Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 212 The new car test is too exaggerated! 【Subscription】

Ps: I'm sorry, the characters' names in the last chapter are wrong, and foreign names are too easy to confuse. It has been revised. Sorry, sorry!!!

Watching the scene become more and more lively, White was very satisfied.

Wuling has lost its competitiveness, and Chevrolet's new car can still be stealing the limelight, which is also a waste.

looks like,

Ford's f550 has another ten years, no, twenty years.

It didn't take long,

Wuling has become the core of the exhibition again.

It's so lively here, no matter how busy everyone is watching, of course, they are watching the lively first.

Xu Feifei didn't panic at all, just waiting for the crowd to gather.

When they were almost quarreling, Xu Feifei smiled and waved his hand, signaling everyone to stop.

The beauty's instructions are still very appealing.

The scene is easily appeased,

But if you want to completely quell the "enthusiasm" of this group of people, it is definitely impossible to not come up with something real.

White glanced at Xu Feifei and smiled disdainfully.

"It's useless to rely on women. At this time, Wuling will useless even to drive the excavator. 35

"Unless you can conjure a pickup truck out of thin air, with a bang, the black cloth is peeled off. 35

"Haha..." White mocked himself, "Can you? You can't.

Xu Feifei glanced at the crowd,

Although the agitation was temporarily suppressed, some people were still eager to move.

"Everyone, please rest assured that Wuling never makes a bad check. 55

She said, “Even if it’s just a simple verbal promise, Wuling will definitely honor it.99

"What about your Wuling pickup?" Someone asked loudly.

"We are not fools, SUVs and pickups can still be distinguished."

Xu Feifei nodded to him.

"Well, what Wuling pays most attention to is the feelings of consumers.

So, please look here...


Xu Feifei walked to the black cloth that had not been uncovered.

From an outline,

Under the black cloth, it does look like a car.

But if it is a pickup, it seems to be much larger than the ordinary size.

at first,

Most of the people who came to see this black cloth thought it was just a decoration.

no one would have thought,

The exhibition has been going on for a long time, and Wuling has not even shown the killer.

This is totally unreasonable,

Look at the Chevrolet, the Silverado that was shown at the beginning.


Everyone naturally thinks that the black cloth may just be a model that does not conform to this exhibition.

When you think about it, no one cares.


this time,

Everyone saw that Xu Feifei actually stood beside the black cloth.

"Could this be Wuling's new car?" White also looked at it, and began to worry again in his heart.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible,"

Everyone's eyes were also drawn by Xu Feifei's actions, and they all looked at the black cloth.

There is hope and tension in his eyes.

Others feel scared.

"Don't blink, here is the moment to witness the miracle. 35

"Let's Welcome - Leviathan. 35


Xu Feifei grabbed a corner of the black cloth, turned around handsomely, and pulled with 033 force.


The curtain gradually fell, and the brand new Wuling pickup, the Leviathan, finally appeared.

Tall body, black is painted with burning flame pattern.

A closer look at the paint reveals extremely fine textures.

Leviathan still uses color-changing paint, like a chameleon, telling its wildness.

The air intake grille of the front tone is inlaid with a new car logo.

The car logo is made of gold, and the sea monster with spikes and claws jumped down, with a serious red light.

Apart from the logo,

What attracted the most attention was the large blackened tires.

To enhance off-road performance,

The Leviathan rides on the latest 38-inch mud tires.

The biggest feature of this tire is that the texture is much larger than that of ordinary Michelin tires.

Just looking at the surface,

It felt like a bunch of claws had grown on the tires.

The off-road performance of mud tires is excellent, even if it is not a deep swamp, it can break through at will.

Looking at the whole,

Just the first glance is enough to make people speechless.

Look at the reaction of the crowd,

You know it's not an exaggeration.

Almost everyone stared straight at Leviathan,

His head was tilted to the sides, his mouth was slightly open, and saliva almost came out.

White stared with two big eyes and a wide mouth, even showing his tongue.

