【Beng Tie Xi'er: Don't worry about Azar, Ying has successfully penetrated inside.】

【Beng San Tesla: A terrifying opponent, he really understands people's hearts]

If it weren't for God's perspective, she really wouldn't be able to guess Elhaysen's true intentions.

The information gap was too big, and the Order Academy was completely manipulated by Alhaysen.

Until the last moment, Hazard in the video did not look directly at Alhaysen

【Genshen Ganyu: Is this also part of your plan?】

【Original God Apep: The God Trapped in a Cage]

(Damn, no response, she can’t seem to sense me……)

"When did it start?……"


Is this what Nasida is thinking?

Yes, their two consciousnesses are now connected to everything.

"……Oh, by the way, it starts from the moment of birth"

"I want to become a qualified god"

"To this end, we will continue to learn... not only listen to the voices of the people,……"

"Keep pressing to find ways to save the world"

"Eager to catch up with that divine cherry tree and the figure of the Great Ci Tree King"

"However, I was confined to Jingshan Palace"

"But I was replaced by the new gods created by the sages, but my consciousness had to be sealed in the boundless darkness."

【Genshin Nero: Are gods... also grieved?】

【The original god Dadalia: It has become dark when replaced by skirmishers.】

【Original God Dadalia: I have been betrayed three times. One of them was the Great Merciful Tree King, who died on his own initiative, leaving me with a mess of Sumeru.】

【The original god Dadalia: The second one is a sage who locked me in Jingshan Palace and established a new god. The third one is a traveler. He failed to stop the doctor and caused me to fall into endless darkness.】

【Original God Dardalia: I laughed at everything in the world, and then I forgot】

【Genshin Paimon: What's wrong with Guan Ying?】

【Original God Dardalia: Yes, what happened to that little boy who betrayed me three times?】

【Falling Iron Star: A classic that will last forever】

【Genshin Impact Disia: Okay, okay】

【Genshin Impact Skirmishers: It’s endless, right?】

【Bentie Xiluwa: I am really convinced by you. It is such a sad scene. I want to raise the Order Academy when I see it.】

【Genshin Ying: Take me one】

【Bengtiexing: Take me one】

【Bengsanqiana: Take me one】

【Bengtie Yinlang: You are all good people of Xumi】

【Original God Nasida: Thank you, but now I……】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: Watch and study carefully, maybe you can give yourself the answer in the future】

【Original God Nasida: Uh...ok】


Feeling Nasida's loneliness, Ying called out again.

What should I do... Is there really nothing I can do.

But... she is right in front of me, how could she just give up like this?

The doctor had already abandoned her once when he appeared, and now he is absolutely helpless. Can't...

It seems that he finally remembered that he can use elemental power, and condensed the wind elements in his hands.

He wanted to break through the invisible barrier between the two.


"It's so quiet here..."

"What should I say? I don’t seem to have listened to my own voice properly.……"

"Do gods also have voices?"

"Should gods have a voice?"

"Am I doing everything right?"

"Am I... really not needed?"

"What on earth do I think?"

"So quiet……"

I...what exactly do I think?

In reality, Nasida couldn't help but ask herself this question.

The people of Sumeru are supporting themselves. They are opposing the Ecclesiastes and welcome themselves back to power.

But can my immature self really lead them to a better place?

What should a qualified god do?

"Since you are the God of Wisdom...you know the answers to those questions from the beginning, right?"

Familiar voice!

Nacida has never heard this voice before, but it is inexplicably familiar.

Her voice seems to be engraved in Nacida's mind from birth.

It's like... they are one.

"Who are you? Whose voice... seems so familiar……"

"……But you're right"

"I don't want to ignore my voice anymore"


The barrier shattered, and Nacida's heart broke.

She woke up not because of other people's calls.

It was Nasida who woke up from her dream on her own initiative.

The devil loves people, but that doesn't mean people can do whatever they want.

A weak god is by no means a qualified god


Ying ran over in a hurry, great, Nasida is awake.

