Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 176 The confrontation that rewrites the world pattern! 【Subscription】

It is less than two months before the auto show in Hangzhou, but the attention it has received is unprecedented.

The organizers have already released the news,

The focus of this auto show will be Wuling and Tesla.

Many car media even came to the venue early to step on the spot, and there were even anchors who broadcast live on the venue.

"Everyone has seen it, behind me is the address of the upcoming Hangzhou Auto Show.

"The auto show is less than two months away, and it will start."

"I have passed the internal staff to go in ahead of time to see the divisions of each exhibition area."5

Just report to the exhibition section,

In the small live broadcast room, nearly 100,000 people have already poured into it.

No one can predict who will emerge victorious in this confrontation.

The strength of Wuling is obvious to all.

Whether he was floating, or whether his fists were stiffer, was impossible to know.

Truss came well prepared.

In order to be ashamed, Musk seems to have come up with the technology of pressing the bottom of the box.

"Just looking at this pavilion makes me tremble."

"This confrontation will determine who is the leader of domestic electric vehicles, and may even rewrite the world pattern."

"It's scary just thinking about it. 35

"On that day, I must come to the scene, no matter what, I will support Wuling.

"I always feel that Tras is stronger, what should I do, I feel very flustered.


The discussion in the live room is endless.

The anchor girl walked around the venue with a selfie stick.

25 The venue this time is not large, and it does not seem to be as grand as the venues of the previous auto shows.

But the organizers also took into account the influence of the two major car companies, and made a surprising decision after weighing it.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the special venue for Wuling and Truss.""

After speaking to the camera, the anchor girl entered a venue under the leadership of the staff.

The venue is closed, and the auditorium can accommodate at least 5,000 people.

Behind the stage, there is a huge screen.

This giant stage is big enough to put five cars in parallel.

It is enough to show the new cars of Wuling and Tesla.


This is the venue for a large-scale technology conference.

The entire auto show venue is the most domineering and arrogant here.

in the venue,

There are also many special designs.

Considering that both of them are advertised as future technology, the organizer considers that there is absolutely no problem in using it here.

At that time, the interaction between the new car and the audience can be more frequent.

"Perfect, much more advanced than those places I've seen before."

"There is actually a second floor in the venue, is it a VIP room?"

"Wuling and Truss this time, it's really a big brother's treatment.

In contrast,

Showrooms for other cars are much more ordinary.

But so what?

By the time,

Other cars are just charging.


Wuling headquarters.

Ye Qiu was sitting in the office, answering calls from as far away as Kyoto.

"I said Ye Qiu, but it really belongs to you. You sent someone to Kyoto, and the car for the boss is called Hongqi L5, right?"

On the other side of the phone was Lao Qin from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and his voice was obviously a little excited.

He had already seen the car Ye Qiu gave to the boss, and he was shocked at first sight, and he couldn't take his eyes away after that.

"Yes, it will be mass-produced soon."

Ye Qiu said calmly, "I'm still waiting for your feedback."

In fact, you don't need to think about it to know that the effect is definitely good.

Just listening to Lao Qin's voice that was so excited that he was constipated, he knew that the above must be satisfied.

"Fuck, what kind of gods are your Wuling designers, you can even design this kind of car.

For the Hongqi L5, Lao Qin did not hesitate to praise him.

"Noble, elegant, solemn, and simply awe-inspiring. 35

"Which lady designed it? Introduce me to you?

Ever since I learned that Wuling's engineer and design department are two beauties, Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran.

Lao Qin completely believed that Wuling's department must be like a cloud of beautiful women.

In this old and serious system, he has long been drooling.

"What young lady, that was designed by your Wuling boss Ye."

Ye Qiu said angrily.

Are you trying to get to know the young lady? I'm too embarrassed to point out you.

The relationship between the two is now almost inseparable.

Ye Qiu spoke to him, joking, but also rude.

Lao Qin was not angry either.

If you can joke like that, then you are naturally brothers.

It's too late for Lao Qin to be happy.

"Fuck, fuck..."

Lao Qin made several swear words in a row, but he didn't bother to care about his image.

"You can do it, Boss Ye, the richest man in Ye.

"I bought it before and saw that you still have this one.""

"When are you going to have a chance to have a meal together and teach your brothers to me?"

Ye Qiu naturally wouldn't refuse a blatant meal appointment.

"Of course it's fine."

"But I'm too busy right now to leave.

"If you want to come over, you can choose Zhongyun's food, and I will treat you.

"Or, when I'm done with these recent things, I'll go to Kyoto anyway, and we'll get together again.

