Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 106 Deal with the hidden dangers inside Wuling! 【Subscription】

Wuling, which has never advertised before, has advertised for the first time.

And direct omni-channel direct promotion, the momentum is unprecedented.

Ye Qiu spent a huge amount of money this time to shoot the advertisement in one day and put it directly on all platforms in the country.

But the effect is very good.

After the advertisement was released, Wuling Motors went directly to the hot search again.

And the popularity surpassed Mercedes-Benz in an instant, and won the first place in the hot search.

Almost within a day, all the people of the country knew that Wuling was going to launch a high-end luxury brand called Jilei Automobile.

And Ji Lei's first vehicle was called a tank.

It was an all-terrain luxury off-road vehicle.


Wuling invented the terrifying new 3D holographic projection technology and applied it to the smart key of new cars.

Combine Patek Philippe and Tiffany with two of the world's top luxury brands.

Created the exclusive Patek Philippe and Tiffany diamond ring smart keys for tank cars.

By virtue of these two points alone,

already told everyone.

The Thunder Tank is aimed at high-end users, and the price is very expensive, definitely exceeding the million level.

Because a Patek Philippe watch is already worth hundreds of thousands, not to mention a Tiffany 2-carat diamond ring.

If it is normal, Wuling announced that it will build a luxury car, and it is also worth more than one million.

The people will definitely spit it out.

Wuling, you are floating.

As everyone knows,

With so many independent car companies in China, the most powerful Liji only dared to create a brand new Extreme Krypton brand after winning Volvo.

Use Volvo's engine and safety technology.

Only dare to explore the price to the 300,000 level on the brand-new Extreme Krypton 09 model.

That's it,

After the price of Ji Krypton 09 came out, it was still sprayed by almost everyone.

Li Ji floated away.

A new car is so expensive.

Looking for death.

This car, Extreme Krypton 09, has successfully become an embarrassment for Liji.

300,000 price.

Rich people don't care.

Can't afford it without money.

If I have a little money and I can afford it, I think this car brand has no face, so I buy BBA instead.

Ye Qiu is the foreshadowing that attracted the extreme krypton 09.

So it was decided.

Or don't do it.

To do, just pull the price to the extreme.

Luxury cars,

It is destined to be bought for the rich, and ordinary people have no purchasing power at all.

If you make a car with a price of 300,000 yuan, you cannot raise your brand value in the first place.

But when your price reaches more than 1 million, or even 2 million.

Ordinary people,

I already know that I can't afford this car.

Although many people will say slander and say that Wuling is arrogant and dare to sell the car so expensive.


To know the positioning of the Thunder Tank, it is not an ordinary person.

what do they think,

It doesn't matter at all.

As long as 25 people who can afford this car like it, that's enough.

When rich people like tanks, there are many such vehicles on the road.


Ordinary people will only get more and more sour, saying that people who buy this car are stupid people with more money or something.

But I will be very envious.

Because they want to buy it too, but can't afford it.

This is the reason why domestic cars have never been a luxury brand.

Because they dare not directly raise the brand new value to such a high level at the beginning.

For a brand new brand, the first car will sell for about 2 million.

It is estimated that all domestic car companies would not dare to think about such a thing.

But Ye Qiu just wanted to go to extremes.

"Mr. Ye, the effect of the first advertisement was very good, and the number of broadcasts on the whole network exceeded 1 billion within 6 hours.""

The manager of the propaganda department found Ye Qiu and told him the data after the advertisement was launched.

Ye Qiu pondered for a while and asked, "If you were asked to lead the next publicity, what would you do?"

Ye Qiu came up with the idea of ​​promoting the new car.

The propaganda manager, who was promoted by himself, was against Ye Qiu at the beginning, saying that the design director and chief engineer of a car brand had never shot an advertisement for a new car.

That's it,

Ye Qiu was very disappointed in him.

This person has the ability, but the mind can't keep up.

But it was the old man who belonged to his company, Ye Qiu decided to give him another chance.

Peng Yuan is forty years old this year.

Previously, he was a team leader on the Wuling production line.

He has worked hard in Wuling for many years.

Later, Wuling developed and expanded, and he was directly promoted to the manager of the propaganda department by Ye Qiu.

