Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 211 Where is the pickup that Wuling kills the world in seconds? 【Subscription】

Chevrolet over there,

The latest version of the Silverado has finally been unveiled.

Not only car friends, but also car media people rushed over after hearing the news.

Similar to what was spread in the hall, the new Silverado uses a blue and black color scheme.

Except for the front face, almost all other body parts are blue.

main black,

It is displayed on the air intake grille of the front face.

This time, the Chevrolet Silverado has changed the usual design style and adopted a black mesh grille texture design.

Then embed the solid black Chevrolet logo into it.

On the hood, there is also a space left for black painting.

The design of the headlights tends to be simple.

The car looks like,

Compared with the previous Silverado model, it is a little less brutal, but it is a little more fierce.

"This is the latest Silverado that Chevrolet is about to go on sale."

Andre, the head of Chevrolet, started the introduction.

"The new Silverado is powered by a 6.2L, V8 naturally aspirated engine and a 10AT manual gearbox. 35

"The maximum output power can reach 350 horsepower and the maximum torque can reach 620 Nm.

"It is also equipped with L2-level assisted driving, which has truly achieved an all-round improvement.

Andre spoke of the latest Chevrolet Silverado pickup with pride.

They also despise Ford's toothpaste squeezing behavior, except for a facelift.

Cars should surprise consumers,

As far as Ford's development speed is concerned, the Chevrolet Durant is confident of surpassing them.

People in the media took pictures for a while.

When Andre's speech was almost the same, everyone scrambled to go for a test drive.

Seeing how eager everyone was, Andre felt even more happy.

"Wait for Chevrolet and there will be Easter eggs, please don't miss it.


Andrei turned to leave.

The riders were even more curious, and were busy getting on the bus to find it.

"Just looking at this new car, I'm already very curious, I didn't expect there to be Easter eggs.

"I don't know what it will be. I went to the car to find it. This car is really handsome. 99

"I don't dare to say anything else, I'm tired of watching the Ford f550, and then I look at the Silverado, I really have a different feeling.

"Ford is something like that every year, and this time I'm picking Silverado.

"I don't know what the price will be, as long as the price is right, I'll give it a shot when I go back."

"I have seen the sincerity of Chevrolet, and it is time to choose it."5

News of the stunning debut of the new Chevrolet Silverado spread quickly.


In this hall, the flow of people gradually became lively.


Kia, which is not far away, also enjoyed the benefits of traffic and enjoyed the feeling of being watched.

If this was put before, Kia would not have attracted so many people at all.

In the Xiaguo car circle, there is a sentence,

Pick up the Kia car,

Those are overseas Pan Jinlian and domestic tilapia phoenix.

What I'm talking about is that Kia's car is different from the outside, with various luxury configurations to the outside world, and various reductions when it returns to domestic production.

at last,

After a few rounds, the domestic Kia is almost a shell.

Even so,

Kia is also difficult to see abroad, and the design has become more and more ugly in recent years.

I don't know if it's because the designer is dizzy or not keeping up with the times.

further back,

The more the Kia feels childish.


Who cares about this car?

At the annual auto show, Kia is just making up the number and brushing a wave of presence.

They didn't even get someone to introduce it.


This time is different, because it got Chevrolet's traffic,

The person in charge immediately regretted it.

knew earlier,

Still should bring the designer.


Every car friend who came to see Kia just swept away.

Don't make too many stops at all.

Wuling booth,

Xu Feifei received Ye Qiu's instructions and immediately ordered people to lift the curtain of the Red Rabbit pioneers.

"It's finally our time."

She couldn't wait.

The car friends who didn't want to stay at Kia originally, but had nothing to do, simply continued to move forward,

in a while,

Just came to Wuling's booth.

The Red Rabbit Trailblazers quietly stopped at the booth,

Two SUVs, black and white, were parked on either side of the Leviathan, which had not yet been unveiled.

at first,

The riders didn't pay much attention.

After all, this place is really unremarkable, and the exhibition has only just begun.

If it hadn't been done before, it would have been hard to imagine coming here.


As soon as you come,

Then you will definitely be attracted.

The color-changing body of the Red Rabbit Trailblazer is also changing colors under the changing lights of the venue.

Xu Feifei walked beside the car, and the shadow on the car also changed color.

Just such a beautiful woman standing here,

It's attractive enough.

There is such a magical color-changing car paint, who can refuse?

