Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 175 The dignified light of domestic products, actually... [Subscribe]

"Let's take a look at Wuling's new electric SUV, one word, I'm rubbing it, it's so beautiful."

"Just from the appearance of this car, it is full of technology, and people can't help but want to sit on it and not leave."

"Look at the smoothness of the lines, and then look at the front face, highlighting one word, tenderness.

"What's the point of an SUV? That has to be a comfortable, family version running in the city. 35

"The body design must be as tender as this, love love."

"Some people say they want to be wild and not tender? That's true too, remember the Red Flag tank?"

"Wuling fully takes care of every consumer, and he has everything you want. This is a truly conscientious enterprise that truly considers consumers.

"No need to say more, wait for the new car to come out, buy it and it's over..."

The confrontation between Wuling and Truss is in full swing, and Nange did not forget to join in.

He started his old specialty, on the professionalism of a licking dog.

As long as it is from Wuling, blow it right.


Judging from the trailer released on Chitu's official website, the SUV shown above is just a concept car.

What is a concept car?

That is basically drawn by 3D modeling, without considering the actual "zero-one-seven" effect.

How beautiful it is, how beautiful it is to paint.

The concept car of Chitu's new SUV does not even have a color, and the entire body is silver-gray.

That's it,

Brother Nan almost blew flowers.

"Hahaha... Brother Nan came out to play Wuling again, and he's been licking the dog."

"If I didn't know what Nan brother committed in front of me, I would really think, is this Nan brother an amateur car that Wuling invited? Haha 35

'It seems that the two blows to Brother Nan were a bit big and injured his muscles and bones. Brother Nan was really startled.

"It's okay, Brother Nan, as long as you play Wuling, then we are on the same front, and I will support you.

"I don't even support the wall, I just serve you Nange, and Wuling hangs a sticker, you can find something to blow it up."

"This rainbow shit, let alone Wuling, even I feel comfortable.

"Brother Nan, blow a little more and I'll be fine soon."

"Made, can this be turned on? I really admire you, you are all talents.


Netizens will naturally not miss the opportunity to ridicule when they see Nange's video.


Everyone has almost forgiven him, and most of them have let go of Nange's bad money and black Wuling.

Brother Nan saw that he had the opportunity to turn over, and he became more and more motivated.

No matter how the netizens mocked him, he took it.

Don't reply, just be your own "Wuling licking dog"


His traffic is much higher than before.

Although it is still worse than his peak period, it is enough for him to support his family and not worry about food and clothing.

What's more, he still has the possibility of growth.

That little thing on Douyin can be regarded as understood by him.

"As a fair car reviewer, I would like to talk about my interpretation of the two official videos of Wuling and Tesla.

"First of all, Wuling. To be honest, I'm still quite disappointed about this video."

"You said that you are such a big car company, can you make a teaser with snacks?"

"The big guy can take a closer look, widen your eyes and see...

"Can you tell me what? Yes, nothing.

"This shows that Wuling is obviously guilty of a guilty conscience, relying on 'I-am-the-future' to gain attention by pretending to be false.

"Even, even if it is to lead a war, it is not at all hesitant."

"I am very disdainful of that.

"Yes, you, Wuling, are powerful enough to drive Truss out of the Xia Kingdom.

"But that can't be a reason for your arrogance, and I don't see anything to be crazy about.

"Family, according to my estimation, it is time for Wuling to bite the bullet."

"Of course, with its current technology, it is at least enough for them to eat more than five years' worth of money,

"But I'm really sad, the dignified light of the domestic product actually thought of getting out of the circle with Bo's eyeballs.

Paperclip has recently become popular on platforms such as Douyin and Beep.

The paperclip team is very good at deciphering things that seem inconspicuous at a tricky angle.

between words,

I like to use a series of emotional words such as "terrible", "horrible", "sad", "disappointment" and so on.

Make simple things outrageous.

One of their most famous videos tells that people in Xia like to eat meat, eggs and milk.


The meat, eggs and milk eaten by the people of Xia led to the demise of the Basian Rainforest.

After hearing such a conclusion, the onlookers who did not know the truth began to accuse the Chinese people of being irresponsible.

to this end,

Paper clips have also been ridiculed and boycotted by most of the domestic media.


