Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 200 Legendary Entrepreneur! 【Subscription】

Wuling's current models,

In addition to vans, cars, and excavators.

Ford Henry smiled contemptuously again.

"Wuling also wants to make a stunning appearance at our North American Auto Show, unless you, Ye Qiu, bring the excavator over.

After speaking, Henry was amused by himself.

Since Wuling was not afraid, he didn't think about it any more.

the other side,

Durant, the head of Chevrolet, also noticed Wuling on the list,

Durant is a calm guy, but he also smiled when he saw the roster.

In the past year,

Wuling's performance can be called a rocket, it is difficult not to let him notice.

But like Henry,

Durant didn't think about it too much either, thinking that Wuling was just trying to get acquainted at the International Auto Show.

"It is estimated that I also want to take a share of the pie and make an appearance at the North American Auto Show first."

Durant said to himself, "But Wuling seems to be thinking too much."

"Thinking to hit the American market with a sedan is like a sheep entering a wolf's mouth, a little baby. 95

After all, North America is the world of pickups,

Cars or something, you can only stand aside.

Recalling the blood and tears in the American market, how many self-righteous car companies have failed.

Durant shook his head and tossed the list aside.

"Such an opponent is not worth paying attention to. Right now, the most important one is Ford.

back home,


After Yan Ran and Qin Mengyao got the draft design of the new car, they actively threw themselves into the work.

After the department upgrade, the work efficiency of each link has been significantly improved.

Qin Mengyao will issue the requirements to the heads of each design team,

Now Wuling's design work no longer needs to be handled by Qin Mengyao alone.


Qin Mengyao is a coordinator, summarizing all the design opinions.

Then select the appropriate one from each option,

or bright details,

Combining these details gives the final solution.

as predicted,

within three working days,

The final draft of the new pickup truck is already on Ye Qiu's desk.

Regarding the naming of the pickup, Ye Qiu called it "Leviathan".

Leviathan is a giant monster created by God in the Bible.

in the Legends,

Leviathan has hard scales, sharp teeth, and thorns under its abdomen, which are intimidating.

These features are exactly what Ye Qiu imagined for the new pickup.

The hard scales represent the hardness of the pickup,

Although it will not be like the saber-toothed tiger, the bulletproof level reaches B7,

But also at least B4 level.

and sharp teeth,

represents the aggressiveness of the pickup,

At least in terms of design language, it is extremely fierce.

Since it is going to participate in the North American Auto Show with a new car, it is natural to eclipse all other cars.

As for the spines on the abdomen, it is referred to by three things.

The first is the conspicuous six "exhaust pipes", three on the rear side of the front side

Although it looks like an exhaust pipe, it is actually a cooling pipe.

This design comes from the prototype car of Optimus Prime in Ye Qiu's previous life "Change 4", the Western Star 4900.

The six towering metal exhaust pipes are like wings,

It brings the whole car a "more powerful" beauty, and at the same time the degree of ferocity soars.

cooling tube design,

The cooling efficiency inside the body is improved, and the belt 25 gives the generator equipment a better operating environment.

This suggestion came from Lin Xueruo.


There are two large fuel tanks exposed on the bottom of the car, connected to four sturdy real exhaust pipes.

This is like the transparent design on the back of a mechanical watch,

Through the swing of high-precision parts,

At a glance, it was all shocking.

The last is the third and most important one.

Newly designed grip tires,

In order to deal with more kinds of terrain and harsher environments.

People with pickup trucks don't obediently take the road.

The shape design is basically in line with Ye Qiu's expectations,

In the follow-up, a small amount of compromises and changes will be made according to the manufacture of the actual car.

"Since there is no problem, then I will let Ran Ran start work."

Qin Mengyao took back the blueprint and turned to leave Ye Qiu's office.

"Leviathan? What a domineering name. 35

After going out, Qin Mengyao muttered in a low voice.


The laboratory of the R&D department began to act, preparing to configure the first Wuling pickup, the Leviathan.

The old three, or use Wuling's specialty.

In the parameter design, all the values ​​have been improved to a certain extent.

after all,

To drive this "giant monster", the car's set is completely useless.

