Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 143 This time, I stand in Mercedes-Benz! 【Subscription】

"Fuck, this car... is a little overhanging."

"Although I can only see a little of the front face, I feel that this car is so domineering!"

"Is this car designed by Director Qin himself?

"Definitely yes, I am Director Qin, that is the design director of Wuling, which model she designed is not good-looking!

"The two Chitu cars, the Thunder Tank, were designed by Director Qin and are invincible."

"It's really great that Hongqi has arrived in Wuling. This Hongqi's new car has already come out just by looking at such a little detail and the sense of luxury."


"In three months, will the new car come out?"

"Wuling said so."

"Very good, then what BBA to buy, just wait for the red flag."

"Yes, wait for the red flag. 35

"I had to wait anyway. I was going to buy an A6L, but after seeing the design drawing of this Hongqi new car, I don't want to buy an A6L anymore. 35



Many people who are going to buy the BBA model see this outline drawing released by Wuling, plus the details of the front face of the body.

Just a little detail, you can see the car's sense of luxury and luxury.


Those who are planning to buy a car in the near future, especially those who are planning to buy a BBA.

When I saw the pictures of the new Hongqi car released by Wuling, I immediately lost interest in BBA.

This had a very serious consequence.

The sales of BBA were hit again.


When Wuling announced that it would replace the tank model with the Hongqi brand.

This leads to a very serious consequence.

Tanks are selling like crazy.

The original total order was only about 15,000 tanks.

After Wuling announced that the Jilei brand will be incorporated into the Hongqi, the Jilei tank will become the Hongqi tank in the future.

Those who disliked the lack of Jilei brand before.

It changed in an instant.

"Damn, I regretted that I quit the tank and went to order a big G.

"I also regret it, but now the domestic big G has been decided, am I and him..."

"Haha... You guys are going to be uncomfortable, fortunately I haven't set a big G yet, and the car is simply matched, so I can't watch it anymore.

"That's right, the price has come down, but this low price has come down on the shameless simple configuration. After you choose various configurations, the price is not much different from before.

"Mercedes-Benz is so fucking black, it's a trick to play, and I'm caught off guard. 35

"Trash Mercedes-Benz, I gave up the tank order in order to wait for the domestic big G. As a result, if you do this, go to your uncle. 99

"In this life, if I buy another Mercedes-Benz, I'll be 983 as a dog.

"Go and order a tank."

Many people who have returned tank orders before, are ready to wait for the domestic big G, but the domestic big G has waited.

But they found that

The price has come down and it's not the same thing at all.

Because the price has come down, it has come down on unacceptable simplicity.

Take a simple example.

Big G is the cheapest model made in China.

The price is 998,000.

is cheap.


This car does not even have a central control screen, and the integrated screen of Mercedes-Benz needs to be optional. The optional price is as high as 100,000.

The steering wheel, if you want the good-looking of AMG, needs to be optional.

Seats, woven, need leather or suede, optional.

Audio, naked car does not need to be optional.

Interior ambient lighting, optional.

Wheels, optional.

In short, except for a car shell and an engine gearbox, everything else needs to be installed.

After the option, the price down, it can go to 2 million.

Not to mention the one that Mercedes-Benz said, the joint service with luxury brands.

Those luxuries are basically nothing less than half a million.

Compared with Wuling,

There are many pits and pits for Mercedes-Benz.

Despite this, there are still many people who bought the domestic big G.

And not optional, or just a little bit.

It's for that car shell, that shape, that car logo.

But after Wuling announced that it would merge Jilei into the Hongqi brand.

These people regretted it instantly.

Oh shit,

If I knew earlier, I should have insisted on buying Ji Lei.

Many people went directly to the Mercedes-Benz 4S shop, asked to return the car, and wanted to buy a new tank.


Is the Mercedes-Benz 4S shop where you can return your car?

Although the service of Mercedes-Benz seems to be doing well now.

But the core remains the same.

Leixing Group has only done a good job for you. Want to return the car? Yes, if you unilaterally break the contract, the car deposit will not be refunded, so you can go directly.

The deposit for a car is hundreds of thousands.

He wants you to go back.

Retired, these are the interests of Leixing Group.

The person who bought the car was definitely not happy, so the two sides pulled together, called the police, and sued.

Lixing Group smiled.

Their professional lawyer team has been out of work for a long time.

Busy again now.

More and more people want to return the car, but the 4S shop of Mercedes-Benz seems to be restored to its original appearance.

