Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 105 Wuling, I advise you to be kind! 【Subscription】

at this time,

in advertising.

After the Wuling logo flashed, those two extremely beautiful women appeared in front of everyone.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran.

Seeing these two people, almost everyone who is familiar with and has followed Wuling immediately recognized their identities.

This is Wuling's design director and chief engineer.

The two famous goddesses of Wuling.

in the screen,

After the two appeared, Qin Mengyao looked sassy and beautiful in heroic jeans, high boots, and a tight leather jacket.

Extraordinary temperament.

And Yan Ran,

On the other hand, she was wearing a feminine outfit, with a frown and a smile, all of which were full of femininity.

Two people,

One sassy, ​​one soft.

But the same,

All are so beautiful.

screen starts,

The two were in a dark fantasy, with lights shining on them.

At this moment, the two suddenly started to walk out.

and walk along,

Qin Mengyao also raised her left hand, and the camera zoomed in at this time, giving her a close-up of her left hand.

On her left hand, it turned out to be a very beautiful and cool watch.

On the dial, the words Patek Philippe are printed, indicating that this watch is from Patek Philippe.

"I'll go, this Patek Philippe watch is so handsome, why haven't I seen it before."

"As a professional watch player, I said that I have never seen this one. Is it a new model from Patek Philippe? 39



What happened next shocked everyone who saw the video.

only see,

Qin Mengyao raised her left hand, and then she pressed it directly on the watch.

Immediately after.


Above the dial of the watch, a picture appeared, which looked very cool, as if it was some kind of operation panel.

"3D holographic projection???"

"Impossible, this is definitely a special effect, how can there be such a 3D holographic technology "Nine Three Seven" technique.'

"Yes, it's definitely a special effect, but the special effect is so well done that it can't be seen."

Suddenly, when I saw this watch, a screen similar to the control panel appeared.

This is very shocking.

This technology, which only appears in Hollywood movies, is really cool when applied in advertisements.

Everyone thinks that this must be a special effect technology.


There are also people who specialize in special effects, but they don't think so.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, I'm a special effects renderer with 20 years of experience. I can tell you in a responsible manner that no special effects are used in this video, because no matter how real the special effects are, I can see them at a glance. 35

"Upstairs, it's real or fake, according to what you said, it's not a special effect, is this really a 3D holographic projection?

"What a joke, 3D holographic projection can be applied to a watch?"

"How big is a watch? Has human technology developed so much now?"

Many people don't believe what this man said.

If it weren't for the special effects, Wuling would have gone against the sky.

That's a 3D holographic projection.

There is no such technology now.

There is even a technology for pure 3D projection of movies.

But that is only possible with the support of extremely complex and expensive equipment.

But in the picture, it's just a watch.

Although this watch, it is Patek Philippe, is very nice.

But no one believed it, it was true.


As if to confirm what that person said.

Just at this time,

In the screen, a line of words suddenly appeared.

Then a deep male voice appeared.

[What you see is not necessarily fake, but what you think is not necessarily true. 】

【Technology beyond the times, the application of the micro 3D holographic system, makes the life of the car more interesting. 】

In a word,

It seems to understand what everyone who sees this video is thinking.

What you see is not necessarily false, and what you think is not necessarily true.

Many people don't understand what this sentence means.

But they understood the second game.

Application of miniature 3D holographic system.

Make the life of the car more interesting.

What does it mean?

Very simple.

What you see is 3D holography, which is real.

at this time,

People finally understand the meaning of the first sentence.

What you see is true, not false.

You thought it was impossible for 3D holography to do this, but it did.

After seeing the meaning of this, it was an instant.

The entire network is completely overwhelmed.

"Fuck, Wuling is awesome, is it really a 3D hologram? It's directly mounted on the watch? 35

"It's true or false, I don't read much, so don't lie to me, Wuling.

"If this technology is true, then Wuling will once again blow up the world's technology circle.

"It's so stupid, how did this happen?"


Do you think this is over?

not at all,

After a cool 3D holographic projection panel appeared on the Patek Philippe watch on Qin Mengyao's wrist.

The picture is directly zoomed out, and Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran are photographed, and then this time.

