Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 223 Wuling Leviathan's counterattack! 【Subscription】

"Everyone in the audience, good afternoon."

"Welcome to the special environment auto off-road competition held in Iceland. This event will travel all over the world, looking for special terrains, allowing drivers to experience a thrilling and exciting contest."

“The venue for this competition was in Iceland, and through drone footage, we could see…⁹9

"The track is mainly divided into three sections, tundra, ice, and snow.

"The contestants will drive their own modified vehicles to perform speed and passion here, let's wait and see.

On the big screen at the track observation point, the host was explaining passionately.

This is an off-road race that happened a few days ago.

The organizer chose Iceland as the venue, the track is nearly 50 kilometers long and contains more than three special landforms.

Iceland is close to the North Pole and is cold all year round, with snow-capped mountains being the most typical feature.

The track revolves around a large snow-mountain.

The rules of the game are simple,

When the pre-run flag is lowered, all participating-drivers start at the same time.


Whoever finishes the track first and crosses the finish line,

Who is the final champion.

The champion will receive a prize of $200,000 provided by the organizer.

It is worth mentioning that,

The track is mainly divided into three sections of landforms, and each section has several routes with different degrees of danger.

The drivers have already obtained the map in advance,

It is up to them to choose which route they choose during the race.

This kind of competition with special rules has attracted many local tourists to come and watch.

at the same time,

The game will also be broadcast live to off-road enthusiasts around the world to watch online.

live on YouTube,

The game has not yet started, and the number of spectators has exceeded one million.

Due to the cold weather,

The competition also built a special viewing platform for tourists.

In various safe places on the track, as well as on the cable car.

Visitors can also know the complete game situation through the live broadcast at any time through the big screen in front of them.

"In this competition, a total of 15 modified car drivers participated in the competition, and they all have considerable knowledge of vehicle modification. 55

The host gushed, "Okay, we can see that the drivers are already in place at the starting point.

On the live screen,

15 modified cars parked side by side outside the starting line, and the drivers stood beside their cars to adjust their status.

At this time,

A blond woman in a bikini and holding a sign walks past the camera.

In such a cold day, I am not afraid of freezing.

The sign in her hand said "15min" to indicate that the game had 15 minutes to go.

The camera flashed past the audience.

The audience at the scene cheered enthusiastically at the blonde beauty, and some people whistled at her.

Cut back to the host, who then explains the game.

"I've got the drivers' information here."

"Of the 15 cars in this competition, 7 are pure off-road vehicles, 4 are SUVs, 2 are sedans, and 2 are pickups."

"As for the prediction of the results of the second race, I think that the off-road vehicle is more likely to win the championship, and the championship will be generated among those 7 cars. 99

"Let's not talk about the topic, let's briefly introduce each player.

"Standing at number one is a native Iceland player named Ryan.

"His car is a Jeep Wrangler known as the ultimate four-wheel drive weapon. I wonder what surprises he can bring us today with his performance?"

"Let's look at the next player first..."

"Standing at the second position is the player from the country of Bangzi, Pu Dao Shilian.

"His car is a Paris, an SUV, let's also congratulate him on a good result."

"The person standing at number three is from..."

The host introduced the past all the way, until the last contestant.

"The last player, the number 15 player, is Antur from America.

"His car is quite special. According to his description, it is the latest Leviathan pickup produced by Xiaguo Wuling Group.

"Also, because of the urgency of time, Antour just got the car, and he hasn't had time to modify it."

"It's a bit dramatic. It's the first time I've seen a modified car in an original car."

"Okay, about the information about the players, I'll introduce them here first.

"Audience friends, can you guess who you are more optimistic about?"

"We'll see you later..."

The screen in the live broadcast room switches back to the players.

Everyone's car was shown again in front of the audience in turn.

The blonde beauty reappeared with a sign in her hand that said "5min".

"This woman is so energetic, the game is really good.

"Are those two sedans a joke? In this kind of terrain, can the chassis of the sedans run?"

"That Jeep should be the biggest favorite to win the championship, just look at his self-confidence."

"I originally wanted to vote for Leviathan, but he didn't change at all, and the probability of winning is too low."9

"In that case, I will vote for the Ford f550 in the fourteenth position.

"Don't count on Leviathan, it's good to run the entire distance in a place like this."

"That Parisian looks very competitive too.

"Don't look at it, the one who can get $200,000 in the end must be one of the off-road vehicles."

"That's what I said, SUVs, sedans, and pickups don't work."

"When you watch this kind of competition, you still need to watch cross-country.


"Is that Antur thinking of money and crazy? He didn't even know how to refit, so he came to participate in the competition.

"It's a shame for our Meriken rider, he's too much of a Leviathan.

"Don't be left out of sight for a while, you won't even have a chance to get exhausted.

"It's just a stupid groundhog..."


On the barrage, the foreigners were very hostile.

If you see someone who is unhappy, they will scold them directly.

In comparison,

Xia Guo's barrage is simply a clear stream.

