The boy spoke in a low voice.

But some people who came to report heard it.

"Huh? Bought it?"

"Tell me in detail."

Not long after Ling Yun got off the bus, the crowd started talking.

His ears were not deaf.

He could tell that the discussions in the crowd were all bad.

Zhang Wei pointed at the boy with white skin and said, "It's him."

"I heard him whisper something when I got off the bus, and a bunch of people surrounded him."

"Do you have a grudge against that person?"

Ling Yun has a good temper.

But if he is badmouthed by others for no reason, Ling Yun will naturally not tolerate it.

Ling Yun walked towards the boy aggressively.

The people who were talking quickly made way, not wanting to mess with Ling Yun.

"Pay money? You're going to spend this money for me?"

"Can you get into the University of Science and Technology of China by paying? Even if some universities can be entered by paying, can you pay for the college entrance examination scores?"

"You can't buy the top score in the college entrance examination by paying, right?"

Ling Yun had just retorted angrily.

But when he got closer to the boy.

Ling Yun suddenly felt that this person looked familiar.

After a quick search in his memory, Ling Yun learned that this person's name was Su Yang.

Su Yang's hair was longer in high school.

If you look at his back, Su Yang can be mistaken for a woman.

Ling Yun before was not like he is now.

In school, Ling Yun was no different from a gangster.

Carefully recalling the previous memories.

Ling Yun found that he was particularly boring before.

Because in Ling Yun's eyes, Su Yang was more sissy in both character and appearance.

When Ling Yun met him in the bathroom, he always liked to ask him why he came to the men's bathroom, and sissy like him should go to the women's bathroom.

Over time, Su Yang was somewhat traumatized by Ling Yun.

Because of his weak personality.

Su Yang did not dare to refute, so he had to run out of the bathroom with a blushing face.

From then on, he did not dare to go to the bathroom during the break for the entire three years of high school.

Most of the time, Su Yang chose to ask for leave to go to the bathroom during class.

Su Yang was startled by Ling Yun who was walking quickly.

Thinking of how he felt sorry for Su Yang in high school, Ling Yun's momentum suddenly decreased.

Ling Yun smiled awkwardly, "Haha, it turns out that you are an alumnus."

The people around him were suddenly stunned by Ling Yun's change of momentum, and so was Zhang Wei.

"I'm sorry for what happened in high school. I was young and ignorant."

"Since you look like a sissy, I always teased you when you went to the bathroom, so you didn't dare to go to the bathroom for three years in high school. Now it's all over, let's put aside the past, and I will never say you are a sissy again."

As the voice fell.

Ling Yun suddenly heard someone beside him laugh out loud.

Seeing Su Yang's flushed face, Ling Yun realized that he seemed to have exposed Su Yang's past.

Su Yang turned back to the queue, bowed his head and said nothing.

Zhang Wei: "..."

"You should get along with him. I also need to buy some things for my school registration."

After that, Zhang Wei drove away.

Because Ling Yun felt that he had left a shadow on Su Yang during the three years of high school, he felt a little guilty.

Ling Yun and Su Yang talked for a long time before Su Yang reluctantly accepted Ling Yun's apology.

On the way to the University of Science and Technology of China to register.

Su Yang and Ling Yun were assigned together again by chance.

On the way, Ling Yun talked a little bit, trying to ease the embarrassment.

In response to Ling Yun, Su Yang gave a perfunctory answer of a few words.

The embarrassment did not ease, and it was even more awkward now.

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled, thinking to himself: "Looks so quiet, but actually quite vindictive."

The difference between military academies and ordinary universities is that

After reporting to the military academy, they are already a soldier.

Similarly, there are many rules and regulations in the military academy.

The reason why Ling Yun cut his hair on the day of reporting is precisely because of the rules and regulations in the army.

If he had long hair.

After arriving at the military academy and being assigned a dormitory, they may be greeted by the squad leader's dog-biting haircut.

The University of Science and Technology of China is not far from the city where Ling Yun is located.

It took only more than four hours for everyone to reach the gate of the University of Science and Technology of China.

The gate of the University of Science and Technology of China is magnificent.

It looks very majestic.

The gate is open, and there is a new student registration area in the middle of the gate.

Ling Yun didn't bring much luggage.

There is no point in bringing so much luggage in the military academy, because in the military academy, everyone eats and wears school clothes.

There are few opportunities to wear casual clothes.

As for some daily necessities, the military academy will also distribute them.

On the contrary, Su Yang next to Ling Yun took a lot of luggage.

Ling Yun easily took out the things needed for reporting.The staff operated the computer and compared the information.

After the comparison, the staff gave Ling Yun the dormitory number plate.

Su Yang took a lot of effort to get the certificate.

The two of them were assigned to the same dormitory naturally.

"Take the number plate and go to the distribution room to get clothes and daily necessities."

"Walk into the campus, there will be seniors to meet you."

Su Yang is shy. Although Ling Yun apologized to him, he still doesn't like Ling Yun very much.

But here, Ling Yun is the only one he knows.

And they are in the same dormitory now.

Su Yang didn't say anything and followed Ling Yun silently.

Not a few steps into the campus.

Two seniors came over enthusiastically in the distance.

This is a fine tradition of the army, and it is also a fine tradition of the military academy.

Of course, helping is not for nothing...

Once the new training begins.

These recruits will be drilled to death.

"Two students, come this way."

The two seniors said enthusiastically, walking towards Ling Yun and the others.

When they came to their side, they helped to pick up the luggage.

Seeing that Ling Yun didn't have much luggage, one of the seniors was a little surprised and joked: "Student, it seems that you are very experienced."

Ling Yun smiled and said: "After all, I came to a military academy, not other universities, and I still understand some rules."

The two seniors also smiled.

"Come on, I'll take you to the distribution room."

Under the guidance of the two seniors, Ling Yun and Su Yang received clothes and personal items and were taken to the dormitory building.

Ling Yun's dormitory is in Building 7, Room 501.

"Our University of Science and Technology is not easy to find, but the dormitory building is the easiest to find."

"Each dormitory building is marked with the building number, which is clearly visible. As for other large places, I won't take you one by one."

"After the new training begins, you will gradually become familiar with the large group."

After the two seniors finished speaking, they turned around to receive other freshmen.

Walk into the dormitory building.

What caught my eyes was the extremely clean corridor.

In sharp contrast to the clean and tidy corridor were the freshmen in each dormitory.

Every freshman looked as uncomfortable as if they had constipation.

It was as ugly as it could be.

Ling Yun poked Su Yang and whispered to him: "Whether you like to keep long hair or not, be prepared to be shaved bald in a while."

"The military academy is the same as the army, this is the rule."

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