Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 210 The North American Auto Show begins! 【Subscription】

"Why are you?" Chen Mengna exclaimed, and then her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Shouldn't it be... dear? 99

"It's me, Meng Na's dear. Lin Xueruo blinked.


Everyone took out their cards.

Ten pairs of beautiful eyes all looked at Ye Qiu's hand.

The card was slowly opened, Ye Qiu was civilian No. 5.

The hook that Chen Mengna saw was the bottom half of 5, Ye Qiu would hold the card upside down at first.

"So it is." Chen Mengna became frustrated.

At this moment,

Lin Xueruo stood up and walked around the table to Chen Mengna.

"A noble kiss. Lin Xueruo said as he walked.

the atmosphere of the scene,

Suddenly became a little orange in the orange.

Chen Mengna was a little nervous, she didn't have any special hobbies.

The cute little Lin Xiuxiu blushed and covered her eyes nervously, but she couldn't help it, and carefully peeked through the gaps between her fingers.

Yan Ran also buried her head, and said in her heart, "I don't dare to look, I don't dare to look."

On the contrary, Qin Mengyao was very curious.

It was the first time she had seen such a scene.

don't say,

Really a little excited.

Ye Qiu scratched his head,

I don't even know what to say.

Since it is the rules of the game, it has to be followed, and it is not a big deal anyway.

Lin Xueruo's face got closer and closer, and Chen Mengna felt a little uncomfortable.

She desperately ducked back and turned to Ye Qiulu for help.

Ye Qiu pretended not to see.

The sins you have committed, you have to walk away even on your knees.

Just when Chen Mengna had nowhere to hide and was ready to accept the reality,

Lin Xueruo bowed very gracefully in front of him and gave a princely salute.


Lin Xueruo took Chen Mengna's hand and kissed the back of her hand.

Elegant and timeless.

Lin Xueruo was full of aura, even when facing a woman, she was very aggressive.


At that moment,

Chen Mengna was almost attracted.

Otherwise, with Ye Qiu in his heart, I'm afraid it would have really broken the defense.


A round of applause came.

Everyone was impressed by Lin Xueruo's wit.

The first round of the game is over.

Game continues.

after that,

Everyone had a great time and didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Originally, Chen Mengna and Lin Xiuxiu planned to embarrass Ye Qiu, but after the first round, they immediately forgot.

back to the game,

Ye Qiu's luck can only be described as "subtle" here.

Said he was lucky,

It's really just one time when the trump card 25 is not drawn, and the whole process is waiting to die.

But let's say he was unlucky,

None of the king's orders reached him once.

like the entertainment of several women,

Playing and playing, almost forgot about him.

"Come on, civilian No. 2 come over and let the king examine your body and see your detailed three-dimensionality. 99

Qin Mengyao pinched Lin Xiuxiu's small waist like a little devil, "It feels really good, and it's quite enjoyable."5

"Civilian No. 4 came over and rubbed my shoulders, and the others continued to play music and dance."

Chen Mengna said with a look of enjoyment, "Hmm, it's really good."

"Then let Civilian No. 3 let me pinch my little face, it looks so tender.

Lin Xueruo pinched Yan Ran's small face and smiled, "It's so beautiful.


In "The Game of Kings", the person who gets the trump card can tell other people to do whatever they want.

As a result, due to the beginning of Chen Mengna,

Everyone began to abuse their power and only care about their own comfort.

Now I'm pinching your face, next time you catch my murderer, I'll fight back and scratch your nose.

When the women played, the scene was extraordinarily gorgeous.

It's almost time,

Ye Qiu looked at his phone, and there was a new document coming.

As it happens,

In a new round of card draw, Ye Qiu drew the trump card for the first time tonight.

"My dear, give the order.

Several women watched eagerly, some expecting, and some nervous.

Looking forward to what Ye Qiu will make them do,

And it was not them who were nervous to carry out the order.

boy favorite,

Not just kissing, holding hands, or hugging...

whatever it is,

I hope it's me and Ye Qiu.


Everyone's mind is almost the same.

Especially Lin Xueruo.

She hasn't kissed Ye Qiu yet, so this might be the best chance.

Say it now,

Give the order now.

Ye Qiu looked a little unnatural.

What's going on with these women?

Why is it like a wolf seeing flesh? It doesn't make sense. I should be that wolf?


Ye Qiu gave an order: "Okay, the game is over, it's time for the beauties to go back to their rooms to rest.


Several people's eyes widened, "Is this also an order?"

"Why not, let's go, it's getting late."

Ye Qiu got up.

There are new documents to process,

no way,

Just end the game.

"Hey, boring.""

The women got up, held each other's hands and went back to the room.

"I thought it would be some kind of explosive request, I was looking forward to it.

"Yes, yes. 35

After they left, Ye Qiu took out the accompanying laptop from the car.

