Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 193 Mobile fortress, sweeping all the way! 【Subscription】

Boom one by one

Feel the vibration from far away.

Fan Tianlei saw the earth wall and was easily knocked away by the saber-toothed tiger.

"Fuck, that's a bit ruthless."

Others were also amazed for a while, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

The man squatting in the grass almost jumped up excitedly.


It's not over yet.

After all, it wasn't the finish line yet, Ye Qiu simply stepped up the accelerator and swept all the way.

Another series of, earthen walls crashing down—sounds.

The saber-toothed tiger dashed straight to the finish line.

The little soldier who was standing at the finish time was already startled - his chin,

He stared blankly at Ye Qiu when he heard the saber-toothed tiger in front of him,

He forgot to press the timer.

"Hey, little brother, it's time to stop the timer." Ye Qiu reminded him.

Then he called again several times.

Brother Xiaobing reacted.

"oh oh.


The saber-toothed tiger took 2 minutes and 13 seconds.

If you don't count the nearly thirty seconds that Ye Qiu deliberately stayed in the opening scene, the actual time should be within 2 minutes.

"There is still room for improvement.

Ye Qiu smiled confidently and came to Fan Tianlei.

at this time,

Fan Tianlei had long since lost his previous arrogance, replaced by full admiration for Ye Qiu.

who would have thought,

Such a beast came from the hands of the young man in front of him.

"I lose, I am willing to admit defeat. 99

Fan Tianlei said.


He glanced at the grass not far away and said, "Come out, it's so poorly concealed, it's shameful. 99

The soldiers in the wild area came out wisely and lined up in front of Fan Tianlei.

Exactly a square.

"Just now, it was just a small contest. 35

Feng Lei explained in front of the soldiers, "It's just that our leader lost."5

He said, and couldn't help but laugh.

"And the penalty for losing is five hundred sets of push-ups, so let's give the head a round of applause?"


Feng Lei took the lead and led the phalanx to applaud.

quack quack-

It was the first time that everyone saw the boss lose, and remembering his strict training, there was a sense of pleasure in getting revenge.

Some people just laughed out loud... Anyway, it was the boss who did the prone Chen, not us.

"Whatever you laugh at, take it seriously.

Fan Tianlei put on a bad face, "Tell you guys, even though I lost, none of you can run away.

"Everyone has it, stand at attention, rest for a while, stand at attention..."

"The whole thing is spread out, lying down... 500 sets of push-ups, starting now, you are not allowed to eat dinner until you finish."

"Isn't it—" There was a mournful voice in the team.

As a soldier, Fan Tianlei pays attention to iron discipline in his work, and he does what he says.

Say 500 sets of push-ups, that's 500 sets.

Not one can fall.

in the team,

Both veterans and recruits are with him.

To be worthy of being a soldier, not to mention his strong physical fitness, his willpower is also amazing.

Five hundred sets of push-ups is not a small number.

They just gritted their teeth to the end, no one shouted tired.

After doing push-ups, you can stand up straight.

"Okay, free time."

After Fan Tianlei finished saying this, everyone beat their waists, showing an uncomfortable look.

"Ye Qiu, your car is amazing, can you introduce it to us?"

Fan Tianlei turned his head and asked Ye Qiu.

"Okay. 35

Several people walked towards the saber-toothed tiger.

The soldiers followed curiously.

As soon as he arrived, Fan Tianlei couldn't help but go to the car to take a look.

smashed so many walls,

Such a good guy, don't get smashed.

did not expect,

Fan Tianlei looked at the front of the car over and over again, and found that there was basically no damage to the front of the car except for a lot of dust.

Simply too powerful!

Even the headlights have a protective cover, no wonder they dare to dash unscrupulously.

Don't worry at all.

He, who was originally disdainful of saber-toothed tigers, is now in love with it.


Who can refuse a mobile giant beast that can travel across mountains and rivers and fight against walls?

Can not be said to be a mobile behemoth, it is simply a mobile fortress.

"We named the car the Sabre-toothed tiger. 35

Ye Qiu knocked on the iron lump, and he lifted the front hood.

"This saber-toothed tiger is powered by the latest model of Wuling's V12, dual-fuel engine.

"The maximum power can reach 500 horsepower, the maximum torque is as high as 750 Nm, and the whole vehicle is all-wheel drive." 5

"In order to drive such a large amount of power, we have equipped it with two fuel tanks.

"The main fuel tank is 200 liters, located at the rear of the frame, and the auxiliary fuel tank is 80 liters, located in the middle of the frame.

"The maximum endurance is more than 600 kilometers."

The saber-toothed tiger is a big eater,

Fuel consumption is as high as 45 liters per 100 kilometers.


Ye Qiu didn't say,

Because the military region doesn't care about these at all, as long as the performance is in place.

What is this fuel consumption.

Everyone listened, with expressions of amazement on their faces from time to time.

With such a great power, it is no wonder that neither the Warriors nor the Warriors are rivals.

"Most of the structure of the whole body is made of Wuling's most advanced aviation-grade alloy memory metal. Once this metal is set, unless it is broken, it will return to its original state no matter what."5

Fan Tianlei touched the front face of the saber-toothed tiger and said to himself, "No wonder..."

No wonder the walls fell apart, and the car still had no problems.

