Ling Yun decisively pressed the button in his pocket.

Explosions continued one after another.

In an instant, nearly ten people were eliminated.

"Not good! There is an ambush here!" A special forces soldier shouted loudly.

But Ling Yun didn't have much explosives.

If he had more, Ling Yun felt that he could take all these enemies away in one wave.

Although other people were affected.

But the elimination device was not triggered yet.

Taking advantage of the gap between the explosions, Ling Yun turned around and shot quickly.

With Ling Yun's shooting skills, nearly twenty people were eliminated in an instant.

The remaining special forces reacted quickly and found shelter behind the bunkers.

When they turned around and looked back at Ling Yun's position.

Ling Yun's figure had disappeared.

Although Ling Yun's camouflage ability may not be very good in front of these special forces.

But Ling Yun ran fast.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Yun ran a very long distance.

The scene.

The remaining special forces remained on high alert.

The logistics personnel in the headquarters also ran out to search and be on alert.

Those who can be logistics personnel in such a place are not weak.

One minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

But until ten minutes passed.

There was no movement at the scene.

During this period, everyone was very alert and observed, and slowly expanded the search nearby.

But no matter how they searched, they could not find Ling Yun.

In the end, everyone could only return to the position along the original route and remain on high alert.

"It's really weird."

"Did the red team cough up medicine this time? How long has the game started, and he can actually run to our headquarters."

"And I wonder, how did he know our headquarters?"

"If many people come here, they can only drive, but if they drive, our radar will have found them long ago."

"The only possibility is that they didn't drive, but ran here directly, but to run to us in such a short time...then I might as well believe that they drove here."

"Did you observe how many people the enemy sent just now?"

After everyone's analysis.

In the end, they analyzed that there were at least six teams.

The defense near their headquarters is not very good.

But no matter what, there are many sensors, hidden cameras, and various sensors.

Ordinary people want to come in.

Just searching for hidden cameras, sensors, and finding blind spots will take a lot of time.

Most of the time, it is very likely that they cannot be found.

Ling Yun was able to get here so quickly and bypass all the blind spots. It was hard for them to believe that this was something that one person could do.

The reason why the evacuation was so smooth.

It was also because Ling Yun took advantage of their psychology.

They must have subconsciously pursued, after all, this was in their own territory, and no one would have expected that they would be ambushed by the enemy in their own territory.

After more than 20 people were eliminated in an instant.

Ling Yun quickly ran away, and they did not dare to continue chasing, fearing that there would be an ambush.

Ling Yun already knew everything about the situation inside.

After the battle just now.

Even now, Ling Yun's little heart is pounding.

In the previous life.

Special forces is a height that he will never reach in his life.

But now, so many special forces were beaten by Ling Yun without any ability to fight back.

"Am I so strong now?" Ling Yun couldn't help but marvel at himself.

While thinking.

Ling Yun picked up the sniper rifle and approached the Night Wolf Command again.

What we need is to strike while the iron is hot.

They have just been attacked, so they will definitely ask for support as soon as possible.

After all, Ling Yun is now in the Blue Army's territory.

Who knows where the Blue Army will send a helicopter.

If he is discovered.

Even if Ling Yun is a god, he will be eliminated.

They are special forces, and they have their own pride.

Besides, it is not even the first day of the exercise, and it would be embarrassing to ask for support directly.

But the current situation is not optimistic.

Some face must be lost.

If it is not embarrassing, it will be even more embarrassing if it is spread out in the future.

The dignified Night Wolf Special Forces was wiped out by a six-man team, and they didn't even see the shadow of the six-man team.

If this is spread out, what kind of special forces are they still called, and what kind of special forces are they called?

Then they have to go back to raising pigs at the grassroots level!

Blue Army Headquarters.

After hearing the request for support, the communicator was a little unresponsive for a while.

But his professionalism allowed him to pass the message directly to the head of the Northern Theater, Zhao Zhongshan.

Zhao Zhongshan has always been very calm, and you can't seeWhat expression did he make? He had a sense of majesty without anger.

But after hearing the words of the communicator.

His face showed uncontrollable surprise.

"You said that the Night Wolf Command on the front line was about to be wiped out?!"

The communicator nodded seriously.

Under normal circumstances, no one would lie, let alone under such circumstances.

But although Zhao Zhongshan was surprised.

But he quickly came to his senses and became as calm as usual.

Zhao Zhongshan did not ask how the Night Wolf was beaten.

Instead, he said directly: "Immediately send out drones and armed helicopters to search!"


The communicator quickly conveyed Zhao Zhongshan's words to the relevant troops.

Then, Zhao Zhongshan took over the communication equipment and said in a deep voice: "You Night Wolf are the special forces that we can show off in the northern theater."

"It has not been more than 24 hours since the exercise started, and you have been severely injured by the enemy in your own territory. Is this the strength of your special forces?"

Although the emotion in Zhao Zhongshan's words was not that strong.

But the special forces soldier on the other end of the phone was particularly nervous and depressed.

"It's our fault."

"Chief, I'm not trying to excuse ourselves. It's really strange that he can suddenly come to our Night Wolf Command Base."

"It's strange that so many people can know the location of our Night Wolf Command at the same time, and they can successfully walk through the blind spot and bypass our sight."

"The special forces sent by the Red Army this time are very powerful, and our Night Wolf Group C was also eliminated by the Red Army. It is very likely that we already have a lot of Red Army soldiers here..."

Before the special forces soldier finished speaking.

On Zhao Zhongshan's side, the sound of falling to the ground came from the communication equipment.


Another smaller voice: "They are back again!"

Zhao Zhongshan frowned.

Another middle-aged man next to Zhao Zhongshan said uncertainly: "You said those guys from the Red Army, they won't be sent out..."

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking.

Zhao Zhongshan shook his head and said, "They can't possibly send out a force like that. You must know the nature of that force."

"They are either on a mission or on their way to a mission."

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