This made Peng Yuan very surprised, and at the same time, he was inevitably a little proud.

because he knows,

Ye Qiu is a nostalgic person. Almost all of Wuling's first 100 workshop workers have been promoted.

became the management.

Because of his outstanding work ability, he was promoted to manager level by Ye Qiu.

After taking up this position, Peng Yuan tasted the taste of power.


he's changed.

Become bossy, become too ambitious, become greedy.

The publicity department is a very important department in a car company.

Like the public relations department, it is dedicated to the public.

But at the same time,

Because they are all departments that face social interest, the publicity department and the public relations department have been competing.

The Propaganda Department controls the external release channels of the entire company, as well as many advertising resources.

Power is great.

The public relations department is mainly responsible for the maintenance of the company's image and brand value.

The two departments of publicity and public relations are very competitive.

Under the leadership of Yu Yang, the public relations department has been in a lot of limelight recently, which makes Ye Qiu very satisfied.

If nothing else happens in the future, Ye Qiu will give him a bigger position.

Peng Yuan has always looked down on Yu Yang, a young man who graduated from university and was assigned to the manager position by Ye Qiu, because of his status as an old man in Wuling.

So his relationship with Yu Yang is very bad.

Internal competition is fierce.

To this,

Although Ye Qiu was very clear, he didn't care.

Still that principle.

Competition can, and the wolf competition within the enterprise can promote the expansion and growth of the enterprise.

But the premise of competition is that you must have the ability, instead of relying on the identity of the old Wuling, to maliciously suppress colleagues.

Li Changxing had already reacted to himself many times about Peng Yuan's question.

Because Ye Qiu personally promoted him, Li Changxing didn't dare to touch him.


The propaganda department made Ye Qiu feel more and more useless.

Whenever the propaganda department of a company can let the boss personally think about how to promote the new car. ,

Then the person in charge of this department can be removed.

Because he is useless.

Ye Qiu is a nostalgic person. He intends to give Peng Yuan a chance. If he can understand it himself, he will take the initiative to come up with a propaganda plan that will satisfy him.

Then Ye Qiu could recruit several professional deputy managers to assist him.


Facing Ye Qiu's question, Peng Yuan's answer disappointed him.

"Mr. Ye, what else do we need to promote? We have so many advertisements now, and the popularity of the new brand is so high. As long as we wait for the Rongcheng Auto Show, the new car will be launched."5

Peng Yuan didn't understand that the popularity of the Thunder Tank was already so high today.

What else needs to be advertised.

Just wait for the listing, and it will be a big sale.

The Chitu brand has never been advertised before, and it still sells so well.

"Okay, you go out first.

Ye Qiu nodded, didn't say anything more, but let him go out directly.


Peng Yuan couldn't figure out what Ye Qiu was thinking for a while.

He felt he had said nothing wrong.

"Alas... It seems that many of Wuling's initial management should be changed."

Ye Qiu sighed.

For the first 100 workers in Wuling, Ye Qiu treated them very well, and basically they are now assigned to important management positions.


Because these people are workers, it may be very good for them to do production.

But let them be the management, many people can't actually do it.

Recently, more and more workers have responded that this group of elderly people, relying on the identity of the elderly in the company, acted indiscriminately.

"Really, let Li Changxing and Xu Dabao come to my office immediately."

"Okay Mr. Ye.""

Inform the secretary Zhenzhen and ask her to call Li Changxing and Xu Dabao over.

Ye Qiu decided to rectify the internal management problem immediately.

Incompetent people occupying those management positions will be a hidden danger for Wuling sooner or later.

We must cut through the mess as soon as possible to eliminate all these hidden dangers.

After receiving Ye Qiu's notice, Xu Dabao and Li Changxing came to Ye Qiu's office with puzzled faces.

For these two,

Ye Qiu is the most trusted.

There was no concealment at all, and he directly stated his thoughts.

Originally, Ye Qiu thought that the two would object.

Who would have thought that Xu Dabao and Li Changxing were very excited when they heard the words.

"Mr. Ye, in fact, I have wanted to tell you about this for a long time. Although you are very kind to those old people, many of them, it is very suitable for you to let them be workshop workers, but it is really not good for them to be the management team. what.""

