how so?!

In the video, the expressions of the three people changed.

The Great Merciful Tree King and the World Tree are connected. If the World Tree is polluted, the Great Merciful Tree King will also be polluted.

Doesn't that mean there is no hope?

The people in the three worlds looked ugly, and Xumi was wailing all over the place.

The Great Merciful Tree King saved World Tree, and they saw her remaining consciousness again today.

Two things worth being happy should be double happiness. Why is this?

【Original God Zhongli: The Great Mercy Tree King is part of the World Tree, and the forbidden knowledge will not disappear with her death】

【Original God Fukalos: After the death of the Great Ci Tree King, her memories and knowledge will be preserved in the World Tree, but this knowledge is contaminated】

【Original God Wendy: Forbidden Knowledge will follow the memory of the Great Merciful Tree King and return to the World Tree】

【Original God Funina: Wouldn’t it be hopeless?】

【Genshin Dyne: Yes, but can she afford the price?】

【Bengtie March 7: What, it turns out there is help, I was shocked】

【Bronya Bengtie: What price is greater than a world? King Cishu has his own sense of what is more important and less important.】

【Original God Dyne: Haha, gods are not good people. They don’t want you to show their claws, because you are not worthy of them.】

【Genshin Impact: Blatantly insulting gods is a serious crime in the Seven Kingdoms】

【Genshin Impact: Just tell the truth】

【Beng San Tesla: Don’t interrupt, you seem to know a lot about how to save Yggdrasil.】

【Bengsanqiana: Isn’t it because you don’t know that you are changing the topic so much?】

【Genshin Dyne: Clumsy provocation method】

【Original God"633" Zhongli: Forbidden knowledge returns to World Tree, the root cause is that the memory of King Daci Tree is contaminated】

【Bengtie Sushang: Wouldn’t it be better to keep the Great Ci Tree King alive and prevent her from returning to the World Tree?

Who said she Sushang was stupid, but she was quite smart when she turned around.

When the Great Merciful Tree King dies, the memory will return to the World Tree.

If the Great Kind Tree King dies, there is no need to return to the World Tree.

I also saved a life, how perfect

【Beng San Tesla: Look, what a genius idea. Then Genius Li will tell us what to do about the pathogen of Daci Tree King.】

【Beng Tieshang: Ah, this... is better than going back to pollute the World Tree.】

【Genshen Zhongli: Same, as long as the forbidden knowledge still exists, the pollution will not stop]

After understanding that Su Chang had no better way, Zhongli continued.

A wise man will always have one oversight, and a fool will have one oversight.

What if Su Chang really thought of a better way by accident?

Unfortunately, the miracle did not happen

【Original God Zhongli: The Great Merciful Tree King and the World Tree are one body, no matter who is polluted, they are the same】

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: The victim of the doomsday becomes the doomsday itself】

【Original God Wendy: A doctor cannot heal himself, and the Great Merciful Tree King cannot eliminate himself.】

【Beng San Einstein: You just mentioned eliminating the Great Merciful Tree King, right?]

Einstein locked the keyword.

She now knew why Dai Yin said so absolutely.

To eliminate yourself is not just suicide.

This is to completely erase one's existence from the World Tree

【Genshin Dyne: This is the price she has to pay, letting herself disappear from the world】

【Original God Dyne: Every trace she left will be erased. There will no longer be a Great Merciful Tree King in this world. Since the birth of the Seven Gods, there has only been a Little Lucky Grass King.】

【Original God Diluc:……】

【Original God Alhaysen:……】

Everyone was silent.

No one knows her name, no one remembers what she looks like.

Her existence will be erased, as if she never existed

【Genshin Impact Funina: Do you think the script looks familiar?】

【Broken Iron Green Bird: You mean】

【Beng Tie Jingyuan: After five hundred years of planning, no one knows about her, no one can remember her achievements, and no one knows what she has done for her country.】

【Beng Tieyanqing: She is Fukalos】

【Beng San Tesla: The gods in your world are all messy. Why are there such fools everywhere who like to sacrifice themselves?】

【Genshin Impact Chiori: Don’t be so pessimistic, maybe the script is different this time】

【Genshin Impact Tinari: These are just guesses, right?】

【Genshin Impact Kelai: Right?……】

" could that happen?……"

As the video continued, Aha seemed to intentionally give everyone time to discuss.