Yan Ran raised her right hand, and on her right index finger, she wore a diamond ring that exuded a dazzling light.

And this time,

The picture is directly pulled in, giving her a close-up of the injured diamond ring.

"Fuck, what a big diamond ring, at least two carats. 39

"The design of this diamond ring is so beautiful."

"A two-carat diamond ring, at least 150,000."

"It was Patek Philippe just now, and now it's a diamond ring, you won't tell me that this diamond ring also has a 3D hologram, right?

'Impossible, if there is, I will eat shit... FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!!


"Dude upstairs brothers, please be sure to broadcast live.

Just as people are guessing, this diamond ring should also have 3D holographic technology.

Many people don't believe it.


The next picture completely hit them in the face.

I saw that Yan Ran also touched a part of the diamond ring with her hand.


A shocking thing happened.

On the diamond ring, above the diamond, a 3D holographic picture appeared, and this picture also looked like a control panel.


"Is this true or false. 35

"Fake, fake, it's absolutely impossible to be true.

"It is incomprehensible to put 3D holography on a watch, and it is absolutely impossible to put it on a diamond ring."5

"Yes, it must be fake."

this moment,

Many people questioned again, this is absolutely not true.

It is impossible to have this kind of technology, 3D holographic projection, how can this kind of function be embedded in the diamond ring.

How big is the diamond ring?


At this time, the deep man's voice appeared again.

【We don't like to stick to the rules, we like to challenge a new world. 】

[You may have doubts, but I tell you, don't doubt, what you see is true. 】

It seems that the person who speaks knows very well the hearts of users who are watching this video advertisement now.

Knowing that everyone's suspicions are true and false once again.

So tell them directly.

No doubt.

What you see is true.

"Really true?"

"If that's true, then it's too awesome!"

"Magnificent my big Wuling!!

"Wuling, YYDS!!

"But the question is, what does this have to do with cars?"

"3D holographic projection is really awesome, but Wuling, you are a car company, what does this thing have to do with cars?"

After getting excited,

is the question.

3D holographic projection is awesome, but what does this have to do with cars.

You said before, to make the life of the car more interesting.

But how can this have anything to do with the car?

Perhaps it is because of the doubts in the hearts of the audience now.

The picture that appeared next completely stunned everyone.

only see,

After Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran called up the 3D hologram on their watch and diamond ring, they made a move.

Reached out and pressed a button on the 3D control panel.

At the moment of pressing the button,

The screen snapped to the side of the two.

only see,

In the darkness, as the two pressed down, in the darkness next to them, the lights came on directly.

look carefully,

this light,

At a glance, it can be seen that it is the lights of the two cars.

Those cool taillights, neon flashing, daytime headlights, and ambient lighting inside the car.

At the moment of lighting,

The outlines of the two cars were photographed.

Although I haven't seen the whole picture, I can already see it just by seeing the outline.

This is a massive off-road vehicle.

And its shape is like a square box.


This is the silhouette of a hardcore off-roader.

at this time,

Even fools know it.

The control panel of the 3D holographic projection turned out to be controlling the vehicle.

Then it is not an explanation.

This Patek Philippe watch, and that expensive diamond ring.

Turned out to be the car's smart key.

"Hey!!! My mother, this..."

"I can't describe it in words, it just subverts my perception. 99

"Who would have thought that this watch and diamond ring turned out to be a car smart key?

"Wuling, how did you come up with this idea.

"It's like Nima is a genius!!"

"It's too awesome, please take my knee."

"It's over, just punch this cool car key, I'm already in love with this car. 35

"Mom, a car key is a Patek Philippe and a diamond ring, hundreds of thousands of things, how much does this car cost?

"Wuling is really awesome, is it ready to enter the luxury car market?

"Why does the outline of this car feel so familiar?"

"I found it too, as if I've seen it somewhere."

"Damn it, I remembered, isn't this the car that crashed the big G a few days ago, the outline is exactly the same as this car. 99

"Hey, when you said that, I remembered that the car body was covered with camouflage, but the outline could not be changed, and the headlights were exactly the same..

"It's awesome, the big G hit the body directly, there is nothing wrong with this car, the big G is scrapped directly.

"It turns out that this car belongs to Wuling.