"I don't have dazzling eyes? Is the color of that car changing?" Someone asked a friend around him.

"I just noticed a big beauty in front of the car.

"Let's go and have a look.

The two walked over together, and their eyes were immediately attracted.

The brother who only saw the big beauty was also staring at the body of the Red Rabbit Trailblazer at this moment.

According to Wuling's design,

In addition to the color-changing car paint, the body surface of the Chitu Pioneer is also a special layer of paint.

This kind of paint can fill in the subtle bumps of the original car paint,

Makes the body surface smooth like a mirror.

under the mirror,

The body can reflect the near scene.


The color-changing car paint will change color according to the reflected scene,

on the body,

Realize the effect of painting but not painting.

"Hou Li crab, this is too handsome, isn't it? 55

"I look at what kind of car this is, it turns out to be Wuling, isn't that car logo the Chitu?"

"Isn't Chitu only about lightning and punk?"

"You are stupid, they have already released SUVs a few months ago, but they haven't been listed on our American firm. 35

"Why not go public and look down on us? As long as he goes public, I will pay for it now.

"The super factory is still under construction, where can you go to build a car for you?

"So it is."


The two brothers stood in front of Xu Feifei and discussed boldly.

Because Xu Feifei was from Xia, he thought he could not understand foreign languages.


Xu Feifei not only understood, but also heard clearly.

As early as when I first joined Wuling,

Xu Feifei has already been notified that he must learn foreign languages ​​before Wuling enters the international market.

not to say proficient,

But at least the answer is fluent.

This is also one of the reasons why Xu Feifei is willing to join Wuling,

The business has expected her from the start, and has also demonstrated a strong vision,

When they are still capturing the Xiaguo market, they are already looking forward to the international market.

Thanks to Wuling,

Xu Feifei finally stood on the international side.


She was bragging to fans during the live broadcast, and now it has finally come true.

"Need to introduce you? This is Chitu's latest SUV, Chitu Pioneer."

Xu Feifei kindly stepped forward and asked in a foreign language.

Although there are only two people,

But her work attitude is still full of enthusiasm.

"Does this girl understand us?" one of them asked.

"Of course." Xu Feifei smiled sweetly.

The two of them scratched their heads embarrassedly, and were happy to hear Xu Feifei's introduction.


Facing the two people, Xu Feifei explained the Red Rabbit Trailblazers in detail to them.

The two brothers were stunned.

From time to time, I want to reach out to touch the Chitu Pioneer, but I shrink back because I am timid.

"It's okay, you can touch it." Xu Feifei smiled.

The two were finally relieved.

"This is the Chitu SUV that beat Terras Edamame 3, it's so sexy.

"This is a polarized screen. A few days ago, the Black Palace shamelessly asked for it from the official Xia Kingdom. It's a shame.

"This voice bunny is so interesting, it's more powerful than Apple's Siri."

"I heard that this car can avoid danger by itself, is it true? 35

The two became interested, and the questions continued.

They really liked the SUV, and the expressions on their faces were eager.

that's it,

The two had forgotten that it was at the auto show and didn't want to see other cars at all.

Because the Red Rabbit Trailblazer has too many functions to experience.

for a while,

Don't understand it at all.

In this way, they kept spinning around the Red Rabbit Trailblazers.

Amazed every now and then.

The sound attracted other riders not far away.

The new friends saw that the two of them were having a good time and couldn't wait to join in.

New exclamations spread through the halls,

There were more and more people, and the exclamations became louder and louder.

that's it,

Like a perpetual motion machine,

In front of Wuling's booth, more and more people gathered around.

Can't get on the booth,

Then watch by the side.

just addicted to the eyes,

Can't walk anymore.

Xu Feifei looked at Wuling's accumulated heat,

I immediately understood what I just said.

"Face is earned by myself, not given by others."

this moment,

No one can understand this sentence better than her.

"Oh, not to mention I forgot, Wuling also participated in this North American Auto Show.

"Is this Wuling's car? How can it be so beautiful?"

"Damn it, I scolded Wuling before, but now I've been captured by this car."

"Don't say it's you, so am I."

'Oh, don't care, it's shameful to be ashamed, I have to go up and experience it, or I will die of regret.

"I want it too, I'm already shameless.

"Does it matter if your face has a car?

"Go go go.


In front of Wuling's booth, it has become a large-scale face-slap scene.

There are many trolls on the Internet of America, and there are many interesting people in reality.