"fluorescent? Did you wake me up? Thank you. Why are you here?……"

This is her conscious space, and she should be the only one to understand it.

"We're here to rescue you...are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just……"

"Thinking about many things that have happened to me, I always feel angry now"

【Genshin Impact Wendy: I’m only angry now. If it were Thor, he would have exploded a long time ago】

【Genshen Lei Movie: I will not let such transgressions happen】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: She has transformed】

【The original god Fukalos: Now, the qualified god Nasida】

【Original God Fu Nina: Judgment, I want to see the Order Academy become a river of blood】

【Original God Nasida: Listen to your own voice, right?】

"I understand, that’s how it is."

Qualified gods, there are no qualified gods in this world.

Blindly imitating the Great Ci Tree King is like learning to walk in Handan. In the end, you will even lose the ability to walk.

What she has to do is to find her own way.

【Beng Tie Jingyuan: It seems that our little god has also realized】

【Beng Sanjizi: Everyone is happy, right?】

【Einstein: According to the law of conservation of energy, energy will not disappear out of thin air, it will only be transferred】

【Walter Bentie: I have seen someone’s ugliness】

【Beng Tie Xing: I finally feel good after being depressed for so long】

【Yuan Shenying: Knife in hand, follow me, teach the court, kill the wise dog】

"……You should be angry already."

Consciousness has returned, and a long time has passed since reality.

The footsteps of the scholars have become much less frequent, and the sages have probably completed the work of the Tibetan Knowledge Day. The canned knowledge has been entered, and the next plan has begun.

Next, is Nilu's performance.

The main perspective switches to Nilu's side, and the people in the Grand Bazaar are ready.

They can't help in the battle, but the action of rescuing the Grass God cannot be accomplished by fighting alone. Solve it.

Stop people on the main road and spread rumors to prevent anyone from disturbing Nilu's performance.

Distribute candies to lure away passers-by.

Get ready and speak out.

This is the war dance, the war dance that set off a full-scale counterattack. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then Nilu's figure began to dance, and the scholars of the Order Academy could not help but be fascinated by it.

Everyone has a rebellious heart, and the more forbidden it is, the more people want it.

Public art performances are in Strictly prohibited, Nilu’s behavior of sticking her face close to her face and opening her mouth wide surprised scholars. It

’s so beautiful, this is art

"Great Sage, the situation outside……"

"Humph, it’s so boring... Issue the art ban that was just entered into the void to the guards."

"they will know how to deal with it"


"Hey, should we...should stop it?……"

The guard watched Nilu's dance intently. He had not seen a public performance for a long time.

The Order banned almost all entertainment

"Let's take a look for a while…"

Ban: Regarding the public art performance of Xumi City Quilt...

The Little Lucky Grass King has escaped from the Jingshan Palace and immediately rushed to the city to search.

As soon as the Apostolic Order's ban was issued, it was successfully replaced by the virus implanted by Alhaysen.[]

Out of blind trust in the void, none of the guards raised any doubts.

The soldier ran away from her, and Nilu breathed a sigh of relief.

After bowing to everyone, everyone ran away briskly.

【Genshin Impact: Is this the result of technology being abused?】

【Beng San Tesla: No, this is the result of inferior skills.]

There is no problem with the behavior of the soldiers themselves, because their bounden duty is to obey orders.

If every order issued by Void requires thinking, then why should Void do it.

They are just soldiers, fighting information warfare is a matter for higher-ups.

【Bengtie Yinlang: You can even implant viruses, what else can’t you do?】

【Genshin Impact Nero: So my dance is used for this】

【Genshin Impact Alhaysen: I never do useless work】

【Dr. Latio of Bentie Jinri: I can’t stand seeing these idiots, they make me want to die.]

There were many sounds of guards running past, and it sounded like Nilu’s plan had been successful.

The sages forbid art, when someone openly violates it.

The Imperial Academy will definitely take advantage of the situation and promulgate the ban on art in the void.

At the same time, the misleading information embedded within will also spread out in the minds of the guards.

At that time, the security of the Imperial Academy can be cleared without any effort.