Said to be a giant monster,

That's because the new pickups are larger than regular pickups and are functionally between pickups and heavy-duty trucks.

about this,

Yan Ran was not surprised.

It should be said that all Wuling engineers were not surprised.

Since Wuling Hongguang can run a zero-hundred-and-a-hundred sports car, and can still drift,

Then my pickup truck functions as a heavy truck,

Is it reasonable?

Simply "In the Ganges"


4.2L inline six-cylinder engine, 10AT manual gearbox, the chassis is directly borrowed from the saber-toothed tiger.

In this configuration,

The Leviathan's maximum output power is directly up to 520 horsepower, 480Kw,

A maximum torque of 680 Nm can be burst out.

In terms of power, needless to say,

But the cost went up a lot.

Such a set, the light cost reached 500,000.

After listing,

Add tariffs, etc., at least one million.

If the Leviathan is made into a luxury car, that's fine.

But Ye Qiu needs to rely on it to hit the American market, and civilianization is a necessary condition.

"It seems that other solutions have to be thought of.35

After receiving the feedback from the laboratory, Ye Qiu thought for a moment.

He immediately got up and went to Lin Xueruo's office.

The two are very close,

After a few steps, Ye Qiu arrived.

Lin Xueruo's office was very empty,

In addition to the desk, there is only a bookcase, a sofa and a coffee table.

There are two technical magazines and one emotional magazine on the desk.

"Use your charm and grab a man from the top down. 35

The headlines in Emotion magazines are particularly prominent.

I also look at this kind of thing during working hours, it seems that the work is somewhat undersaturated.

Ye Qiu complained in his heart.

"Darling, what's the matter with me all of a sudden?"

Seeing Ye Qiu come in,

Lin Xueruo put down another emotional magazine in her hand and deliberately placed the article she was reading in front of Ye Qiu.

"The man who loves you will pay attention to your whereabouts all the time..."

"I'm here to discuss an issue with you." Ye Qiu said, ignoring the magazine she pushed over.

"If it's an emotional issue, I don't think Darling needs to be in doubt, my answer has always been yes."

Lin Xueruo blinked her beautiful eyes.

"Do you have any way to improve the efficiency of the engine?" Ye Qiu asked directly, pretending not to hear.

During the operation of the engine, there will be a certain amount of heat loss.

When the engine speed reaches a fixed value, the heat transfer loss is the smallest, which is the maximum efficiency of the engine.


If the heat transfer losses are small enough and the engine efficiency is large enough,

Even a four-cylinder engine can run out of six-cylinder effects.

The cost will naturally be reduced.

But there is a very fatal problem here,

If all the heat energy of the engine is used and not dissipated,

The heat will be more obvious, and the possibility of cylinder explosion will also increase.

"If there is a material that is strong enough and heat-resistant, there will be no problem." Lin Xueruo didn't seem to care.

in her eyes,

Ye Qiu's idea can be realized, as long as there are enough materials.

That's the power of concept engineers,

Ye Qiu only needs to come up with ideas and provide special support, and Lin Xueruo is responsible for making it a reality.

Special support here,

Sometimes, Ye Qiu needs to provide materials.

Sometimes, Ye Qiu needs financial assistance.

And sometimes...

Ye Qiu just needs to provide himself,

after all,

Girls are for pain.


The two exchanged briefly for a while.

"I know, in terms of materials, I will find a way. 35

came out of Lin Xueruo's office,

Ye Qiu was still in the corridor when he called up the system mall.

According to Lin Xueruo,

The new material needs to be resistant to collision and friction, that is, the toughness must meet the standard.

At the same time, it must withstand enough heat.

When the engine is running at high speed, the temperature inside is hundreds of degrees.

the most important,

It is energy production, and the cost will also come down.

Since the store was upgraded,

Things have changed a lot, and it is very troublesome to find them.

But fortunately, you can find them in categories.


In 【Aviation】, Ye Qiu found what he was looking for.

Composite high-resistant alloy.

This alloy contains a certain proportion of carbon, carbon composite materials, etc.,

Mixed with a certain degree of heavy metals, the most important is steel,

when forging,

No single indicator can get out of control.