The two pickups in this competition,

One is Antur's unmodified Leviathan, and the other is a Ford f550.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or a trick of fate.

The fact that these two cars can appear on the same track and be next to each other is also a big attraction.

at the North American Auto Show,

The Ford f550's limelight was all stolen by the Leviathan.

The riders have no actual comparison of the two models of cars.

just right,

In today's game, we can really compete.

The outcome of this competition will most likely affect the positions of Ford Raptor and Wuling Leviathan in the American pickup market.

Although the Ford f550 is a modified model, it has its own advantages.

But in this world,

There is no absolute fairness.

If you lose,

That is to lose, for no reason.

"Well, this game will decide whether I buy a Leviathan or a Ford Raptor.

"Ford f550 is modified, it is normal for Leviathan to fail.

"Don't lose too badly. If Leviathan doesn't even finish the race, then please get out of America."1

"Having seen the rescue in the no-man's land of the Xia Kingdom, Leviathan easily crossed the Gobi Desert."

"But here are snow mountains and ice fields, which are different."

"Ford f550 is also an off-road master. No matter how strong the Leviathan is, it is just an original car. It is estimated that it will be left behind in a while."

"I only look at the outcome. If the Leviathan loses, it won't work."


The blonde beauty walked past the camera again with a sign in her hand that said "3min".

The camera swept over each driver again, giving them a close-up.

Pu Dao Shilian's eyes kept following the blond beauty's thighs, and the corners of his mouth raised in disdain.

When the camera is on him,

He reached out and gave a thumbs up.

The audience thought he wanted to praise,

Unexpectedly, Pu Dao Shilian turned his palm and tapped his thumb down a few times.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and his nostrils made a loud "hum" twice.

If he just did this action to the camera, everyone can still understand that he is just arrogant.

But he turned his thumb down in a circle,

Even the audience despised it.



The audience is also not used to him, collectively showing "international friendly gestures"


middle finger.

Netizens are naturally disgusted.

"Who is this person? So bad?"

"A stuff from the country of sticks, it seems to be called Pu Dao Shilian, I don't know it.

"No quality, people in Bangzi Country are all this kind of stuff."

"What do we call this kind of stuff in our country, are you a good thing?"

"Look, I'm in a hurry, I look down on these guys the most. 33

"We have the strength, of course we have to be arrogant, unlike you, who will only hide and complain. 99

"You are not arrogant, you are shameless.

"If you don't like it, you don't have to, you guys who don't have the guts.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to the inferior people. 99

"It really made me laugh."


Pu Dao Shilian couldn't see the barrage scolding him, and he didn't care about the performance of the audience.

He was full of confidence in this game, as if victory was already within his grasp.

"How much dissatisfaction you have with me now doesn't matter.

"When I win, I will fan all your anger back.

"The angrier you are now, the happier I am.

Pu Dao Shilian said heartily.

His favorite thing to do is to provoke opponents and crush him.

Enjoy that kind of perverted pleasure!

from the start of the race,

At the last minute, all the players got on the bus and got ready.

Park Dao-seok connected with the seat belt,

He touched a button under the seat on his right hand, and his expression became grim.

"As long as my secret weapon is there, none of you can win.

The last ten seconds.

Another blond woman, also dressed in a cool dress, walked to the track with two flags in hand.

The countdown begins...

Three, two, one.

The flag in the hands of the blonde girl falls,

Fifteen cars started almost simultaneously and rushed out in an instant.

The audience cheered and cheered loudly for their favorite models.

"Jeep Wrangler, kill that jeep. 35

"Ford Raptor, take out that damned dead bastard.


The host began to explain the game, and he analyzed the terrain.

The first section of the track is tundra.

Because the temperature is too low, the water vapor solidifies, and the soil in the tundra is as hard as rock.


Frozen soil is covered with a thin layer of ice, which results in lower friction between the tires and the ground.

Running on flat tundra is even more dangerous.

But from the point of view of the route, the flat permafrost ground is a shortcut.

Pu Dao Shilian kicked the accelerator, ran to the front, and chose the shortcut without hesitation.

There was no reason for other cars to admit to cowardice at the beginning, and they followed suit and took shortcuts.

the first junction,

Here all cars will enter the same track.

after the game,

It is pure, speed and skill contest.

Pu Dao Shilian took the lead.

Ryan and his Jeep Wrangler followed.

Then came a couple of off-road vehicles.

The two pickups have not made any effort yet, and the race is still very long, so they have their own plans.

The two sedans struggled to the rear.

After passing the junction, the track ushered in a rugged mountain road.

This is nothing like a normal mountain road.

It's frozen ground here,

Any protruding dirt on the mountain road can be regarded as a sharp rock.

In addition, the ground friction is small,

If you are not careful, you may hit the rock wall next to you.

The car without skid tires was the first to be presented, which contributed to a joke for the audience.

"I don't understand what these two think, running an off-road sedan. 99

...... ask for flowers 0

"Is this too long?"

"It's better to be eliminated earlier, so as not to continue to be embarrassed.