His expression was frightened, his back was slightly arched, and he didn't even dare to let out the air.

The scene was very quiet for a while.

But Xu Feifei was no longer surprised.

She stretched out her hands and patted them slightly, signaling that everyone could applaud.


The crowd seemed to wake up from a dream,

Just now, he looked like he was in a hurry, but now he immediately raised his hands and cheered.

The applause is enduring.

Not to mention how the car is configured,

Just the appearance, this appearance, has already shattered the dominance of the Ford f550 in their hearts.

"Am I right? This car is too handsome, isn't it?"

"Which designer made this? Almost every line hits my g-spot, love it. 39

"It is strongly recommended that the Wuling designer come out and say a few words, I adore him.

"Is it called Leviathan? Mythical beast, I like the name too.

"This car is designed to be more impressive than the Mercedes-Benz x350 outside. Isn't it a luxury car?"

"Hurry up and ask if this car has a civilian model.


The applause continues,

Everyone couldn't help but talk to each other and express their opinions.

"I admit, Leviathan is handsome and completely in line with my aesthetic." Someone raised his hand and asked loudly.

"What's the price of it, please? Say it so that I can give up.

This question is very real.

The Mercedes-Benz x350 next door is not also handsome, but it is not affordable for one person.

The Leviathan is better than the x350 in terms of appearance, and several f550s are sturdy.

that price,

Is it affordable for ordinary people?

Meriken isn't all rich.

Xu Feifei closed her eyes slightly and shook her head gently.

(cfai) Then,

"The price will be announced later..." she said.

"Before that, I'm going to answer your other questions first.

"But I hereby guarantee that the Leviathan will definitely surprise everyone at the price.

"Remember, it's a surprise, not a fright.

Xu Feifei stretched out his right hand,

He raised his index finger and orchid finger and shook it at the crowd.

"Surprise, she said it was a surprise, that's great."

"So beautiful, can you tell us about the Leviathan's design? It's so handsome."5

"Like those six exhaust pipes, this is the first time I have seen exhaust pipes designed like this.

"But it's really handsome.

Someone jumped up and asked excitedly.

There were more and more people in front of the booth, and gradually they could no longer stand.

The people behind want to ask questions, they can only jump up.


Xu Feifei nodded, walked to the Leviathan's "exhaust pipe" and tapped lightly.

clang clang-

A clanging metallic sound spread.

"First of all, I want to say that this is not actually an exhaust pipe.

"The Leviathan's exhaust pipes are at the bottom of the car, and these six at the front are cooling pipes. 35

"Used to cool the engine part..."

Everyone was dumbfounded,

This car is amazing, and there are actually six cooling pipes specially set up.

Old trains in the steam age don't have this treatment either.

"I know your doubts." Xu Feifei continued.

“Case cooling is an important part of the Leviathan. 35

"At the same time, this design is also to increase its image.

"These six cooling pipes are arranged on both sides of the vehicle, do they look like fins or wings? 35

Don't say it, it's really similar.

All of them suddenly realized.

Xu Feifei was satisfied with their response.

"Leviathan is said to appear in the Bible as a giant monster fish and is a powerful representative.

"We designed it this way to highlight the power of the Leviathan.


Xu Feifei sold out.

The crowd was even more looking forward to it, urging Xu Feifei to speak quickly.

"After Wuling's unremitting efforts in research and development, this Leviathan pickup can output a maximum of 550 horsepower."

"The maximum torque is also 700 Nm.

was not possible before,

But Lin Xueruo improved the engine and used the latest materials.

"With such a large horsepower, adding a few cooling pipes is also to better protect the engine.

There was an uproar in the crowd.

"Is this too much horsepower?

"Don't you see that the body is also big? If you use this guy to pull the goods, I'm afraid you can reach the car in one trip."

"Look at that wheel, it's like a tank track, and with this kind of horsepower, it's not a problem to climb mountains.

"Why does this kind of car cost $200,000?

"I can't stop watching, but it's a surprise, I think it should be within 200,000, right?

