Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 102 Mercedes-Benz never pits the poor! 【Subscription】

The video of the accident between Mercedes-Benz and the tank was sent to Douyin. ,

Douyin has more than 200 million daily active users, and there are many users every day.

After seeing this video.

All were shocked.


The person who filmed the video only filmed the process before and after the accident.

"Fuck, what kind of car is this, it's handsome, it's rocking up and down, and it can still drive. How did you do it.""

"It subverted my perception of the car, how did this rocking function work?

"Is your focus wrong? It's obviously a video of a car accident. Why doesn't anyone pay attention to the safety performance of this car?"

"Mercedes-Benz Big G, I hit this car from the side, and I was knocked out. No shit."

"Isn't the Big G the all-terrain off-road vehicle, or the safest off-road vehicle.

"Why is that?"

"Cut, Mercedes-Benz never cheats on the poor, you look at this big G, it looks like a new G63, it costs 2.6 million to land, and as a result, it will be useless once it hits.

"Trash Mercedes, what the hell."

A video made many people doubt the Mercedes-Benz car.

Even the big G, which is known as the safest model of Mercedes-Benz, hit a car from the side, no one else did anything, but your own engine compartment was scrapped.

What quality is this?

It's even more brittle than a Japanese car.

Those who watched the video did not know that the tank that was hit was terrifying.

They just thought that it was caused by Mercedes-Benz's own use of junk steel materials.

With such a worrying safety quality, the video playback volume has become the top five most searched video sites such as Douyin in an extreme period of time.

The most direct reason for such a big influence is that many rich people saw the content of this video.

For the safety performance of the big G, doubts arose.

A lot of people who had already ordered a big G, after seeing this video, thought about it, and went directly to Mercedes-Benz to cancel the order.

The people in the Mercedes-Benz 4S shop were immediately stunned.


Cancellation of the order is not possible.

"Sorry sir, your order cannot be cancelled."

Sun Xing is an independent entrepreneur.

When he was young, he had no money and could only work hard. Fortunately, when he reached middle age, he finally achieved his own career.

worth tens of millions.

Recently, Sun Xing plans to replace his old Mercedes-Benz E that has been driving for a long time.

Buy a few cars that you like.

Among them, the big G is his favorite model.

When he is middle-aged, Sun Xing is not married yet, he just doesn't want to get married.

thought about it,

If a person has a rich life, but is a woman, then every day, countless women climb into his bed by themselves.

If you want children.

Sun Xing decided, like Zhang Chaoyang of Sohu, to find a woman with good conditions in all aspects, and then have a child and raise it by himself.

Having kids doesn't mean you need to get married.

Sun Xing thought very openly.

When I was bored and swiped my phone today, Sun Xing swiped a video of Big G and a tank crashing.

"Big G's are so brittle? They rot when they hit it" "?"

Sun Xing frowned.

As an old Mercedes-Benz owner, he is deeply aware that the quality of Mercedes-Benz is actually not that good.

And Mercedes-Benz's after-sales service is simply shit.

I ordered the big G because Sun Xing likes this retro, pure hardcore off-road vehicle.

Among all brands, only Mercedes-Benz Big G has such a car.


It can also meet face needs.

After all, the top match has landed nearly 3 million.

And known as the safest hardcore off-road vehicle in the world, Sun Xing wanted to change it for a long time.


Ordered a few days ago.

As a result, seeing this video today, Sun Xing is very worried about the safety and quality of Mercedes-Benz.

With such a fragile quality, he often drives and runs all over the country. If there is an accident one day, it will be finished.

Most importantly,

Sun Xing saw the mysterious car that was hit by the big G but didn't have anything to do with it.

His eyes suddenly burst into a warm light.

"This car is awesome, so handsome, it looks retro and hardcore off-road, and the body is so strong, it's like a land tank.

"Big G is not fragrant in an instant. 35

The model in the video with the whole body disguised really hit Sun Xing's heart.

Most of the reasons he bought the big G were for the sake of this car.

Plus I like this car too.


For the safety of Big G, he was very disappointed.

"Forget it, return Big G and buy Cullinan.

Originally, Sun Xing was reluctant to buy Cullinan.

The car landed in full, and it was 9 million.

But thinking about it now, the quality of the big G is so poor, what do you want.


The next day, Sun Xing went to the Mercedes-Benz 4S store in his city and asked to return his big G.

"Sorry sir, I can't return the car."

Sun Xing had just booked the car three days ago. He agreed at the time that if he didn't want it, he could come and return it at any time, but he would be charged a certain amount of penalty for returning the car.

Sun Xing doesn't care about tens of thousands of liquidated damages.

But this sale, directly saying no to return the car, made him unacceptable.

"You Mercedes-Benz people are really interesting. It's written clearly in black and white. If you don't want it, you can return the car at any time. The owner needs to pay 30,000 yuan in liquidated damages."

