Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 213 Wuling Is this definitely just a pickup? 【Subscription】

After the video was played, the crowd fell silent again.

The person who was still unhappy just now has nothing to say at this moment.

If it weren't for the repeated retching from the booth,

I don't know how long this situation will continue.

on the booth,

A muscular man with Yaksha tattooed on his arms,

Just like a soft-footed shrimp, squatting on the side.

It caused a roar of laughter.


"It looks quite sturdy, but I didn't expect it to be so useless."

"Dude, if I were you, I would quickly find a place to bury myself."5

"You're the first to watch a test drive video and make people vomit.

"Are there ghosts eating people in the glasses? Putting you down like this?"


At the beginning,

When he went up, everyone would be afraid of him because of his face.

But this time,

He can no longer raise his head in front of these people, commonly known as the death of society.

No one will be afraid of him anymore,

What is there to be afraid of when a person with weak legs can be seen even in car videos?

Strong foreigners are also not convinced,

He first took off his eyes and returned them to Xu Feifei, then pointed at the crowd and cursed.

"Sheet, who dares to laugh at me? Which one?"

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed.

The strong foreigner is cowardly, but he can't swallow this breath in his heart.

"If you have the ability, come and see for yourself. If anyone survives, I will be completely convinced."5

he said angrily.

It's not that he is hard-mouthed,

The scene in the glasses is really scary.

The glasses that Xu Feifei took out were the queen glasses that came out of the hive.

Coupled with the polarizing screen in front of the Red Rabbit Trailblazer,

The glasses showed the scene of the Leviathan test.

Completely three-dimensional in the field of vision.

It allows the wearer to have a fully immersive experience.

When Ye Qiu was testing,

The co-pilot also threw up several people.

This is also the reason why Qin Mengyao and Yan no longer dare to ride in his car.

What's more different this time is that,

The wearer's feeling is not in the co-pilot, but in the roof.

The co-pilot alone can run and spit people,

Wouldn't it be scary to sit on the roof?

People who look at the plane will naturally not feel this way, but they are still shocked.

"So, if it is under this power configuration, I would like to ask...

Xu Feifei took over and said, "Are you willing to choose Leviathan, or do you want an eight-cylinder defeater?"

Although Xu Feifei didn't say who it was, it was already obvious what he was referring to.

in front of you,

Facts speak louder than words,

Leviathan is the one who can hang everything.

"With such a ferocious car in front of you, do you still need to choose?"

"Is this really a pickup? Are you sure it's not an armored car?"

"I feel like I'm the most ruthless militant when I drive this car to Syria. 99

"The walls can't be smashed, and this car is probably bulletproof.

"It's a performance monster!"


"Indeed, this car is the most powerful of all the pickups I've ever seen."5

"I want the Leviathan, I've been conquered, this car is too hard.

"If the price is surprising enough, I'd pick the Leviathan."

"Sorry Ford, this time, I have to choose someone else."

"It was worth waiting for the Leviathan instead of Ford's new car.

White was standing in the crowd, shyly listening to the loud discussion.

He especially wanted to scold these unpromising guys, but he didn't dare at all.

The American people are not like the Xia people,

They don't have a long culture, and the country's history is only two hundred years old.

It is made up of a mixture of different types of people, who fantasize about liberalism all day long, and can also yell at the black palace.

such a group of people,

Without the formation of real national cohesion, it is natural to not know how to support domestic production.

After all,

In the name of freedom, people who only think about themselves.

Of course, it is to satisfy yourself as much as possible,

It doesn't matter if he is the brand of Meriken or the brand of Xia Guo.

Ye Qiu's plan to capture the American market with a pickup truck is slowly coming to fruition.

At this time,

The riders in the audience began to support Wuling.

"I want Leviathan.


see here,

Andrei has given up on the idea of ​​showing Easter eggs.

Chevrolet over there,

The subordinates have already set up the playback equipment, waiting for him to pass.

But he was out of the mood.

As far as Thorold's video is concerned, how can he compare with other people's Leviathan?

We also have to move the screen up, and people will play it directly on the windshield of the car.

in style,

It's more than half a star off.

not to mention,

The little thing we put, compared with others, is pediatrics.