I don't talk to you directly (cfah).

If there is a problem, it is your own problem, and it has nothing to do with us.

Buy big G, but they are all rich.

Rich people are not easy to mess with.

All of a sudden, many people started a lawsuit directly with the Mercedes-Benz 4S shop.

this time,

Li Xing's legal team is a little overwhelmed.

So many people all over the country are fighting lawsuits together.

It's a little uncomfortable.

And those car owners who want to return the car directly exploded the matter on the Internet.

all of a sudden,

The heat has risen again.

The pit of Mercedes-Benz is once again presented to the public.

"Sure enough, Mercedes-Benz never pits the poor.

"Mercedes-Benz is good, this time I support you, you have to go to the rich people.""

"Good guy, a car with a bare car price of 998,000 yuan doesn't even have a central control screen and needs to be installed. Mercedes-Benz is a good one.

"Come on, Mercedes-Benz, you must stick to your bottom line, that is, don't return the car, don't refund the money, and kill them."

"You deserve to be trapped, there are Wuling tanks, and you even go to buy a Mercedes-Benz, cut..."

These car owners originally wanted to rely on the pressure of fishing reels from the Internet to make Mercedes-Benz submit, and they benefited.


The result was something they didn't expect.

This time,

All the people support Mercedes-Benz and Leixing Group's approach.

Just to kill these two or five boys.

If you don't buy a domestically produced car with such a good tank, you just want to buy a Mercedes-Benz Big G.

Now I see that the tank has been classified into the Hongqi brand, and I feel that the tank is fragrant. I have to go back to the big G and buy a tank.

He shouted in support of domestic production.


All are standard wallgrass.

Whoever is arrogant will lick whoever.

This kind of person deserves to be pitted.

all of a sudden,

Mercedes-Benz's 4S shop has been on the hot search again because of this incident.

However, this time the hot search made Yan Jiansheng read it, and he couldn't help but sneer.

##Mercedes-Benz 4S shop is good, Lexing Group is good##

##Leixing Group must safeguard its own interests and cannot let those who return the car succeed##

##On the five benefits of Mercedes-Benz 4S shop and "exquisite" service##

Yan Jiansheng, who didn't know the truth, was very surprised at first, and didn't understand why the people wanted to support him.

But he immediately thought of it.

It must be during this time that the 4S store changed its service attitude, so it was forgiven and supported by the people of Xia.

Now so many people are making trouble online and smearing 4S stores, these people don't want it anymore.

"Seeing no, this is what the people want, let me know, strengthen service training, and strive to get more people to support us.

He thought it was the people who supported him.

As everyone knows,

These people are watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal.

It wasn't what he thought, but he was moved by the attitude of the Mercedes-Benz 4S shop.


The people are not that cheap.

Everyone knows what Mercedes-Benz's service was like before.

You changed your attitude and wanted us to be thankful to you. How cheap, who do you think you are.

Compared with other Wuling 4S stores, your Mercedes-Benz is always a fighter in the garbage.


Yan Jiansheng discovered a situation, that is...

The sales volume of Mercedes-Benz is not as good as day by day. In the last few days of the end of the month, almost a car has not been sold.

More than a month passed quickly.


Mercedes-Benz Xiaguo headquarters.

Chelsea was shivering in front of an old man.

"Chelsea, what's going on, can you explain it to me?"

Cai Che came to Xia Guo himself.


Because of sales.

Mercedes-Benz's sales last month, Xia Guo sold a total of less than 50,000 units.

This fucking is still Mercedes-Benz announcing price cuts for the entire lineup, ready to saturate the luxury car market in Xiaguo in advance.


After the whole series of discounts, sales not only did not increase, but decreased by more than 80%.

This is absolutely not normal.

When Ze Che received the sales report this month, he was immediately angry.

He flew to Xia Country overnight to check the situation.

Chelsea stood in front of him, trembling in his heart.

"Sir, the reason I told you long ago is because of the red flag."

Chelsea know why.

And he also told Cai Che.

But the other party didn't care at all.

Think Hongqi poses a threat to Mercedes-Benz.

The result is the current situation.

"You told me, when did you tell me?"

When Ze Che heard the words, he stared at Chelsea, his expressionless face almost scared him to death.

"Uh... that's it, sir, the reason why our sales dropped so much last month is because people in Xia are waiting for Hongqi's new car to come out. 39

"You may not know, the status of the red flag in their hearts..."