The paperclip avoided the limelight for a while.

Now that they have found an opportunity, these old banana people can't stand it anymore, and they come out to be demons again.

"Having said that, let's take a look at the promo video of Truss.

"Look at this car, although it is also a concept car, at least Musk has sincerity."

"We can at least know from the promotional video what the new edamame series of Truss has."

"Batteries, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, in-vehicle radar... Look, this is the technology of the future.

“It is clear that Truss is here to return to the state market.39

"It can also be seen that Musk has worked hard and is worthy of being a practical entrepreneur."

"In this comparison, Wuling still has a long way to go.

"Let's talk about it today.

"Wuling, ah... I hate that iron is not steel..."

The paper clip easily hit the audience's g-spot.

Many people have been motivated and began to feel sorry for Wuling in the comment area.


There are also sensible viewers who express their opinions in the comment area.

"Isn't the Tesla concept car just Edamame S and Edamame 3? How can there be sincerity?"

"Do you think that domestic companies are good, or what? Do you have to step on Wuling like this and play Tesla?"

"Tras topped up for you?"


These comments also won't get a reply from Paperclip.

Anyway, the flow has been obtained.

Bad sound, just delete it.

They have a knack for criticizing.

After such a mess with the paperclip, everyone's confidence in Wuling has also been greatly reduced.

Many people feel that Wuling has indeed been a little floating recently.


Netizens watch the lively new more intense

In this confrontation, who is that Mr. Dongguo blowing the yam?

Compared with the irresponsible people who eat melons,

Those who really pay attention to this matter from the heart, but also those car company bosses.


The alliance of car companies formed in order to fight against Wuling is now also showing cracks.

The auspicious brother Shu Fu, at this time, is in a rut.

He immediately sent someone to find the person in charge of the box car company, hoping to hold a conference call.

car price cuts,

still not resolved,

Wuling has brought the electric sedan again.

"Brother Shu Fu, what's the matter? I'm busy with a meeting?

The other party has dark circles under his eyes, and it seems that he has not slept well for several nights.

"It's okay, it's just a routine greeting between old friends."

Brother Shu Fu forced a smile.

Seeing that you're not doing well, then I'm relieved.

Humans have a weird problem.

When the two are rivals and friends at the same time.

If I'm having a bad time, then I hope you're having a worse time than me.

In the face of a powerful enemy,

As long as your life is worse than mine, my heart will be a little more comfortable.

Brother Shu Fu hung up the phone and continued to find people from the following departments for a meeting.


On the side of the Daimler family, there has been an emergency recall.

Their alliance is bigger, but they haven't found a good way for a while.

But I know that everyone is having a bad time,

Everyone's hanging heart suddenly let go.

Next year's general meeting of shareholders also has an excuse.

"Everyone is having a bad time, and then the decline in sales is not my problem. 99

I, the Daimler family, will not admit defeat, but I will not take the blame either.

American side.

Chitu's super factory is also under preparation.

Ye Qiu asked Xu Dabao to be in charge of the factory site selection.

at this time,

Xu Dabao is actively dealing with the governors of the various continents of America, and some even have dinner parties.

"What, you Chitu want to buy the whole piece of land? No problem at all.

"But Chitu needs to guarantee that it will bring at least 10,000 jobs to the people of 0.8 my Texas."

Texas is located south of America.

It is one of the largest continents in the United States.

But the economy of Texas is mainly based on farms, and the industry is actually underdeveloped.


Texas is popular all over the world, but it's not just barbecue flavor.

If Chitu's super factory can be built here, it will certainly provide a great boost to the development of Texas.

Then there is hope for the next governor's re-election.


When Xu Dabao claimed that Chitu wanted to buy a large piece of land, the governor agreed without hesitation.

"Mr. Xu, welcome you and Mr. Ye Qiu to our Texas and experience the wildest customs.

"I believe that Texas can make you linger..."

"It's more than just BBQ and women."

The governor raised a glass and shared a drink with Xu Dabao.

In order to achieve his goals, he even publicized the affair.

Labor is cheap in Texas, and Ye Qiu is quite satisfied.

After reporting to Ye Qiu, Xu Dabao embarked on a new path of negotiation.

With this experience, he behaved even more stubbornly.

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