"How long has it taken from the time we requested support to now? What kind of good person can run so far in such a short time?"

"We have searched everything nearby. This person can't run towards our lair, right?"

"Even if he runs towards our lair, we will definitely see him on the road. We are always flying at low altitude."

Even the captain of Group B thought this was a bit strange.

Since the enemy can be hung up and hammered Group C.

That proves that the enemy has a lot of people and is very powerful.

But since there are so many people.

Why haven't they found anything after searching here for so long?

Ling Yun's footsteps have not stopped.

This run took nearly an hour.

Group B almost dug up the ground at the place where Group C had an accident, but they didn't find anything.

Seeing that no one was found, the command center gave a new order, saying: "Expand the search range and don't waste time here."

"Since the Red Army has changed its battle strategy this time, let's have a good fight with it!"

"The Red Army took advantage of our hearts, because we think that they are the defending side, so they will not appear in our territory."

"Since they think so, we will follow his idea and search ahead to see if there are any eliminated Red Army soldiers."


In this way, Team B drove the helicopter and circled and circled on the empty ground, and then judged.

Until the end.

Ling Yun was almost following the trail and ran to their lair.

The Night Wolf Special Forces has a total of more than 200 people.

Three special squadrons, and the rest are logistics, communications, and medical.

The first squadron of the Night Wolf Special Forces is stationed in the Night Wolf Command Headquarters.

The second and third are stationed in other places.

It's just that they are not that far away from the Night Wolf Special Forces.

Ling Yun used the radar skill to scan the headquarters.

There were just enough people in the headquarters.

Excluding the ten people who were eliminated and the ten people who went out to look for him, the remaining forty people were just enough to make up the fifty eliminations.

In addition to the combat soldiers, there were also commanders, logistics personnel and the like, all of whom could be eliminated and counted as heads.

Now Ling Yun was more than a thousand meters away from the Night Wolf headquarters.

After all, they were the attackers.

So they were a little lacking in defense.

There were very few invisible cameras and various sensor devices around.

Even if Ling Yun didn't use the radar skill, he could find a lot. After turning on the radar skill, Ling Yun quietly approached within 500 meters along the blind spot.

It was very easy for Ling Yun to eliminate a team of ten.

But it was still somewhat difficult for Ling Yun to directly destroy their lair.

When those ten people were eliminated.

Ling Yun wanted to take off their clothes and wear them on himself.

But if you do this.

The enemy sent people to search, and his purpose became very strong.

After scanning with radar skills.

The guards here are relatively weak, with only a few special forces standing guard at the door.

The rest are in a state of waiting for battle.

Once there is a need, they can go to war at any time.

Because the command base is a temporary construction, it is a little simple here, all built with tents.

Of course, everything that should be there is here.

Such as armed helicopters, armed transport helicopters, armored vehicles, everything is available.

Ling Yun came to a tree and put his backpack on the ground.

From the backpack.

Ling Yun took out the grenades and explosives he carried with him.

After taking the things.

Ling Yun disguised the backpack.

The explosives were placed in advance by Ling Yun.

At the same time, facing so many well-trained special forces, even Ling Yun did not dare to confront them head-on.

Want to get rid of them all.

Can only rely on strategies.

After setting up the trap in advance, Ling Yun disguised himself and simply ate a few bites of dry food.

Ling Yun also placed the sniper rifle on another hill.

Everything was ready.

Ling Yun went lightly, picked up the rifle and gradually approached the headquarters.

It was not difficult to enter the headquarters.

The surrounding security was relatively weak.

Taking advantage of the blind spot, you can directly touch inside.

Pass Ling Yun's cloud computing.

He only needs to throw two grenades into the headquarters, and the main personnel inside will be eliminated.

The rest of the time is a confrontation with those special forces.

Group B in front searched for a long time.

But the search has not found even a hair.

This made the Night Wolf Commander a little confused, and he really couldn't understand what was going on.

Just when he wanted to contact Group B.


Outside the tent, threw in two spherical objects.

When he looked carefully.

These two objects had already made a loud explosion.

The grenades were naturally specially modified, and they only made sounds, but they didn't have much power.

In the command room.

All the people in the explosion area were covered with white smoke.

Everyone was stunned.

The commander was also stunned.

Looking at the white smoke coming out of their bodies, they knew that they were eliminated!

But they couldn't figure it out.

How did the red team manage to drive straight into their headquarters without being discovered?

The commander also admitted in his heart that their defense was indeed very weak, after all, they were the attacking party.

But no matter how weak it was.

They wouldn't let such a big living person come in and throw two grenades into their command room, right?

The two loud noises quickly attracted the special forces in the command center.

Forty special forces immediately stood up and ran towards the source of the explosion.

The special forces team closest to the headquarters arrived first.

When they were about to reach the place.

Ling Yun took out his rifle and turned it to semi-automatic mode.

This way Ling Yun could shoot faster and more steadily.

Although it was semi-automatic.

When Ling Yun shot, the effect was like full automatic.

Ling Yun's fingers pulled the trigger frantically.

Five bullets were fired in one second.

White smoke came out of the helmets of the five special forces on the spot.

"There is an enemy attack on the headquarters!" A special forces soldier shouted loudly.

After confirming that he had distanced himself from these special forces.

Ling Yun deliberately showed his figure and ran up the mountain with full energy.

"He's there, chase him!!"

Everyone saw Ling Yun's figure immediately.

While chasing, they shot at Ling Yun.

In their minds.

The danger alarm was constantly beeping.

The trajectory of each bullet was calculated by Ling Yun.

In the hail of bullets.

Every bullet was just a little bit away from hitting Ling Yun.

It was as if the bullets knew to avoid Ling Yun.

They couldn't hit him at all.

Facing the pursuit of 35 special forces soldiers, even if he was prepared in advance, it was impossible to say that he was not afraid.

Ling Yun had never fought such a fierce battle in his previous life.

When all the special forces soldiers fell into the encirclement that Ling Yun had arranged in advance.

Ling Yun turned around suddenly and said to himself: "Now!"

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