Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 101 Is this a car? This is a land tank! 【Subscription】

"Fuck!! 35

"Going to hit!!"

The sound of the screeching tires rubbing against the ground, and the sound of the brake pads rubbing against the brake disc, made goosebumps all over after hearing it.

Mercedes-Benz G63 has put the brakes to death though.

But the force of inertia still made it almost collide with the car in front.


All four people in the Mercedes-Benz car fastened their seat belts.

After the speed of the vehicle drops rapidly, it will not kill anyone if it hits at this speed.

"It's fortunate that it's Big G, otherwise it would be bad.

The moment the vehicle is about to hit.

The young people who drive the G63 are happy in their hearts.

Fortunately, I drove a big G, a pure hard-core off-road vehicle, with a non-load-bearing body, a solid chassis, and a hard body.

"Brother in front of the car, I'm sorry."

The car in front, which looks like it was camouflaged, should be a test car from a certain manufacturer.

Although it seems that the other party is also a hardcore off-road with a beam.


in the perception of young people.

Which hardcore off-road in the world can be compared with Mercedes-Benz Big G.

Dude, this is a big G that cost 2.6 million to land.

If it hits, or if it slams straight into the opponent's side, the opponent's car will definitely be scrapped.

At that moment,

Young people think a lot in their hearts.

Several girls in the car were screaming.

Although it is winter now, wearing thick down jackets, at this moment, they feel that their backs and foreheads are all covered in cold sweat.

That's scary.


in exclamations.


Big G slammed into the car in front of him.

The huge force inertia, after the impact, let the airbag of the big G pop up instantly, and the 25-year-old man and three women in the car instantly felt a centrifugal force.

next moment,

They feel as if the world is spinning.

"What happened, why did my big G just flip over?"

Inside the big G car, the young man's mind was dizzy.

not dead!

He is very happy.

The feeling of being after the catastrophe is really good.

the next moment,

He couldn't figure it out.

Obviously it was his own big G. He hit the car from the side. Logically speaking, it should be him who overturned.

Why did your car flip over?

The young man did not know what happened at the moment of the impact.


The passers-by on the side road saw the whole process.

They clearly saw how the big G rolled over, and the front of the car was almost scrapped.

It is because of seeing,

So it felt incredible.

"God, what kind of monster is this disguised car.

"Such a fast Mercedes-Benz Big G, was it bounced off by that car?"

"No, it didn't bounce off, it was because the car was too strong. At the moment when the big G hit it, it did not break through the main structure of the car, but because of the instantaneous force, the big G produced a stronger rebound. strength.

"It's as if this Big G hit a 10,000-ton boulder directly."

"What the hell is this car?

"It's too evil to hit so hard that it only left a deep hole on the door.

"The front of the big G was hit and destroyed."

Pedestrians on the road, after exclaiming, seem to have seen a ghost.

But the next moment,

They rushed into the middle of the road immediately.

save people.

The front of the big G was scrapped, and the people in the car didn't know what happened.

When the Chinese people face difficulties, they will save people without hesitation. This is deeply rooted in our bones.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu scared me to death.""

"I'm still alive, woohoo!



The four young men and women in the overturned Big G car were all rescued.

Seeing that they were all right, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Inside the tank.

At the moment of the car accident, both Xu Song and Wang Xing were stunned.

The first day the new car was driven out for testing, there was a car accident. After returning, this month's salary designation was in vain.

"Pharaoh, hurry up, save people first!"

As for the big G that hit the tank, but was knocked over, but the tank didn't do anything.

Xu Song knew exactly why.

Aviation grade alloy memory metal.

This brand-new material invented by Wuling's rumored energy heavy industry company, in the vehicle crash test, there has been a situation where the steel column that will be directly used for the crash test is directly broken.

On the entire tank body, wherever can be seen, the use of metal.

All are aviation grade alloy memory metal.

While having the most powerful metal hardness in the world, it also has the ultimate metal flexibility, and also has the function of memory recovery.

The big G just now hit the right side of the tank from the side, and just hit the tank, the hardest B-pillar.

The B-pillar and front door of the tank were only hit and sunk into a large pit.

Although the two were still in shock, they got out of the car as soon as possible to save people.


I saw that several people in the other party's car were fine.

Finally relieved.

The traffic police came soon.

After the arrival, the traffic police inquired about the monitoring and firstly determined that all the responsibilities for the accident were in the Mercedes-Benz Big G.

Because he ran a red light.

"This is a determination of responsibility. For specific compensation matters, you can contact the insurance company, or you can do it yourself. If you have any objection to our judgment, you can file a complaint with the traffic police."5

"Young man, remember, don't run a red light while driving, even if you drive the best car, it won't save your life every time.

Young people with big G, how can there be any objection.

Get a life back.

"No objection, no objection, I will definitely not dare next time.

"Two big brothers, don't worry, I have paid all the money for your car repairs. I just saw that your car door seemed to have been hit by a big... ****, where is that pit?"

Cheng Zihao, that is, a young man who opened a big G.

After being rescued from the car, he came to the tank for the first time and saw what the tank was hit.

when he saw,

His big G was almost scrapped by the crash, but this car only had a big pit on the door and B-pillar.