'It hurts me to see them running at the back.

"The waste is eliminated, and the game officially begins."


After running the tundra, three more SUVs were scrapped.

There are ten cars on the field.

7 off-road, 1 suv, 2 pickups.

Off-road is led by Ryan's Jeep Wrangler, and the SUV is Park Island's Parisian.

Ford f550 and Leviathan are almost on par.

This almost surprised the host and the audience.

"I didn't expect that the unmodified Leviathan would be able to chase so tightly. It's really surprising."

The host said, "We can see that the race is officially started after the first section has been run."

"The tundra is simpler and used to weed out unsuitable vehicles.""

"Okay, all ten vehicles have washed up on the ice sheet.

The ice field here is a frozen lake.

The organizer has surveyed that the thickness of the ice surface exceeds ten meters, and the sports car is completely fine.

According to the schedule,

The driver has to go around the ice for a week,

Then climb the snow mountain next to it, and the end point is on the other side of the mountain.

"Both pickups ran very well and there seemed to be little sign of tire slippage. 55

The host continued, "But I'm more bullish on the Ford Raptor..."

"I believe the Ford Raptor hasn't done its best, and the Leviathan has done its best."

"After all, it's just an original car, it's not easy to run like this.

"Although there is a bit of sympathy for it, the game is the game.

"No matter how much Leviathan struggles, he can only silently swallow the fruit of failure...


Before the host finished speaking, Leviathan began to speed up.

As soon as it accelerated, it left the Ford f550 and chased after Pu Dao Shilian.


The host looked embarrassed and was speechless for several minutes.

Pu Dao Shilian glanced at the rearview mirror with wide eyes, and stepped on the back door unwillingly to accelerate.

He didn't want to lose to an original car.

Ryan also began to accelerate, and the three cars pushed the seven behind.

The audience was surprised again,

Also worried about Ford.

"It seems that the one who hasn't used his full strength is the Leviathan. 55

"Speeding up on an ice sheet, is this guy crazy?" 9

"What's going on? Why doesn't the Ford f550 accelerate? If it goes on like this, it will be thrown a great distance.

"I believe the Ford f550 has a backer, give more time. 39

"Yes, trust Ford. 99


But the Ford never accelerated.

The remaining six off-road vehicles can only be on par with him.

The live footage gradually moved away from Ford, focusing exclusively on the battle for the first three cars.

The host's commentary continues.

"The end of the ice field, after passing the snow-capped mountains in front of you, the end point is in front of you.

"The snow mountain section has a winding mountain road and a canyon road."

"How to overcome the obstacles of snow is the key for drivers to reduce driving time.

"I've heard that the Leviathan uses mud tires that work well on all kinds of soft roads.

"Maybe this will be an opportunity for Leviathan.

"But I'm still not very optimistic about him. How can the original car beat the modified car?"

Having said that,

The host rolled his eyes and reminded again, "Little knowledge, in this snowy mountain area, especially on the side of the snow-covered mountains.

"Ten, don't whistle at will, beware of avalanches."

Just when he finished saying these words.

The three leading cars on the track had finished the winding road and rushed into the canyon road.


Leviathan has actually surpassed Paris and ran in the first place.

"I read it right, Leviathan came first."

'Where's Ford? Where's the Ford f550?

"Don't ask, it's gone, I still have hope for him."


Netizens were amazed, and the host was speechless for a few minutes.

Pu Dao Shilian's forehead began to sweat.

He couldn't figure it out,

How does an ordinary pickup truck keep pace with him?

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude." Pu Dao Shilian showed a ruthless expression.

He no longer cares about anything, and kicks the accelerator to the end.

Regardless of the large loss caused by the engine's difficult acceleration in the snow, it is necessary to catch up to the Leviathan.

As soon as Paristius rushed in front of the Leviathan,

Pu Dao Shilian pressed the button under the right-hand seat.


A series of loud horns resounded throughout the canyon.

It turns out that Pu Dao Shilian's secret weapon is this high-pitched loudspeaker.

Just now, the host was still telling me not to honk in this environment.

Pu Dao Shilian slapped him in the face.

His purpose is very simple, is to cause an avalanche.

The horns sounded backwards, so even if it caused an avalanche, it wouldn't affect him too much.

As long as all competitors are gone,

Then even if he reached the finish line, the champion didn't run away.

The sound of the horns went down the canyon and into the ears of the spectators watching the race on the cable car.

A harsh sound could also be heard in the live broadcast room.

The host frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

"Could it be...he wanted to..."

The host did not dare to speak his conjecture.

Because if that is the case, how bad is the humanity of this person?

Not following the rules of the game, not even respecting human life.


The fact has already happened.

Cracks appear in the snow blocks above the canyon.

In a sound wave, the crack grew like a small seedling into a towering tree.

Boom one by one

snow falls,

Like a meteor impact, the entire canyon was shaking.

The tremor drives other snow blocks, and in a chain reaction, the canyon is being buried.

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