"The target suspected of being the Little Lucky Grass King escaped into the Grand Bazaar, gathered together, and started arresting him!"

"Bastard, what kind of big bazaar are you going to?"

Azar jumped angrily. It's true that he is a scholar but not familiar with the art of war.

But his IQ is still online.

Where is the Grand Bazaar? It is the base of the followers of the Little Lucky Grass King.

The terrain there is very suitable for an ambush. The thirty-man regiment If the guards go there, they are throwing themselves into a trap.

……The guards can't be counted on, and the only thing the Teaching Council can use is its trump card.

The trump card that was washed away one hundred and sixty-eight times by the Little Lucky Grass King


"……Where have you gone? Why are you missing? Did you lose me? Go find it!"

"Eh? Why are you here anyway? Didn't you mean to disperse the search?"

"……Follow up! ah? This is...why are you all here?"

The mercenaries of the thirty-man regiment are not idiots. The teams that agreed to disperse were all gathered together.

There must be something fishy.

"Yes, what a coincidence. Everyone is gathered here... What is going on?"

【Bengtiexing《What the hell is going on》】

【Original God Disiya: I didn’t realize it, Rahman, you still have the talent to tell jokes.】

【Genshin Rahman: It’s not that I’m good at telling jokes, it’s the feeling of victory that makes people happy]

The arrogant guys in the Order were surrounded by these desert mercenaries like bastards.

This is really an exciting picture that makes people happy

"They should all be here by now, right?"

"who is it! ? Could it be that you did it on purpose...what do you want to do?"

The guards of the thirty-man regiment looked ugly.

They were surrounded, and the intruders were evil. It was impossible for their"293" team to expand in such a small area.

Long-handled weapons and the large number of people became a negative effect here.

"Huha... Huha... What a hard job, I almost caught up."

Issac was breathing heavily. It was really thrilling just now.

The thirty-man regiment was stationed in Xumi City day and night for training, but the mercenary foundation was still there.

If he was caught in advance, it would be difficult to continue with the follow-up plan.

"Kid... aren't you the Little Lucky Grass King?"

The guards of the thirty-man regiment have never seen the Little Lucky Grass King, but they know that the Little Lucky Grass King will never hide behind the desert mercenaries.

【The original god is confused. Even if Mr. Little Lucky Grass King really escapes, you still have to capture him.】

【The Genshin Impact Thirty-man Group is really becoming more and more disappointing. The pampered environment has made you become the lackeys of the Order]

Xumi people, Xumi people, they are all called Xumi people, but the ingredients among them are complicated. very.

Like the two above, it can be seen from the language.

One is a follower of the Little Lucky Grass King, and the other is a mercenary in the desert.

The former was dissatisfied that a group of thirty people dared to fight against the Little Lucky Grass King, while the latter was simply mocking

【The original god originally thought that the problems in Sumeru City were only caused by the sages, but he did not expect that the thirty-man group was also the same.】

【Genshin Impact Little Lucky Grass King, please be sure to clean up these moths when you come to power.】

【The Sumeru of Genshin Impact is really confusing, I feel like I have everything to believe in】

【The original god is not as good as Mondstadt. We are loyal to Lord Barbatos.】

【The original god Yan Wang Dijun passed away, Liyue Martial God, but do you think we have changed our gods? No】

【The original god is not ridiculous enough to create a new god to replace the emperor, let alone let fools come.】

"It was quite a quarrel. It was unbelievable that they were still quarreling at this point."

Up to this point in the live broadcast, Belo Borg has fast forwarded to uniting to fight against Cocolia. But

Xumi is still quarreling.

"How did they manage to rebel against the Order and quarrel at the same time?"

It's amazing that people who are opposed to the Order can actually quarrel.

"This is normal, Xier!"

Is the enemy of my enemy a friend? This is not necessarily true.

Even with the persuasion of the Grass God, it is not easy for the desert and the rain forest to get back together. Just look at their Belo Borg and you will know that the conflict between the upper area and the lower area is still there. Yes.

It's just that it was suppressed by the large-scale land reclamation.

"Don’t forget, although the thirty-man group in the video are the guards of Xumi City, they are essentially followers of the Red King."

