Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 155 Audi and Volkswagen have cut prices for joint venture car companies that have suffered h


"She did it on purpose."

Her behavior made Qin Mengyao, who was very happy just now, unhappy in an instant.

Since Chen Mengna and Ye Qiu established a relationship.

The two of them felt very uncomfortable.

With resentful eyes, he looked at Ye Qiu.

Although no one among the three took the initiative to speak.


The sisters like Ye Qiu, that's a fact.

However, Ye Qiu has established a relationship with Chen Mengna.

So these days,

Every time the two of them looked at Ye Qiu, they were full of resentment, like an abandoned woman.

"Uh... If you two don't mind, it's actually pretty good for the four of us to live together."

as a scumbag.

Ye Qiu couldn't stand their resentful eyes.

So he took the hands of the two of them and asked expectantly.

"Go away! Think beautifully.

"Impossible, scumbag! 35

but get,

But it was Qin Mengyao's white eyes and Yan Ran's pink fist.

Even if I like it in my heart,

It was impossible for the two of them to admit and promise such absurd things as Ye Qiu.

He ran back to his room blushing.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran looked at each other for a long time.

They both noticed each other's heartbeat, which was beating very fast.

"Cousin, should we...let's think about it?

at last,

The sturdy Qin Mengyao spoke.

"What are you thinking about? Yaoyao, you won't really ask "Zero One Seven" to agree, Ye Qiu, the dead scumbag, hum! 55

Yan Ran couldn't accept it.

Qin Mengyao sighed faintly: "What can you do if you don't accept it, are you willing to leave him?"

But Qin Mengyao said a word.

But Yan Ran was silent.


If you don't accept it, you can only leave him.

But if you are willing to leave him, are you willing to leave Wuling?

the answer is.


But if she and Qin Mengyao were to be concubines to Ye Qiu.

She couldn't take it anymore.

Three wives and four concubines are actually quite common in the upper class.

Whether domestic or foreign.

The wealthy and powerful family controllers basically have several rooms.

The surface is monogamous.

But this is only for ordinary people.

Qin Mengyao said: "Let's take one step at a time, and Nana is also very good to us. She has already hinted it several times, if we want to... uh."

Since establishing a relationship with Ye Qiu, Chen Mengna has gotten along very well with Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran, and even Xu Feifei.

She knew very well that these women would definitely belong to Ye Qiu in the future.


She hinted to Qin Mengyao and others several times.

If they want, they can accept it.

As for Lin Xiuxiu.

Ye Qiu told Chen Mengna that she has only one relative in this world.

Whoever Ye Qiu abandons will never abandon Lin Xiuxiu.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran had already compromised in their hearts.

Otherwise, they would not agree to travel with Ye Qiu.

However, the mouth still did not let go.

They were reluctant to leave Ye Qiu, and even more reluctant to leave Wuling.

"Cousin, in the future, how about we give this bastard Ye Qiu ten or eight sons to inherit his family business and take revenge on him? 99

before sleep,

Qin Mengyao suddenly said such a sentence.

When Yan Ran heard it, it was inconceivable, but she seemed to think of something interesting.

Want to get revenge on a man.

The best way is to marry him, then give him a son, give birth to a son, inherit the family business, and retaliate against him fiercely.

"Pfft... If you want to give birth to him, go and give birth to him. 35

Yan Ran thought that she had given birth to several sons to Ye Qiu, and Ye Qiu's expression would definitely be fun.

the next day,

Chen Mengna came to Ye Qiu early in the morning.

After she went back last night, she told her family that she was going to travel around the world with Ye Qiu.

Can make Chen Mengji and his wife happy.

After Chen Mengna and Ye Qiu established their relationship.

Ye Qiu went to visit the future father-in-law the next day.

For this son-in-law, Chen Mengji and his wife, they are absolutely satisfied and cannot be satisfied any more.

they hate,

Ye Qiu and Chen Mengna got married early and had children.

After all, Ye Qiu is not too young.

Almost thirty years old.

The old man has long been looking forward to hugging his grandson.

Chen Mengji's family business will be inherited by his grandson in the future.

"Daughter, you have to work hard, have fun, and strive for next year so that your parents can report to your grandson.

Listen to your parents.

Chen Mengna was really suspicious.

Are these biological parents?

"Nana, don't listen to your father, who are you, how can you be a father like you, Nana and Ye Qiu are not married yet."

Mother Chen glared at Chen Mengji, very dissatisfied.

This is my good mother.

Normal parents, how can there be such a father.

As soon as the relationship was established, he urged to have a child.

But then, my mother said something that made Chen Mengna stunned.

"But now the society is different, it's okay for husband and child to get married again, my father and I are very open-minded.


Chen Mengna, a little girl without personnel, can't stand the words of her parents.

Angrily snorted, pouted and left the house.

see her leave.

Chen Mengji and his wife were cheerful and happy.

"Oh, now you can ask that guy Lao Ye to come to the house to discuss the marriage of the two children."