But the cost is even cheaper than ordinary alloy steel.

Expensive is the craftsmanship.

The formed alloy can withstand high temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius.

and absolutely wear-resistant,

The grinding rate for a million collisions is less than 1 in 10,000.

"Perfect. 39

Ye Qiu was overjoyed and glanced at the price.

Composite high-resistant alloy, composition ratio table, 50,000 points.

Composite high-resistant alloy, smelting workshop, 1.25 million points.

"Buy." Ye Qiu chose to buy without hesitation.

After Wuling's sales were opened, the speed of getting points has also become much faster.

His total points have now exceeded 6 million, and the remaining points are more than one million.

With this workshop,

Future high-performance automotive parts can use this composite high-resistant alloy.

Another nice savings.

"Looks like there's nothing stopping me from showing up at the North American Auto Show."

Ye Qiu is happy.


An email notification caught his attention.

That is HR's opinion draft on this year's corporate annual meeting, and I would like to ask everyone's opinions.

Wuling, a large enterprise with ten thousand people,

The annual meeting can't be like a small company, it must be held like a party.

This is the most important corporate culture export opportunity,


Between the big factories every year,

There are also many competitions at the annual meeting.

like last year,

Jack Ma played Jackson on the Ahri stage and danced a lame dance.

Brother Pony is on the stage of the penguin, wearing a black trench coat, performing "The Legend of Hungry Wolf".

The most out of the circle, or Rebs.

The song "Are-you-OK" is still the king of material in the ghost animal area on Bili.

It's not about how well the presidents perform,

The comparison is nothing but the liveliness of the major factories, as well as the arrogance...and the beautiful women.

After a year of high-pressure work,

Seeing the boss embarrassing at the annual meeting is also one of the ways for employees to entertain.

"This year's special prize is a Hongqi H9, Mr. Ye will do it himself."

Miss HR mentioned in the document.

"Fuck, there is still such a good thing, our department has already signed up. 99

"Our workshop is full of monks, so let's play "New Treasure Island" for everyone."

"I'm actually looking forward to what our President Ye will perform, and I can't wait to watch his show."

"Yeah, Mr. Ye is so handsome, I'm afraid I won't press Yan Zhi on the ground and rub it on the ground, haha, I'm looking forward to it. 35

"Is your gang's focus wrong? With so many beauties in the group, why are all eyes on President Ye?

"Beauty can be seen at any time, but Mr. Ye can only see it once a year, so I can't tell which one is more important?"

"When I say that, it means that I have already started to laugh.

Ye Qiu looked at everyone's messages incognito,

With one hand on his forehead, he smiled awkwardly.

Last year, because the group had just started, the annual meeting was not formally held.

Ye Qiu naturally escaped.

And this year is different,

Wuling has grown into a giant that is comparable to the raccoon penguin, and the annual meeting has naturally attracted the attention of the industry.

If you want to escape this year, there is definitely no chance.

And read the staff messages,

Obviously, his popularity was higher than Lin Xueruo, and Yan Ran was a lot of beauties.

"You can watch beautiful women every day, but Mr. Ye can only watch it once a year." These words directly spoke to everyone's heart.

Even the HR lady followed suit below.

After being the boss for so long, Ye Qiu finally felt uncomfortable.


Ye Qiu sighed and gave up struggling.

This year's annual meeting is tentatively scheduled for January, after Wuling's participation in the North American Auto Show.

"It's still a long time, wait until next month to prepare. 35

Ye Qiu got up and was about to leave the office when the phone rang again.

It's a familiar number, Xiaosa.

The two are friends. After connecting the phone, they said things directly without being polite.

"That's it, CCTV would like to invite you to a "Let's Talk"."5

Little Sarat paused for a while, then said, "Appearing as a legendary entrepreneur.

"Legendary entrepreneur?" Ye Qiu wondered.

"Yes." Xiaosa affirmed.

this title,

From Ye Qiu's point of view, it seems to be a bit big, and it feels that there are some exaggerated ingredients in it.