"Since he is the Red King, he can naturally pursue the Grass God with peace of mind."

"The thirty-man group doesn’t know the truth about the Tree King and the Red King. In their eyes, the Grass God is hostile to them."


"Who are you...the Gilded Brigade of the Desert?"

The person who came here is not a good person. The team leader of the thirty-man team can only pretend to be brave and ask questions.

Being able to be the team leader shows that he still has good eyesight.

These mercenaries in front of him have seen blood at first glance. They are all in the desert. Guys fighting in the depths.

But how could the Order allow such a large-scale gilded brigade to enter the city?

They have never heard of it

"They're just some colleagues. Do you regard it as business competition or personal grudges?……"

"In short, if you step into our trap, stop treating yourself as a hunter and act like a good prey."

As a whistle sounded, more members of the Gilded Brigade who had been ambushing appeared and were surrounded by the thirty-man regiment.

It's over! The captain of the thirty-man regiment was heartbroken.

The Gilded Brigade here looks better than before. There are still many Eyes of Akhmal entrenched in the port of Ormos.

What is the purpose of eating in the Order House? How dare so many people come in?

"This has long been our home court, accept your fate!"

The situation has been decided, and there is no need to continue watching here.

The camera shows Azar again, and he is still very comfortable at this time.

The ceremony of Tibetan Recognition Day is over, and the surrounding scene finally changes.

Compared with the same time, there are some It's too quiet.

There are no scholars, and the guards are gone.

As for the guards, why are the guards gone all the way here?

"guard? guard——?"

"Great Sage, do you have any instructions for Desert?"

"I called the guard, what are you doing here?"

Seeing that the person who came was not a guard, Azar looked unkind.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Great Sage"

"Now the guards in the teaching compound have followed the instructions and went to the city to make arrests. I thought you knew……"

"Arrest? Catch what?"

Azar had an ominous premonition.

The guards no longer made him feel insecure, and what did it mean to go to the city to arrest him as ordered?

"This...arrest the little, little Lucky Grass King? Isn't it?"

This is an order issued by Void. How can Void make mistakes?

But the expression of the Great Sage does not look like an act. Could it be that the Great Sage really does not know about it.

This is strange. Every order issued by Void should be made by the Great Sage. It’s only right for a sage to see it for himself.

"Little Lucky Grass King? Are you saying that the Little Lucky Grass King is missing?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ah, yes, how could I have the guts to talk nonsense about something like this?……"

What happened to the great sage today? That was an order issued by Void

"Now everyone is in a panic, and many people say...said...the little Lucky Grass King is afraid that he will take revenge on us.……"

They know very well how unconscionable what they did is.

If he were the Little Lucky Grass King, it would be easy for him to cut up the Jiaolingyuan alive after he came out.

The Little Lucky Grass King escaped. Could it be that Elhaysen and the others succeeded in rescuing him.

Even now, Azar doesn't know that something is wrong.

Like normal Sumeru people, Azar's subconscious will not think that void is a problem.

Seeing that what the subordinate in front of him said was so true, he thought he saw it with his own eyes.

At this time, Azar was brainstorming wildly, thinking about the possibility of the Little Lucky Grass King escaping.

Both Traveler and Elhaysen were captured, it couldn't be them.

Xeno, it’s even more impossible.

Void stared at him hard.

How could a living grass god disappear...disappear out of thin air?

"Hey, how did Zhu'ao not issue an order to the guards?"[]

Anyone who can be a great sage is not a fool. After thinking about it, Azar discovered the blind spot.

"It was released through the void earlier. The authority to release this kind of information should only be in your hands, so... I thought it was your order.……"

"……Just wait for me to confirm."

Little Lucky Grass King has escaped from Jingshan Palace and immediately rushed to the city to search...

There is indeed such information in the void, and his subordinates are right.

But this raises another question, how did they bypass the authority here? To release such information.

Elhaysen's report?

No, he personally confirmed that there is nothing wrong with that report.

