Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 154 The red flag... Horrible sales! 【Subscription】

After the Hongqi launch conference, that night, all car companies were waiting for the response of the three BBA.

If the three of them don't cut prices, the prices in the domestic auto market will not collapse completely.

Many car companies have inquired about Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi through various channels.

The price war for Hongqi.

How will they respond.

"We will definitely not cut prices. It is impossible to reshuffle the prices in the Xiaguo auto market with just a red flag."

"Don't worry, everyone, as long as we persevere, the red flag will only become a joke in the end.

Facing inquiries from other car companies.

Chelsea, as the representative of Mercedes-Benz, solemnly told other car companies.

mercedes benz,

Absolutely no price reduction.

Because once the price is cut, it means that Mercedes-Benz, a century-old car company, is afraid-.


Mercedes-Benz will be afraid of a Wuling?

Are you afraid of red flags?

What a joke.

the other side,

BMW also announced at the first time that it will never play a price war with Hongqi.

No matter what, we will always be Germany's proud BMW.

As for Audi,

Simon didn't say much to the others, just said to see the reactions of Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

this means,

The information revealed to other car companies is that as long as Mercedes-Benz and BMW hold on.

Then we Audi can hold out.

The heads of car companies such as Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Buick, etc. are relieved now.

As long as these three hold on, it doesn't matter to them.

Anyway, the sky is falling, and there are tall people standing in front of it.

What to be afraid of.

"Wuling, it can only become a joke in the end.

"It is a dream to use a Hongqi brand to reshuffle the price of the Xiaguo automobile market.

"Look, you can only be a clown in the end. 99

"It's even possible that the people of the Xia country don't recognize the red flag.

"It's just not a big hit, I've seen this brand a lot over the years.

"I hope so."

The heads of many car companies are paying close attention to one thing.

Red Flag sales.

The prices of the three Hongqi models range from 188,000 to more than 700,000.

Almost all car prices are included.

This kind of price, for the car market, is equivalent to a shit stick.

The mainstream price range of joint venture car companies starts from 180,000 to about 700,000 for luxury car companies.

This is the highest selling price range.

As for cars that cost more than a million dollars.

The annual sales are not much.

The price of Hongqi is equivalent to directly using its own brand to match the price range of all luxury brands and ordinary brands together.


Hongqi's sales are the most important.

If the sales of Hongqi's models explode, it will even reach a terrifying level.

It is estimated that many car companies will be unable to hold back.


If Hongqi's new car just doesn't sell well, there's nothing to worry about.

After the Hongqi new car was launched.

Almost all car companies are concerned about sales.

It's not just these people who are nervously watching.

the whole Wuling,

We are also closely monitoring sales every day.

After the first day of listing.

that night,

After 12:00, Ye Qiu got the sales statistics of the new car on the first day.

"Ye... Mr. Ye, you... take a look.

The manager of the marketing department, Li Guangyi, his lips trembled a little after counting the sales of the day.

Ye Qiu frowned and took the report from Li Guangyi.

Then took a look.

"Fuck... so many?"

this time,

He finally knew why Li Guangyi was so frightened.

Inside the Presidential Suite.

Ye Qiu looked at the report in his hand and didn't know what to say.

Press conference at 2 p.m.

Finished at 3:30.

It is 12 am now.

nine and a half hours.

The sales of Hongqi's three new models reached a total of 70,000 units.

Nine hours.

70,000 units sold.


The most sold is the minimum version of the Hongqi H5.

This is a car in itself.

The starting price of 188,000.

This version of the model alone sold 40,000 units.

And most of them are orders placed on Wuling's APP.

The total sales volume of Hongqi H5 is about 60,000 units.

The total sales volume of Hongqi H7 is about 25,000.

Hongqi H9 is the least, with only more than 5,000 units.

But the more than 5,000 units sold are basically the top H9,

This result,

It was really unexpected for Ye Qiu.

He was able to guess that the people of Hongqi would accept and even like the model of Hongqi.

But unexpectedly.

It's less than 10 hours a day.

Just half a day.

That's how it sells.

"Tomorrow morning, immediately return to Zhongyun, notify the factory, and reschedule the production tasks.

This sale is horrible.

So much for half a day.

Ye Qiu couldn't guess how many cars Hongqi would sell in a month.

However, there were a lot of sales on the first day, and it should be that many people were tempted by this price.

Whether the car will be returned in the future is also uncertain.

But overall,

This month,

The total sales volume of Hongqi's three models will never be less than 150,000 units.