Nasida:"I have seen that kind of pain in your consciousness. It is a terrible experience, right?"

"Well, but in comparison, my feelings are not important, what is important is……"

"Even if I die, my existence and everything related to me will still be preserved in the World Tree as memories and knowledge, so the taboo knowledge can never be eradicated."

"And I... can never eliminate myself, which is a paradox."

Everyone's heart sank again.

It's almost exactly the same as what Zhongli and others said.

"Therefore, I broke off the purest branches of the world tree as my reincarnation and left clues"

"Just for you to come here and completely erase the polluted me from the World Tree……"

【Bengsan Tesla: Damn! 】

Tesla slammed the table, and this is how the plot unfolded again.

There are enough fools like this in Anti-Entropy, and some of them still died for her.

Now I’m getting stabbed while watching a video inventory, Tesla can’t stand it anymore

【Original God Nasida: How could this happen?】

【Bentie Silver Wolf: I thought Fukalos was already at his limit, but I didn’t expect this one to be even more ruthless] At least there are still people who know about the existence of Fukalos, but the Great Merciful Tree King has been wiped out from the very foundation of the world.

"……Wait, no... no... this isn't right……!"

She had gone through so much trouble to guess the Daci Tree King. Why did the result look like this?

"Do you understand what that means? It seems you are really smart"

"As you can imagine, all the knowledge and memories of this world exist in the World Tree.……"

"If you erase me from the World Tree... it will be as if I have never existed in this world."

"But...this is the only way to truly save the world tree"

"People love you so much, and everyone misses you all the time. I...I too……"

"How could I forget you like this……"

This is too cruel, the ending of the story should not be like this

"Is there really no other way? Is there nothing else I can do?"

Nascida is the God of Wisdom, and she knows that this is the only way.

But when things have reached this point, even she is looking for the slightest possibility like a fool.

Praying that there will be a higher-level god to save the Great Mercy Tree King

"You are the god of wisdom, Buyer, you should know. There is no other way."

The true light is not a world that will never be dark, but a light that will never be swallowed up by darkness."

"But...but...this is too cruel, I don't want to forget you."

Nascida's voice changed from calm and mature to trembling.

Death is not the end, forgetfulness is.

This kind of erasure from the concept should not happen to the gentle King Daci Shu.

"Don't be so sad, Buyer. As a wise man, you should enjoy the joy of finding the answer at this moment."

She lost her intellectual self, and that's nothing.

"That's itThe answer I'm looking for, the sentence I want to know the whole story……"

"Let the world... completely forget me."

We all live under the tree of wisdom and try to read the world.

Read from the soil, read from the rain...

Then we turn into white birds and climb up the branches.

Finally we hold the crucial leaf.

In the video, Naxi Da and the Great Ci Tree King hugged each other silently. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Once upon a time, I was the only individual in the world who could dream.

In my dreams, everyone would also enter after nightfall. Dreamland.

Strange thoughts float in people's minds, some roll to the ground, and some float to the sky.

It connects everything into an extremely eye-catching network.

There is a small world among the three thousand worlds.

All destiny, Everything is boiling here.

I gradually understand that these things that cannot be described and are constantly changing are the most profound things of time.

Only they can drive away the complete madness.

Only dreams can lift consciousness from the deepest darkness. Awakening.

The figure of the Great Merciful Tree King disappeared, leaving Nasita alone in the World Tree crying silently.

She didn't know why she was crying, because she had forgotten the existence of the Great Mercy Tree King.

It was like... the Great Mercy Tree King never existed. Pass

"I am a person who makes propositions, and I am also a person who seeks solutions."

"Saving the world with the dreams of others was once my answer"

"Now, I have found my own answer....."

"I will return all dreams to the world."

