Of course, they were just talking.

Having dealt with Zhou Hongwei for so many years, they naturally knew what kind of person Zhou Hongwei was.

But they still felt incredible about Ling Yun's physique.

Ling Yun could run so fast.

There was only one explanation in their minds.

That is, Ling Yun had been training to run since he was a child, and he had been training until now.

And Ling Yun also had an extraordinary talent for running.

Talent plus sweat can burst out the power of Ling Yun.

Under the gaze of everyone.

They watched Ling Yun lap his own contestants twice.

The word humiliation was a big deal on their heads.

While others were still struggling at 10,000 meters, Ling Yun had already run to the beach next to him.

Swimming to the island and back was exactly three kilometers.

Ling Yun did not hesitate at all.

After fully armed, he dived into the water.

The people from all parties watching nearby could not help but look at Ling Yun again.

As for the contestants on the track.

No one was watching anymore.

Watching Ling Yun was much more fun than watching other people.

They were always thinking.

Ling Yun had just finished running ten kilometers, and at that speed.

Even if he was a god, he would be tired next, right?

But what they didn't expect was.

Ling Yun's swimming speed was not slow at all.

After entering the sea, Ling Yun was like a fish in water.

"This person is simply driven by nuclear power..."

Facts proved.

Ling Yun really seemed to be driven by nuclear power.

In the end.

When others were just about to start the armed swimming, Ling Yun was almost on the shore.

The distance was almost three kilometers away.

This distance was very scary.

And swimming couldn't be as fast as running.

When running, one kilometer might be completed in three minutes.

But swimming was different.

The speed of swimming was much slower than that of running.

Except for Ling Yun.

Seeing Ling Yun about to land, the other contestants were filled with despair.

They felt that they were not here to participate in the competition.

Instead, they came here to be abused.

In front of Ling Yun.

They had no ability to fight at all.

Now their only hope to beat Ling Yun was the next fight.

After landing, Ling Yun ran at full speed.

Of course.

Ling Yun was not a god.

He was also an ordinary person, and he would get tired.

It's just that his physique was a little better than others.

After running ten kilometers and swimming three kilometers, Ling Yun was now panting.

His heart rate was obviously much higher.

But this was far from Ling Yun's limit.

If he could reach the limit so quickly.

Then the speed of his physical growth might be like riding a rocket.

Ling Yun still had a lot of speed left.

If he really ran with all his strength, I'm afraid he would have finished the 400-meter obstacle course by now.

Ling Yun was worried.

If he used all his strength, he would probably be taken away for research after the game.

Back on the field.

Ling Yun could feel the audience's gaze.

There was shock, disbelief, and passion.

"This... are you ready to start the 400-meter hurdles?"

"Too outrageous... I have never seen such an outrageous thing in my life... If you don't know, you would think it was a veteran and a new soldier."

"Who would have known that the people who were left so far behind by Ling Yun were all good soldiers selected by all parties."

Reached the 400-meter hurdles.

Ling Yun used the running method he had studied before.

Ling Yun ran through the 100-meter sand pit as if it were flat ground.

Others didn't think it was that difficult.

In addition to Ling Yun, those who were doing armed swimming could also do it.

Reached the soft bridge.

Ling Yun was still running like he was on flat ground, unaffected by the shaking.

The audience gritted their teeth, thinking that they could do it too.

But until Ling Yun ran to the high net.

They were completely impressed by Ling Yun.

The high net in front of Ling Yun did not look like a high net.

The high net in front of Ling Yun was like a hurdle in front of a hurdler.

The six-meter-high net did not slow Ling Yun down at all.

The entire 400-meter obstacle course.

Ling Yun ran smoothly.

Although this was not the 400-meter island obstacle course, there were still many similarities to the island obstacle course.

This 400-meter obstacle course was a comprehensive result.

But before running, Ling Yun had already glanced at the course.

Familiar with the route of the course, Ling Yun felt that he could run the entire course with his eyes closed.

There was no need to compete for the first place in the triathlon.

As long as Tan Fei and Qin Su could run to the finish line.

They would both be the firstThe result of the first place.

At this time, Ling Yun's result was updated by the examiner on the score screen at the scene.

After seeing it, all the people from all parties were amazed.

Ling Yun ran 10 kilometers in 28 minutes.

After running 10 kilometers in 28 minutes.

Ling Yun completed the armed swimming of 3 kilometers in half an hour.

You should know.

The world record for swimming 1,500 meters is just over 14 minutes.

The world record for 10 kilometers is more than 26 minutes.

This is still in the competition.

The result of Ling Yun's running is very close to the world record.

In the 400-meter obstacle, Ling Yun also ran a perverted result of more than one minute and 20 seconds.

After running.

Although Ling Yun was tired and panting heavily.

But others could also see that Ling Yun did not really use his full strength and did not reach the limit.

The discussion at the scene continued.

"Are you sure that the University of Science and Technology of China has recruited a world champion?"

"I feel that if he wants, he can break the world record in a minute."

"Be more confident! 10,000-meter long-distance running, 3-kilometer armed swimming, and now the 400-meter obstacle course."

"Each of his events is very close to the records of various events. If you pick any one at random, I don't believe that he won't break the record."

"Did this Ling Yun secretly evolve without our knowledge?"

While the audience was discussing.

Ling Yun was pulled to a nearby rest by the staff.

Drink water to replenish his energy.

The other contestants were almost competing in despair.

Before coming.

They wanted to compete for the first place.

But now, they are all trying their best to strive for the second place.

Tan Fei and Qin Su were not disrupted in the 10-kilometer race, and their physical strength was relatively abundant.

They led in front for a short time.

But not long after, the contestant from the fire brigade caught up again.

And they overtook in the 400-meter obstacle course.

Ling Yun had also been observing this person silently.

When the results were announced, he knew this person's name.

Fire Brigade, Ye Jinfeng.

He looked ordinary.

But Ling Yun could feel the muscles bursting under his clothes.

You can tell at a glance.

This person is definitely a martial artist.

"I guess the person the system reminded me to be careful of should be you." Ling Yun thought secretly in his heart.

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