"But why glass..." He couldn't help but ask, "Is it all right?

He found that the saber-toothed tiger's glass was just dirty.

"Have you heard of B7-level bulletproof?" Ye Qiu asked rhetorically.

The original requirement was B5 bulletproof, so Ye Qiu also planned to achieve B6.


Even let Yan Ran get a B7 level.

"It's a bit powerful." Fan Tianlei nodded, but he became more and more fond of saber-toothed tigers.

"Let's go in and see."

Ye Qiu opened the car door and went in, Fan Tianlei followed.

Feng Lei and Qin Wan did not go up, but gave the opportunity to the little soldiers who were eager to see through.

"Go." Feng Lei nodded.

A group of people squeezed up like crazy, and with their physiques, ordinary cars couldn't stand it for a long time.

Only the saber-toothed tiger can move like a mountain.

It was difficult to squeeze three people in, and the people behind had to get on.

Fan Tianlei frowned, and he didn't need to speak, everyone immediately became quiet.

The three who went up first were delighted and followed Ye Qiu curiously.

large cabin,

Five people can move freely.

"Inside the car, we try to use mechanical configuration to reduce the failure rate. 35

Fan Tianlei glanced at the center console, the manual buttons did not appear rough at all, but added a sense of primitive power.

"The seat is made of hand-stitched leather, and its toughness even exceeds that of genuine leather," Ye Qiu continued.

In fact, there is not much that can be said in the car.

all that needs to be said,

It was self-evident when Ye Qiu drove the saber-toothed tiger to smash the wall.

"what is this?"

Someone pointed to a box that stood up in the middle of the rear seat and asked.


In design, there is nothing in this place.

But Ye Qiu always felt empty and ugly.

So they pretended to be such a box.

It was the latest ps5 game console from Sony.


Ye Qiu also castrated this console.

It cannot be connected to the Internet.

All games have been updated and installed.

Also comes with two remote control handles.

・・・ Flowers 0

"Game console."

Ye Qiu smiled slyly and explained to him, "You can play when you're relaxing. It's full of the latest stand-alone games."

"There are also dress-up games, and little butter.

Ye Qiu winked at him.


It's just a joke.

How can the car for the little brother in the military area have such a thing that damages the physical and mental health.

"What's a little butter?" the little brother asked.

Ye Qiu turned to look at the others again.

oh hoo,

do not understand.

"Actually, if you don't have little butter, it's fine if you don't understand. He spread his hands and said.

"Okay." Although the little brother didn't understand, he always felt regretful.

But the thought of having a game console would add some fun to the boring army life.

I feel better.

In general,

Fan Tianlei's opinion on this car, how he likes it, and how he is satisfied.

Although it is a test car,

It has basically exceeded his expectations.

After watching the car,

After a few people came down.

Someone dared to ask: "Boss, can we drive such a cool car?

"Go go go, than I'll break it for Lao Tzu, beware I've peeled your skin. 35

Fan Tianlei was too straight.

All kinds of impatience in his mouth, but his heart is still towards his subordinates.


"Okay. 99

A group of young soldiers scrambled to drive a saber-toothed tiger.


After coming out of the military area, Qin Wan pulled Ye Qiu to invite him to dinner.

Ye Qiu had no choice but to be disrespectful.

There is nothing good in the military region, and Fan Tianlei can't keep them.

the next day,

early in the morning,

Ye Qiu was led to see the boss.

Walk through the Great Hall to a splendid office.

Ye Qiu knocked on the door.

Enter. "


From inside came a voice that looked old, but full of energy.

Ye Qiu pushed the door and entered,

But see Minister Liu, and Qin Jian of the Western Military Region sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

"Sit. 35

Seeing Ye Qiu come in, Minister Liu greeted him to sit down and handed Ye Qiu the freshly brewed tea in his hand.


Ye Qiu took the tea and sat opposite the two of them.

After two seconds of silence, Qin Jian spoke first.

"Yesterday, the western side called me and said that they were very satisfied with the cars you produced by Wuling. You did a good job."5

"I actually didn't believe it originally, so I asked Xiao Fan and the others to keep you and test it in public."

"I didn't expect that you not only stabilized the pressure, but also gave me such a big surprise."

Ye Qiu realized then that this ring is layered on top of another.

Fortunately, the task was successfully completed.

Seeing that Ye Qiu did not speak, Minister Liu thought that Ye Qiu had an idea.

Then he comforted: "Xiaoqiu, don't worry about it, the main reason is that the development of domestic automobiles has been really bad in recent years.

"So Lao Qin didn't believe that someone could make good things, he just wanted to open his eyes.

"Don't take it to heart.

Ye Qiu shook his head and explained, "No, no, it should be accepted in person."

"It's so common, let alone making something for the country, it should be.

Qin Jian nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, it's fine if you understand."

"Actually, we called you this time, and there are other things.

Minister Liu changed the subject and said again, "I want to ask Xiaoqiu for your opinion."

"Please say.

"Regarding the high-grade OLED polarizing screen you built, I would like to ask if it is possible to obtain Wuling's technology sharing by investing in shares."

Afraid of Ye Qiu's misunderstanding, Minister Liu hurriedly added, "Don't worry, it's just for this technology, it doesn't mean anything else.

"I don't know, what is your opinion?" Eight.

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