"Fortunately, the production lines of these three cars have kept up with the production capacity."

The production lines of the three cars are all behemoths with an annual output of 1 million units.

Even if it sells 300,000 new cars every month, the cars can be delivered in the second month.

"Mr. Ye, our sales volume is too scary, do you want to announce it?"

Once the sales are announced, it will be another advertisement for Hongqi.

"No, remember, before next month, all sales must not be announced, and you should tell all the people in 4S stores and companies.

"Absolutely do not disclose new car sales, wait until next month.""


That is impossible.

In the first month of the Hongqi brand listing, Ye Qiu wanted to make money.

Now I don't know how many car companies are waiting to know the sales volume.

He just doesn't reveal it.

Just guess.

Especially Benz.

If you let them know the sales, it may force Mercedes to cut prices in the first place, which is no fun.

Have to wait a month for the Mercedes-Benz to sell.

lost heavily,

Another announcement that shocked everyone.

After Li Guangyi left.

Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran, and Chen Mengna didn't sleep, they had been waiting for the sales statistics of the new car on the first day.

When they saw the sales report.

Several women's eyes widened.

"My God, Ye Qiu, isn't this sales fake?"

"Is this too scary?"

"Ye Qiu, you are amazing, you are amazing!!!"

Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran and others were shocked.

On the first day of sales of the new car, more than 70,000 units were sold.

What a terrifying number.

In the history of the automotive industry, something has never been achieved.

Even if it was the first day of Chitu's listing.

Sales are not so scary.

"Actually, the high sales volume is not all due to us, but because of the Chinese people's love and expectation for the Hongqi brand."

··For flowers 0·

"We Xia people love the Hongqi brand in our bones, but FAW didn't pay attention to it before and couldn't design the Hongqi that the people love.

"But, we did it.

"And the price is also set in everyone's heart, so in exchange, consumers' support for the brand."

Ye Qiu is very clear, what is the reason for the success of Hongqi.

He was not so proud that he took all the credit on himself.

Because it doesn't know each other.

If it is Wuling's own Jilei brand, a new car on the market will never be bought by so many people at the same price.

Even the first day of sales may not reach 1,000 units.

But red flags are different.

This is the soul of Xiaguo people, the brand they love in their bones.

Wuling just designed and developed the Hongqi model that the Chinese people love.

"I don't care. The success of this sales is due to me and my cousin. You, the boss, must reward us."5

"Well, there must be a reward.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran have been very tired recently.

Really very tired.

They want to rest for a while.

Go on a trip and relax.

just right,


Ye Qiu also has this plan.

"Why don't we do this, let's go on a trip around the world, and in the next month, I'll take you to travel around the world together.

"I pay for the biggest special plane and the biggest yacht.

"How about it?"

I had planned to take them on a trip around the world.


There has been no time.

Now is the time.

The new car is on the market, and everything is on the right track. The next thing to do is to wait a month.

By the way, feel free to see how Mercedes-Benz and BMW react.

If they didn't cut the price, Ye Qiu would be so happy.

The more you don’t cut prices, the better my Hongqi sales will be.

on the contrary,

If you cut prices too early, the sales of Hongqi will definitely be affected.

For Audi and Volkswagen, Ye Qiu was not worried because he had already compensated each other for their cooperation.

Even if Audi and Volkswagen can't sell a car a month, it's not a loss.


"No, is the capitalist finally generous?"

"Am I dreaming?"

"Ye Qiu, a man's words can't be counted, I'll go back and pack my luggage now.""

"I'll go too, and we'll go tomorrow. 35

Hearing that Ye Qiu was going to take himself and others to travel around the world, he directly chartered a special plane and a private yacht.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran were ecstatic.

They were happy that they could have Ye Qiu by their side while resting.

"Ye Qiu..."

Chen Mengna looked at Ye Qiu eagerly, she also wanted to go.

If we don't go, Ye Qiu and Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran don't know what will happen in that month.

woman's mind.

But it's not easy.

"Okay, this time, the four of us will go together."

Ye Qiu laughed and understood her thoughts.

Chen Mengna actually accepted Ye Qiu and Qin Mengyao's affairs in her heart.


A process of adaptation is also required.

just right,

Using this trip, let the three women cultivate their feelings, and Ye Qiu can also confirm everything between the three women.

After all, it will be a family.

It is best to be together in harmony.

"Then I'll go home first and tell my parents that I won't work for the next month, I'll go play, hee hee...'

In front of Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran, Chen Mengna hugged Ye Qiu's head and kissed him.


left eight.

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