"Wuling, did you build a tank?"

Although in the darkness, everyone could not see the specific appearance and color of the car.

Only through the lights, you can see the outline of the whole car clearly.


Attentive viewers will soon find out.

The outline of this car is exactly the same as the car that was hit by the big G so quickly and had no shit in the video of the big G being hit and destroyed by the popular Internet a few days ago.

Although Mercedes-Benz used the power of public relations to suppress the previous incident.

But as long as you look for it, you can definitely find the video.


This is Douyin.

Mercedes-Benz is also helpless.

Soon many people found the original video and found it after comparing.

Wuling's model in this advertisement, and the car that directly scrapped the big G and didn't have anything to do with it, can't be said to be similar.

Just say the same thing.

The shape of the headlights and the suspension of the rear tires are exactly the same.

"It's awesome, it's really a new car from Wuling. This car is too fierce.""

"When I saw the video of the crash, I was thinking, what brand is this car, and it is so crash-resistant. It turned out to be Wuling, so everything makes sense.

"Wuling, a conscientious domestic car company, is worthy of every user who buys a Wuling model.

"This car is simply a land tank."

"Wuling, I advise you to be kind and let me see the whole picture of this car right away."

"My curiosity was completely aroused by you, I just wanted to know what this car looks like.

"Although I know that I may not be able to afford this car, I just want to see what it looks like.

"That's right."

The most powerful part of Wuling's advertisement is that.

The person who makes the advertisement seems to know exactly what all the people who watch the advertisement are thinking.

After confirming that the cool 3D holographic projection watch and diamond ring turned out to be the smart key of the car.

Everyone seems to be crazy, feeling excited to death.

Because this technology is really too imaginative.

So surprising.

As the man in the ad said, we don't like to stick to the rules, we like to challenge the impossible.

Use hundreds of thousands of Patek Philippe and hundreds of thousands of diamond rings as car smart keys.

this kind of thing,

I am afraid that only Wuling can do it in the world.

It's just too challenging.

So weird.


This wonderful flower has deeply won the love of everyone who sees the advertisement.


The content of the next advertisement is, as if knowing the curiosity of the audience.

The man's voice appeared again.

【This is our new era of automobiles, we will redefine luxury, we will plunder luxury and trample luxury. 】

[This is a brand new luxury car brand launched by Wuling Motors, its name is Jilei. 】

[This car...As you think, it is called Lightning-Tank. 】

【Born for off-road, and luxury, Thunder-tank, all-terrain extreme hardcore off-road vehicle. 】

[Wuling teamed up with top 0.7-point luxury brands Patek Philippe and Tiffany to create the ultimate luxury for you. 】

【We... Rongcheng Auto Show, see you or not!】

The ad ends here.

Until the end, it did not satisfy the wishes of the audience, and let people see what the car looks like.

Just through the outline, I saw that it was a hardcore off-road vehicle.

at the same time,

Everyone who sees the ad knows it.

Wuling Motors has launched a brand new luxury brand called Jilei.

this car.

Is it true that he is the same as everyone guessed, and it is called Tank.

"Wuling, you are so crazy, you dare to be a luxury brand and call it a tank, but I like it."

"Haha, in my lifetime, I finally see a domestic car company that wants to compete with BBA.

"Damn it, goddamn Wuling, how about you guys, I just want to see what this tank looks like.""

"From this outline and the video of the previous crash, I came to a conclusion that this new Wuling tank is incredible, absolutely very handsome.

"Wuling, you are preparing to do something!"

"Hey, why do you have to wait until the Rongcheng Auto Show, there are still two months before it arrives.

"No, I can't wait, I just want to see this car.

"Damn Wuling, you have successfully aroused my anger, this matter is not over, I must go to the Rongcheng Auto Show and take a good look at your new car. 99

"That's right, bastard Wuling.

Although everyone is scolding Wuling, you can tell by looking at the scolding. Everyone is curious about Wuling's advertisement.

It's just too nasty.

The critical moment is gone.

Just like some writers of novels, a key plot is out of context, and the reader is almost ready to kill.


The launch of this advertisement completely detonated the entire country in just a few hours.


Once again, it has become a hot topic among the people.

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