When Thorold stumbled in force 6 winds,

Leviathan is already dancing in a level 8 gale.

Can't compare, can't compare.

Andrei pulled down the brim of his hat, embarrassed.

He returned to the Chevrolet exhibition area, and ran straight back to the lounge without saying hello to his staff.

The subordinates are holding a large screen of dozens of inches,

Several people looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

On the Wuling booth,

Xu Feifei began to make a final summary.

"Okay, I've already felt the enthusiasm of Meriken consumers."

"As for the Leviathan, everyone must be looking forward to its price."5

"Next, is the last surprise..."

The audience was quiet again,

This is the first time that I don't know how many times it was quiet after the noise.

can only say,

The surprise brought by Wuling's Leviathan is too much.

"Don't be too expensive, never be too expensive."

"It must be under $200,000, please, I really want it.

"If it is 180,000 US dollars, I will only choose Wuling to buy a car in the future. If it is 150,000 US dollars, Wuling is my father. 99

"This car must be more than 200,000 yuan, if you don't have money, don't think about it.

"200,000 is already a surprise, what else do you want?"


Many people began to pray.

They can understand that the car can be expensive, but they still want a good price when they get it.

White listened to the voices of this group of people, and felt contempt in his heart.

This car is higher than the Mercedes-Benz x350, I don't know how many levels,

I still want to ask for a lower price from here, I really don't know if it's stupid, or there is a problem with my head.

"Hmph, when Leviathan announces the price, you can give up. 35

"A bunch of guys with no bottom line, at the end of the day, aren't they going to come back and buy a Ford Raptor?

White muttered in his heart for a long time, and his mood suddenly improved.

on the booth,

Xu Feifei watched the discussion grow louder and louder,

He signaled them to be quiet again.

"If you say it's a surprise, then it must be a surprise."

"Wuling has always done what it says, and will never make it up."

"Then please listen, this Leviathan pickup, the final price..."

Hold your breath all over the place,

Even swallowing for fear of disturbing others.

Including White, they all watched eagerly.

Xu Feifei continued: "$98,000.

The audience continued to be quiet, and no one dared to speak.

Xu Feifei raised his right hand, snapped his fingers, and repeated it.

"You heard it right, the Leviathan is finally priced at $98,000.

Boom one by one


million dollars.



The pricing was like a bolt from the blue, slashing over White's head.

He froze in place, feeling that his whole body had been burned by lightning.

all over,

Only a pair of humanoid coke remains.

"It's over, it's over.

He tried his best to calm down and quietly left the exhibition hall.


It's the fellow riders of the United States,

They were cheering, celebrating, and screaming.

"Wang Defa, I'm not dreaming, am I?

"It's too early to dream.

"Then why did I hear such good news, I don't believe it, Wuling must be lying. 39

"That's the official lady, representing the entire corporate image. Can you deceive you as a garbage consumer?"

"That said, but it's unbelievable.

"It's no wonder that Wuling can beat other car companies in the Xia Kingdom. Now I finally understand."

"Stop talking, I'll order it tomorrow."


They thought about all the prices,

But it never occurred to me that the Leviathan would sell for less than $100,000.


This is only the price of the Xia Guo version.

Leviathan will enter the United States from the Xia Kingdom, and there will be tariffs and a series of value-added in the middle.

final price,

It may be more than 40% more expensive.

To this,

Wuling has also come up with a solution.

That is,

Book first, then wait.

When Chitu is built in Meriken's super factory,

At that time, the US version of the Leviathan will be sold, and the price will be much lower.

If you don't want to wait,

If you are rich and willful, Ye Qiu naturally welcomes local tyrants to buy.

Another point,

It's something that Meriken owners can't enjoy.

That is,

There will be a good discount when ordering the Xia Guo version of Leviathan using the Wuling app.

Ye Qiu is very generous to his family.

That's all for later.

"Then next, I will hand over the booth to you, and those who want to experience it, please come to the stage.

“Welcome to follow Wuling Group’s homepage and give you a piece of news. 99

"Subsequently, Leviathan will launch an inline six-cylinder engine version, but the price may not be so surprising."5

"In addition, there are people who want to know what happened to that old brother just now, so I put the glasses here.

