Su Yang ignored Ling Yun, thinking that Ling Yun was trying to scare him again.

Seeing Su Yang who didn't appreciate it.

Ling Yun ignored it and walked to Room 501 according to the dormitory number plate.

The dormitory has 10 people.

Two squad leaders, 8 new recruits, Ling Yun and Su Yang are the last two to arrive.

As soon as they entered the dormitory, the two squad leaders came forward to welcome them very enthusiastically.

"Welcome to our last two freshmen in Room 501."

"Come on, come inside."

Seeing the two squad leaders so enthusiastic, Ling Yun sighed in his heart.

It is estimated that only today can I see the squad leaders so enthusiastic.

Tomorrow, it is estimated that they will roar.

Ling Yun thought in his heart, and then saluted the two squad leaders at attention, his voice was very loud and powerful.

"Hello, squad leader!"

Faced with Ling Yun's sudden salute and greeting.

The two squad leaders were a little surprised.

Ling Yun's salute was very standard, just like a senior veteran.

Li Chao was a little surprised, patted Ling Yun on the shoulder and said, "It's a very standard salute."

"Where did you learn it?"

Ling Yun made up a random excuse and said, "I like to watch some military TV dramas on weekdays, and I always practice at home."

He couldn't say that he was a soldier in his previous life, right?

Li Chao nodded with satisfaction, and liked Ling Yun, a freshman.

Su Yang, who was standing next to him, saw Ling Yun saluting and greeting him.

He also saluted stiffly and said in a low voice, "Hello, squad leader."

There is no harm without comparison.

Li Chao shook his head and smiled, pointing to the empty bed, "Su Yang, your bed is No. 8."

"Ling Yun, your bed is No. 7."

Ling Yun and Su Yang nodded.

The six freshmen in the dormitory were stunned by Ling Yun's extremely standard salute just now.

Li Chao stood near the door and waved to the eight people, indicating silence.

"Since everyone in Room 501 is here."

"Now I will introduce you to the rules of our military academy."

"Let me introduce myself first. From today to the next three months, I will be your squad leader."

"You can call me Li Chao. Next to me is your deputy squad leader, Chen Zijian."

Ling Yun looked around when he entered the dormitory.

The roommates' luggage was on the bed, and it seemed that it had not been packed yet. It should be that the squad leader did it on purpose.

Wait until everyone is here to talk about the rules together.

"Let's start with the interior of our dormitory."

"Your lockers are on both sides of the door. Your locker number is the same as your bed number. Things in the lockers cannot be placed randomly. They must be folded and neatly placed together."

"You can think of the military academy as a military unit. Here, you are not only college students, but also soldiers."

"The military is about uniformity. You should have learned about it from movies and TV shows before."

"There are regulations for the placement of everything in the dormitory. In addition to the things you received when you entered the school, the rest of your luggage will be placed in the warehouse."

"I'll leave it here first. If I find out that you have secretly hidden something in the dormitory, don't blame me for being rude!"


Li Chao talked like this for more than ten minutes.

And he didn't finish talking in these ten minutes.

Hearing these rules, the freshmen's heads swelled several times.

After briefly explaining the general rules,

Li Chao nodded to Chen Zijian, and Chen Zijian turned around and took out the hair clipper from the cabinet.

Seeing the hair clipper, Su Yang suddenly thought of what Ling Yun had just said.

Li Chao pointed to the haircutting tools and said, "You have already understood that the most important thing in the army is uniformity."

"The same is true for hairstyles."

"Ling Yun's hair is very standard, and your hairstyle still needs trimming."

Li Chao smiled wickedly.

Except for Ling Yun, the other seven freshmen in the dormitory had a bad premonition.

"After the haircut, you can move freely in the dormitory. Clean the dormitory and report to your family. Starting tomorrow, your personal belongings will be received in the warehouse."

More than 20 minutes passed.

There were seven more sad people in the dormitory.

Looking at their own achievements, the two squad leaders smiled wickedly.

"Free movement."

"If nothing unexpected happens, today is the freest day for you in the next three months."

After speaking, the two squad leaders turned around and walked out.

After confirming that the two monitors had gone far away, the dormitory was suddenly filled with ghosts and wolves howling.

Looking at Su Yang in the mirror, whose hair was shaved like a dog's, tears welled up in his eyes.

Other freshmen were also there crying for their parents.

"Oh my god, my beautiful hair! I was not allowed to grow my hair long for three years in high school. I finally let it grow long during the holidays and had it permed! "

"Brother, you should be content. Look at my hair... a dog-bitten one would be more neat than the one cut by the monitor."

"I really regret applying to the University of Science and Technology of China. There are so many rules. It's more painful than killing me!"

"Lights are turned off at 10:30, walking is not allowed, personal belongings have to be collected, no mobile phones... smoking, drinking, nothing is allowed. "

Ling Yun understood their feelings very well.

It was not easy to get out of high school, and they thought they could enjoy themselves in college.

But when they arrived at the military academy, they suddenly faced so many rules, it would be strange if they didn't collapse.

But for Ling Yun, this was nothing.

Returning to such an environment again, Ling Yun felt very familiar.

The military academy is just like the army.

There is no intrigue, only pure comradeship.

After a long time, these wailing freshmen will like this kind of life.

After a while of ghosts and wolves howling.

In the complaints and complaints, the roommates gradually became familiar with each other.

After all, they are all eighteen or nineteen years old, all the same age, and have many common topics.

At this time, a man from the Northeast with a height of 1.85 meters and a Northeast accent said: "I just realized that we have been complaining here for so long, but we still don’t know each other’s names. "

"Everyone, let me introduce myself first. "

"My name is Zhang Hao, and I’m from the Northeast! "

Under Zhang Hao's lead, the roommates introduced themselves one by one.

"My name is Chang Wei!"

Zhang Hao joked: "Chang Wei? Do you want to fight Lai Fu?"

The roommates laughed.

"My name is Xu Fei."

"My name is Su Yang."


While introducing themselves, the roommates chatted about their hometowns.

When it was Ling Yun's turn to introduce himself.

The relationship between the roommates has become very harmonious.

Although Su Yang is a little socially anxious and shy, he also took the initiative to talk under the leadership of the Northeast man Zhang Hao.

When talking about hairstyles, Zhang Hao looked at Ling Yun with envy.

"Alas, why can't I be as foresighted as Ling Yun? I should have gone to the barber shop to get a haircut before coming here."

"There are 8 freshmen in our group, and you are the only survivor among the 8 of us. "

Ling Yun smiled and said, "Let's not study the hairstyle issue first. We have to face a bigger problem now."

Everyone was puzzled, "What problem?"


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