Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 201 This person is not from Hei Wuling! 【Subscription】

"Darling, at this time, you are still thinking of others, isn't it good?"

Lin Xueruo frowned.

She doesn't care who Ye Qiu likes, but she cares who Ye Qiu likes the most.


Ye Qiu hurriedly changed his status and changed the subject, "What are you showing me?"

"Let's go. 35

Lin Xueruo pulled him out.


The two reach the hive.

"Ye Qiu, allow to pass." It was a familiar voice, "Welcome home."

Go through the tour area and go up to the second floor.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran are also there,

The two are standing on both sides of a polarizing screen, and they are configuring and installing the new car.

The advantage of the polarized screen is that touch operations can be performed on both sides of the screen, and the data can be separated.

Qin Mengyao was in charge of the design and Yan Ran was in charge of the assembly.

Under the body designed by Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran put the painted accessories into it.

If there is a conflict, Qin Mengyao will modify the body in time.

The two of you have a look, I will look at you, and have a lot of fun.

Lin Xueruo pulled Ye Qiu to another screen.

Skillfully call out the Red Queen to boot, and recall the previously saved data.

In the Red Queen's database,

Depending on the authority, the information that each person can obtain is different.

Lin Xueruo's first-level authority could call up all the data under her direct management at any time.

And Ye Qiu can view all the data directly.

screen turns on,

A perspective view of an engine appeared in front of Ye Qiu spinning.

in appearance,

It's almost indistinguishable from a normal engine.

Lin Xueruo tapped the screen with both hands and swiped outwards.

The engine seems to be pulled by some kind of force, and it is directly broken into various tiny parts.

Each component also has parameter callouts.

just one look,

Ye Qiu can feel that this engine is much more refined than the currently used L6 engine.

in detail,

Ye Qiu put it aside for the time being, he glanced at the calculated theoretical thermal efficiency.


What is this concept?

At present, the model with the highest engine thermal efficiency in the world comes from Mazda's Skyactiv-G.

Skyactiv-G engine through high compression ratio,

The engine fuel efficiency has been increased by 27%, and the engine thermal efficiency has reached 57%.

But unfortunately,

So far, the Skyactiv-G engine has not been able to achieve mass production.

And the engine in front of Ye Qiu,

The thermal efficiency is more than 25% higher than that of the world's highest engine.

at the same time,

Lin Xueruo also worked hard on the power of the engine, increasing the displacement while increasing the compression ratio.

However, due to the improved thermal efficiency,

This new engine still has lower energy consumption than ordinary engines.

have to say,

Such exaggerated data was indeed what Ye Qiu had in mind.

Lin Xueruo took out a piece of paper and wrote some materials and data on it.

"Darling, this is a list of required materials, so I'll get rid of you.

After Ye Qiu received it, he simply glanced at it and put it away.


It is to find the materials on the purchase completion list.

After returning to the office,

Ye Qiu instructed to go on and set aside a part of the group's reserve fund to establish a honeycomb experimental fund.

All the research and development in the hive laboratory needs funds,

All deducted from the Hive Experiment Fund.

Of course, this was due to absolute trust in Lin Xueruo and the others.

Just after dealing with the fund, Xiao Sa's phone called again.

"The program team asked me to let you know in advance that on the day of the recording, we also invited an economic boss to discuss the topic with you.

This is because I was worried that the students at the scene were not sharp enough, and they found a ruthless person for me.

Ye Qiu thought to himself.

In the question-and-answer session of "Let's Talk", the questions asked by the students,

Sometimes even across the screen, people can be directly mad.

The person who can be asked can't break the defense, and must have a gentleman's demeanor.

Many guests responded with wit and profoundness, won the prize, and were praised by netizens.

It is also one of the highlights.

"Okay, you can decide." " Ye Qiu said.

After all, it's someone else's program, so just follow it.

Ye Qiu also had nothing to say.

Since the program team wants to be wonderful, then give them wonderful.

After work,

When he has nothing to do, Ye Qiu also clicks on the forum on the Wuling app.

See what everyone has to say about the malleability of the newly released car.