Open the file sent by the assistant,

Inside is his latest itinerary, about the North American Auto Show.

determine your itinerary,

Ye Qiu also planned to go back to the room to rest.

Overnight at the resort.

come to the corridor,

He found that only Chen Mengna's room was lit, and there was chatter in it, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

dong dong——

Ye Qiu knocked on the door, and the little cutie Xiuxiu opened the door for him.

"Beautiful girls, it's so late, what are you talking about?" Ye Qiu said with a smile.

in the room,

The five girls wore various pajamas and cuddled each other in Chen Mengna's quilt.

Under the small table lamp on the side, there are desserts.

"This is the girls' pajama party, boys are not allowed to participate, you hurry out. 99

Chen Mengna started chasing people.

"So mysterious?


"Okay. 55

Ye Qiu didn't bother them, and turned back to his room.

The girls continue to chat.

The so-called pajama party is actually just chatting.

It's almost the same as the boys' dormitory in the university, which is about bullshitting at night.

The topic that boys can't live without is,

Which class is still single, who is the most beautiful in our class, or who do I actually want to chase?


The topic of girls is naturally inseparable from boys.


"Then let's talk about the boys you like first. 35 Chen Mengna said about the habits of ordinary girls.

"Ye Qiu.



"Boss. 35

"..." Chen Mengna helped her forehead, actually forgot about this.

Everyone has been frank for a long time, and there is no need to talk about this topic at all.

"Then let's change the subject.""

Chen Mengna thought for a while and said, "Tell me about your most unforgettable experience.


Everyone chatted about their first meeting with Ye Qiu.


No matter how they change the subject, they will find that,

Going around, Ye Qiu was always at the heart of their conversation.


Ye Qiu was in the next room, sneezing several times in a row.

turn out to be,

Even if brother is not in Jianghu, Jianghu still has the legend of brother.


The days of the North American Auto Show have arrived.

Before that,

Ye Qiu has asked Wuling to transport the cars that Wuling needs to exhibit by air in advance.

The North American Auto Show can't only have pickup trucks, and other models will also attract more or less attention.


In addition to Leviathan, there are new facelifts of the Red Rabbit Lightning and the debut of the Red Rabbit Trailblazer.

Red Rabbit Lightning has been launched in North America,

The sales are okay, can squeeze into the top ten.

Because the American Super Factory is still under construction,

The mass production and sales of Chitu Pioneer will take some time.

the night before,

Ye Qiu took Xu Feifei along, and they took a private plane to Merijian and arrived in Trout.

The venue has been reorganized, and the cars of each booth are placed and covered with cloths of different colors.

Enter the venue and go inside,

The first booth to see is Ford.

And Wuling,

Arranged in an inconspicuous corner.

"Mr. Ye, they are clearly looking down on people.

After inspecting his own booth, Xu Feifei was indignant.

"Why are their cars in the hall, and ours can only go to the side hall?"

"It's too disrespectful to us. When have we suffered from this kind of anger?"

Xu Feifei glanced not far away.

There are Kia's latest models, which should look like SUVs.

This made Xu Feifei even more unhappy,

Even Kia is better positioned than Wuling.


The reason for this arrangement.

Organizers of the North American Auto Show are also under pressure.

Wuling is in Xiaguo, and almost all foreign car companies have been offended.

After occupying the entire Xiaguo market,

It's only been a few months,

Even thinking about harvesting the American market.

Can those people at Daimler not be angry?


An alliance of car companies headed by Daimler,

For the first time to gather in secret, we have to do something small for Wuling.


It is to move Wuling's booth at the North American Auto Show to the most inconspicuous place.

As long as Wuling is suppressed,

They were happy in their hearts.

Ye Qiu didn't care, he told Xu Feifei: "Remember, face is earned by yourself, not by others."

Since they like to do little things, let them go.

Let's see who can laugh at the end?

"Yes, Mr. Ye.

Xu Feifei's little heart jumped.


Mr. Ye is a good man.

the next day,

The North American Auto Show officially begins.

early in the morning,

There was already a long queue at the ticket gate in front of the venue.

It is indeed one of the most influential automotive events in the world.

check the ticket,

The riders rushed in.

Everyone waited in the venue, looking at the cars covered by canvases, itching in their hearts.

"This is the Ford booth. 35

The first thing they saw was the Ford logo, which made them proud.

look to the side,

Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW, BBA live together directly.

about time,

The North American Auto Show officially begins.

The car friends all gathered around, waiting for the model lady to unveil the new Ford car.

this year's auto show,

Ford prepared five cars,

One of the most concerned is the pickup in the middle.

The rest are sedans and SUVs, and almost no one pays attention.

car cloth uncovered,

The black Ford f550 appeared in the field of vision of car lovers.

This is a brand new facelift,

Although no major changes have been made in the exterior design, careful riders soon found the clues.

The new Ford f550 has a wider body and a lot of work on the headlights.

