Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 144 Since you want to play, then play hard! 【Subscription】

The situation is now clear.

If you don't make preparations at this time, then wait for Wuling to develop Hongqi's new car and launch it.

Mercedes-Benz is bound to suffer a huge hit in sales.

What Cai Che is most afraid of is that Wuling will start a price war in the luxury car market.

If the price war starts.


The loss will be very heavy.

The first thing he thought about was to unite with several major luxury car companies in Xiaguo to boycott Wuling.

"It is best to cut off the supply chain of Wuling directly..."

To prevent the launch of Wuling's Hongqi model.

There is only one way.

Cut off Wuling's supply chain.

this way,

It's the same as when Musk shamelessly cut off Wuling's semiconductor chip supply chain in order to prevent Chitu from going public.

Although very despicable, very shameless.

But in order to stabilize the Xiaguo market, in order to continue to monopolize the country's market with the largest single vehicle sales in the world.

Zetsche didn't care how vile the means were.

70% of the world's luxury car suppliers are in Europe.

Turbo, central control, electronic components, and other accessories needed in the car.

Almost all of the high-tech products are supplied by Chinese companies.

"Sir, Wuling's turbine supplier is Dr. Mahler, the audio is the same as Mercedes-Benz, it is the voice of Berlin, and the supplier of the central control is xxx."

Chelsea heard Zetsche's words and felt that this approach was very good.

He has already researched Wuling's suppliers.

"However, Wuling is different from other car companies. He likes to use Xiaguo's suppliers, but the core electronic components and body system components are still the most used in the country.

This is impossible.

In terms of auto parts suppliers, Deguo, America, and the island countries control almost 90% of the market share.

With the relationship between Laomei and Wuling, Ye Qiu would not choose Laomei's supplier.

island country,

I don't even bother to use it.


Most of Wuling's supply is provided domestically and in Europe.

"That's great, God help me too!

When Cai Che heard the news, his eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth twitched.

If other regional auto suppliers, he may have no way.

But the Europeans, no matter who they are, have to give the Daimler Group face.

"But this matter must be carried out jointly with BMW and the Volkswagen Group. 99

It is difficult for European suppliers to cut off the supply of spare parts to Wuling by relying on Mercedes-Benz alone.

Must get BMW, and Audi and Porsche parent company Volkswagen to come forward.

The three are united.

Just negotiate with those people.

The relationship between the Daimler family and the Porsche family is very bad.

But Zetsche has a good relationship with the Piech family, who now control the masses.

Not to mention BMW.

How many years old rival.

Zetsche and the head of BMW's board of directors, as well as the capital behind BMW, are very close.

"You stare at Xia Guo, I want to go back to get the country..."

Ze Che instructed Chelsea to pay close attention to all information about Wuling during this period and report to himself at any time.

He himself was able to win the country again overnight.

After returning to the country,

The first thing Zetsche did was to go to BMW's headquarters.

Meet with the head of BMW's board of directors, Zipce, to discuss matters about Wuling.

Xia Guo, as one of BMW's most important markets in the world, Zipce, who has just taken up the post of BMW chairman, naturally attaches great importance to it.

For Wuling, a car company like a shit stick, he has already paid attention to it.


Wuling has been targeting Mercedes-Benz before, and has nothing to do with BMW.

So it has been ignored.

But now that Ze Che came to him and told him about Hongqi, Zipse frowned.

"Mr. Zetsche, you are a senior I respect very much, you must know that this kind of cutting off other people's supply chain is not allowed by law, and if it spreads out, it will have a great impact on the reputation of our BMW Group.

Zipzer heard that Zetsche wanted to unite BMW and Volkswagen to cut off Wuling's supply chain.

It was rejected at the time.

BMW is not Tesla, and he is not Musk, he can do such shameless things.

For the sake of profit, the president of the old United States can shamelessly target a company.

But the country won't do that.

Because they won the country, not the old beauty.

Xia Guo has no way to take Lao Mei, but if the country dares to target Wuling, then Xia Guo will definitely not ignore it.

By the time,

BMW is miserable.

"I will not agree to this matter. Musk is a lesson learned and has become a joke around the world. I don't want BMW to be nailed to the pillar of shame in history."

Ze Che seemed to have guessed Zipzer's refusal.

"Zipse, you are overly cautious, this is just normal business competition, and will not involve the state. 99

"Moreover, we will definitely not come forward to do this by ourselves, but find someone else to do it, and we will discuss it in secret and will not reveal it.

He had already figured out how to deal with it.

Having spent most of his life in the car circle, Zetsche pays more attention to reputation than anyone else.

He is about to retire.

If you play yourself a joke before you retire.

He doesn't want to.

So things, Zetsche already has a plan.

As long as BMW and Volkswagen agree, he can secretly send someone to talk to those suppliers.

"No, I wouldn't do such a thing... please come back. 35


Zipzer was like a tendon.

The perseverance and sense of justice in the bones of the Chinese made him unable to do such a thing at all.

Directly rejected Ze Che.

This made Cai Che very disappointed.

But he was not discouraged.

Instead, he went to the Piech family again, looking for the owner to discuss this matter.

As long as the Piech family agrees, without the participation of BMW, the blockade of Wuling can be completed with the help of Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz.


To Zetsche's surprise, after he arrived at the Piech family, when he talked about the matter, the other party's attitude was very strange.

Just looking at Cai Che with a very weird smile, he didn't say anything at all, neither agreed nor rejected his proposal.

It made Cai Che puzzled.

After he left,

The owner of the Piech family made a phone call to the Porsche family.


that night,

Ye Qiu received an international call from across the ocean.