"Yeah, Mr. Ye, did you know that recently in the factory, the conflicts between those young workers and these old people have become more and more intense.

"There are a few old workers who have now reached the level of deputy managers, but every day they eat and wait to die, doing nothing, occupying their positions for nothing, waiting to retire."

"If this continues, conflicts within our factory will break out sooner or later.

Although there is competition between Xu Dabao and Li Changxing.

And the fight was great.

But the two of them are fighting to make Wuling bigger, and then they can become one of Wuling's princes and masters.

Aside from work, the two have been friends for many years, and their relationship is as good as brothers.

But those old people are different.

They themselves are incapable, occupy positions and do nothing, and even ask for them greedily. Recently, the two also found out that many people used their positions to arrange their relatives to work in the company.

There is even corruption.

The two knew that Ye Qiu was a nostalgic person, and he was very kind to these old workers who never gave up.

So I haven't dared to mention this, and I can only deal with it in private and silently.

Now Ye Qiu himself proposed to rectify and integrate the two minds.

Because of the rectification, there will be many vacancies.

At that time, you can arrange your own personnel to go in.


Those who can make Xu Dabao and Li Changxing value are all capable young people.

"It's my fault. I didn't make it clear to you at the beginning. Fortunately, it was not too late to find out. In this way, you can arrange for those who have not done anything to be directly transferred to an indifferent position, or directly ask them if you have any thoughts. If you want to retire, we can give you early retirement directly.""

"After processing, the vacant positions, the two of you will discuss with yourselves and arrange for whoever will go in.

"Also, I plan to remove Peng Yuan, the propaganda department manager, we need an idea and capable propaganda department manager.

Ye Qiu didn't know that so many situations had already occurred within the company.

At first, he just thought about arranging the first 100 workers.

Because when Wuling was the most difficult, they never gave up and worked hard with themselves.

Now if you want to use a knife against these people, it must not be in the name of your own boss.

Otherwise, Ye Qiu would be stabbed in the spine and scolded for crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

Offending people must be done by Xu Dabao and Li Changxing.

To this,

Xu Dabao and Li Changxing knew very well that Ye Qiu was letting them both offend those old people.

But the two were not dissatisfied.

Because Ye Qiu said it.

After those people were transferred from their posts, the vacant posts and who to arrange for them were up to the two of them to decide.

Let you take the blame, not in vain.

Allows you to arrange your own subordinates to management.

This compensation is enough to make them satisfied and even excited.

"Cough cough... President Ye, don't worry, this matter is handed over to our brothers, and we will definitely handle it to your satisfaction. As for the manager of the propaganda department you mentioned."

"Lao Xu, I actually have someone I would like to recommend to you. 35

Ye Qiu wanted to remove Peng Yuan.

Propaganda manager, that's a good job.

Both Xu Dabao and Li Changxing were eyeing this position.

Seeing that Xu Dabao had spoken, Li Changxing hurriedly told Ye Qiu that he was willing.

He also has a suitable candidate.

"In this way, whoever you two are going to recommend will be called to my office later, and I will test it myself.

The two had no opinion and left directly to deal with the matter.

that day,

A super event broke out inside Wuling.

The president issued a staff transfer notice.

Peng Yuan, the manager of the propaganda department, was transferred from his post to an idle position, and many Wuling seniors who were occupying the management level were also transferred from their positions.

these people,

They are the earliest old workers in Wuling. After they were promoted, they did nothing, and even had a very bad relationship with the young workers who came later.

The decision to transfer these people from their current positions came from the two vice presidents of Wuling.

Xu Dabao and Li Changxing.

As soon as this decision came out, it caused waves in Wuling's first factory.

"God damn Xu Dabao, why did you transfer me from my post, what did I do wrong!"

"As for President Ye, I want to see President Ye, Li Changxing and Xu Dabao, you two bastards. Why do you treat me like this? I'm an old employee of Wuling."

"I was personally promoted by President Ye, why should you two remove me?

"I don't agree, I want to see President Ye.

Those old employees who were laid off cursed Xu Dabao and Li Changxing angrily.

Because Wuling has internal regulations.

Internal files come from two places.

Office of the Chairman.

CEO's office.

The chairman's office was naturally a document issued by Ye Qiu himself.