The front face is also newly decorated with chrome, just to give people a bright feeling.

By the way, the configuration is still slightly changed.


None of that can be seen with the naked eye.


Although Ford is clearly eating his pockets and squeezing his toothpaste,

But everyone is still very supportive of it.

no way,

Who told people to be the first in the sales list?

This is soft power,

Even if it does too much, this honor alone is enough to be hit on the altar.

Ford doesn't have much to say,

car show,

White, the person in charge of the Ford side, came over and just said a few words, and then left.

later time,

It is left to the riders to experience it by themselves, but the car cannot be started.

"Seriously, a pickup truck, I just like the Ford Raptor, it's so comfortable."

A rider got off the f550 and said excitedly.

"Hurry up, it's my time, and I'll go up and have a look too. 35

The people behind followed closely, and more and more people lined up.

White sat in the lounge with a screen in front of him showing scenes from Ford at the show.

Through the screen, White was very pleased with the appeal Ford displayed.

"Unsurprisingly, the Ford Raptor was again the most popular vehicle this year. 55

"If this continues, the Ford f550 can continue to be remodeled next year, and it is still the best seller."

been listed for nearly ten years,

Relying on this series, Ford is about to play out.

the other side,

The curtain of Mercedes-Benz was also lifted.

This time Mercedes-Benz brought a brand new x350 pickup, as well as a big G.

The two cars showed up,

also attracted a lot of attention,

There has been a lot of traffic on Ford's side.

From a design point of view,

The Mercedes-Benz x350 is actually a success.

It continues the consistent style language of Mercedes-Benz, that is exaggeration.

Mercedes-Benz cars have always been exaggerated, and they always give people a feeling of getting rich in appearance.

The same is true for the x350 this time,

The pure white body, the iconic front face of Mercedes-Benz, and a big logo,

For fear that others will not know that this car is like a Mercedes-Benz.

The success of the design does not mean that the car will be successful.

The Mercedes-Benz x350 is essentially a luxury car.

As long as it is a luxury car, it is not in line with the positioning of a pickup truck.

What is the 033 pickup used for?

Running on mountain roads, walking in mud, crossing mountains and rivers, and taking into account both pulling and carrying goods.

Are these things a luxury car can do?

Not to mention whether the Mercedes-Benz x350 can do this,

People who bought it are not willing to ah.

In this case,

Mercedes-Benz simply works hard on the appearance, how to exaggerate how to come.

Anyway, even if this car is bought home,

It is only used for viewing, not for opening.


In the Mercedes-Benz x350, many people look at the car, but not many people ask for the price.

As for configuration?

I bought a Mercedes Benz, what else do I need?

By the time,

It's better to sit and cry.

"Quick, quick, over there, Chevrolet's new car is so handsome, go check it out." 5

"Really? What's new with Chevrolet this year?"

"You can see it when you see it. It's a blue car, very handsome."

"Wang Defa? Are you telling the truth?

"I swear to the Black Palace, it is absolutely true. 35

"Come on, don't be too crowded for a while, you won't be able to squeeze in."



Someone in the exhibition hall began to talk loudly.

Anyone passing by can hear it,

Several people directly praised Chevrolet's new car, which made everyone full of curiosity.

Since it is a Chevrolet car, it is natural to have a look.

To avoid confrontation with Ford,

Chevrolet deliberately left the hall and chose to exhibit in the side hall.

The advantage of this is that,

Don't have to fight with Ford, bba.

There are small brands here, so naturally you don’t have to worry about it.


Wuling is a small brand.

At least that's what Chevy's Durant thinks.

In order to attract everyone to visit,

The head of Chevrolet deliberately found someone to perform such a show in the hall.

Just bring everyone here,

Then here's the chance for Chevrolet.


There is a problem like this,

People who are attracted by Chevrolet will naturally also notice Wuling.

in the corner,

Xu Feifei was standing in the dark, worried.

"Where is this person, Mr. Ye won't let the curtain be opened now."

"Everyone is gone in a while, what else are we exhibiting? 35

"The future is bleak...

As requested by Ye Qiu,

Wuling's car is not in a hurry to unveil, especially the Leviathan.


The riders who just came in to visit, of course, went to see Ford and Chevrolet.

In this case,

Just let them see it first,

The opening cloth is not unraveled here, but there is still suspense.

When the time comes,

Directly slapped them and killed them.

But Xu Feifei didn't think so, so she was very worried now.

"Hey, why are there more and more people over there?"

Xu Feifei looked towards Chevrolet.


There are more and more people in the hall.

At this moment,

In Xu Feifei's headset, Ye Qiu's voice sounded.

"Okay, it's time to unveil the curtain, except for Leviathan, let's all appear."

Ps: [Chapter 207] I have come out of the little black house, bosses, you can watch it. I'm going to add more now, my butt is well poked!!!.

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