"Hi... Ye, guess who I am?"

Ye Qiu was angry when someone woke him up.

But as soon as he heard the other party's voice, he immediately laughed angrily.

"Miss Kate, do you know, Xia Guo is late at night, you call me after 2 am, if there is no suitable explanation, I will be very angry. 35

It was Kate Porsche who called Ye Qiu.

The eldest lady of the Porsche family.

Hearing Ye Qiu's dissatisfied tone, Kai was very happy.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I wanted to tell you something very important. Since Mr. Ye is angry, I won't say it..."

God damn it.

Ye Qiu shook his head helplessly, how could this girl's revenge be so strong.

When I left last time, didn't I still look reluctant to part?

he does not know,

Kate misses him so much.

Since the last time she left Wuling and returned to China, Ye Qiu's figure always appeared in Kate's mind every day.

That wicked and smug smile lingered.

Made her very upset.

She knew that she seemed to like this man from Xia Guo who had only met once.

This made Kate panic.

While panicking, he wanted to get rid of Ye Qiu's influence on him.

In addition, she usually sends messages and calls to Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu is always very perfunctory.

This made her full of resentment towards Ye Qiu.


Kate was always thinking about getting something back from Ye Qiu.

For example, look at his angry look.

"Since you don't want to say it, that's right, I don't want to hear it either, Kate, good night...


Ye Qiu wasn't as good as she wanted at all.

Just hang up the phone.


Kate was very angry, pouted, mumbled, and snorted coldly, but still talked to Ye Qiu about business.

"Mercedes-Benz's chairman Ze Che found Volkswagen and BMW to join forces to break your Wuling's European supply chain, but we Volkswagen refused.

"Ye Qiu, as I said, we are friends, whether it is the Porsche family or the Piech family, we are all your friends, and we will not do anything that harms the interests of our friends.

......・ Flowers 0

Kate made this call to Ye Qiu.

It was the owner of Porsche and Piech who wanted to release a message to Ye Qiu through her.

Our entire Volkswagen Group is your friend and has no malice towards you.

This is a signal.

It is the signal that Porsche and the Piech family want to have a long-term friendship with Ye Qiu.

"Ze Che? This old guy is in a hurry.

Ye Qiu was really stunned when he heard the news.

Inexplicably familiar.

This method of cutting off the supply chain is exactly the same as the shameless Musk.

"I see... Kate, thank you, you're right, we are friends, and between friends, we should help each other, your sincerity, I know.

Ye Qiu's tone was sincere.

The corners of Kate's mouth were raised, and she snorted proudly and said, "Hmph, I really don't know what my father and Uncle Simon valued you."

Porsche owner, Kate's father.

As well as Simon, they both value Wuling and Ye Qiu.

Even the Piëch family paid a lot of attention to Wuling and Ye Qiu.

Because of Wuling's battery technology, material technology, and engine and transmission technology.

It has achieved a level that is ahead of the world.

"Maybe I'm more handsome, haha.

Ye Qiu laughed when he heard her words.

It made Kate also laugh.

"Although what you said is arrogant, you are really handsome, Ye Qiu, I miss you... I will go to Xia Guo in a while, and then I will go to Zhongyun to find you, remember to arrange a good time." 5

"Because... I found that I seem to be in love with you."

European girls are hot and bold, what to say.

Ye Qiu couldn't stand being beaten by Kate, but he was still happy.

My damn charm.

"Then you have to be careful, falling in love with me may be the most correct decision in your life.

"Fuck you, it's so shameless, I won't tell you, I'm going to work."


Kate hung up the phone.

Her heartbeat was fast, and after hanging up the phone, she realized that her face was very hot, so she took out the mirror and looked.

His face flushed.

"Kate, you are such a slut to say such shameless things."

While Europeans are bold, fiery, and direct.

But Kate is clearly not that bold yet.

if not,

She won't be so old, and she hasn't been in love yet.

It is normal for women from other families of the same age to change men for three days.

But she is 27 years old.

Still a chick.

In Europe, this is simply a bizarre thing.

"Kate, my mother said that you should pursue your love bravely. Since you like him, then go to Xia Guo and find him to have a vigorous love affair."

next moment,

As if he had made up his mind.

Kate's eyes were firm, and she gave herself a punch.

Zetsche wanted to work with European car companies to block Wuling's supply chain, which was indeed beyond Ye Qiu's expectations.

But he wasn't worried at all.

Volkswagen disagrees, that Mercedes-Benz alone is absolutely incapable of doing so.


Ye Qiu estimates,

Zetsche couldn't even persuade the people from BMW Group.

"The clown jumping beam, I thought you were very capable, but you actually learned from Musk's shameless scumbag and did this kind of thing.

Since the last time I was fucked by Musk once.

Ye Qiu in order to prevent this from happening.

When choosing parts suppliers for Wuling, each company added a clause.

If the other party suddenly gives Wuling all kinds of strange reasons to run out of stock, stop supplying.

That compensation is enough to make the other party go bankrupt.

He wasn't afraid that Ze Che would get into trouble.

Because Ye Qiu knew.

Those suppliers will never agree.

"Since you want to make trouble, let's make it bigger. If you cut my supply chain, I will play a price war with you, so that you can't get along in the domestic market! 99

Ye Qiu's eyes were fierce, and he didn't want to start a price war directly.

because doing so,

It will directly change the entire auto market.

The impact is too great.

His initial idea was to go step by step and play with Mercedes-Benz slowly.

but now,

He is not equal.

If you want to play, play hard, and see who is the most ruthless in the end.

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