"Why, you tell me now that I can't go back, give me an explanation?

Sun Xing took out the contract.

As a businessman, he deals with contracts almost every day.

Especially when it comes to large-scale transactions, I am afraid of being pitted.

Therefore, Sun Xing knows the contents of the car purchase contract very well.

A deposit of 500,000 was paid.

Many Internet celebrities on the Internet are pretending to be popular science, and the deposit paid when buying a car should be written, not written.

Because the order can be returned.

Certainly cannot be returned.

On this point, Sun Xing said that only those simple people would believe their nonsense.

Either set or order.

According to the law, if the consumer does not want it, it must be refunded, but a certain amount of liquidated damages must be paid.

For Sun Xing, he took out the contract and asked to return the car and refund the deposit.

The people in the Mercedes-Benz 4S shop simply ignored it.

They didn't care about the contents of the contract, they just told Sun Xing that there was no way to withdraw.


I don't know why today, just like hell, six people in this 4S store have come to retreat a day.

To know,

This is the half-month sales of this Mercedes-Benz 4S shop.

Only 10 cars can be sold in a month.

A large G4S shop has a price increase of at least 600,000, and there are various mandatory options and various high financial fees.

One car counts,

4S stores earn at least 700,000.

A month of sunshine is based on the sales of Big G, and the monthly profit is about 8 million.

Back off?


Our Mercedes never returns.

No matter how Sun Xing talked about the contract, in short, the 4S shop ignored it and told him arrogantly that he could not return the car.

No explanation is given either.

Sun Xing laughed angrily.

"Okay, if I don't return the car, how soon can I pick up the car?

When I booked a car before, it was the sales receptionist who told me to pick up the car in about two months.

If it is not possible to return it, then Sun Xing will wait for two months. After picking up the new car, he will go out and sell it.

At most, it will lose tens of thousands.


The operation of the 4S store next made him stunned.

"""Sorry, sir, because of the production capacity of the Deguo factory, now we have received a notice that the period for picking up the car needs to be extended to between 7 months and 12 months.

At the Deguo factory, on the production line of Big G, Wuling directly poached half of the senior engineers.

the most direct consequence,

That is, the production capacity of big G has been greatly restricted for a time.

New engineers need to be trained and employed, so the production volume will be greatly reduced.

Mercedes-Benz has to fulfill orders from Europe first, followed by orders from North America, South America, and the Middle East.

at last,

Xia Guo's order will be fulfilled.


For those who bought a big G in Xia Guo, the car pickup cycle was basically extended to more than 7 months.


The people in the Mercedes-Benz 4S store in Xia Guo did not inform consumers of the news.

"Okay, very good, Mercedes-Benz is good, you are awesome! 35

When Sun Xing heard this, he no longer wanted to talk to this awesome salesman.

He took the contract, turned around and left.


To this,

The Mercedes-Benz salesman snorted coldly.

He knew very well what Sun Xing was going to do.

Just find a lawyer and sue.

"Every year you sue Mercedes-Benz like this, not 1,000, but 800, huh...

The domestic Mercedes-Benz sales network is a very complex system.

Mercedes-Benz manufacturers, BAIC, and Leixing Group form the Mercedes-Benz sales network in Xiaguo.

All (Nuolai) Mercedes-Benz 4S stores in Southeast Asia are owned by Leixing Group.

They monopolized Xia Guo's Mercedes-Benz sales network.


Leixing Group is also one of the major shareholders of Mercedes-Benz in Xiaguo.

Its chairman can even decide the pricing and strategy of the new Mercedes-Benz Xiaguo.

Rights are very high.

This is also the reason why Mercedes-Benz Xiaguo's almost hot-selling models can increase their prices unscrupulously.

No one can control them.

Even the Mercedes-Benz headquarters can't handle it.

Anyone who has bought a Mercedes-Benz will have an unpleasant experience of being forced to increase the price, forced to buy various options and consumption.

But no matter how complained.

Nobody cares.

The relationship network of Leixing Group in Xia Kingdom is too huge.

They are reckless.

This Mercedes-Benz salesman clearly remembers what the trainer said when he joined Mercedes-Benz.

"In the Xia Kingdom, we, the Lexing Group, exist like the sky. 35

"Don't be afraid of the consequences, everything is based on the interests of the group.

This is the basis for the madness of Mercedes-Benz.

The people's anger towards Mercedes-Benz actually comes from the Mercedes-Benz 4S shop.

But 4S stores are not subject to the official management of Mercedes-Benz.

In the end, only the Mercedes-Benz brand can take the blame.

After Sun Xing left, he directly found his lawyer friend.

Then a lawsuit brought the Mercedes-Benz Leizhixing 4S shop to court for purchase.

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