"Yes, if Ye Qiu doesn't hurry up and is snatched away by other women, Nana will just wait and cry.

Mother Chen also agrees.

If this son-in-law is not only caught, he will regret it in the future.

Chen Mengji is a big family business, he only recognizes Ye Qiu in his heart, and can be his future heir.

Because none of the young people Chen Mengji knew had Ye Qiu's ability and means.

The key is,

Ye Qiu was loved by the bosses.

While the daughter is happy, she can also find a satisfactory heir for the family.

such a good thing,

Definitely can't let it go.

Ye Qiu took a few women and first went back to Zhongyun.

Then that night,

They took a private jet converted from an Airbus A380, ready to fly to Moss, and then via there, on the world's most luxurious private icebreaker, to the North Pole.

to the North Pole,

On a diversion to Hawaii, etc...

During the whole trip, Ye Qiu was a man, Chen Mengna, Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran, and Lin Xiuxiu were four women.


Twenty bodyguards of Ye Qiu.

Lin Si and Lin Wu, 18 people were transferred from the special security guards.

Specially responsible for protecting the safety of Ye Qiu and several women along the way.

Now his identity is not what it used to be.

When you go out, you must have a professional security team.

Others Ye Qiu couldn't believe it.

The special security guard is the one he trusts the most.


Special security, so to speak, is definitely the top security guard in the world.

none of them.

Ye Qiu had a great time on a one-month trip.


this month.

He is happy, but there are more people who are not happy at all.

Even living in dire torment every day.

Mercedes-Benz Xiaguo headquarters.

It has been almost a month since the launch of Hongqi's three new cars.

During this month,

What Chelsea and Zetsche were looking forward to, the red flags applauded and the situation did not appear.


The people dispatched by Chelsea squatted in front of Hongqi's 4S store every day.

It was found that there were people coming and going every day, and it was very popular.


Wuling has not announced the sales volume of Hongqi.

But looking at this situation, we know that sales are definitely going against the sky.

On the contrary,

It is in the 4S store of Mercedes-Benz.

Basically, in addition to sales in the store, there is not even a single ghost shadow of a customer in a day.

In the days when Hongqi was just launched, many people went to see the car in the Mercedes-Benz store.

But within two days, almost no one went.

Very normal.

Hongqi's 4S stores are basically next to Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Hongqi.

The 4S stores in each area are next to each other.

Because there are special plans in the city, the stores that sell cars must be in one area.

And luxury car brands belong to a separate area.

The price of Hongqi is so low, but the car is good and the service is good.

The people are naturally supportive.

But there are still people who like Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

At the same time, there are many people who do not know that Hongqi has been listed.


In the first few days, there were still many people who went to see the cars of Mercedes-Benz and BMW.


These people went out to see so many people in Hongqi next door, and immediately entered the 4S store of Hongqi.


can't get out.

Because the car is booked.

No one can refuse, the price of 188,000, to buy a handsome Hongqi H5.

Young people look at H5.

If you want a bigger space and a more stable car, look at the H7.

Successful people look at H9.

Such a fragrant price, is it not better than Mercedes-Benz BMW?

Only a fool will buy a Mercedes-Benz and a BMW.

Audi doesn't sell any cars right now.

For a whole month.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW's sales, suffered a blow, so that the executives of the two car companies can not accept.

Because this month.

They sold less than 1,000 vehicles.

This is absolutely unprecedented.

The whole series adds up to less than 1,000 units a month.

What is that concept.

Every day is a huge loss.

The production line did not dare to stop, the vehicles could not be sold, and the accumulation of inventory vehicles was a terrifying number.

Not just Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Buick, Cadillac, Volvo and other car companies.

It's all like that.

The launch of Hongqi's models is a dimensionality reduction blow for all car companies.

Consumers are not fools.

Hongqi's car is the real car of conscience, and the price can still be 0.8 to satisfy the people.

Who will buy a joint venture.

Who would buy a Mercedes-Benz BMW?

Under the huge sales blow.

Other car companies said they couldn't take it anymore.

Who can afford to sell a few cars a month?

But you can't stand it, you have to resist.

Because Mercedes Benz and BMW did not cut prices.

Nor can they descend.

Everyone is on the same front, advancing and retreating together.

As long as all joint venture car companies persist, consumers will buy cars rationally again after the popularity of Hongqi has passed.

Mercedes-Benz and BMW, too.

So the two car companies, gritted their teeth and insisted.


Just when all joint venture car companies insisted.


this day.

Volkswagen and Audi suddenly announced that all models of Volkswagen and Audi are on sale, and the prices have been readjusted.

The prices of all Audi models are in line with Hongqi.

A4L starts from 188,000.

A6L starts from 288,000.

A8L starts from 580,000.

All other models are also adjusted to the corresponding price range according to the price of mainstream models.

On the Volkswagen side, the price of all series of models is reduced and adjusted to a suitable price.

In general,

The two brands, Volkswagen and Audi, are the first to cut prices.

This time.

The people of Xia Kingdom were boiling.

Other joint venture car companies were stunned,

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