"There is only one pair of glasses, please use them properly, handle them with care, and don't let your legs go soft after reading them.

"Then, thanks for paying attention to Wuling, see you next time."

Xu Feifei finished the final summary, put down the queen glasses, and prepared to leave from the side door.

At this time,

A person suddenly appeared in the crowd, chasing after him and patting Xu Feifei's shoulder.

"Is there anything else?" Xu Feifei turned his head and asked.

The person in front of me, with big sunglasses

A long black trench coat wrapped himself tightly.

The subtleties still reveal her beautiful figure.

And those shiny high heels.

She pulled her sunglasses down a little, revealing her big blue eyes and Xu Feifei looking at each other.

Porsche Kate.

"I'm here to find Ye Qiu. 35 Kate said.

After the two left,

The riders quickly stepped forward and scrambled to experience the Leviathan.

The scene fell into chaos for a time, and the security guards had to rush over to maintain order.

The main configuration of this pickup,

It was clearly stated in the video just now.

car interior,

Xu Feifei didn't say much, just let them experience it by themselves.

as a pickup,

The interior is definitely not as good as the average car.

assisted driving,

Only at L4 level.

But in front of appearance, price, and performance,

These are really nothing.

after all,

Wuling is making money, not for charity.

want high-end accessories,

Wuling will naturally come out, and the deluxe version will harvest the money of the rich,

civilian version,

The harvest is the American market.


"What did I see? This door is too cool, right? 39

"Scissor doors, Leviathan actually uses scissor doors, I can't wait to buy one.

"My biggest dream in my life is to own a car with scissor doors, and fortunately, it will soon come true.

"Hey, wife, I've already made up my mind about the new car, so I'll buy a Leviathan, I promise to surprise you.

"The scissor door opened, and I had an orgasm just by looking at it."


a scissor door,

What we bring to you is not as simple as a surprise.

luxury car configuration,

just this,

It's enough for those car media people to blow an entire front page headline.

This new car launch,

full energy,

Those in the media who took pictures have long since switched to video.

"Two fuel tanks?"

"My God, how many surprises does this car have?

"The host left without finishing speaking, it's really irresponsible, there are so many things I haven't introduced yet.

"The cooling pipe is so cool, it seems that the outer layer is titanium plating.

"What a heavy hood, looking at the internal structure, it's a work of art.

"And the signal lights on the roof are ingenious.

"This is the corner that was hit, it's so solid, it didn't even damage the windows.

"The tailpipes are angular and interesting. 99

・・・・ Flowers 0・

A group of people made various embarrassing blows in the exhibition hall,

I can't wait to hold the sky when I touch a piece of dust.

As a result, the people behind became more and more curious and more and more itchy.

The organizers were afraid that the scene would get out of control again, so they simply transferred the security guards from other places.

Wuling once again,

Turn the auto show scene into its own separate launch.

at this time,

In the Wuling lounge.

Ye Qiu was sitting on the sofa, the screen in front of him was streaming the Leviathan booth.

"Mr. Ye, someone is looking for you." Xu Feifei appeared at the door and said.


Ye Qiu turned back.


Kate took off her sunglasses and took off her trench coat.

The North American Auto Show has been noisy for a while on the tubing.

She wanted to come and see what Ye Qiu would do with it.


Most importantly,

It was an excuse to see Ye Qiu.

"Dear, did you miss me?" She opened her arms and walked towards Ye Qiu.

She originally wanted to congratulate Ye Qiu,

But when the words came to the lips, they turned into flirting.

Xu Feifei saw this,

He raised his hand to block his vision and consciously exited the lounge.

"Honey, I miss you so much. 35

Kate hugged Ye Qiu and didn't let go.

Ye Qiu can't help it,

He simply put his hands together, lifted her Qiu up, and carried her back to the sofa.

"Don't you miss me?" Kate pecked Ye Qiu on the forehead.

"how could be?"

Ye Qiu answered, grabbing her restless hand from behind,

With a slight turn, Kate was lying in Ye Qiu's arms.

Kate looked at him,

Eyes narrowed slightly, exhalation a little heavy.

