Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 10 I Finally Found A Spot That Can Be Hacked! 【For Collection】

Brother Nan was very excited and finally found the deadly black spot.

That's the motor and battery.

this car,

It turned out to be a pure electric version, not a fuel version.

120 kilometers of battery life?

What a joke.

Now a two-wheeled electric vehicle can last for more than 120 kilometers.

Your pure electric car has only so much battery life.

However, Brother Nan did not directly open the black, but asked some questions about other configurations.

"Brother, what configuration does the Hongguang Mini have, can you tell me about it?"

He came to Wuling employees and consulted in detail the configuration of the two versions.


There is also the most important issue of price.

Price doesn't matter.

Because in Nange's cognition, all pure electric cars are priced below 50,000 yuan.

If you want to come to Wuling, it is the same.

This can be used as a crit at the end for Black Wuling.

So he first asked about the specific configuration.

"I'm doing a live broadcast. Look, we have more than 700,000 fans in our live broadcast room. Can you tell us in detail about the various configurations of the two versions of this car?"

Brother Nan is digging a pit for Wuling.


This young Wuling employee also knows Nange.

Know his details, professional car black.


The boss has explained it, don't care about any situation, someone asks, how to introduce, just how to introduce.


The employees of Wuling always had smiles on their faces, and they were generous in introducing them to the fans in Nange's live broadcast room.

"Hello everyone, I am a staff member of Wuling. Next, I will introduce our new car to you."

"The one you see now is the low-profile version of our Wuling. This car has a comprehensive cruising range of 120 kilometers. It is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous motor, a lithium iron phosphate battery pack, and a fixed gear ratio gearbox."

"The maximum power is 200 million, the torque is 85N, the horsepower is 28, and the maximum speed is 90KM."

"Our car is equipped with 2 airbags, tire pressure monitoring, 12-inch central control screen, pure leather seats, etc..."

For such a small car, two airbags are more than enough.

After Wuling employees introduced the low profile.

The audience in Brother Nan's live broadcast room was shocked.

"My God, 28 horsepower, my electric car has more horsepower than it."

"120 kilometers of battery life, is this a car?"

"Actually, 120 kilometers is enough. This car is used to buy food and pick up children."

"This is the way to continue, there is no old man Lego in my family."

"To be honest, instead of spending tens of thousands of yuan to buy this car, it is better to spend more than 20,000 yuan to buy an old man Le, although that car can't get a license plate."

"Yes, it's really rubbish for a car to do this kind of mileage."

at this time,

There is no need for Nange to guide.

Because after the audience heard Wuling's cruising range and the motor battery pack, they had already exploded.

good guy,

A pure electric car has a mileage similar to that of an old man.

Spend more than fifty thousand to buy a car.

Aren't you mentally ill?

Why not buy the old man music.

According to the current price of pure electric vehicles, basically everyone thinks that the price of Wuling's new car will definitely exceed 50,000 yuan.


Brother Nan was delighted to find that the audience in his live broadcast room were all spraying Wuling at this time.

At such a high price, such a garbage truck was actually made.

"Thank you brother for the introduction, haha."

Brother Nan patted the Wuling employee on the shoulder with satisfaction, and then left with satisfaction.

After leaving Wuling's booth, Nan Ge started to go crazy in the live broadcast room, hating iron.

"Brothers, you have heard it too, Wuling is really ugly, and treats our consumers as fools."

"I actually want to make money by relying on such a model of industrial waste."

"To be honest, just now, I was thinking of supporting domestic production and Wuling, because at that moment Nan Ge felt that Wuling is actually quite a cute car, and I was thinking of buying one and going back to play."

"But, you have also heard that the motor and battery used in this car are the kind of things that old men like to use."

"And the whole car actually has two airbags and one tire pressure monitoring. Other than that, there are basically no other configurations."

"What's this? It's taking us consumers as a scapegoat."

"I have to make a statement today. It's just a broken car. It sells for more than 50,000 or even more than 60,000. Only a fool will buy it. Anyway, whoever buys this car has a sick mind."

After Brother Nan finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room surprisingly felt that he was right.

To spend fifty or sixty thousand to buy such a spicy chicken car is indeed a disease of the brain.

"I swear here today that Wuling will die!"

"Industrial waste created by garbage truck companies."

"Wuling, you really lose the face of domestic cars."

"Wuling has no conscience at all."

The audience is also very disappointed with Wuling, even those who thought Hongguang mini looked good before.

Think of such a car, selling 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, only 120 kilometers of battery life.

For 200 kilometers, it must not be sold for seven or eight thousand.


Everyone is very disappointed.

Nan Ge's goal was achieved, so he took the opportunity to start blowing up Zotye.

"Brothers, Wuling has disappointed us. Next, I will take you to see the real conscientious domestic car, Zotye."

"It is said that recently, Zotye's tape measure department has been strong again, launching a new heavyweight model. In half an hour, the new car launch will begin."

"Let's go to occupy a good position first. If we say this Zotye, that is the conscience of domestic cars."

"Look, people's luxury brands have millions of cars, and Zotye takes them and builds them. Alas, they will sell you 100,000 yuan. You say whether they are fragrant or not."

To Wuling, it is a disparagement, to the gold owner Zhongtai, Nange is a compliment.

There are not a few car reviewers like him from the media.

Everyone finished blacking on Wuling's side, and then they returned to Zotye's side, ready to brag.

After all, it's taking people's money.

On Wuling's side, no car reviewer, self-media or media have asked about the price of Hongguang Mini.

There really isn't one.

Because in their inherent thinking, this kind of pure electric vehicle starts at a minimum of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.


In this case, media day on the first day of the auto show.

Wuling Motors has directly become the joke of the entire auto show.

Whether it is any media, self-media, or Internet celebrities, they will say something in the live broadcast room when they come to Wuling's platform.

Industrial waste!

In response to this situation, Wuling employees felt very aggrieved.

Very frustrating.

But fortunately, Ye Qiu gave them a lot of confidence, otherwise many people would probably cry aggrieved.

"Ye Ye, your situation is not optimistic, and it has almost become a black net."

In the backstage lounge, Huang Yuan used his mobile phone to swipe Douyin. Almost every new car video released by an Internet celebrity account has a Hongguang mini.

Then, everyone will say, this is industrial waste.

The comments below the video made Wuling even worse.

Huang Yuan clicked his tongue in amazement, and mocked Ye Qiu with a smirk.

"What are you panicking about, in this world, the only truth that cannot be escaped is a law."

Ye Qiu didn't panic at all, calm and confident.

"What law?"

Huang Yuan was stunned, good boy, he is so confident at this time.

Ye Qiu snorted coldly and said, "The law of true fragrance!"

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