Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 153 Do I want to hammer Ye Qiu to death! 【Subscription】

After the Hongqi's new car launch conference.

Almost all the car brands in Xiaguo were so angry that they almost collapsed due to the price war started by Wuling.

Everyone has thought that after the listing of Hongqi, Wuling may be cheaper than luxury cars such as BBA.


Even if they were killed, they would never have imagined that the price would be so cheap to the point of madness.

The pricing of these three new Hongqi new cars can no longer be described as cheap.

As Ye Qiu said.

Let the luxury car get back to the price range it should have.


Let the price of Hongqi reach the price level of BBA in foreign countries.

If it is a brand with little influence, so price.

For Xia Guo's auto market, it will not have much impact at all.

Even Mercedes-Benz, BMW and other established luxury brands will sneer and dismiss them.


When this brand is Hongqi, it is the Hongqi controlled by Wuling.

is already doomed,


"Old Wei, I hate Ye Qiu so much!!""

Inside the synagogue.

Li Ji's brother Shu Fu was in a very complicated mood at the moment.

throughout the conference,

Although Ye Qiu focused the artillery fire on Mercedes-Benz.

Even after this price came out, it was clear that it was going to start a price war with Mercedes-Benz.

Force you to lower the price of Mercedes-Benz to compete with me.

How did Mercedes-Benz black Wuling before, and now Wuling's revenge is so ruthless.

But you two car companies are fighting.

Have you considered it for other car companies?

Liji acquired Volvo, and it took Shufuge nearly ten years to bring Volvo from a marginal brand to the fifth position in domestic luxury car sales.


Volvo's price is already very cheap.

But now,

Hongqi's pricing is simply outrageous.

The price of H5 has dropped below 200,000.

Is this a luxury car brand?

What do you Wuling want to do?

Do you want my Volvo to die?

017 Brother Shu Fu was very angry, very angry.

"Lao Li, look at it, the domestic auto market really needs to change."

Old Wei is very happy to comfort Brother Shu Fu.

No matter how your luxury brands fight.

It has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, my high-end V brand of Great Wall has failed.

But it will soon be re-emerging.

Because the V brand is about to merge with Wuling and become a sub-brand of Wuling.

As for the Haval brand, what it does itself is the market below 150,000 yuan. The first-generation car H6 has maintained its reputation and sales volume for six consecutive years, maintaining the dominant sales volume of compact SUVs.

This is the most profitable model of the Great Wall.

Other models, in the brand, the proportion is not heavy.

So he is not worried at all, the price war will threaten the sales of H6.


It's Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Ford, and GM. It's time to cry.

Because of the price of H5.

But it has touched the price range of the most popular models of these car companies.

"Hmph, you and that Ye Qiu, wearing a pair of pants, shameless.

Brother Shu Fu snorted coldly, got up and left.

Originally, he planned to have a chat with Ye Qiu at the end of the press conference.


Talk about your grandma's legs.

I can't wait to strangle you to death.

He has to hurry back to Zhejiang Province, hold an emergency meeting, and formulate a strategy, otherwise the price war between Hongqi and Mercedes-Benz will be under the pressure.

Whether Volvo can survive is a question.

Seeing Brother Shu Fu angrily leaving, Old Wei shrugged and went to find Ye Qiu.

"Uncle Simon, did you already know that Ye Qiu was going to play a price war, so he was so eager to clear Audi's inventory before?

"And Volkswagen, the first two months were also frantically cleaning up inventory."

"You already knew that, didn't you?"

Kate finally understands now.

Why two months ago, Simon and the head of Volkswagen began to cut prices crazy and clean up the inventory cars in Xia Guo.

cannot be cleaned,

Direct scrap, raw material recycling.


(cfai) She still feels weird, and now she finally understands.

Apparently Ye Qiu had been through with Simon for a long time.

"Ye Qiu is a reliable partner. When he absolutely started a price war, he told me about it. Then I contacted people from Volkswagen. The three of us sat together and discussed it for a long time."

"But only Audi and Volkswagen, Porsche's brands, are not affected.

When Ye Qiu approached Simon to talk about it, Simon refused.

But Ye Qiu's attitude was tough.

Anyway, I mean, I've already informed you.

If you want to cut losses, plan ahead.

If you don't want to continue playing with me, then you can tell Mercedes-Benz and BMW these car companies.

Then from now on,

Wuling and Volkswagen Group are enemies.

Ye Qiu will never be soft when it comes to attacking the enemy.

His tough stance really gave Piech and the Porsche family a headache.

After the last two discussions together, they finally made a helpless decision.


Although the price cut will reduce the profit in Xia Guo.


not changing,

That's a bigger loss.

And he would also lose such a powerful friend as Ye Qiu.

Even Ye Qiu may directly cut off the supply of plasma cells to Audi.

That would be worth the loss.


All the heads of car companies gnashed their teeth when they mentioned Wuling.






After the top leaders of these car companies in Xia Guo received the news of Hongqi's pricing, all of them were angry with Ye Qiu and wanted to hammer him to death.

Toyota Kyoto Headquarters.

Tatsuro Ueda, chairman of Toyota Xiaguo, had a very gloomy face at this time.

just now,

He received a report from the secretary, and what he has been paying attention to, the price of Hongqi's new car has come out.

After you can see the price.

Ueda Tatsuro's face was as ugly as it was ugly.


The price of Hongqi is not just for luxury brands.

The impact of ordinary family car brands is even greater.

