Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 194 Ye Qiu deserves his wife and concubines to live a long life! 【Subscription】

Today's high-end screens on the market have always been dominated by OLED screens produced by Samsung.

But Samsung's production capacity is limited, and such screens are often in short supply.

The appearance of Wuling's polarizing screen will break this almost one-sided situation.

With the current popularity of Wuling, it is difficult not to receive the attention of the bosses above.

The above feels that it is necessary to block this technology.

In fact, Ye Qiu sold the patent because he was afraid that Ye Qiu's brain would heat up.

As far as this patent is concerned, the value is at least 10 billion.


Not a problem at all before.

The problem is to promote the development of domestic scientific and technological level.


The scientists at the institute still use old-fashioned screens.

The boss felt that it was necessary to improve the environment for them.

"How is it?" Minister Liu asked again.

Minister Liu also knew that suddenly saying that he wanted to become a shareholder would always make people wary.

What's more, it is such a sharp "zero three three" technology.

In order to share, it does require a certain amount of mental preparation.


"You don't need to take a share." Ye Qiu said directly.

Minister Liu and Qin Jian's expressions changed instantly.

Is this a failed negotiation?


Ye Qiu added: "Wuling is willing to donate technology to the research institute for free.

Ye Qiu is very willing to help the country.



Sometimes, state help is really needed.

At first,

Hua Wei was sanctioned, and even the system was useless.

Honor Mobile was forced to spin off from the group and develop its own system, Hongmeng.

It can be said,

The development of the Hongmeng system is also full of twists and turns.

Finally, a little improvement, but also technically limited.

And because there is too much data, it is also subject to supervision and questioning.

Some people have asserted that Hongmeng maliciously steals personal data.


Huawei simply handed over Hongmeng Open Source directly to the state.

There are two major benefits to this move.

The first is to dispel everyone's doubts.

You say I steal data?

Now that the system is nationalized, will the state steal your data?


With the backing of the country, Hongmeng can let go and act boldly.

The current Ye Qiu also has this idea.

If you have good technology, why not share it with the research institute?

This is much better than filing a patent.

Ye Qiu himself did not intend to make money by selling the patent of polarized screen.


Technology is endless and mutually accomplished.

Ye Qiu didn't like being a patent dictatorship.

Most importantly,

Still open up.

Ye Qiu also knew how to protect himself.

"Can you say that again?"

Minister Liu almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"What I mean is that Wuling can share the polarizing screen technology with the research institute without taking a stake. 95

"This technology will be shared by Wuling and the research institute and will no longer be sold.

Ye Qiu explained it again.

As soon as these words came out, nothing was clearer than this.

"What you said is true?" Minister Liu asked again, "Don't you have any other conditions?"

"No conditions." Ye Qiu shook his head.

"This..." Minister Liu looked at Qin Jian.

Ye Qiu agreed so readily that he couldn't fix it directly.

Originally, he also prepared another set of rhetoric to explain the powerful relationship among them.

this time,

Totally useless.

Qin Jian waved his hand secretly, saying that if you don't ask me, neither will I.

"Minister Liu, you don't have to worry anymore, what I said is true."

Ye Qiu stated again.

There was no hesitation in his expression, as if this technology was a very common thing in his eyes.

"Why don't you put forward some conditions." Minister Liu said.

"You look like you have no desires, and it always makes me feel like I'm squeezing you."

He was worried that Ye Qiu agreed to hand over his technology because he was afraid.


"Well, I have to make a point." Minister Liu was decisive.

"Then I said it, in fact, I really have a little bit."

Ye Qiu sat upright and put down the teacup, "I want to apply for Wuling's own satellite license. 99

Now, Wuling is at the peak of its development.

With the launch of Chitu, the traffic of the Wuling app has soared.

Wuling's existing database is no longer sufficient to support subsequent development.


The artificial intelligence rabbit is also gradually evolving. If Wuling does not have its own satellites, it will be difficult not to hinder its development in the future.

Better to plan ahead.

It is not impossible to use private satellites nowadays, but an application is required, and the review process is quite complicated.


Since Minister Liu insisted on Ye Qiu making a request, he should simply ask for permission.

"That's it?" Minister Liu said, "I thought it was a big deal, don't worry about that."

"Within three days, I promise to do it for you.

"Then I'll thank Minister Liu first.

"No, it should be me thanking you for the country, now there are not many young entrepreneurs as profound and righteous as you.

Minister Liu did not lie.

There are many young entrepreneurs like Ye Qiu,

But there are not many as talented as Ye Qiu.

For someone as thoughtful as Ye Qiu, that's even less straightforward.

"Then it's settled. I'll have someone send the patent sharing contract over tomorrow." Ye Qiu got up.

"Don't be in such a hurry, just remember."

Minister Liu and Qin Jian also got up and sent Ye Qiu out together.

on the road,

Qin Jian also began to praise Ye Qiu.

His view of Ye Qiu has changed a lot today.

After a few days,

A piece of news was published on the official account of the People's Daily.

"Great, this is a deep entrepreneur..."

The news expresses Ye Qiu's move of sharing technology in short and unpretentious language.

In just a few hundred words, there is not a trace of superfluous words.


The reading volume has reached 100,000 plus.

Netizens naturally leave messages enthusiastically.

"At first, I was still thinking, who is so powerful, and when I saw the end, I immediately felt calm, Ye Qiu is awesome!""

"Why didn't Wuling make an announcement about such a big thing, so afraid we would know? 99

"Ye Qiu, secretly do something big, and then amaze everyone.

"Unexpectedly, but reasonable, only a ruthless person like Ye Qiu can do such a thing.

"This is the idol that the whole people should worship, the country is the first in everything, the greatest hero is for the country and the people, Ye Qiu is a real hero.

"People like this should have wives and concubines in groups and live a long life. 0.8"

It is the first month of the new car sales of Chitu.

As soon as the news came out,

On forums, apps, and offline 4S store traffic has increased by several percent.

Watching the influx of traffic.

Yan Ran and Qin Mengyao also accelerated the improvement and development of new apps.

Everything seems to be peaceful.


A sudden news once again detonated the Internet.

It stands to reason,

A piece of news that shouldn't have caused much attention.

But this news came from the Black Palace of Meriken.

"Regarding polarizing screen technology, for the healthy development of the world scientific community, Xia Guo should announce it to the world...

Ps: Alas, there is a power outage at home, and I use my mobile phone to code words, and my mobile phone is out of power.

I'm here first today, I'm sorry bosses. Orz.

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