Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 9 The Professional Quality Of A Professional Car Black! 【For Collection】

After a brief absence, most of the car reviewers came back to their senses and remembered their own purpose.

They came here for the sake of Black Wuling.

Although Hongguang mini is a small car, it gives oneself a kind of stupid, stunning and attractive feeling.

But it doesn't matter.

It should be black.

The square body of the Hongguang mini is like cutting the van directly from the middle.


Most people grab this point.

I started spraying in my own live broadcast room.

"Family, have you seen it? This is a new car from Wuling. What do you think this car looks like? It's completely a car body made from the first half of the van."

"Brothers, this Wuling is really not wanting face, the van is directly cut, and it becomes a new car?"

"Please, you can hire a designer anyway."

"Very disappointed, don't look at this car as typical industrial waste."

"I'm here now predicting that Wuling will be able to sell 100 cars a month, daddy will eat shit upside down!"

They are all online celebrity car reviewers with at least hundreds of thousands of fans.

In everyone's live broadcast room, there are at least a few thousand people watching at this time.

There are even some big internet celebrities who are watching live broadcasts on the whole network by nearly a million people.

Brother Nan is such a Mega Internet celebrity.

He weighed 300 pounds, and along the way, it was not easy to become a professional car blogger, car reviewer, and Internet celebrity.

I don't know how much it cost and how much traffic from other people.

However, Nan Ge's methods are indeed very fierce. He started his career professionally with Black Mercedes and has gained more than 20 million fans on the entire network.

Become a Mega Net Red Car Reviewer.


Brother Nan is the most important car reviewer invited by Zotye, so Yu Yang specially asked him to let him before the launch of Zotye.

Go to Wuling next door, black wave.

As a professional negotiator, he is very familiar with how to do this.

Understand in seconds.

Brother Nan kept calm and explained Wuling's past to the audience in the live broadcast room.

It seems to be popular science, but in every sentence, the donkey's lips are not the horse's mouth.

He himself didn't know what Wuling's past was like, it was all hearsay and nonsense.


The audience in his live broadcast room loves to watch him talk nonsense.

When Wuling opened the Hongguang Mini, Nan Ge had to admit that his heart of a macho was captured by this car.

The design of this car is simply too much for his appetite.

Stupid shape, matching two-color paint, small and exquisite size, absolutely the favorite of men.

But Brother Nan won't boast, his mission is black.


In his live broadcast room with nearly 700,000 real people, Nan Ge pointed at Hongguang Mini with a look of hatred on his face.

"Brothers, look at this, what is this thing? Can I scold the street?"

"This is Wuling's new car? I've been waiting for a new car for a long time, but this is what it looks like?"

"Look, this designer is really open-minded, he even cut a van from the middle and turned it into a miniature car."

"What kind of attitude is that? It's insulting the intelligence of our consumers."

The expression on Nan Ge's face seemed to be very disappointed, and a distressed look was spraying.


The audience in his live broadcast room was obviously a little different.

"Wow, Wuling's new car is so cute."

"That's right, the convertible version just pierced my heart."

"Damn, I'm a big man, I'm so excited to see that pink one."

"Am I the only one who thinks this car is stupid and cute?"

"No, you're not alone, I think so too."

"Pull it down, didn't you hear what Brother Nan said, this car is a van that was cut open and turned into a new car."

"That is, I will never buy Wuling in this life, typical industrial waste."

"Haha, I don't know if the brain is kicked by a donkey, and this kind of car looks good."

"No way, a bunch of poor people can't afford luxury cars, so they can only look at industrial waste like Wuling."

have to say,

Douyin has a net worth of tens of millions per capita.

In reality, I earn 2,000 yuan a month, but the performance on the Internet makes at least 20 million a month.

Look down on this, look down on that, all kinds of spray.

There are many such people in Brother Nan's live broadcast room.

They are die-hard fans of Brother Nan, whatever Brother Nan says is right, and they believe what Brother Nan says.

Nange started spraying Wuling, and they started spraying.

Because these people simply do not have the ability to think independently, or are unwilling to believe that everything is good.

full of malice.


More people are normal people with upright views.

So soon,

In Brother Nan's live broadcast room, they were divided into two camps.

People with three views are right, feel that the design of Wuling's car is very successful, one appearance has already hit the heart, and they have the desire to buy.

The other people are just black for black's sake.

Brother Nan looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and quickly discovered this situation.

Immediately he thought about it.

This doesn't work.

Don't let the people in the live broadcast room quarrel, otherwise it will affect him.

He had to find a way to change the minds of the audience who thought the Wuling Hongguang mini was good-looking, and make them think that the car was an industrial waste.

"In what way?"

Nange, who weighs 300 pounds, entered Wuling's exhibition area with a greedy eye and came to a Hongguang Mini car.

Fortunately, he was big enough, otherwise he wouldn't be able to squeeze in.

Because at this time,

The six Hongguang Minis were surrounded by people.

Although these car reviewers are spraying the industrial waste of this car, all of them unconsciously want to sit in and feel the interior.

Learn about the powertrain by the way.

Especially next to the convertible version of Hongguang mini, it is almost impossible to squeeze Contest Condition.

Brother Nan consciously didn't go there, squeezed in front of a Hongguang mini next to him, and couldn't wait to start asking Wuling employees.

"Brother, what's this car called? What kind of power does it carry? A gasoline car or an electric car?"

Brother Nan is looking for a black spot.

The staff of Wuling are confident and calm, although they know that these car reviewers are here with a purpose.

But Ye Qiu explained it, just say what you want to say.

"Hello, our car is Wuling's new Hongguang MiniEV, which is a pure electric mini-car driven by a permanent magnet synchronous motor and equipped with a lithium iron phosphate battery pack."

Brother Nan asked again: "What is the battery capacity of this car, what is the motor data? How long is the battery life?"

Wuling employees returned: "The maximum battery capacity of the lithium iron phosphate battery we carry is 9kwh, and there is a high-end version equipped with a ternary lithium battery with a battery capacity of 12kwh."

"Our motor, with a maximum power of 200 million and a torque of 85 Nm, is a permanent magnet synchronous motor."

"As for battery life, there are two versions. The low-end version has a 120-power comprehensive battery life, and the high-end version has a comprehensive battery life of 200 kilometers."

After Wuling employees introduced the situation of the vehicle, Nan Ge's eyes shone brightly.


He found the deadly black spot.

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