But in Xiao Sa's opinion, Ye Qiu can fully afford this name.

less than two years,

Wuling, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, became the light of domestic products, and also revitalized the red flag, and the L5 became a national courtesy car.

What caught the world's attention the most was the listing of Chitu in the United States.

In a few months, the market value has ranked second among car companies, and there is a faint trend of catching up with Tesla.

The polarizing screen thing is still talked about by netizens.

And Wuling Hongguang...

"Trust me, you definitely deserve the title of a legendary entrepreneur."

Seeing Ye Qiu hesitant, Xiao Sa guessed that he might be humble.

"OK then.

Ye Qiu agreed, "When will it be recorded?

"The stage is being adjusted, and the recording time has not yet been determined, let me go to your side to breathe.

Xiao Sa explained, "After confirming that you will participate, I will vacate the schedule for you as soon as possible."

"That's fine, you can decide the time." Ye Qiu said, "I can do it anytime. 99

"Just like you, the atmosphere.

Xiao Sa was happy, "It's not hypocritical at all.

I remembered those entrepreneurs I recorded in the past, and I have to look at their faces from time to time,

In contrast to Ye Qiu,

Xiao Sa felt that this friend was really the right one.

Before hanging up the phone, Xiao Sa added: "Promise me?"

"Don't say things like 'I'm not interested in money' when you're recording a show, okay?

Ye Qiu remembered that Xiao Sa said similar things to him during the first interview.

It seems that this sentence, the psychological shadow area caused by him,

It's really big.

"Haha..." Ye Qiu was amused by him.

Jack Ma's sentence "I'm not interested in money" is matched with Xiao Sa's unlovable expression.

It has always been one of the most classic scenes in the hearts of netizens.

Xiao Sa once complained to him: "At that time, I was so embarrassed that I could deduct your entire Wuling Group on the ground with my toes."5

"Who would have thought that I would take a lifetime to heal the injury in just one sentence.

Maybe this is the reason why Xiao Sa released himself later.

after that,

Little Sa basically went further and further on the road to Versailles.

Join if you can't beat it... Ye Qiu expressed his understanding.

hang up the phone,

Ye Qiu continued to be busy with work.

after get off work,

Qin Mengyao dragged Yan Ran over to look for him, followed by Lin Xueruo.

Now I have more free time,

These girls are more and more like to run to his office.

"Dear, what are you doing?

Three delicate little heads came in, Qin Mengyao asked in a low voice.

"I'm cultivating immortals, and now the foundation has been established successfully, and I'm only one step away from forging the body.

Ye Qiu said and wrote things they couldn't understand.

"Liar, aren't you approving documents?" Yan Ran asked.

"I know, you still ask?"

The three of them understood that they had been tricked, so they pouted and pushed the door in.

"I have something to say, I'm busy right now.

Ye Qiu didn't look back.

These documents have just been sent by the various departments and must be reviewed today.

"Then Darling, you are busy first, we will play by ourselves.

Lin Xueruo said thoughtfully.


The three waited dryly,

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that Ye Qiu finished processing.


Ye Qiu stretched.

"Are you finished, dear?" Yan Ran asked again.

"Well, it's over.""

After Ye Qiu answered, he asked again, "Why don't you guys go back?

"We have something to discuss with you." The three said together.

"What's the matter? 35

"We would like to invite you to perform together at the annual meeting. 35 Qin Mengyao said first.

"Okay, that's fine."

Ye Qiu nodded.

Accompanied by a group of beautiful women to help divert attention,

It's better than being humiliated on stage alone.

"Then your program is finalized?" Ye Qiu asked again.

"It's basically confirmed, just wait for Darling to agree." Lin Xueruo was mysterious.

Only then did Ye Qiu realize that Lin Xueruo's hand was always behind his back, and he was probably holding something.

as predicted,

She took out a screenshot of the girl group's performance from behind and shook it in front of Ye Qiu.

"Darling, we decided to form a group to debut.


Ye Qiu's eyes lit up.

With the looks of these three women, if they were placed in the entertainment industry, I don't know how many vase female stars would have to die.


Debut is impossible,

At most, it is a stunning appearance at the annual meeting. 033

Ye Qiu looked at the screenshot again,

The women's group consists of five people, each with their own position and excellent singing and dancing.