"At that time, it will be your treat."

You also have to pay attention to the rules.

"no problem.


Lao Qin patted his chest, arrogant.

"in addition……"

Lao Qin asked again, "Ye Qiu, let's discuss something with you.

"What's up?

"Your L5 is so beautiful, I really like it, can you give me a discount? 99

Lao Qin said cautiously.

"Okay, I can send you one, but I'm afraid you won't dare to ask for it."

Ye Qiu smiled meaningfully, "You really dare to drive the same car as the boss?"


Lao Qin hung up the phone angrily.

Honestly, he dared not.

that's it,

Another short time passed.

After Ye Qiu finished the affairs at hand, he remembered that the two beauties, Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran, hadn't come to him for a while.

don't say,

I haven't seen you for a few days, so I miss it.

Especially that unforgettable feeling.

Big pattern.


Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran, two workaholics, have been working overtime, trying to overcome the blueprint of the advanced OLED polarizing screen.

When Ye Qiu asked Qin Mengyao to release the trailer of "I-am-the-future",

It's like issuing a military order.

At the Hangzhou Auto Show, Wuling must appear with the most cutting-edge black technology.

If you don't succeed, you become benevolent.


These days,

The two little beauties do not wear makeup, do not rest, they squint for a while when they are tired.

It is expected that within a month, the drawings will be thoroughly understood.

"Let's go and see them.

Ye Qiu suddenly felt distressed and felt like a tyrant.

Don't wear out your two little wives.

Leave the office and head to the lab.

on the road,

Ye Qiu heard the workshop staff muttering something in a low voice.

"Did you know? In the R&D department, a group of people wandered around a piece of glass all day, not knowing what they were doing.

"That's a matter of high-tech talents, we don't understand, work hard.

Ye Qiu was also curious as to how far they had accomplished.

So hurry up.

As soon as we entered the laboratory, the employees were about to say hello.

Ye Qiu motioned not to speak, so as not to disturb the thinking of Yan Ran's team.

He watched silently beside him.

only see,

A small group of people surrounds a seemingly unremarkable piece of glass.

Yan Ran was dressed in work clothes, standing behind the glass, and the others surrounded the glass.

I just heard Yan Ran say "start".

The glass suddenly flashed.

in view,

A long blue dress flew over and landed on Yan Ran precisely.


Yan Ran has transformed from a shrewd and capable working woman to an urban young girl.

It's not over yet,

Immediately after,

Several more sets of clothes flew over one after another and put them on for Yan Ran.

For a while it is a cute doll costume, and for a while it is a mountaineering costume for climbing the top...

There's even Iron Man's metal suit.

Like magic, it flew to Yan Ran.

The most amazing thing is,

These clothes are even automatically tracked according to Yan Ran's movements, and they can also change to the most fitting size according to her figure.

Ye Qiu was very curious.

Looking behind the glass, Yan Ran 017 still got the work clothes.

What kind of fancy clothes are there.


Ye Qiu suddenly realized.

What kind of dress-up magic is this performing?


It is to use a transparent screen to load the color to the person behind the screen.

The person in front of the screen looked over, as if the person had changed into a new suit.


This is the latest advanced OLED polarizing screen technology.

Yan Ran saw Ye Qiu coming over and motioned everyone to take a rest.

She happily greeted Ye Qiu.

If Qin Mengyao is not here, then Ye Qiu will be hers alone today.

Yan Ran felt a little bit of joy in her heart.

"You're here." Yan Ran said softly.

"Well, let me see if there is anything difficult for you.

Ye Qiu said with concern, "Don't work too hard, you need to rest more, I will always feel bad if I have dark circles under my eyes.

"Say what?"

Yan Ran turned around and blushed, "If anyone needs your attention, just go back to the stinky boss who squeezes others."5

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't press you.

Ye Qiu quibble, "But if you want to, I don't mind being squeezed by you, I've been very energetic recently. 99

"What did I squeeze you..."

Before Yan Ran finished speaking, she suddenly understood.

"Okay, you're teasing me again."

Damn Ye Qiu, always teasing people at every chance.

Really bad.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Qiu was in a good mood immediately.

He looked at the glass that Yan Ran had tested just now.

"This is... the advanced oled polarizing screen you designed? 55

Yan Ran returned to work.

She walked to the screen and introduced, "At our current level, the clarity we can achieve is very limited."

"So, we made the screen bigger and increased the pixels.

"Used to get a more realistic effect, but the problem with doing this is..."

“The screen is too big to fit into the car. 95

"Oh, it's really sad. Yan Ran pouted.

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