"Well, that's me. Does this look... surprise you?"

Except for their voices, they are almost the same two people.

The World Tree and the Mo Yang of the earth are reproduced here, but after all, they are consciousness spaces.

Since the two have the same essence, they appear to be exactly the same.

We cannot say that Daci is The Tree King and Nacida look the same. It should be said that Nacida and the Great Merciful Tree King look the same.

There is now the Great Merciful Tree King, followed by Nacida.

Because the Great Merciful Tree King exhausted his strength and became smaller, Nacida is the one who is the one. She looks so small.

Without the disaster, people would have seen Nasita in her sister form.

"Why... are they essentially the same?"

I finally met the Great Ci Tree King. Nasida had many, many things to say to her.

"Because you are me, I am you"

"You are my reincarnation."

The voice of King Daci Tree is very gentle and full of maternal brilliance.


"As the Great Merciful Tree King, I am the incarnation of the World Tree, and you are the purest branches broken off from the World Tree."

"Just like...even if a tree dies, its branches will one day take root, grow up, and continue life in another form."

This metaphor of inheritance, the essence of the two is the same.

"The me in front of you is just a trace of my consciousness as the Great Ci Tree King. The real me must have been dead for a long time, right?"

"Hmm... If you judge the time based on your current appearance, I must have been dead for about five hundred years, right?……"

【Bengtiexing: How can you tell?】

【Bentie Qiana: Don’t interrupt, watch the live broadcast carefully】

【Genshin Ying: But aren’t you curious?】

【Bengsan Tesla: Then if you are really curious, just shut up.】

"You finally came, me after reincarnation"

"The Little Lucky Grass King and the Big Ci Tree King actually have such a relationship."

Ying thought thoughtfully, she had never thought of this scene.

"If you put it this way, could it be that...if I shake my head, I will become as great a god as you?"

"Although you and I have the same essence, our destiny will definitely be different. Everything has its own destiny."

"Just like when a branch grows into a new tree, it cannot be exactly the same as the original one."

King Daci Shu knows what Nasida is thinking.

You don't have to be me, you will inherit my legacy and lead Xumi to a new future.

"So destiny is the ultimate knowledge, right?"

In a broad sense, they can all connect to the World Tree to obtain knowledge, and it can be considered that they agree to exist. They are all incarnations of the World Tree.

In a narrow sense, they are different lives.

Different personalities, different thoughts, and different people..Because of this, there will be no one who will become whom.

The Little Lucky Grass King will not become the Great Charming Tree King, but he may become a greater god than the Great Charming Tree King.

"I have seen from you the will that I did not have back then. The future it leads to is your destiny."

"And those are also the gifts brought by your past experiences."

"Don’t worry, wisdom grows just like grass and trees. You just need to wait quietly for the flowers to bloom."

"I believe Nacida will become an even greater god."

As a friend, I believe in Nasida's strength.

Paimon was also indignant and said that the vision of the sages of the Order was really hopeless.

"Thank you...this is such a joy……"

The target I have always admired is actually myself with a different destiny.

The person I've always admired, the person I've always wanted to be... turns out to be me

"I can talk to you Zhenhai, Daci Shuwang, I always seem to see you……"

The Great Ci Tree King looked at Nasida tenderly.

How could she not? From this branch of the world tree, Nasida was created.

King Daci Shu looks forward to the day when he can have an equal conversation with her.

"Can you tell me... why you created me? And what exactly happened when you died."

This was their original purpose

"Well, I know, you are here to seek answers, right?"

It just so happens that she appears here just to tell you the answer

"The day it happened, even the sky turned into this color……"

"Sure enough, it was the Kanria Catastrophe."

Ying showed a matter-of-fact expression.

When the Seven Kingdoms have problems, they go to the Fools. When the Seven Gods have problems, they go to Kanria.

She has summed it up.

At first, except for the Great Merciful Tree King, all the seven gods were anxious to go to Kanria. country.

And the Great Mercy Tree King lacks another more important task - to protect the World Tree.

The disaster comes with the pollution of forbidden knowledge.

At almost the same moment, the Great Mercy Tree King, whose consciousness is connected to the World Tree, also notices Something strange happened.

When the Great Merciful Tree King arrived under the World Tree, it was completely eroded by the forbidden knowledge.

