Instructor Wu wanted Ling Yun to challenge a higher overload.

But for Ling Yun's health.

Instructor Wu finally stopped thinking about this.

After all, Ling Yun was in his first training. If something unexpected happened, he, a small instructor, could not bear the responsibility.

He was sure.

If Ling Yun wanted to be a pilot in the future.

He could definitely fly the best and most advanced fighter planes, and he would be the best pilot.

The huge noise of the centrifuge slowly decreased.

Sitting in the centrifuge, Ling Yun was a little confused and looked around in the centrifuge.

He just had a little feeling.

Why did the machine suddenly stop?

Ling Yun thought that the machine could only reach 6G at most, so after the centrifuge stopped, he walked out of the centrifuge and opened the door.

Seeing the hatch open.

Everyone's eyes were staring at Ling Yun.

At 6G, they thought that Ling Yun should have some discomfort.

But the actual situation told them.

They thought too much.

Ling Yun walked out as if nothing had happened.

He walked very naturally, in a standard queue walking posture.

Just watching Ling Yun walk made everyone feel so happy that they forgot that Ling Yun had just trained to 6G.

In the crowd.

Xue Yunfei was completely dumbfounded.

He worked so hard for so long to reach the overload of 6G.

Moreover, the 6G overload was achieved under the stimulation of Ling Yun.

But Ling Yun was so bad.

He directly reached 6G in the first overload training, and he was still like nothing had happened after coming down.

Xue Yunfei's heart completely collapsed.

After walking out, the first person Ling Yun noticed was Xue Yunfei.

When he went in.

Xue Yunfei's expression was a little proud.

When he came out.

Xue Yunfei's expression was as depressed as it could be.

Ling Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart: "It seems that this time he was hit hard."

Instructor Wu walked quickly to Ling Yun's side and observed Ling Yun's physical condition closely.

Then he asked: "Ling Yun, did you feel any discomfort during the training?"

"For example, you couldn't see things clearly."

Ling Yun shook his head and said: "I only felt uncomfortable for a few seconds when I was rising. The rest of the time, it was normal."

"It will be fine after a while."

"By the way, Instructor Wu, can our centrifuge only reach 6G at most? Why did it stop after 6G?"

Instructor Wu: "..."

"Do you want to continue to challenge higher overloads?"

Ling Yun nodded and said: "Of course I want to challenge higher overloads."

"I didn't feel anything particularly obvious at 6G. I feel that I haven't reached my limit yet."

As soon as this was said.

There was silence at the scene.

Xue Yunfei's heart seemed to be stabbed again.

After Instructor Wu's repeated consideration,

Finally, Instructor Wu decided to let Ling Yun board the centrifuge again.

Before boarding the centrifuge, Ling Yun said: "Instructor Wu, there is no need to slowly increase the power, just go straight to 6G."

But how could Instructor Wu listen to Ling Yun?

After Ling Yun boarded the centrifuge, Instructor Wu continued to increase the power slowly.

It was precisely because Ling Yun had a good talent.

Instructor Wu would not rashly increase the overload, he did not want Ling Yun to get into trouble.

The power was increasing bit by bit.

Seeing Ling Yun's stable heart rate and normal vital signs.

Instructor Wu thought the detector was broken.

Until Ling Yun reached 7G overload, Ling Yun's physical data finally looked like normal data in overload training.

But this data did not last long, and slowly leveled off again.

Although the heart rate was higher than normal, under the condition of 7G overload, Ling Yun's heart rate was terribly low.

Until the end.

When Ling Yun was having fun.

Suddenly, the centrifuge stopped again.

This made Ling Yun a little confused.

Could it be that if he wanted to challenge a higher overload, he would have to go up and down the centrifuge again?

After getting off the centrifuge, Instructor Wu noticed that Ling Yun looked a little unsatisfied.

Obviously, Ling Yun thought that Instructor Wu had stopped the centrifuge again.

Coming to Ling Yun, Instructor Wu smiled bitterly and said, "8G overload is already the limit of our centrifuge."

"We don't train fighter pilots here, so we don't have such a high-power centrifuge."

Ling Yun nodded with some regret and said, "It seems that I can't test my limit... 8G overload doesn't seem to be a big deal."

"My fingers can still move slightly, so I should be able to perform control movements, but I can't do large movements."

"But for the first 4G, I can move without much effort. Instructor Wu, have I reached the standard for flying a helicopter now?"

Instructor Wu was silent.

Everyone present was silent.

You have not reached the standard for flying a helicopter now, you have reached the standard for flying a supersonic fighter!

"Enough...enough..." Instructor Wu said slowly.

Because he still needs to train these soldiers, he can't take Ling Yun on the plane yet.

After Instructor Wu reported the situation to the person in charge.

The person in charge arranged a new instructor for Ling Yun.

This instructor is now responsible for teaching qualified soldiers to fly.

Listen The person in charge said that Ling Yun was coming to them now to learn basic flying with them.

This made the calm and composed instructor Chang a little confused.

Instructor Chang naturally knew that Ling Yun and his team were here.

But according to what he knew.

Ling Yun came here just to do rope descent training, right?

He is now teaching the soldiers basic flying.

Could it be that Ling Yun is also coming here to learn to fly a helicopter?

Instructor Chang said to the person in charge in a serious voice: "Have Ling Yun's theory and physical fitness passed the assessment?"

"It's not that easy to fly a helicopter. We can't open a shortcut for him just because he is special. "

After the person in charge explained to Instructor Chang.

Instructor Chang found that he had just thought too much.

They can't treat Ling Yun as an ordinary person.

Ling Yun is simply a genius among geniuses and a pervert among perverts.

That morning.

Under the leadership of Instructor Wu, Ling Yun came to the new training ground again.

However, compared with other training grounds, this training ground is much more domineering.

On the ground, there are armed helicopters of the same model parked.

In the picture, the armed helicopters are not that big, and there is not such a strong sense of oppression.

What's more, what Ling Yun saw in the picture were the most advanced ones.

The armed helicopters parked on the scene are all modified trainer aircraft. Their combat effectiveness is not very high and they are only used for teaching.

But the feeling of seeing it in person and in the picture is completely different.

Looking at the rows of armed helicopters in front of him, Ling Yun subconsciously exclaimed: "It's so shocking to see it on the scene. "

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