We continue to spread word of mouth, attracting more people.


Ford's White just squinted for a while.

But it is this time of dozing,

When he looked at the screen again, he found that the crowd in front of Ford's booth had decreased a lot.

Judging from the flow, it should be heading towards the side hall.

White suddenly became nervous.

The side hall is Chevrolet's site,

The flow of people is like this, doesn't it mean that...

"Could it be that Chevrolet has a big move? No, I'm going to see it."

White put on his hat and hurried out of the lounge.

He came to the side hall, glanced at the Chevrolet booth, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Chevrolet booth was not crowded.

Even with fewer people at Ford, it can't compare.

Where have all those people gone?

White looked along the stream of people, and his glasses almost fell out.

"""Isn't that Wuling?"

White couldn't figure it out, "How did he do it?

"Impossible, it must be fake.

"Does Wuling really have a more powerful new pickup truck?"

a few days ago,

Wuling officials personally released news on the forum, saying that there will be a pickup truck, and it will kill other brands in seconds.

According to the current trend of people flow...

"Wuling really has a pickup truck coming?"

White suddenly felt a chill, and it only shot up to the sky from his back.

Frightened, he asked himself the same question twice in a row.

"How could there be a company with such a fast R&D speed, I don't believe it.

Unwilling to drive him towards the Wuling booth.

into the crowd,

White raised his head and tiptoed, and finally saw the car on Wuling's booth.

Two SUVs, what about the pickup truck?

"It turned out to be just bluffing.""

White suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

"I'll just say, no company can develop a pickup truck that surpasses the Ford Raptor in just two or three months."

He glanced disdainfully at the Red Rabbit Trailblazers on the booth.


Relying on the 35w (USD) SUV to gain eyeballs is indeed a good method.

But that won't shake Ford's position in America.


Look at sales.

Civilization is the key, it seems that Wuling still failed to grasp the essence after all.

It will only rigidly imitate Mercedes-Benz to do exaggeration.

turn out to be,

This is Wuling's routine.

White thought Wuling was worthless.


Looking at the popularity of Wuling, it is even higher than Ford.

White grew angrier the more he thought about it.

Do these people have no memory?

Meriken's licking the dog, Wuling promised to release a pickup truck, but now I haven't even seen a new car.

Did no one come out to object?

"What you said, you have to be responsible." White had an idea.

"Since you can't keep your promise, then I'll help you.

White's face darkened, his hands amplified, and he shouted to the stage.

"Wuling said it was going to release a pickup, why didn't I see anything?"

"It's not a lie, is it?"

"Could it be that Wuling only brags and doesn't fulfill what it has said?

When he shouted, everyone remembered it.

a few days ago,

Meilijian netizens and Xia Guo netizens quarreled.


Wuling officially ended and solemnly stated that Wuling will have high-end pickups.


Wuling also threatened that the new pickup will beat all brands.

In this case,

Why not now?

"Yeah, so what about Wuling's pickup?"

"At the beginning, it was said that it would kill the Wuling pickup of many companies? Why did two SUVs come up?

"Wuling won't take us for fools, thinking that if you just praise Haikou, you can get away with it?"5

"Are all car companies in Xia Guo like this? Or is it only Wuling like this?"

"I remembered, Xia Guo's saying that he brushed traffic, so Wuling also does this kind of thing."

"We don't care, we're going to see a pickup."

"If you say it, you should do it. This is the attitude a group should have."

"I thought it would be a powerful company, but it turned out to be deceitful. 99


I was still slapped at the scene just now,

Just because White's few words fanned the flames, it became a large-scale denunciation scene.

The people of the United States sometimes seem more brainless.

When the car media people saw this situation, they naturally wouldn't let it go.

This is rare big news,

It will be in the headlines tomorrow.

Seeing this moment on the scene,

They even had a title in mind.

[Wuling threatened to rely on pickups to beat the world, but as a result, there were no pickups at the auto show...]

[The car fans denounced the scene, the most ugly moment since Wuling was established. 】

[In order to gain attention, do you not hesitate to deceive consumers? This is Wuling, this is the light of Xia Guo's domestic products. 】

[Wuling please get out of Mei Li Jian, Mei Li Jian does not need liars and dumb asses. 】

[Another group has become a laughing stock, just like the former black palace Trump, the end of the liar will not be easier. 】

[Wuling, legend? No, it's a joke... big]


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