What kind of car is this!!

At that time, Cheng Zihao couldn't figure it out.

Why does this happen.

I drive a Mercedes-Benz Big G.

After being educated by the traffic police, Cheng Zihao also knew his mistakes, he was fully responsible, and he didn't care about money.

Although the young man loves waves, his three views are very positive.

I wanted to see the damage of the tank, and then discussed with Xu Song how much to pay.

the next moment,

What happened that left him stunned.


In this moment, the pit on the tank door and the B-pillar disappeared.

If it weren't for the scratches on the camouflage and paint on the doors, there would still be signs of a crash.

Cheng Zihao almost suspected that he was going to hell.

"Huh? This car..."

"I'm going... There was a big hole here just now, why did it disappear?"

"Damn it!!"


The traffic police and the crowd watching the excitement followed Cheng Zihao's exclamation and saw the situation.

The traffic policeman in his 40s widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

After being a traffic policeman for so many years, he has dealt with at least thousands of traffic accidents, and this is the first time he has seen this evil thing.

When he first came, he could see clearly that the big pit on the tank was serious.

But it's a blink of an eye.

actually disappeared.

If the entire car hadn't had crash marks, he would have thought that the car had never been hit.

Not to mention the people who rescued and watched the fun.

Everyone gathered around the tank and pointed at the car curiously.

"Dude, what kind of car is this? It's too perverted. Is this a car? Is this a tank?"

Cheng Zihao knew that this car was a camouflaged test car.

It should be a new model from a certain manufacturer and is undergoing road testing.

For his Mercedes-Benz big G was knocked down, he did not feel any distress at all.

Because Cheng Zihao looked at the tank in front of him, he had completely forgotten about Big G.

Too tough.

Being hit by such a fast speed, the big G turned over and was destroyed, but this car, but nothing happened, it was a hole, and after a while, it disappeared by itself.

Cheng Zihao grew up so big and owned many luxury cars.

But never seen such a car.

He anxiously asked Xu Song and Wang Xing what car this was.

"I'm sorry brother, this is a trade secret, we can't tell you, but you only need to know one thing, this is a new car from Wumen Wuling!"

Xu Song said a word.

Let Cheng Zihao and the crowd around him burst out in exclamations after hearing it.

"I'm going, it turned out to be a Wuling car.

"Wuling, yyds!!!"

"The Wuling Hongguang I bought has been running for several months, and I haven't had any minor problems."5

"My Red Rabbit Lightning, the driving experience is so cool!"

"Red Rabbit is awesome, invincible battery life! Wuling is awesome!"

"Is this a new car from Wuling? It's too ruthless, and the big G has been scrapped. 99

"Big G? Hmph, in front of me, Wuling, he's just a younger brother.

"Brother, what is the name of this Wuling car, when will it go on sale, and how much will it sell for? Can you easily reveal it?"

"Yes, the shape of the front and body looks so handsome. 99

Many men really can't refuse the shape of this hard-core off-road vehicle.

Especially with such a powerful car.

Even the big G wasted 920.

They wanted to know what the car was called.

When will it be listed.

How much to sell.

Can you afford it yourself.

"I'm sorry everyone, I can't tell you this information for the time being, but this car will be released soon. After the Spring Festival, at the Rongcheng Auto Show, our new car will have its world premiere."

"Please continue to pay attention to our Wuling's official website information when the time comes.

Xu Song did not dare to disclose the information about the new car.

The people next to him are very enthusiastic and want to continue to ask.

Xu Song and the two hurriedly told Cheng Zihao that since the car was fine, he didn't need him to compensate, and he was responsible for the maintenance of the big G.


The two got into the car and drove away immediately.

"Boom boom boom!!!

Step down on the accelerator.

In an instant, the roar of the large-displacement engine made all men feel a surge of adrenaline after hearing it.

"Fuck, so fast!!"

"Too fast, this engine is absolutely awesome!"

"What is installed on this car is definitely not a four-cylinder engine, at least a six-cylinder, or even an eight-cylinder. 35

"Wuling has six-cylinder and eight-cylinder engines?

"Too fierce."

A pure hardcore off-road vehicle that accelerates from 100 kilometers to 4.8 seconds.

The extreme visual effect made everyone who saw the tank model exclaimed. Although the appearance of this car was blocked, it was impossible to see the specifics.

But that outline is deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

"This car, I must buy one!

Cheng Zihao stared blankly at the tank and left.

Then look back at the Mercedes-Benz Big G that he was proud of before.

"Bah, garbage Mercedes, with such poor quality, will pit us rich people.

He spat in disdain.

Cheng Zihao called his father and asked him to handle the car, but he left with three young ladies and sisters.

He was going to comfort the next three women.

What Xu Song didn't know was that.

The car accident just happened, and the things before the car accident have been directly photographed.

It was mainly because he turned on the happy mode at the time, and the way the car swayed up and down was so eye-catching, so many people took out their mobile phones and recorded it.


along the way,

The entire process of the car accident was filmed.

after the two left.

Post this video directly to the Internet.

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