Ye Qiu could feel Kate's heart beating very fast.

know without thinking,

This country girl is thinking,

If I haven't seen Ye Qiu for too long, my cravings will build up in my heart, and my heart will inevitably speed up.

just right,

The North American Auto Show is almost over.

next thing,

Ye Qiu doesn't need to stay behind the scenes anymore, he can just leave it to Xu Feifei.

"Go and do what a couple should do.

Ye Qiu got up and took Kate's hand.


After leaving the venue,

The two went to the mall first.

What couples should do, of course, is dating.

This is the first serious date since the two established their relationship.

Kate happily ran around the mall with Ye Qiu.

woman shopping,

Nothing more than eating, watching movies, and shopping.

The first two went well,

When it's time to buy something,

Kate suddenly had an idea and ran into a clothing store, pretending not to know Ye Qiu.

She randomly picked a few sad clothes and went to the counter to line up to check out.

Ye Qiu also picked one and followed behind her.

When it was Kate's turn to check out,

She turned around with a smile and winked at Ye Qiu.

"Handsome guy, if you help me pay for all these clothes, I'll go with you tonight."5

Ye Qiu then understood what she was going to do,

Play with her.



Ye Qiu took out a centurion black card and handed it to the cashier.

The cashier is a young girl from Xia Guo, who came here to work and earn money.

When this happens,

She stared blankly at Ye Qiu and then at Kate.

It is said that the women of Meriken are unrestrained, but is this too unrestrained?

Simply wild.

The little girl's conservative thinking from the southern part of Xia has been hit unprecedentedly.


The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful.

But this is too...

So speechless.

Seeing how beautiful this girl is, why do you want to get something for nothing?

Before she could understand,

next second,

More silent things happened.

only see,

A girl behind Ye Qiu pulled the corner of his clothes and lifted the clothes in her hand.

"Handsome guy, if you want to help me or not, I will also pay, and I will go with you.

The girl's eyes were rippling, staring straight at Ye Qiu.

"I don't mind being together tonight."

The cashier girl is stupid,

Really long time to see.

Kate is also stupid,

She was just teasing Ye Qiu and making a joke.

did not expect,

Ye Qiu's charm is so great.

It's not over yet,

Kate looked away,

I found another girl at the back, looking eager to try.

she was cowardly,

He quickly dropped his clothes and didn't want them anymore, grabbed Ye Qiu and ran away.

"The roots of troubles."

on the road,

Kate evaluated Ye Qiu with the vocabulary she learned from the Xia Kingdom.

"What does it have to do with me, aren't you going to play?" Ye Qiu looked innocent.


Kate snorted, grabbed Ye Qiu, stood on tiptoe and kissed.

"I absolutely cannot let them succeed, you are mine. 99

after the end,

Only then did Kate pull Ye Qiu back with satisfaction.

back to the hotel,

Kate stopped Ye Qiu by the wall,

His eyes were fiery, as if he wanted to eat people.

"I missed you, dear.

the next day,

The tired two slept late.

after waking up,

Ye Qiu slapped himself on the shoulder unconsciously, this country girl is too enthusiastic.

in the next few days,

Ye Qiu has always been with Kate.

rarely meet,

Naturally, I have to satisfy her well.

It was not until the Porsche Group called her back that the girl reluctantly said goodbye to Ye Qiu.

After sending Kate to the airport, Ye Qiu also got up and returned to Zhongyun.

Xia Guo, Zhongyun.

Wuling, Honeycomb.

in the laboratory,

Lin Xueruo and Lin Xiuxiu were carefully assembling something together.

Got oil on my face,

The two didn't care either.

"Sister Xueruo, when is the boss going to do this?" Lin Xiuxiu raised her head and asked.

"Darling didn't say it, but Darling would definitely like it."

Lin Xueruo looked confident.

There were several oil marks on her face, and Sister Yu lost her aura.

"Well, I believe you, Sister Xueruo."5

The two continued to work.

After a while, things were assembled.

"Try it.

Lin Xueruo said and pressed the switch.

On the table,

A skateboard-like thing that rises with some kind of power.


below it,

Two ports, spewing out blue flame eight.

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