"Sounds awesome. 35


Xu Feifei paused and let them discuss.

after all,

Such luxurious data also takes a little time to digest.

heard here,

White didn't say that his spine was cold, and he felt like he was about to dissipate.

In just a few minutes,

Life is full of ups and downs,

He had never experienced such a heavy drop.


It's a sure win.

can result,

Wuling easily regained the disadvantage.

If this car goes on sale,

as long as the price is fair,

It is bound to have a lot of blood and blood in the market.


White couldn't stop it.

He now feels a sense of discouragement as never before.

"Leviathan is so powerful, isn't the configuration very luxurious?"

Another asked, "I'm curious what the engine is like?

"Okay, let's briefly talk about configuration.

Xu Feifei replied, "The Leviathan adopts an all-steel body, and the entire body is reinforced against collisions.

"And equipped with a 10AT manual gearbox, and a Wuling's unique 8.4L, inline four-cylinder engine...

just said here,

Suddenly someone was unhappy.

"Why only four cylinders? Isn't that looking down on people?"

"The Chevrolet next door already has eight cylinders. Are you still playing with four cylinders here?"

"I just said that Wuling is not worth looking forward to, it looks good on the surface, but it is completely a tofu dregs project.

When White heard Xu Feifei say that it was a four-cylinder engine, he immediately became excited.

Finally got a chance,

Isn't Wuling looking for a dead end?

What a pickup needs most is power and horsepower.

With such a big body, you only have four cylinders.

Don't be afraid of being laughed at.

Xu Feifei also knew that just saying "four cylinders" would definitely cause disgust.

current car,

If not because the space is too small, it is necessary to save space for passengers.

those big factories,

The eight-cylinder engine is probably long overdue.

after all,

The larger the number of cylinders, the more horsepower and smoothness of the engine.

Even all other values ​​in every respect are better.

This is beyond doubt.


the current car,

With just six cylinders, the rear seat space is already very compressed.

So there is the so-called extended section.

Pickup trucks will not have this problem, after all, pickup trucks are bigger.

Just at this time,

Andre, the head of Chevrolet, also came out of the lounge.

According to the promise to the riders,

He's going to announce the easter eggs right now.

this egg,

He also arranged for someone to make it carefully, and it was a short video.

He tried to use this video to beat the Ford f550 here.

According to his plan,

In the video, various superior measured data of the latest Silverado pickup will be shown.

For example, against a level 6 gale,

There's also crash testing, and it's even easy to cross a river.

It's all real car demos,

in order,

Is to let riders believe that Chevrolet Silverado has surpassed the f550 in performance.

"Just wait and scream.

While imagining the audience cheering for Solander, Andre ordered his subordinates to fetch the playback equipment.

As soon as his subordinates left, he was attracted by the quarrel over Wuling.

Andrei looked past the noise,

Immediately, he showed the same expression as White's, and his eyes widened.

The people at Wuling were a bit beyond his imagination.

Look at yourself again,

No wonder there are so few people,

I dared to publicize it for a long time, but Wuling took advantage of it.

"Hmph, I want to see, what the hell is Wuling doing?"5

Andrew walked over angrily.

too many people,

He couldn't squeeze in.

But you can also see the Leviathan not far away.

"This is Wuling's pickup?" Andre almost suffocated.

If it weren't for everyone talking about the shortcomings of the Leviathan,

Andrei is afraid that he will be drawn here.

It turned out that it was only a four-cylinder engine... Andre felt a pity for such a good-looking car in his heart.

on the booth,

Xu Feifei still waved his hand calmly, and once again used her charm to quiet the crowd.

She wanted the crowd to wink playfully: "I knew you guys would look like this. 55

"So, Wuling has prepared another surprise for everyone."

But the crowd doesn't buy it.

"It's useless to say anything, four-cylinder scrap. 35

"I originally wanted to buy one and try it out, but now I have no idea.

"Fools and idiots sell Leviathan.


Although a group of people were disgusted, no one left.