Then it’s time for Rahman’s Gilded Brigade to appear.

0 flowers requested

"Come on, come on, did you see it, Rahman, those guys ran out of the madrasa in a swarm?"

"After being in ambush for so long, at this moment in the future, the brothers have already taken action."

Rachman also became excited.

The desert people are very angry with the Teaching Council, and now they can only take down the Teaching Council. They may not be able to do anything about the sages in the Teaching Council.

But apart from the Teaching Council, it is their hunting ground. Got it

"With a female lion like you here, the luck of those prey is really not that good, haha"

"They must be dealt with as soon as possible in the establishment, otherwise the plan will be ruined when the sage reacts."

The main focus of the plan is the information gap, catching the teaching institute off guard.

Before it can react, interrupt the nursing home's hands and feet and pull out its fangs.

Desiya will not despise the opponent just because the plan goes well.

What they are facing is... Sumeru’s greatest force

"They are just some pampered guys with a salary. Compared with those of us who have experience in the desert every day, they have a slight advantage in numbers."

"Speaking of which, although most of the guards directly under the Six Sages in the Teaching Academy are mercenaries affiliated with the thirty-man regiment, their reputation is really bad."

"They only obey the orders of those wise men and have no principle of doing anything... As a colleague, I must teach them a lesson today."

"That's right, the trap is ready, just lead people there"

"Well, you and I each go our separate ways and gather those scattered guards back together. However... to attract the guards' attention, the key lies in Isaac's performance."

Of course Rahman knew about Isaac's actions, and he was a little worried.

He would not be in danger if he handed over such an important task to a child.

Disiya didn't care. Isaac's task was to play the role of the little Lucky Grass King..

So what if he didn't see through it, the guards of the Order are not so mad as to kill children in the street.

If the Order dares to do this, they will reconsider this action.

【Genshin Impact Paimon: Isaac? He, he is here too]

What can a child do?

Soon, the live broadcast room told her

"……This outfit, huh……"

【Iron Star: Open Screen Lightning Strike】

【Yuan Shenying: Take it away, get out of my mind, I don’t want to remember it】

【Bengtie March 7: Is this really okay?】

【Bengtie Danheng: No problem, the guards of the Teaching Academy don’t know what Little Lucky Grass King looks like】

【Bengsanqiana: Why are you wearing Nasida’s clothes]

In the video, Isaac is wearing Nasida’s clothes.

The twitching look is very eye-catching.

Although it polluted the vision, everyone had to admire Isaac's courage

【Genshin Rahman: Uh... do your best, you are a man of the desert]

You must know that Isaac's mission is not just to put on Nasida's clothes.

He wanted to distract the guards as much as possible to delay. The longer Isaac delayed, the higher the success rate of the plan.

"Remember what you were about to do, Isaac? When the guards come, pretend to be the Little Lucky Grass King and escape from them."

"Ah...I remember, of course I remember, I'm just a little nervous……"

"Relax and don't worry about whether you will be caught. Even if you are caught, we will never give up on you."

"You only need to think about how to attract those guards and lead them to the Grand Bazaar, and leave the rest to us"

"Well, I understand. I will repay the little Lucky Grass King for my grandpa in the future. I will not back down from the battle."

Issac nodded, he believed everyone in Dee

"Hey, here they come! I saw those guards from the Order House!"

Under Isaac's snake-skin movement, Xumi's guards seemed to be blind.

Everyone laughed, and Azar became angry when he saw it.

"Trash, are you all blind? he is behind the house"

"Behind the tree, behind the tree, are you deaf!"

"It's just behind the house, nothing unusual is found."

Azar was so angry at the guard's stupidity that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

It was clear that he was only a little bit close to catching the little guy every time, but the guard was as if he was blind.

"Hello! Little Lucky Grass King is over there, stop!"

"What, the little Lucky Grass King? Why didn’t I notice it just now!"

The guard's roar made Azar feel like a breath of fresh air, and finally...

But when Azar's eyes shifted to the live broadcast again, he was furious again.



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