The existence of the Great Merciful Tree King disappeared, and the forbidden knowledge disappeared with it.

And everything that happened because of the forbidden knowledge also ceased to exist.

The Dead Realm, the Sandstorm, and the Demonic Lin Disease……

"People of Sumeru, I see you"[]

"May you have sweet dreams tonight"

【I don’t want to dream about the original god, I want the Great Merciful Tree King】

【Genshin I just want the Great Ci Tree King to be alive, no, as long as we can remember her.】

【Genshin Impact, let me get to know you guys, things are still going to turn around.】

【Genshin She is suitable for a great god like Lord Red King. We should not be biased against her.】

【When I was thirty years old, I cried like a child. King Daci Shu left all his tenderness to us, but we couldn’t even remember her name.

Sad, sad, and crying.

In the three worlds, as long as there are still creatures with human empathy, they are crying.

【Original God Kaia: Let the world... completely forget me】

【Ying Yuan Shen: If this is the ending, then I don’t accept it】

【Original God Nasida: If I guess correctly, I, or the Great Ci Tree King, are the protagonists of this review.】

【Original God Nasida: So, what is our reward?]

Fukalos has been saved, there is no reason why the Great Merciful Tree King cannot.

If it is Aha, if he uses the energy of the live broadcast room

【Bengtie Aha: As you wish, my friend] is just resurrected. This kind of intuitive reward should not be too easy to use.

【Genshin Impact Zhongli: At least, we don’t have to experience that ending]

Zhongli began to look forward to when he would take stock of him.

As long as he can resurrect his old friend, it doesn't matter if Zhongli loses a few people in the inventory.

【Original God Zhongli: And not everyone in that world has forgotten the Great Merciful Tree King.】

【Original God Zhongli: Witness, here to witness】

【Original God Zhongli: Those who remember, born to remember】

【Yuan Shenying: Say it again, but I still feel that a gentle person like the Great Ci Tree King should not exist in my heart alone】

【Beng Tieyanqing: That's good, but...why is this inventory not over yet?]

It's strange.

The skirmishers were defeated, the crisis in the World Tree was resolved, the Teaching Order was ambushed, and the Great Merciful Tree King also disappeared.

Only when all the tasks to be completed from the beginning to the end of the inventory have been completed

【Beng Tie Jingyun: Are there any masters?】

【Bengtie Xueyi: There are still unknown enemies】

【Original God Funina: Who else can we use? Only after all the enemies have been dealt with】

"Nasida, are you okay?"

"Ah, Ying.'s okay, I just don't understand it a little bit"

"Don't understand something?"

It's finally coming, Ying's heart tightened

"We just saved the world, right?"4.0

"But why...I seem to be crying?"

Nascida turned around, tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't stop her tears from flowing out.

Why, she saved the World Tree and eliminated the forbidden knowledge.

This is something to be happy about.

"I don’t know the source of this feeling in my heart, but... I always feel so sad……"

"Do you remember... what just happened?"

Ying Xiang tried to struggle.

If the Great Merciful Tree King really disappeared, then who had just saved the World Tree and eliminated the forbidden knowledge?

"What just happened? We have just used the power of two divine hearts to successfully establish a connection with the consciousness of the World Tree from five hundred years ago.……"

This is a revised memory. The Great Ci Tree King has disappeared, but everything she did will not disappear.

The world will automatically correct itself, giving seemingly reasonable explanations in people's memories

"Then the pollution of Cai Liu in the World Tree was wiped out."

Sure enough, I forgot about the Great Cishu King.

I still remember it because I don't belong to Teyvat.

Witnesses, come here to witness.

Ying thought of what Zhongli said to herself again.

"Yes, what happened? Weren't you here just now?"

Paimon doesn't remember what happened just now. Everyone has forgotten the existence of the Great Mercy Tree King.

Except her.

Do you want to tell everyone what happened?

Just when Ying was thinking about what to say, a wave of sleepiness swept over her. Brain.

When he was confused, Ying saw Nasida who was waiting for him.

And... Doctor?



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