When a person feels that When everything is under control, that's when he gives up thinking and reveals his flaws.

By lowering his vigilance, the success rate of the action will be greatly improved.

Not only that, Ying has a more important task in the confinement room.

According to Rahman, According to the scholars on the Internet, the Little Lucky Grass King has sealed his consciousness since his consciousness was captured by the doctor in the void. It takes time to awaken Nasida, and this must be done in advance. The confinement room is located inside the Teaching Order, and is connected with the Jingshan Palace is not far away, and it is a space that will not be disturbed.

What we have to do now is to wake up Nasida.

As for the scholars to take away the Void Terminal.

This has to mention the pride of the scholars. It seems that the Void is something that they can control.

It is easier to control it by letting Ying take the Void, which is what they want.

"Ready for conscious connection."

After going around and around, the two finally found the most suitable place to contact Nasida in the solitary room.

"Well...it must go well!"

(This is... the space of consciousness?) It's dark all around, and there's darkness as far as the eye can see.

Darkness in the true sense, so black that there's nothing, nothingness.

Open one eye, close one eye.

Focus on Shifting to the closed eye, that was nothingness.

Wait, she saw it.

Nacida, it was Nacida.

The touch of green in the darkness was so dazzling.

Unfortunately, Nacida didn't move, she closed herself.

( This is...what? Invisible...barrier?)

Ying wanted to step forward to wake up Nacida, but found that she couldn't even get close.

Nacida relied on this barrier to isolate external consciousness.


After Paimon is gone, Ying's voice is so crisp.

"Hello! Nasida!"

【Beng Tie Xing: It turns out you are not mute.】

【Ying Yuan Shen: Of course not, I was obviously talking all the time】

【Beng Tie March 7: Really? Why can’t I remember it? It seems that only Paimon is talking about it.】

【Genshin Paimon: Is it your illusion? You can obviously talk. It’s just...it’s just that I spoke a little too much and finished everything she wanted to say.】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: You still know?】



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