"I can understand you, then where am I?" Ye Qiu asked.

In his heart, a bad premonition has already begun.


The three of them smirked,

Qin Mengyao pointed to the position of the fourth person, "She is you. 99

fifth person,

It's the cute little Lin Xiuxiu.

Ye Qiu's face collapsed, and he really wanted to throw these three gloating girls out.

"You're here to piss me off on purpose, aren't you?"

"No, no, no.

Yan Ran shook her hand and quickly clarified, but the uncontrollable smile on her face betrayed her.

"Don't even think about it.

Ye Qiu was too lazy to pay attention to them, and got up to get off work.

When the three saw that the plan had failed, they simply refused to leave.

It's still early anyway,

Ye Qiu simply dragged them to have supper together.

I found a private room in a star restaurant,

The four of us didn't order much, but two bottles of red wine.

A few people who are not very good drinkers have a few drinks.

Yan Ran immediately went up, her little face flushed.

She still remembered today's task, she had to pull Ye Qiu to perform on the show.

"Honey, why don't you think about it again?" she asked tentatively.

"Don't." Ye Qiu continued drinking.

The voice just fell,

Yan Ran patted the table and stood up, patted her fierce breast, and said very proudly: "Otherwise, as long as you promise to accompany us to perform this annual meeting, my dear, I will unconditionally promise to be your girlfriend, and I will never go back on it. ."5


Qin Mengyao did not object, but helped.

"Okay." She gave Yan Ran a thumbs up.

Apparently he drank too much.

Ye Qiu looked disdainful and wanted to deceive me with beauty?

I, Ye Qiu, is the kind of person who gives in easily?

"Okay." Ye Qiu raised his glass, "That's it. 35

So fragrant!

The four of them clink glasses to celebrate the agreement.

Women's clothing for a woman at a time.

Not a loss.

I don't know how wonderful the expression will be when the employees see that their boss is dressed in women's clothes.

Ye Qiu drank the remaining red wine in one go.

After supper,

Ye Qiu asked Lin San to send Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran back, while he took Lin Xueruo home.

this night,

Yan Ran's face blushed all night.

the next day,

Yan Ran still came to work with a blushing face, her head resting all the way.

"It's so embarrassing, how could I say something like that.

supper last night,

Although Yan Ran was a little drunk, she was not completely drunk.

She remembered everything that happened.

Alcohol gave her courage, and she confessed it in front of Ye Qiu.

Although the face is embarrassed,

But Yan Ran was still a little fortunate in her heart.

"He actually agreed, showing that he has me in his heart. 35 Yan Ran was overjoyed.

"But he's actually taking advantage of people's danger, it's really hateful!

Yan Ran's face changed again, her milk was fierce.

"Ah, Ah, Ah..."

Ye Qiu sneezed several times in the office.

"Who misses me?

Ye Qiu said narcissistically, "It must be my little cutie, it's time to call her back.

Lin Xiuxiu's knowledge can play a role.

The hive has prepared a laboratory for her.

Chen Mengna's project is almost coming to an end, it's time to bring my little cutie back.

In order not to disturb Chen Mengna, Ye Qiu left her a message.

Implicitly want to return to the little cutie.

Chen Mengna is not a stingy person either, her man must support her.


She was going back to Ye Qiu soon.

"Dear, I'm going back to accompany you soon, huh. 35 Chen Mengna replied.

Shortly after,

On the Wuling workshop side, the high-resistant alloy smelting workshop also began to operate.

Produced a composite high-resistant alloy for Lin Xueruo.

After getting the materials, Lin Xueruo suddenly showed her workaholic nature and plunged into the hive laboratory.

Engine improvements, for her, the concept engineer,

Simply not too simple.

In a few days,

Lin Xueruo came to Ye Qiu's office with a smile on her face, her expression pretending to be mysterious.

"Darling, taking you to see some good things is what you have been thinking about all the time.

Ye Qiu didn't react, and only heard "heart thinking",


he blurted out,

"What? Is it my cutie, Lin Xiuxiu?"

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