【Genshin Saino: I care more about the attitude of Mr. Little Lucky Grass King than the skirmishers.】

【Genshin Nilu: Yes, with the miserable sight of the stragglers just now, I was even afraid that Mr. Little Lucky Grass King would give up on capturing its God’s Heart.】

【Genshin Impact Paimon: What is called his, it is not his in the first place.】

【Original God Disia: As a mercenary, I am really afraid that my own god is a god who is kind to the enemy.】

【Original God Rahman: Only such a god can lead the desert to a better place】

【Original God Nasida: What do you say? Isn’t this normal?】

【Genshin Impact Candice:...Yes, yes, it’s normal. Little Lucky Grass King, you did the right thing.】

【Genshin Impact Tinari: Now I feel more at ease】

【Original God Dardalia: Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be. You have no pity for the stragglers.】

【Beng Tie Xi'er: Your colleagues are laughing at you, and the excuses we use are just like a cat crying like a mouse.】

【Teresa Bengsan: In the war between demons and gods, the winner is the winner and the loser is the enemy. Isn’t this what he wants?】

【Natasha Bengtie: In the final analysis, it’s your own fault.】

【Bengtie Yinlang: Failed to show off, got slapped in the face instead】

"The most important riddle has yet to be answered, and the World Tree has not yet been saved."

A skirmisher? After learning that he had nothing to do with the gods spiritually, Nacida didn't care anymore.

"With the power of another divine heart, it may now be possible to decipher the last memory of King Daci Shu."

To the gods, the Heart of God is a useless thing, but this does not mean that the Heart of God is just a simple ornament.

The void is driven by the God's Heart of the Grass God, which shows that the Heart of God contains considerable power.

And When she possesses the power of two hearts of gods, Nasida can find the last memory of the Great Merciful Tree King in the World Tree. The golden canned knowledge, its extraordinary visual skills can be seen.

Compared with it, the red God's Canned Knowledge is like 3 Li Gui meets Li Kui.

The body of the Sumeru man leans forward involuntarily, which is a small unconscious movement that is very interested in the topic.

The last memory of King Daci Tree, that is King Daci Tree.

Every Sumeru person has grown up hearing the name of the Great Merciful Tree King. Who doesn’t want to see her memory.

Without further ado, Nasida’s decisive decision will enter the memory.

It should be said that it is entering the world.

"Why is this place different from what I imagined... Shouldn't I enter the consciousness space of the World Tree Village?"

The surrounding space is red, and there is something strange everywhere.

If this is the inside of the World Tree, then the symptoms of the World Tree are too serious.

"That was indeed the focus of our trip, but I did not expect that the remaining consciousness of King Daci Shu was so seriously contaminated."

The situation is not optimistic, which can be seen from the surrounding environment.

Nasida frowned, it was much more serious than she expected.

"Pollution...is it taboo knowledge?"

【Genshin Impact Apep: Forbidden Knowledge】

【Genshin Impact Navilet: Do you know?】

【Genshen Apep: body, abnormality, assimilation】

【Beng Tie March 7: I guess he wants to say that his body is full of forbidden knowledge】

【Original God Nasida:...This is troublesome. According to the characteristics of the grass dragon Apep, his body has almost been integrated with the forbidden knowledge]

This is broken. If Apep is also infected, it means the forbidden knowledge Already become one with Apep.

Eliminating forbidden knowledge essentially eliminates Apep.

But that huge grass elemental power will not disappear out of thin air.

When Apep falls, the violent grass elemental power will cause the trees to grow crazily.

Not to mention (cddh) the disaster it may cause, the violent impact of elemental power alone is enough to make a Sumeru person drink a pot.

【Genshin Impact Kawi: But you can’t ignore the forbidden knowledge, that will cost the whole of Teyvat】

【Original God Nasida: Well, after resolving the crisis in World Tree, we need to find Apep as soon as possible.】

【Original God Navilet: I’m afraid he won’t accept it]

The relationship between the Dragon King and the God is too complicated.

"Forbidden knowledge? You actually know a concept that even I am not very clear about... Can you elaborate on it?"

Nacida became interested. She had never heard of the term forbidden knowledge.

Ying nodded. She also knew this concept from the temple in the desert. It was normal for Nacida not to know.

There was no hiding it. Ying said that in the desert Tell me in detail what you have seen and heard

"Your inference is not unreasonable……"

"Thousands of years ago, there was a taboo pollution in the desert. It was successfully driven away by relying on the self-sacrifice of the Red King and the overdraft power of the Great Merciful Tree King."

"It is not difficult to believe that there was a second pollution of forbidden knowledge during the Kanria disaster five hundred years ago."

"But this time it may be even more serious, endangering the World Tree."

They have to speed up. This time the pollution of taboo knowledge is even more serious than the first time.

"Since the remaining consciousness of the Great Ci Tree King here is also contaminated by forbidden knowledge, does that mean that the death of the Great Ci Tree King is……"

It has something to do with forbidden knowledge, Paimon added the last sentence in his mind.