Toyota's mainstream hot-selling models are almost all priced around 200,000.

The price of Hongqi H5 will crush the price of all mainstream Toyota models.

"Wuling... Ye Qiu..."

Ueda Tatsuro scolded angrily and began to think about how to deal with it.

"I'm really anxious... No matter how low his Hongqi price is, as long as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi don't cut their prices, the Hongqi can only become a joke in the end.

"Even if your sales are high, if BBA doesn't cut prices, then you can only be reduced to an ordinary brand, not a luxury brand at all,"

"It's not Toyota, it's Mercedes, BMW and Audi that should be worried now."

"Just looking at the three, can you hold your breath and stop cutting prices?"

To be able to achieve the vision of Tatsuro Ueda, chairman of Toyota Xiaguo, is absolutely sharp.

Ye Qiu wants to start a price war.

There is a premise.

That is Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi, willing to play a price war with you.

If you open it unilaterally, but the other party doesn't pick it up, no matter what, even if you can't sell a car in the short term, just hold on.

Then the price war of Hongqi has become a joke.


The Hongqi brand will naturally be one level lower than BBA.


The most important thing about Hongqi's price war is not the impact it can have on other car companies.

but can it be,

Let Mercedes-Benz BMW and Audi drop prices to play with him.

If these three companies do not cut prices, then all other car companies will not cut prices.

If these three can't stand it anymore.

The price of the entire Xia country's car market collapsed completely.

To be reshuffled.

Ueda Tatsuro saw the key point.

The bosses of other car companies have also seen this key point.


Now almost all joint venture brands are waiting.

What are you waiting for?

Wait for BBA's response.

If these three companies could not bear the impact of Hongqi, they would choose to compromise and cut prices.

All joint venture car companies must cut prices immediately.

If these three companies stand up, then other car companies can stand up as well.

"You can't cut prices if you kill them, if you cut prices, it means Mercedes-Benz has given up.

at this time,

Chelsea in the office, is on the phone with Zetsche who is in the country.

After Cai Che heard the situation here, he thought for a long time before finally saying this to Chelsea.


Absolutely no price reduction.

Must hold on.

As long as you hold on, the red flag will become a joke.

"But... Sir, can we hold on? If we can't sell the car for a month, six months, a year, how can we hold on?

The sales volume of Mercedes-Benz itself is now nearly 80% lower than before.

Even if Zetsche launched a price reduction for all models, it was only in that month that the sales of Mercedes-Benz were briefly brought back.

In the past two months, Mercedes-Benz's sales fell again and returned to the previous level.

If it is stiff at this time, the biggest possibility is that sales will be cut in half again, or even completely collapsed.

"Don't be too pessimistic, you must know that we are Mercedes-Benz, a century-old car company Mercedes-Benz, and there will never be a shortage of people who want to buy Mercedes-Benz."5

Ze Che is also very worried about this aspect.

But he was very confident.

Because we are Benz.

is the inventor of the car.

The epitome of luxury cars.

No one can resist the temptation of Mercedes-Benz.

Especially the people of Xia who love face.

"Okay, I'll hold on. 35

Chelsea thought about it, not very confident.

But that's all there is to it now.

"Well, I will contact the people from BMW and Audi. As long as the three of us hold on to the price war and don't accept the red flag, everything will be fine."

After Ze Che hung up the phone.

Immediately began to contact BMW's chairman Zipzer.

"Don't worry, we BMW will never cut prices, what a joke, how could we reduce the price because of a red flag after so many years of hard work in Xia.

Zipzer said at the time.

The arrogant BMW will never play a price war with Hongqi.

Moreover, like Ze Che, he is arrogant in his bones, and he believes that Xia Guo people will never give up buying BMW because of a Hongqi brand.

"Well, as long as we stay on the same front, the red flag doesn't matter at all.

Ze Che got a positive answer and was very satisfied.


He immediately contacted Audi's chairman.

The chairman of Audi is now the owner of the Porsche family.

Dylan Porsche.

Regarding Ze Che's call, it was discussed that the three BBA families would fight against the red flag together in Xia Guo.

Dylan promised well.

Said Audi will definitely not cut prices.

But after hanging up the phone.

He immediately made an international call to Simon, and the first sentence he said was: "Simon, how are you preparing for the factory upgrade of Audi Xiaguo and the price reduction of the model?

good guy.

This infernal game is a thief.

If Ze Che knew, Audi and even the entire Volkswagen Group would have been secretly together with Wuling long ago, and it is estimated that they would vomit blood and die.

"All production lines and models have been adjusted, Ye Qiu said, let's temporarily cooperate with him, wait a month, and cut prices."

"Almost all of Audi's inventory cars in Xiaguo have been cleared.

Ye Qiu wanted to play with Mercedes-Benz and forcibly drag Audi and Volkswagen in, just waiting for this day.

He already knew.

Start a price war.

If the BBA three stand on the same front, it will be very difficult for Wuling.


These three companies must be separated. As long as one of them cooperates with him, the Xia Country's auto market will be completely disrupted, and then the cards will be reshuffled.

this wave,

If you play well, it can even make some car companies withdraw from the Xiaguo market.

It is possible that some second-tier brands with dismal sales on weekdays can successfully squeeze into the first-tier.

"This kid Ye Qiu, tsk tsk... he's really a ruthless man, forget it, just do as he said, and wait a month."

"This kid, is planning to piss off Mercedes-Benz and BMW." 9

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