【Original God Diluc: There is something, at least it is not extremely stupid.】

【Genshin Chiori: After all, he is a great sage of the Order Academy. He still has some IQ, but he is too conceited.】

【Genshin Impact Ye Lan: It’s not a good habit to ask your opponent for instructions】

【Bengtie Fuxuan: If it weren't for his unique insight, who would have thought that the usually inconspicuous secretary could be a great talent that could compete with him?】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: I always feel like you have something else to say, Taibu-sama.】

【Bengtie Fuxuan: Yes, I am that person with unique insight.】

【Beng San Tesla: Nasida Void can continue to be used, but Xumi still needs another information dissemination system】

【Original God Nasida: Thank you, but I think it’s better to close the void for a while first.】

【Einstein: Ms. Nasida, it is not a good sign to stop eating because of choking.】

【Original God Nasida: No, I just think it’s time for the scholars of Sumeru to reduce their reliance on the void.】

【Bengsan Einstein: Well, after all, you are the god of Sumeru, but I still recommend retaining these functions of the void.】

【Genshin Impact Nasida: Well, it will definitely happen, I won’t just make one size fits all]

Azar in the video gave up thinking, and there is no point in figuring it out now0.

"Have you ever visited Jingshan Palace? Did the Little Lucky Grass King really escape?"

"confirm? Never had……"

No one in the Order Academy knows that only great sages can use the void to issue orders.

Void's command can almost be equated with the Great Sage's command.

Go and verify whether the great sage’s words are true or false. Do you think your life is too long?

"Although it may be a little offensive to say it head-on... But, Great Sage, your statement is a bit strange.……"

"How could the information in the void be false? This should be common sense to us.……"

You have to confirm whether 1+1 really equals 2. Are you kidding me?

"If the information and information in the void need to be confirmed by yourself,……"

"Well, what's the difference between understanding it yourself from the beginning? Doesn't the precious scene of King Daci Tree lose its meaning?"

【Einstein: Has it reached this level... I'm sorry, Ms. Nasida, your judgment is correct.】

【Bentela Dio: The Kingdom of Wisdom, haha, let’s just change its name to the Country of Idiots】

【Genshin Elhaysen: Already deeply ingrained】

【Bengtie Yinlang: Just one virus caused chaos, and Elhaysen really taught them a lesson】

"At the beginning, it was I who asked you to firmly trust the void and the legacy of King Daci Shu... Now, you use my set of views to question me?"

Azar didn't bother to talk about his wife here.

He was panicking from the beginning, as if something was going to happen.

Seno has not been arrested yet, and there is no news about other fanatics.

Azar is really scared. Sainuo brought out the little Lucky Grass King.

Void? Fuck the Void.

Now even the issue of orders bypassing his authority has happened. It is not impossible that the Void cannot predict Saino's movements.

Azar's belly A man came to Jingshan Palace. Along the way, he was still thinking about the escape of Little Lucky Grass King.


"……Impossible, this is impossible, I must be dazzled……"

Azar shook his head, and when he opened his eyes again, Nasida appeared in the cage intact.

"Eh? It really appeared again...what's going on...5.7"

"The truth makes me see a funny side, Hazard."

The scene Azar saw just now was the first recorded image of Nasida's successful escape.

"Even a great sage will become unable to recognize the things in front of him once his mind is filled with thoughts."

"You can only see the world in your mind, the world you think"

"It is precisely because of this that you have ignored the existence of Little Lucky Grass King……"

"She is obviously such a wise god"

"Seno...have you been waiting for this opportunity?"

Azar knew that he was in trouble today.

No one can escape from Sano's hands one-on-one, at least not him.

"Although I was expecting you to confront me again, I didn’t expect it to be like this. I was careless."

"I would rather admit that it was my fault than say it was a problem with the void. You are still the same as before."

"I never imagined that you, the proud one, would join forces with Alhaysen and the Travelers.……"

"People change, Azar. So admit it, the void can no longer predict our actions, right?"

"Huh, tell me, what have you investigated?……"

The matter has come to this, even if it means death, let him die clearly.

A trick to delay time, but it's no use.

The staff of the Holy Order strictly prohibited the free entry and exit of Jingshan Palace. This was an order issued by Azar himself.

Originally he came to Sage Sumeru to have an affair with Little Lucky Grass King, but now it has become Azar's own reminder.



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