"Report, I have read the questions." Ling Yun answered truthfully.

While saying this.

Ling Yun's pen in his hand still did not stop, writing quickly on the test paper.

"But you started writing directly after taking the test paper?"

"It takes a certain amount of time to read the questions, and it also takes a certain amount of time to solve the questions."

Ling Yun is not stupid.

Chang Yunfei asked him this, he must be suspicious that he was writing nonsense.

Ling Yun explained: "Just when I entered the office, I saw the test paper on the table, and I have calculated all the questions in my mind."

"If Teacher Chang doesn't believe it, you can sit next to me and see if the answers written on my test paper are correct."

Because Chang Yunfei and Ling Yun were sitting opposite each other.

Chang Yunfei couldn't see the answers on Ling Yun's test paper, he could only see Ling Yun writing quickly there.

Although other teachers said that Ling Yun was a genius, a genius among geniuses.

And he has the ability to remember everything he saw.

But wasn't Ling Yun's speed in doing the test paper a little too fast today?

Chang Yunfei stood up half-believingly and walked to Ling Yun's side.

In fact, when he stood up.

Chang Yunfei had already doubted himself in his heart, whether he was overthinking.

Because Ling Yun's expression just now was very calm.

It didn't seem like he was lying at all.

And the test paper of their University of Science and Technology of China is different from ordinary test papers.

This test paper does not have any multiple-choice questions, and fill-in-the-blank questions are even rare.

If you know it, you know it.

If you don't know it, you don't know it.

There is no situation of writing answers randomly and relying on luck.

When Chang Yunfei walked to Ling Yun's side.

Ling Yun had almost finished writing the first page of the test paper.

Chang Yunfei quickly glanced at the test paper.

After all, he wrote the test paper himself, and he knew the answer to every question very well.

It would be better if he didn't look at it.

This look almost made Chang Yunfei's jaw drop to the ground.

Because look at which one.

The answer to which one is all correct.

The answer Ling Yun wrote down was basically the same as the standard answer.

If Chang Yunfei hadn't memorized the standard answer in his head and didn't sort it out.

Chang Yunfei really suspected that Ling Yun had secretly seen the answer somewhere.

Ling Yun wrote very quickly.

There was only one question left to be completed in the first interview paper.

Chang Yunfei looked at Ling Yun's paper carefully.

After a careful look, Chang Yunfei's surprise was magnified again.

Because Ling Yun's answer was even better than the standard answer in many places.

There were many places.

He, the teacher, didn't expect it.

Before Chang Yunfei could react, Ling Yun had already turned over the paper and started writing on the back.

The whole process.

Chang Yunfei almost stared with his eyes wide open and his mouth slightly open, just watching Ling Yun finish writing.

Ling Yun's writing speed was almost parallel to his thinking speed.

Because there were many places.

The answer Ling Yun wrote was even better than what he wrote.

Why would you ask Ling Yun to teach you with Ling Yun's ability?

What else can he teach?

There are many things he can ask Ling Yun.

The reason why Ling Yun can write so well is that he benefits from his engineering skills.

With this skill, Ling Yun can understand more principles.

The skills given to Ling Yun by the system are the most advanced in the current world.

There are even some places that Chang Yunfei doesn't quite understand.

Finished the test paper.

Chang Yunfei was already confused.

Ling Yun put down his pen and said to Chang Yunfei very naturally: "Teacher, I have finished writing."

Chang Yunfei was stunned for a long time.

Then he nodded slowly.

He had a feeling that Ling Yun could answer the questions even faster.

It was because he wrote too slowly that Ling Yun's answering speed was delayed.

"Come to my class next time, and I will take you to practice." Chang Yunfei said.

Ling Yun burst out with two rays of light.

After acquiring the engineering skills, he couldn't wait to make the things in the skills.

Chang Yunfei looked at Ling Yun and continued, "If you have time, you can also do Teacher Sun's test paper, which is on his desk."


After that, Ling Yun took the test paper.

The speed of writing the test paper is only faster, not slower.

Although Chang Yunfei and Teacher Sun teach differently, Chang Yunfei can understand some answers to some extent.

At least the answers he can understand.

Ling Yun is right.

Before the winter vacation, Ling Yun almost always stayed in the computer room or the laboratory.

It didn't take long for Ling Yun to be with him.

Chang Yunfei and Teacher Sun felt that he had nothing to teach Ling Yun.

What Ling Yun made.

It was even more awesome than what they made.

The achievements they made before were comparable to Ling Yun's.Compared to them, it is completely a younger brother.

Although Ling Yun's products have not been truly made yet.

But after computer calculations.

Ling Yun's theories and models are all feasible.

During this period.

Ling Yun created micro drones, which can be used in many ways.

Reconnaissance, suicide attacks.

And the cost of micro drones is very low, and each soldier can carry one or even more.

At the same time, Ling Yun designed a robot dog.

The robot dog is used for combat, transportation, and reconnaissance.

In his spare time, Ling Yun also designed an exoskeleton system, which does not use any energy.

It is designed based on various complex mechanical principles.

Although the agility is a bit lower, it can make people easily move heavier things, which is very suitable for logistics.

A semester is only four or five months of school.

A semester in college is usually shorter, just over four months.

In military academies.

Most of the first semester is spent during the new training period.

With more than a month left, it is impossible to learn any subject's theory very well.

Generally speaking.

In the first semester, freshmen can do almost nothing.

But Ling Yun is completely different.

In the first semester alone, Ling Yun has learned all the theories that the land warfare command major needs to learn in four years.

Moreover, Ling Yun's military quality has also reached all the standards.

At the same time.

During the new training, Ling Yun also represented the school in the joint competition and won the first place.

The new training broke many military records.

In the evening party after the new training, Ling Yun created another original song, which became popular on the Internet.

Now, Ling Yun has many projects under development.

Thinking of Ling Yun's things, Zhang Hao and others were inevitably hit.

Putting Ling Yun aside.

They are still very good.

But Ling Yun is too good. Compared with Ling Yun, they were defeated in seconds.

On the eve of the holiday.

The final exam is coming up, and the freshmen are studying like crazy in the dormitory.

Although Zhang Hao and his classmates are sure that they will not fail the course, and their grades are very good.

But after all, who doesn't want to get a good grade?

Especially with such a perverted Ling Yun in the dormitory.

If their grades are not as good, they really don't need to live.

"Ah... I really envy Old Ling..."

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