I still want to hear what Xu Feifei said about the surprise.

Xu Feifei didn't say much, just stretched out two fingers,

From my career I line, I clipped out a gemstone necklace.

She wore a low and fierce tight dress today, showing her good figure, and her career I line was particularly conspicuous.

Obviously it's a tempting move,

However, Xu Feifei acted extraordinarily calm and elegant, like a queen.

The people below looked straight.

Others whistled.

Xu Feifei tapped the gem on the necklace, and the headlights of the Red Rabbit Pioneer flashed on the side, and it started silently.

This gem necklace is the latest Chitu car key.

Fancy is really fancy,

But it's also really pretty.

"Little Rabbit." Xu Feifei communicated with the Red Rabbit pioneers in a foreign language.

"Ms. Xu, hello, it's a pleasure to serve you."

The gentle female voice speaks foreign languages, which also makes people fascinated.

"Play the Leviathan Surprise video.

Xu Feifei finished speaking.

The front glass of the Red Rabbit Trailblazer lights up directly, and the transparency decreases between them.


form a screen.

This is just the most basic function of the polarizing screen,

The foreigners, who had no knowledge, exclaimed loudly at the Chitu pioneers.

Xu Feifei took off the glasses that the murderer thought was also a decoration.

"In order to let everyone experience the surprise conveyed in the video more truly, I need to choose a lucky person to wear this pair of glasses to watch the video."

Xu Feifei raised his hand.

The crowd was restless and raised their hands.

"Choose me, choose me..."

"Then the older brother who looks braver. 35

Xu Feifei found a stronger foreigner and handed him the glasses.

The strong foreigner put it on confidently.

"Wang Defa?"

Facing the screen, the picture in front of him completely changed.

Others looked over curiously.


The screen begins to introduce the Leviathan's new engine.

"The latest inline four-cylinder engine developed by Wuling...

"In terms of materials, the self-developed composite high-resistant alloy is used. This alloy..."

"The new inline four-cylinder engine has improved thermal power, which is more than 25% higher than the current world's highest V-type engine..."

"In general, the inline four-cylinder engine has surpassed the traditional eight-cylinder in terms of functional data..."


Started playing the Leviathan test video again.

The first is the wind resistance test,

Ye Qiu drives the vehicle and resists strong winds of level 6 to 8 in the wind tunnel.

Level 6 strong wind is not stressful,

7 strong winds can drive normally,

Under the strong wind of level 8, the car didn't turn over...

The car didn't overturn,

But still something went wrong.

Due to the strong wind, a wall in a certain part of the wind tunnel was torn apart.

This wind movement is not given by the system,

It was built by Ye Qiu, and the quality was not well guaranteed.


The workers would never have imagined that Ye Qiu would be crazy enough to test a Category 8 storm inside.

I saw the lifted wall flying straight towards the Leviathan...


There was also an exclamation under the booth.


Surprised again.

For flying to the walls of the Leviathan,

After hitting the Leviathan, it shattered directly, but the body was still intact.

Not even the glass was broken.

Xu Feifei walked over to the Leviathan and pointed to a corner of the bumper.

"Look, it was this car that was being measured.

"And sitting in the car is our chairman of Wuling, President Ye."

How crazy is this?

Musk will be resigned when he sees it.

The closer look at the dent in the bumper,

He exclaimed again: "It's exactly the same.


On the video, clips such as Leviathan climbing over mountains, crossing grass, and rushing into streams were played.

everyone staring at the screen,

Every time you switch to a new scene, someone keeps drooling.

It's all scary.

Because it is too exaggerated,

I'm afraid that the older generation of Xia Guo would have to sigh when they saw it.

Has this car participated in the Long I March? Do you want to make it like this?


"Ouch - 99


At this time,

Suddenly there were several retching sounds.

Everyone followed the voice to see that it was the strong foreigner on the booth.

The video was so intense that it attracted enough attention that everyone almost forgot about him.

do not know when,

The foreigner was already squatting on the ground, and the whole person looked like he was about to die.

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