After coming to this world.

Ling Yun is no different from someone who has been cheating all the way.

No matter what aspect, he has never met anyone who is close to his strength.

He has no opponent.

Now, suddenly there is someone who is stronger than him.

Ling Yun is a little worried and a little excited.

More excited.

He has a system to get to where he is today.

It is hard for him to imagine how someone without a system can reach such a level.

Some time has passed.

All the participating members have completed the triathlon and entered a short break.

The participants drank energy drinks.

They also ate something to quickly replenish their energy and prepare for the next fight.

The three people from the fire brigade sat together in front of the audience of the fire brigade.

One of the men with darker skin said to Ye Jinfeng: "Old Ye, that kid from the University of Science and Technology of China doesn't look like an ordinary person."

"You have to be careful in the fight next time."

Another person also nodded in agreement.

Although they knew that Ye Jinfeng was very strong, they did not have a clear concept of Ye Jinfeng's strength.

Of course, Ye Jinfeng was still very confident in his strength.

Ye Jinfeng waved his hand and said, "It's okay."

The darker man said again: "His physical fitness is two levels compared to ours. I feel that even if we let the special forces come, they can't outrun him."

"Old Ye, is it really okay? Don't underestimate the enemy."

Both of them were a little worried.

Ling Yun's abnormal performance just now made them retreat before they even started fighting.

If Ling Yun was just ahead of them by a little distance.

Then they would not be afraid.

But the physical fitness that Ling Yun just showed was too strong.

But when everyone was done, Ling Yun looked like nothing happened.

It's hard to imagine that Ling Yun just finished a triathlon.

Ye Jinfeng nodded and said calmly: "His good physical fitness does not mean that he is good at fighting."

"Fighting is more about skills. You must have heard the saying that a little effort can achieve a great result."

"If you want to practice fighting well, it is impossible without daily efforts. I have to admit that the man named Ling Yun is a genius, but if he wants to practice physical fitness to the extreme, he needs to spend a long time and energy."

"So, he doesn't have much time to practice fighting. Besides, he is only a freshman. According to the time, his training has not yet ended."

Listening to Ye Jinfeng's analysis.

Lao Hei and another person nodded, thinking it made sense.

Some people may be very successful in one aspect.

But being very successful means that he will definitely pay a lot in this aspect, so that he will definitely not be so strong in other aspects.

Just like a person who is good at running and a person who is good at swimming.

A person who is good at running cannot swim better than a person who is good at swimming.

A person who is good at swimming cannot run better than a person who is good at running.

Ye Jinfeng was born in a martial arts family and has been influenced by martial arts since childhood. Since birth, he has devoted most of his time to martial arts.

This is one of the reasons why he is confident in his fighting ability.

He is very low-key and does not participate in any competitions.

But he has communicated with some professional players privately.

With Ye Jinfeng's strength, it is easy to win the first place in a competition.

Other teams are also somewhat afraid of Ling Yun.

Because the strength that Ling Yun just showed is too amazing.

Of course, there is only some fear.

In addition to fear, they also have excitement.

The fighting spirit continues to erupt.

After all, each of them is the best in their place.

It is difficult to meet any opponents.

Now that they can meet opponents, their fighting spirit is naturally full.

After a half-hour break.

The host briefly announced the rules of the game.

The rules of the game are very simple.

Each team has three lives.

Three lives correspond to three contestants, and contestants are not allowed to play again after being eliminated.

For the sake of fairness.

The game distribution is determined by the official.

Under the gaze of everyone in the audience, the first two groups to play were the armed police brigade and the field troops.

The fight was very fierce and dazzling.

Ling Yun could feel it.

The people they sent out were not their trump cards.

The real trump cards are often only used at the end.

What surprised Ling Yun was that.

These people who played were all strong.

Especially the three people from the fire brigade.

Among them, Ye Jinfeng had been speculated by Ling Yun as the system told him to be careful..

The other two.

Ling Yun also observed in the following battle.

Their strength is not weak.

Although they are firefighters, they are first-class fighters.

"Strange... Aren't they from the fire brigade? How can the people from the fire brigade fight so well?" Ling Yun frowned and thought to himself.

At this time, Tan Fei was fighting with a contestant from the fire brigade.

The one fighting against Tan Fei was Lao Hei.

The two fought hard for a while and were evenly matched.

The fight lasted longer.

Tan Fei had an advantage and gradually expanded it.

Seeing Ling Yun's somewhat confused look, Qin Su smiled and said, "Are you a little surprised? The main task of firefighters is to put out fires, why are they so good at fighting?"

Ling Yun nodded.

In his heart, he couldn't help but smile.

Qin Su's face looked so serious.

Now it looks a bit inconsistent to force a smile.

Qin Su continued, "Actually, this is not difficult to explain. After all, there are many people in the fire brigade. Among so many people, there are always a few who can fight."

Ling Yun nodded.

This is indeed true.

Even if you go to a university, you can always find a few students who are very strong in fighting.

"I don't know much about the others, but I know something about the one who didn't play."

"His name is Ye Jinfeng. He has practiced martial arts since he was a child and his strength is quite amazing. Even a top soldier in the field army couldn't beat him."

"Of course, this happened in the last joint competition."

"You can see that the firefighters are much stronger than us. Even if the rhythm is disrupted at the beginning, Ye Jinfeng will catch up with us later, and the others can barely keep up."

Ling Yun nodded, "They have to run fast because of their duties."

Qin Su pointed to Lao Hei who was fighting back and forth with Tan Fei on the stage, and said: "Under such premise, they can fight, and they have Ye Jinfeng's guidance, so their strength will naturally not be weak."

"As long as you look carefully, you can find that the moves they use are deadly. Don't even think about it, this is Ye Jinfeng's characteristic."

"Real martial arts are not something for performance. Real martial arts are all killing skills."

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