As always,

this day,

He opened the forum as usual, but was attracted by a link from the top.

After clicking in, I found that it was a live broadcast.

This is a challenge live broadcast initiated by riders.

The challenge is not in Zhongyun.

Judging from the scene, it should be somewhere in the countryside.

no stage,

It's a group of people around two ramps that slope almost to 90 degrees.

Dozens of cars were parked up and down the slope.

any brand,

From Volkswagen, Honda, Toyota, to Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW, to Wuling, Chitu, and so on.

It covers most of the brands below the C-Class.

The challenge is also very simple,

Drive down from the small slope, and then rush back from the big slope.

It's that simple.

Even so, none of the cars have been successful so far.

Because these two ramps are full of traps.

There is no problem with the slope of the small slope, but there is a muddy patch at the end,

After the silt field is over, there is a section of sand, and there is a section of stone behind the sand.

down the car,

Either stuck in the mud, slipped in the sand, or hit the bumper with a big boulder.


The riders who come here to challenge don't feel bad about the car.

They are here to challenge, to prove that their car can run through these places.

"Okay, another Passat down the ramp."

In the live broadcast room, the invisible commentator explained.

"Okay, very stable downhill, the chassis of this new facelifted Passat is very good, he's going into the mud...

"Oops, pity, got stuck in the mud because the chassis was so low and underpowered.

Such an earthy live broadcast has tens of millions of popularity.

Netizens are very interested in the contest between cars and cars.

They will also cheer on their favorite car,

When I see the car I was looking forward to failing, I will help explain it in the barrage.

"Okay, next is a BMW."

The commentator joked, "To participate in this challenge program, the owner of the car expressed that he is not distressed at all, and it seems that he is a rich owner.

"Okay, BMW goes downhill, very stable.

"Beautiful, he got through the mud, and the sand is not a problem..."

"In the stony ground, the BMW broke the bumper and the chassis was worn out..."

"Oops, his car is smoking, the fire brigade is rushing to put out the fire."


This program also rented a fire truck to help put out the fire next to it.

Netizens also called out "city people really know how to play".

"BMW is just like that. It's not that the brand value is higher, but the car is a lot more than the performance. 39

"Well said, isn't the IQ tax we paid BMW enough for these years?

"The configuration that BMW said on the surface is good, and the ones sold to China are all castrated versions, and I don't believe in BMW anymore.

"Which one is not like this, bba? It's not much better."

"By the way, can Wuling rush up? I'm looking forward to it."

"Wuling's words, I feel a bit difficult. Wuling Hongguang is so big, I'm afraid that he can't get through the mud, let alone going uphill."

"Wuling Hongguang mini should not work either, it's not an analysis, it's just a simple feeling that it won't work.

"Have you seen the red rabbit? Has anyone come to challenge the red rabbit?

"Chitu is an electric car, isn't it good to take such a challenge?""

"But the red rabbit has enough horsepower. 99

"What's the use of having enough horsepower? It can cross the sand without slipping? Can it rush up the big slope next to it?

Everyone was looking forward to it.

live stream continues,

The Passat that was smoking just now has been processed and pulled out of the venue.

The invisible commentator continued to explain.

"Okay, let's look at the next challenger, which is a Honda Civic.

"The Civic has nothing to introduce, it's a 100,000-level magic car.

"We can see that the Civic is going downhill..."

"He went through the mud easily, and although the tires slipped in the sand, he passed without any risk.

"The next step is the stone ground, straight across, beautiful."

"The owner stopped the car and looked like he was going to adjust for a while, let's wait a moment."

"Okay, finally wait until the Civic starts again."

"This time, he is going to challenge the uphill road, can he rush up this nearly 90-degree slope?

"So far, no car has been able to dash past, and we expect the Civic to do wonders.

"Okay, the Civic set off, it started accelerating, sprinting..."

"Beautiful, going straight up the hill... oops, unfortunately, I still couldn't rush up.

"Isn't there a car that can go up this big slope today?"

after that,

There are a lot of cars coming up to challenge, there are sedans, SUVs, and pickups.