If she hadn't worked with the Red King to control the pollution of taboo knowledge thousands of years ago, the Great Merciful Tree King would have been at a loss at that time.

【Genshin Coral Palace Xinhai: So the country called Kanria also touched the forbidden knowledge?】

【Genshin Paimon: Wouldn’t it be nice to ask that guy Dyne, Dyne, Dyne, Dyne!】

【Genshin Ying: Paimon, stop shouting, he won’t come out]

Dyne is a famous Riddler. He knows a lot, but that doesn’t mean he can speak.

【Bengtiexing: Why not ask the magical Aha】

【Bengtie Aha: What's the rush? Don't be in a hurry, take your time.】

【Genshin Dyne: That is a power that does not belong to this world】

【Bengsan Tesla: You might as well not say anything】

【Original God Dyne:...the abyss is trying to control this power】

【Genshin Kamisato Ayaka: The Abyss Cult is indeed a group of dangerous guys】

【Genshin Impact: Another great sage trying to play with fire?】

"Forbidden knowledge...what exactly is it?"

Nasida asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

"It is knowledge that does not belong to this world, and it is also the truth that cannot be understood."

"It comes from the bottom of the abyss, and even I can't decipher it."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Regarding this issue, King Daci Shu doesn't know either.

Omniscient and omnipotent gods are known to be the fantasy of the Order Council.

【Original God Azar: How is it possible, not even King Daci Tree knows about it】

【Original God Dardalia: So what are you doing for five hundred years? There are also skirmishers. How does it feel to have something almost poured into your brain?】

【Original God Dardalia: If I were you, I would say thank you to Ying and Xiaocao Shen】

【Genshin Servant: Thank you? Then you might as well kill him]

Let the skirmishers say thank you, I'm afraid this quilt won't be able to hear it.

Unless his memory is erased and he becomes another person

【Genshen Ningguang: The Abyss Cult is playing with fire and might burn the whole world】

"The world continues to reject it, but it also causes various bad symptoms in the world"

"If forbidden knowledge is allowed to continue to pollute the World Tree, I am afraid that the entire Teyvat will fall apart."

The World Tree is the root of the Teyvat continent. When the World Tree is sick, the world will be sick. When the

World Tree dies, the world will die.

So far, only Sumeru has suffered, because Sumeru is far away from the World Tree. The nearest place.

When the disaster in Xumi cannot be suppressed, the next ones will be Liyue, Daozhi, and Fontaine Mond……

"There really is knowledge that even the God of Wisdom, Yang, cannot understand.……"

In fact, it is not surprising that the power of the God of Wisdom comes from the World Tree.

And forbidden knowledge is power from outside the world[]

"I knew at that time that I could not expel the taboo knowledge by relying on my own strength alone."

"So I created a device that integrates human intelligence and named it Void"

"That's the most amazing invention in the world."

Nasida praised

"Hehe Thank you. I have long believed that dreams are the fruit of human wisdom"

【Bengtiexing: Teaching Council: Dreams are delusions and boring things】

【Bengsanqiana: Great Sage: Dreams are useless】

【Collapse of Iron on March 7th: Murder and Heart-breaking】

【Original God Seno: The Great Merciful Tree King was used to integrate the wisdom of the Sumeru people to fight against things outside the world that erode the power, but it was so abused by the sages.】

【Beng San Yayi: Haven’t you done anything right in all these years of teaching?】

【Genshin Kaia: For now, no】

【Original God Leosley: The things they are proud of are either a joke or completely contrary to the original intention】

【Original God Dadalia: Most of the technology for creating gods was contributed by us fools, right?】

【Bengtie Fuxuan: Oh, you are so embarrassed to mention it.】

"Although this is a bit selfish, I still use the void to borrow people's dreams. I integrate people's wisdom and contribute all my strength."

"what's the result?"

The hard-top that integrated the wisdom of all Sumeru was successful, right? They tried it once before coming here.

"Thanks to the wisdom of the people of Xumi, almost all forbidden knowledge has been purged from the World Tree"

"But... Qingqing didn't go as smoothly as I expected. A headache gave me a bad feeling"

"I just remembered that my consciousness is connected to the World Tree. The World Tree brings me knowledge and wisdom, but the outside world also comes to me."

"From the beginning...my existence has been tainted with forbidden knowledge"



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