"It's not just our Mercedes-Benz sales that have been affected, BMW, Audi, Porsche sales have all been affected.

"Also, that bastard, Yan Jiansheng, is still arguing with many prospective Mercedes-Benz owners, which has seriously affected the reputation of our Mercedes-Benz."

When it comes to Yan Jiansheng, Chelsea is angry.

This is just a fucking pig mate.

How long has it been, still holding on to that little benefit, not complying with the details stipulated in the contract, and not returning the car to the user.

And let Leixing's legal team fight lawsuits with consumers all over the country.

It makes Mercedes-Benz become a joke now.

I explained the situation to Cai Che in detail.

Cai Che, with white hair, looked at Chelsea suspiciously.

"The red flag is so powerful? Isn't it because the red flag is in Wuling's hands that it can have such a big impact?"

Ze Che didn't believe it.

Is the Hongqi brand so powerful in Xia State?

According to what Chelsea said, when Hongqi was in FAW, there was nothing powerful.

A brand that is dying.

As a result, it was in the hands of Wuling, and before the new car was released, the people of Xia people were looking forward to it.

Would you rather not buy a Mercedes-Benz and wait for a new car from Hongqi?

What exactly is going on.

"Sir, the red flag is only one aspect. The biggest reason is Wuling." Chelsea felt that he had to explain it to his godfather.

"In the hearts of the people of Xia Guo, Wuling is an amazing car company. They call Wuling the Xia Guo Lingxin car company and the light enterprise of domestic products."

"Xia people are different from our people, they have a strong national unity, and in their bones, they are exclusive to our foreign car brands.

"It's just that Xia Guo didn't have a luxury brand or a reliable car company before. Luo

"Before Hongqi was in the hands of FAW, there was no big wave, but Wuling is different from FAW. This car company has no shortage of car manufacturing technology, and their engine technology, I have studied, is comparable to our Mercedes-Benz. "5

The engine on the tank, Chelsea has long been dismantled and studied.

to this end,

He bought a tank from someone else at a high price.

no way,

If you order, you have to wait half a year to a year.

After buying it back, he asked engineers in Xia to disassemble the engine and gearbox for research.


The answer given by the engineer is yes.

Wuling is awesome!

This engine is more advanced than Mercedes-Benz's inline-six.

What's more awesome is that 10AT gearbox, the technical level is too high, even more terrifying than ZF's 8AT.

From a technical point of view, the structure of the engine and gearbox, looking at these Mercedes-Benz engineers, almost vomited blood.

Because I don't understand it at all.

I can't understand how that special structure, Wuling's engineers, came up with it.

Just a bunch of perverts.

Chelsea is well aware that Wuling is not lacking in technology.


It's just a brand that can carry Wuling's powerful technology.

Now with the red flag,

Wuling is equivalent to having a powerful blade in his hand.

It can ruthlessly cut a hole in the luxury car market that has already formed a pattern.


Grab a piece of meat from Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi.


The three BBA families that can still be forced are in turmoil.

"Wuling is so powerful? 99

Zetsche only knows that Wuling's pure electric vehicle technology is very powerful, especially the battery technology.

Now because of the plasma battery, the research and development direction of the world battery industry has been completely changed.

Musk is leading the world's top battery experts to develop liquid batteries in full swing.

in Europe,

Audi has been blessed by Wuling's plasma battery, and the new Audi pure electric car will crash Tesla in Europe.

Daimler also lost the bet with the Porsche family because of this incident.

It became the joke of the whole European high society.

Zetsche and the entire Daimler family gnashed their hatred at Wuling.

Ze Che could not have imagined that Wuling was so powerful in the technology of fuel vehicles?

"Yes sir, Wuling's technology is very powerful. If we can't do anything now, it will be too late when the new Hongqi designed by them comes out."

Chelsea are worried.

But he knows better.

At this time, he had no way to prevent Wuling from launching a new car.

Even if it is to lower the price of Mercedes-Benz, it will not help.

It's not about price anymore.

"This is indeed a problem..."

Cai Che also frowned deeply, unable to think of a good way to deal with it for a while.

"Right now, the only thing we can do is to unite with our old rivals to sanction Wuling."

PS: I forgot to say it yesterday, I wish you all a happy Qixi Festival, woo woo... As a single dog, the little author watched all kinds of hotel, rose, bed sheets in the circle of friends yesterday... I was in a very low mood yesterday, why? , I and all of you here are so handsome, we don't have girlfriends, God is jealous of handsome guys!

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