Nasida nodded, there's nothing she can't say.

"He most likely gave his life fighting against forbidden knowledge."

If it weren't for the confrontation of the Great Ci Tree King, there wouldn't have been only a few death realms and demonic diseases in the past five hundred years.

As for the concept of forbidden knowledge that everyone has come to know, it's probably the reason why she repaired the World Tree in the past.

From the results Look, the Great Merciful Tree King failed.

Forbidden knowledge came out again, and the influence of the World Tree could not be completely eliminated.

"Are you sad, Nasida?……"

Paimon asked with concern. Nasida's condition looked very bad.

"……I feel her pain again. The pollution of consciousness here is so serious. Madness, chaos, and pain are everywhere."

"Was it under such circumstances that she persisted in fighting against the pollution of forbidden knowledge until her death?……"

"He even used the last remaining trace of his conscious consciousness to leave clues for us."

Ying:"That sentence, the world...forgot me?"

"Yes, this sentence is still interfered with by forbidden knowledge, causing us to only hear these keywords"

"But now, we have a chance to find the answer to this mystery."

According to this, we cannot let the sacrifice of King Daci Shu be in vain.

"Go through these tainted consciousnesses and teach the right lines of defense until you meet her conscious mind."

"When the time comes... let King Daci Shu tell us the truth himself."

Ying:"I hope that answer can save everyone."

What needs to be noted now is that we are all in a state of consciousness here.

Although we are protected by the heart of God, we must always stay awake, otherwise we may go crazy at any time.

【The Original God, the Great Merciful Tree King……】

【This meeting of the original god is the last one] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Original God Azar: The Great Merciful Tree King……】

【Original God Old Bideng, you are still alive. Lord Daci Tree King said she doesn’t want to see you.】

【Of course the original god, the Great Charming Tree King, doesn’t want to see him. The sage’s ridiculous plan to create a god is to replace the Great Charming Tree King and the Little Lucky Grass King.】

【The original god didn't know where he could even call the name of the Great Ci Tree King.】

【The original god is obsessed with the so-called god-making plan. He wants to find the Great Mercy Tree King for comment.】

【Genshin, he really dares to think.]

In the video, the three people immediately began to look for traces of the Great Mercy Tree King.

On the way, they spotted a huge ship in the sky.

Interesting, they have seen flying islands and flying houses.

This is the first time we have seen a flying ship, but Leosley’s flying ship will only be seen in Fontaine in the future.

"That's the boat of consciousness that symbolizes reason. Its heading is the direction our consciousness is going."

"If the consciousness is out of control, the mind will feel like crazy... So, find a way to control the course."

Boarding on the boat of consciousness, the three people quickly guided it to the destination they were striving for.

The journey was smooth, but the three people did not let down their guard.

Rather, how big of a heart do you have to be in this seemingly dangerous place? Let's put down the precepts.

There was no words all the way. They arrived at their destination.

The big tree blocked the sky and the sun. Under its light, the redness of the sky faded a lot.

"This is it."

This is the World Tree.

Ying glanced around, []

Yes, the same place as the memory

"We...we are here to find King Dacishu...right?"

"But standing there is……"

The two of them followed Paimon's gaze and were surprised to find that standing in front of them was another Nasita.

【Genshin Nero: That's...another little Lord Lucky Grass King】

【Genshin Impact: The Little Lucky Grass King is the Great Merciful Tree King】

【Original God Tinari: I should have thought of it a long time ago. In the desert temple, the priest mentioned that the Great Ci Tree King had become smaller.】

【Bengtiexing: Nasida also said that she has never seen the Great Mercy Tree King. This is intriguing.

【Bentie Jeppard: Now I want to know, does the sage named Azar have anything else to say?】

【Beng Tielingke: The Big Ci Tree King that he yearns for and the Little Lucky Grass King that he despises are the same person】

【Original God Nasida: This……】

【Bengsanqiana: Is it amnesia?】

【Beng Tie Dan Heng: It could also be reincarnation or something.】

【Beng Tie Jingyuan: The Vidyadhara on the Immortal Boat will undergo reincarnation when he reaches a certain age. He will lose all his memories and become a new Vidyadhara.】

【Bengtie March 7: If they are so emotional, will they have any characteristics after reincarnation, such as being covered in ice or something?】

【Beng Tie Jingyuan: Uh... Well, I've never heard of this.】

【Bengtie March 7: Ah, okay】

【Bentela Dio: Compared to the conjecture that it is the same person, I prefer the theory that it is an illusory image.】

【Genshin Elhaysen: Because their essences are the same, their appearances are also the same.】

【Einstein: It’s a very reasonable statement and there is a certain possibility】

【Bengtiexing: You might as well be bold, all three are correct answers】

【Otto Bengsan: Very bold idea, I like it】

【Beng Tie Xing: Yang Shu, it was he who answered my question, not me who took the initiative to talk to him.】

【Bentie Walter:……】

"I? Exactly the same as me……"

Nasida ran forward,"Are you... the Great Ci Tree King?"



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