It means Ye Qiu.

What the president did was completely unrelated to Ye Qiu, it was the personal opinion of the two vice presidents, Xu Dabao and Li Changxing.

After the documents from the president's office came out, the old people in Wuling knew that it must be Xu Dabao and Li Changxing who sacrificed their old people in order to arrange their own people and enter management positions.

This is a normal situation within an enterprise.

No one blamed Ye Qiu, because they all knew that Ye Qiu was a nostalgic person and would never be so ruthless to them.


For a while, Xu Dabao and Li Changxing were scolded by the first 100 old employees of Wuling.

Many people want to go to Ye Qiu to complain.


Xu Dabao and Li Changxing had already given death orders, and they must not be allowed to see Ye Qiu.

As for Peng Yuan.

He was furious when he got himself removed as the propaganda manager.

He found Ye 937 Qiu directly and asked Ye Qiu why he treated him like this.


Ye Qiu just said a word to him.

"Remember what I told you when I promoted you?

What did you tell me when you promoted me?

Peng Yuan was startled and remembered.

At the beginning, Ye Qiu told him that promoting you as a manager is a nostalgia, but when you don't have the ability to do this position, I will remove you at any time.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I let you down."

Perhaps it is to think of what he has done since he took the position of this manager.

Peng Yuan woke up in an instant.

He got it.

"Go, if you want to retire early, tell Lao Xu and Lao Li that I will not treat you badly. After retirement, I will let you eat and drink for the rest of your life."

Ye Qiu looked at him and said lightly.

Peng Yuan felt very uncomfortable, but in the end he sighed, nodded and went out.

he understands,

If he applied for early retirement, Ye Qiu would treat himself well, and if he didn't leave, he would even make trouble.

There is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

within a day.

Dozens of important management positions have been replaced within Wuling.

These new managers are the first batch of college students to enter Wuling.

in this situation,

Not only did it not upset the employees, but it made all the employees very excited.

Bullied them, bossy, old staff transferred away.

The working atmosphere of the workshop has been renewed.

more importantly,

through this matter,

These young employees got a message.

That is,

As long as you have the ability, Wuling will definitely give you enough positions to meet your ability.

If you don't act on the basis of your old employee's status, then I'm sorry, we don't support idlers.

Later new employees, from this day onwards, work more passionately.

Promotion and salary increase, who doesn't want it.

As long as your ability is outstanding, you can get a promotion and a salary increase.

Put an end to relying on the old to sell the old.

Who doesn't like such a company.

After dealing with internal hidden dangers, Ye Qiu was in the office the next day, waiting for the arrival of the manager of the propaganda department recommended by Xu Dabao and Li Changxing.

"The candidates recommended by Mr. Ye, Mr. Xu and Mr. Li have arrived. 35

The secretary really came in to report, Ye Qiu sat in the boss chair, bored watching the movie, and said, "Let them come in. 35

Who said that business executives are very busy every day.

As a boss, Ye Qiu is bored most of the time every day.

As for the internal affairs of the company, after the departmental structure is perfected, there is no need for him to take care of the CEO at all.

Naturally, the executives are in charge.

Only when he is developing a new car, or when there is an important decision to be made by the chairman, Ye Qiu, will he get busy.

After the new tank car was confirmed recently, Ye Qiu was idle again.

The R&D department has Qin Mengyao and Yan Ranguan.

The production has Li Changxing tube.

Sales are managed by Xu Dabao.

The energy factory didn't need Ye Qiu to worry about it, Lin Yi and Lin Er handled it very well.

Ye Qiu spends every day with Xiuxiu cute, Qingqing, me and me. When I'm bored, I go shopping and watch movies.

This is the life of a chairman.

Ye Qiu intends,

After the tank was listed, I took Xiuxiu, Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran on a world trip to reward them.

"Mr. Ye..."

"Ye... President Ye.

was thinking,

Two young men entered.

Ye Qiu looked up, good guy, both of them are acquaintances.

PS: Ahem, let’s say it first, this chapter is not water, it must be written. After a transition, after the company grows and develops, this situation is very common. The author’s personal experience is like when I was working in the company. , that is, he was suppressed and exploited by many management who relied on the company's senior status, and finally he resigned directly and did not serve these people.

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