"We can only envy them."

The freshmen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

At this time.

Ling Yun was no longer in the dormitory.

Before leaving school, Ling Yun made various instructions and plans for his projects.

Because the feasibility of Ling Yun's projects has been proven.

After reporting step by step.

Ling Yun's projects have been highly valued by the headquarters.

Once Ling Yun's project is completed, it will bring huge reforms to the entire army.

Micro single-soldier combat drone.

Low cost, can be used for reconnaissance, and can carry out suicide attacks.

The robot dog created can be used for transportation, reconnaissance, or loaded with weapons for attack.

The exoskeleton is also very useful for the logistics group fighting on the front line.

At this time.

In the laboratory of the University of Science and Technology of China, the first unit of these three projects is being produced in an expedited manner.

Ling Yun also discovered.

In this world, it seems that there is no 3D printing technology.

So the manufacturing will be slower.

Although the exoskeleton is relatively complex, it is the easiest to make samples.

The first batch of samples has been submitted.

As for the software control of those micro drones and robot dogs, Ling Yun has already written it.

The next step is to make them according to the drawings.


Chang Yunfei and Teacher Sun have become Ling Yun's assistants.

Those students also followed Ling Yun and continued to learn from Ling Yun.

A few days later.

The first semester is about to end.

The freshmen also ushered in their first final exams at the University of Science and Technology of China.

Early in the morning, Zhang Hao and his friends got up early.

The exam started at 8:30.

They still have two hours to review before the exam.

Seeing Ling Yun's calmness.

Zhang Hao and his friends are envious.

At the same time, Ling Yun also saw that Zhang Hao and his friends were all nervous.

Everyone was seizing the time to study.

Ling Yun suddenly remembered the task of the system.

Establish a club.

I have been busy recently and have forgotten to focus on the study of Jin Hao and others.

If their cultural theory does not meet the standards.

Ling Yun's task of establishing the club will be postponed again.

If half a year passes.

The final reward will also be reduced.

Ling Yun clapped his hands, and everyone subconsciously turned back to look at Ling Yun.

The first subject was physics.

Ling Yun said: "What do you not know about physics? What do you not understand?"

"Come and ask me now, I have time to teach you now."

The eyes of the freshmen suddenly lit up.

To say that Ling Yun is a top student is not to describe him properly.

With Ling Yun's learning ability.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a god of learning.

Ling Yun asked the system again in his mind, "Do you have any relevant skills?"

Although Ling Yun did not say it directly.

But the system still understood what Ling Yun wanted.


"Contemplation control: The host can better control his thoughts. When the host speaks or imparts knowledge, other people can achieve very good results after fully devoting themselves to it."

Without even thinking about it, Ling Yun chose to exchange it directly.

Ling Yun asked them to write down all the knowledge points they didn't know.

Because Ling Yun was proficient in everything.

Ling Yun simply put all of them together.

The Contemplation control skill was activated, and Ling Yun began to teach them various knowledge points.

Each of them wanted to improve their grades as much as possible.

So they listened very carefully.

Soon, the Contemplation control skill was also activated.

Their thoughts were highly concentrated. Basically, they could understand and remember what Ling Yun said instantly.

This kind of memory is very profound.

After the speech, they seemed to have known this knowledge.

Ling Yun spoke for more than an hour.

For such a long time, Ling Yun did not pause at all.

Ling Yun explained what they didn't know, and Ling Yun also helped them improve what they knew.

After finishing the physics lesson, Ling Yun also taught them about other subjects.

"I have finished what I should have taught. I will review it myself for the last time." Ling Yun said to everyone.

They did not hear the first call.

Because they were still immersed in the mood of madly absorbing knowledge.

It was not until Ling Yun called them again that they came back to their senses and hugged Ling Yun's thighs directly.

"Ling Yun! You are my god!"

"After listening to these knowledge points you taught, I feel that my classes this semester have been in vain!"

"It's so fucking amazing!"

"The exam is not until 8:30, Brother Ling, please teach us again, we won't eat this morning!"

At the strong request of a group of people.

Ling Yun gave a helpless smile.

They didn't want to eat, but he wanted to eat.

But in the end Ling Yun still told them more, which gave Zhang Hao and the others confidence.

Su Yang was good at studying.

This time, Su Yang's self-confidence was overwhelming.

After entering the examination room.

The invigilator briefly explained the rules.

"The examination time is one and a half hours. During the examination, you are only allowed to go to the bathroom once."

"Candidates can only look up at the time and look down at the test paper. You cannot look left or right. If the pen falls, you can raise your hand and we will help you pick it up."

"You can hand in the test paper early, but you have to wait for an hour before you can hand in the paper early."

"After the test paper and answer sheet are handed in, write your class, name, and candidate number first. Remember not to write questions on the test paper."

After that, the invigilator began to distribute the test papers.

The exam officially began.

The examination room was full of rustling sounds caused by the friction between the pen tip and the paper.

Zhang Hao and his classmates did not write the test paper much slower than Ling Yun.

But when they did the big questions at the end.

The speed difference was very obvious.

Ling Yun was like a printer from beginning to end. It didn't take long for the answer sheet to be filled with answers.

It hadn't been ten minutes since the exam started.

Ling Yun had already finished answering the test paper.

This operation made the invigilator stunned.

As an invigilator for so many years, I have seen countless candidates.

But it was the first time they saw someone writing so fast like Ling Yun.

At this time, the two invigilators felt the mobile phones in their pockets vibrate a few times.

This was a group notification from the invigilator group for this final exam.

Notification during the exam.

Obviously, this was a temporary notification.

One invigilator looked at another invigilator and signaled that he was going to go out to check the notification.

He took out his mobile phone.

Then he saw the information notification.

"Attention, all invigilators, Ling Yun is allowed to hand in his paper at any time for this final exam."

"Even if he finishes writing within ten minutes, he can hand in his paper and leave the exam room."

The invigilators were a little confused.

Because they were on a business trip before, they had not returned to the University of Science and Technology of China for a long time.

So they didn't know Ling Yun yet.

They just knew that there was a very powerful student named Ling Yun in the school.

"It's not easy for a student to get a sudden notice from the school..."

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