But without exception, they all failed.

Many cars are just silt, and once they get stuck in, they can't get out.

The best result of all the current cars is the previous Civic, which is halfway up the big slope.

"Where's Wuling? Where is my big Wuling?"

"I can't stand it anymore, go to the west to invite Wuling Buddha! 55

"Really, don't look at it, so many cars can't rush up, let alone Wuling..."

"Although I really like Wuling, I really don't like Wuling.

"Even if a pickup truck of 400,000 failed, don't even think about it. 99



Except for Wuling, which did not play, other cars that played failed.

Netizens put their last hope on Wuling, but they are afraid to see Wuling fail.

Those who are optimistic about other cars naturally do not want Wuling to succeed.

If Wuling succeeds,

It's not just those brand cars that are embarrassed, but they are also ridiculed.

""Look, Wuling is going, damn it, why is it a Wuling Hongguang?"

"What kind of fun does this kind of challenge a van come over? It's really terrifying. 99

"Is there anyone who drives Wuling? Quickly replace him, it's really hot.

"This person is so stubborn, he actually really wants to challenge, don't overturn the car later, haha."

"I'm afraid this person didn't come to Hei Wuling, it's really annoying."

"It's about to start, it's a mule or a horse, you'll know right away."

"Do you still use it right now? I know now..."


Even the commentary is not optimistic about the Wuling Hongguang van.

He said politely: "Although Wuling Hongguang is very strong in terms of power and carrying."

"But that's not what we pay attention to here. This is not a warehouse, and we need to pull several tons of goods at one time."

"If it were the Bila people, Wuling Hongguang might be invincible in the world. 99

"If you're here, I think it's better to be more restrained.

The owners of Wuling Hongguang can't hear these words.

I saw him park the car above the ramp and use his eyes to determine the route.

Wuling Hongguang started to explain follow-up reports.


His reporting was somewhat emotional.

"Okay, we saw Wuling Hongguang start up and he started going downhill. 35

"Well, it's a little bumpy, but it's a steady downhill, and then there's the silt.

"He actually slowed down in front of the muddy ground. It seems that he is still a novice driver. It is recommended that the vehicles behind him rush over directly in one breath."

"Oh, what a surprise, Wuling Hongguang actually rushed through the muddy ground, if the sandy ground..."

"The sand didn't skid, it performed well, and the stone ground also rushed over.

"It's a great result, I think it's okay to accept it.


Three characteristic lots directly eliminated one and a half vehicles.

A car that can walk through the stone ground is basically considered excellent.

Since no car can rush up the big steep slope on the other side, the best course of action must be to retreat.


The owner of Wuling Hongguang is the head iron.

"Wow, it looks like the owner didn't plan to stop, he didn't even think about the parking adjustment."

"Wuling rushed towards the big steep slope...

in the expectation of all,

A van at full power, with the roar of its engine, headed straight up the ramp.

Boom one by one

The vehicle passed the camera, and there was a sound.

The commentator stopped talking, and he almost held his breath.

Incredibly, he rushed up the ramp.

"Wow, this is too incredible, right? Wuling Hongguang actually rushed up."

"God, he really rushed up and completed a near-impossible challenge."

"It was a van that left all the sedans and pickups behind. 99

"At this moment, Wuling Hongguang directly conferred God!

The commentator shouted passionately.

The camera points to the top of the big ramp, and Wuling stops at the end, leaving a dashing figure behind.

The audience at the scene gathered around, and the car owner also got down from Wuling Hongguang.

He waved his hands happily, and opened his arms to embrace the nearest person.

"I knew that Wuling would definitely be able to rush up, and it didn't disappoint me."

He said excitedly, "Who would dare to say that Wuling can't be done in the future?"

"Wuling is the real king, and like a van, it gets rid of these bc-class sedans. 99

"Haha, have you seen the power of Wuling?"

"Then there are, mini, Chitu, all rush for me!

Ps: Bosses, don't be ashamed, please use your reminders to ravage me.

Don't pity me just because I'm a delicate flower!!!! Haha, so me!!! orz big.

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